Marked for Love 2

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Marked for Love 2 Page 2

by Jamie Lake

  “I only left because of how you ran things. You disappoint me, Japheth. I’d rather live alone than squabble with you.”

  Japheth pushed another wolf out of his way. The pack had circled around the two brothers, but no one dared interfere. This was not their fight. Even I could sense that.

  “I’m warning you, brother, you’d better leave peacefully and save your hide. I won’t back down until one of us is dead. No one is to touch Nathan. No one.” Buck snarled again as a final warning. Fear and arousal burned through me as his fangs caught the light.

  “What’s so important about him anyway? You’ve been guarding him for nearly five years.”

  “And why have you lusted after him for this long? Certainly an Alpha like you could...”

  “I want what is rightfully mine,” Japheth said, his nails turning into long claws. He lunged at Buck’s neck.


  I shuddered, rubbing my wrists together. It was about to get ugly. I held my breath, straining to listen to their low growls in the yard.

  “It was me who found him in the forest all those years ago. I sniffed him out. That day in the woods, he was going to be mine. I charged first: I’m the Alpha. You stepped out of line by protecting him.” I shivered again.

  “You had no intentions of marking him. You only wanted to have your way with him and then toss him aside like all the others. Isn’t that what you were going to do, brother? You’d done it before. I protected him because he deserved better. And he was barely more than a pup!” Buck growled back.

  I wanted to do something, but even as I finally wiggled out of the rope’s hold, I knew I was almost helpless. The bundle of rope finally hit the floor. Buck had locked the door though, so my options were limited. I eased out of the bed and made my way toward it anyway.

  I wanted to try to bust my way out of the door, but I knew that would only cause a commotion that would lead them closer to me. I didn’t think I was strong enough to break it down anyway. Buck was adamant about me staying put, and since I had no experience with werewolves, I had no choice but to do as I was told.

  But what could I do? There had to be something. I skirted closer to the window to have a peek, and as I did, a werewolf leaped into the window, making it shake. He fell to the ground. I barely cared, absorbed in the conflict below.

  They’d started to fight again, and there was no doubt about it—they were trying to kill each other. Impossibly, Buck was taking them on, two and three at a time. Elbowing one, kicking another, he moved like a deadly weapon. He blended unnatural grace with a martial artist’s skill and a beast’s brutality. Blood and fur flew: he clawed at one, kneed another in the chin. I held my breath as I watched him, amazed and awestruck.

  It made my heart burn to know that he was doing this for me. I’d never had anyone speak up for me, let alone risk his life for me. Buck had said he wanted me and that he loved me, but this proved it. He was serious when he’d said, “Mine,” and now he was risking everything to prove it.

  I leaned in closer and there was another bang. This time, it sounded like two - no, three - of them were on the roof. The tiles clattered, and I heard a shattering noise. They must have broken into a window in the attic! I cursed. Of course, a place this old would have an attic.

  I whipped my head around frantically, searching the dark room for somewhere to hide. My situation was hopeless. These were creatures with sharp instincts and the ability to sniff out their prey like bloodhounds. My only chance at prolonging their discovery was to hide my scent. Cologne or something might work, I thought. I scampered over to the bathroom. It smelled fresh, like he’d recently cleaned it with something citrusy. I smiled at the idea and got to work, searching for anything that might be strong-smelling enough. He kept little in the way of toiletries, although: surprise, surprise.

  The white tile made me slip and the sounds of my footsteps echoed back into the room. I hunted through the cabinets, trying to find something that wouldn’t be too caustic.

  I could hear the wolves breaking through the ceiling - it sounded like there was a trap door or something - and scrambling around in the hallway. Well, at least they hadn’t come into the bedroom. From the wounded howls, it sounded like one had landed on the wrong side of the banister and fallen all the way to the first floor. The smarter wolves started their search in the next bedroom.

  They viciously tore through the place. I could hear them ripping things off the walls, then throwing them on the floor. Glass broke. They upturned furniture, tossing it into the wall that separated us. I was afraid that one of the pieces would come flying through and leave a gaping hole. I’d be a sitting duck.

  Their claws snapped smartly against the hardwood. “Alex, he’s not here,” one of them demanded in a rumbling voice.

  “I can see that, Andrew,” the other snapped back, his voice thinner and lighter.

  They started to argue, sniffing around. I thought quickly and soaked a bath towel in toilet water. I lathered it in Buck’s only bottle of shampoo. I tiptoed over to the door and wedged it in the crack, rubbing the area around it so my scent wouldn’t get out. It dripped, making the floor slippery, and I almost fell a few times. I eased away, my heart in my throat, and considered my options.

  I had to do something else. But what? I was naked. My pale skin reflected the moonlight, and I was covered in perspiration. I looked around me. What did I have to defend myself with, except the rope? What was I going to do with that? Tie them up? I almost laughed at the absurdity. It would have been a sexy thought under other circumstances, but right now, it wasn’t the best plan. Besides, I was too weak to tie them up: a bunch of strong, virile werewolves were way too much to handle. I glanced at the bed and decided to take my chances with hiding underneath it.

  When I finally heard the group circling back into the hallway right outside my door, I knew I had no other choice. I squeezed myself through the shield of the bed skirt and under the bed frame. I clung onto the frame and held myself up off the ground. The frame was made of old wood, but it was sturdy enough to hold me and Buck earlier as he banged the fuck out of me.

  I pulled the fabric down until I was almost completely hidden. It wasn’t much, and I wasn’t sure how long my strength would hold me. With this and the scent distraction, I prayed it was enough to give Buck time to come and save me.


  They kicked the door open and it landed against the wall with a reverberating thump. The first two wolves slid on the towel, skidding across the floor like scared dogs. My moment of amusement didn’t last long; I could hear them snuffling and investigating. They were mostly in wolf form at the moment, but they were big: as high as my chest on all fours. My arms flinched and ached under the strain. They were dusty and dirty, covered with plaster from what they’d done to the walls. With that and the dust piled up under Buck’s bed, I had to hold my breath in order not to sneeze and give my position away.

  I could hear their pounding footsteps getting closer. I tried to count. There were more than three of them; in fact, there were at least five that I could hear. I lowered my head, peeking under the bed skirt. My heart was pounding so hard that I could feel it in my throat.

  I was afraid to even swallow as they yanked open the closet door and knocked over the nightstands and lamps. They lifted the mattress and the bed thumped, but I managed to stay put, clinging to the frame. Their claws clattered against the hardwood as they moved from one side of the room to the other.

  “He’s here,” I heard one of them say. I froze at his assertion. Had they seen me after all? I tried to pull myself up closer to the bed frame, but my arms were tired. I was afraid they would give out before the creatures left.

  “I can smell him...sort of,” the wolf clarified. He sniffed around, trying to unlace my scent from the shampoo. I slowly exhaled. From where I was clinging to the bed, I could see through a small rip in the bed skirt.

  The one who had just spoken was covered in shaggy auburn fur. His face was large b
ut slender with a pointed snout, and he had bright blue eyes. His claws were even sharper than his features. I was sure the slightest scratch would tear me open. His fur was matted, and he smelled so badly that I could catch his scent from under the bed. He seemed to spend a lot of time outside, unlike Buck, who kept himself clean.

  He was right by the bed. He must have been the one to lift the mattress. When he moved past where I was hiding, plaster and dirt fell from his fur and landed under the bed. The sudden dust made my nose itch. I was sure I was going to sneeze and give away my hiding place.

  “I’m horny as fuck, Andrew,” another one growled. “When I get a hold of that sweet ass, I’m going to pin him down and fuck it apart. He’s going to be a whimpering little bitch when I’m done with him. And I won’t even have to make him. I’ll just talk him into it.”

  I could hear him licking his chops at the thought of destroying my ass. This one had rich auburn fur, furrowed and damp from the dew outside. He reeked of animalistic lust. The wolf laughed, his voice growling and low, full of lust. I shuddered and tried to stay still.

  “Alex,” the dark one started again, “before I make him swallow my cock, I’m going to beat him up one side and down the other for making me work so hard.”

  Apparently the dark wolf was named Andrew and the redhead was Alex. They were the only ones talking. Apparently I’d been wrong: there were only three, not five. I still didn’t like my odds. There was another wolf who was smaller and had lighter coloring. I pulled my head back from the peephole and held my breath again. From my brief glimpse, I’d seen that the third wolf was slender, like he was either the runt or younger than the others. His cheeks were more hollow too, and his snout was thinner. At least the other two wolves hadn’t come back. The little one might be a match for me, but it was a gamble at best.

  “I’ll shove my cock down his throat so hard he won’t know what hit him,” Andrew said. I shuddered at the thought. Arousal and fear mingled in me again.

  My throat tightened and I resisted the urge to sneeze again. I felt a cough coming on.

  “You mean, what’s coming…” the two larger wolves said in unison.

  They all chuckled and cackled, their voices gravelly, masculine, and heated. I could hear the lust in their voices, the desperation. It was as if they were starving. I felt like the last deer in the forest, and I didn’t like it at all.

  “Where the fuck is he?” one of them said, pulling the mirror off the wall. Its pieces scattered and shattered across the wood floor, one rolling so close it could have cut me. Their breathing became more intense and labored.

  “Calm down…” the small wolf barked, his voice high-pitched and thin. He cautiously followed the others around, only looking where they had already searched.

  “It hurts,” Andrew snapped back. “My cock is throbbing. And my balls are getting so full I need someone to release me.”

  “Relax. We’ll find him; I’m sure of it,” the small wolf said in his childish squeak.

  “Shut the fuck up before I make you eat it.”

  “Yeah, Elijah. Maybe we’ll just make you take it.” Alex and Andrew stopped searching. I could practically hear them smiling. The two of them could easily do whatever they wanted to the small wolf.

  “N-n-no,” Elijah said. He drew it out into an erotic groan of protest. I could see two sets of feet turn and walk toward him. His daintier paws kept backing away until he was trapped in the corner across from the bed. The black wolf circled around to block the door. I could see his eyes shining from the reflection from the broken glass. His panting voice deepened with anticipation.

  “It’s not me you want,” Elijah begged. “It’s the human. That’s what you came here for.” He didn’t seem to be putting up much of a fight. He wasn’t a cat, but there was a hint of a sexual purr to his tone. I shook my head. Werewolves. Who understood them? Not me.

  “I don’t care. I need a little appetizer beforehand.”

  “So do I,” the other responded.

  I could see the whole scene playing before me. The werewolves transformed into human form again, coming up on two feet instead of four. The mirrors somewhat reflected their forms: the glimpses I caught made it clear that they were all naked and equally handsome. The one they called Elijah was blonde and smaller than the rest, built similar to me. The two others were mountains and very muscular. The black-furred wolf had transformed into a thickly-muscled black man. His backside and shoulders were tensed and ready to pounce. The redhead who they called Alex was more slender, but still tall and muscular. You could see the power of the muscles as he flexed his arms. Their thick cocks dangled between their legs, getting harder and harder as they converged on the slenderer man. My own started to harden, but fear made it die down.

  I could see the fright in his eyes as they cornered him against the wall, but I also recognized the thrill and the incomparable thirst for cock in his body language. Had it been another time, another place, another situation, I might have been even more aroused. As it was, they were too frightening to be really delicious – and besides, I wanted Buck.

  “Get on your knees,” Alex barked. “Do it now and we’ll take it easy on you,” he cackled. From the sound of it, it didn’t sound like he meant it. It looked like Elijah had been in this position before.

  Without hesitation, Elijah did what he was told, each of them getting closer. He must have feared the consequence of disobedience even more than what was happening. Either that, or – as his moans suggested – he was secretly excited by what was to come.

  Before Buck, I’d never seen cocks that big in my life. They were massive, dripping in anticipation. I wanted to lick them like ice cream cones in August.

  I could smell their lust too. They were growling, staring down at Elijah on his knees, each hornier than the next.

  “Now, you’re going to do it right this time. You hear? Or I’m really going to tear your ass apart.”

  “You hear?!” One barked so hard it made Elijah jump.

  “Yes, sir,” Elijah said.

  “And when I say swallow all of it, this time, I mean all.”

  Elijah crouched down so low that for a second, I was worried he might see where I was hiding. Fortunately, he lifted himself up just enough that I was safe.

  “Now, open your mouth,” the black one told him.

  “Yes, sir,” he answered, as he opened his mouth wider.

  “Now,” the redhead told him, “open your other mouth. Spread your legs.”

  Elijah did what he was told. He allowed his knees to slide across the floor, spreading from east to west.

  The redhead, Alex, circled around Elijah until he was behind him. He dropped down on his knees with a thud and started eating Elijah’s ass out. His long tongue flicked into Elijah’s hole, pushing his way past his sphincter. I could hear him growling, licking, and biting Elijah’s ass. He slapped his cheeks with an open palm until Elijah moaned on Andrew’s cock. Alex kept sucking his hole. It had to be swollen and soaking. Elijah whimpered from the treatment. That was when the black one stuck his massive cock through Elijah’s lips with such force that the slim man moaned and choked.

  “Eat it,” he demanded. He grabbed Elijah by the hair and rocked his hips back and forth, the head and stem of his cock slipping and sliding so thickly I could hear them.

  “Mmmm…,” Elijah said. I envied him. The sensation of the one behind him eating him out while the other’s cock stirred in his wet mouth must have been unbelievable. Alex was fucking him now, pounding in and out rapidly. Each thrust shifted Elijah across the floor and jerked Andrew’s cock further down his throat.

  Had I not been so terrified, the whole scene would have been a huge turn-on.

  But I was too scared to enjoy it. I knew it was only a matter of time before they found me. My arms were burning, and finally, it was too much. I crashed to the ground.


  All three heads whipped around toward the sound as I landed with a thunderous thump on
the floor.

  They yanked their cocks out of Elijah’s orifices and landed on their feet.

  Alex tore the bed up off the floor and threw it aside so hard that it nearly smashed through the wall. I had fallen from the frame and was splayed out on my back, my cock and balls just dangling out. They all looked down at me, as if enjoying my defenceless position and thinking about what they could do to me from there.

  My eyes widened as wicked smiles curved on their lips.

  “Well, well, well…what do we have here?” he taunted.

  “Looks like we’ll be having some fun after all…” Andrew’s cock swung back and forth, taunting and terrifying me at the same time.

  “Leave me alone!” I demanded, grabbing the broken bed frame and hopping to my feet. I swung my makeshift weapon at them and they merely laughed.

  “What are you going to do with that? Scratch us?”

  They chuckled wickedly as they tried to corner me. Their cocks were still dripping, hanging between their legs, but getting increasingly hard and full again. I was surrounded by wall-to-wall cocks. Alex’s cock was thick, not as long as Andrew’s, but much wider. His cock stuck straight forward and his balls swung to either side of it, back and forth with his steps. Andrew’s cock was longer, but thinner than Alex’s, and yet it would still have been thick enough for me to wrap my hand all the way around and my fingers would barely touch. Elijah was the smallest of the three. His cock was just as hard, but it curved a little to the left, and he wasn’t circumcised like Alex and Andrew were.

  The moonlight cast a light across their ripped bodies. They were the perfect specimens, humanity idealized: but they were so much more than that.

  They formed a three-pronged crescent, keeping me from escaping from any angle. They each stepped forward, a little at a time, to close the gap. Around them I could see the tatters of Buck’s room. The bed frame was on its side, the wood shattered and splintered. The headboard had come apart and was spread out in planks across the floor. I was standing on the only uncovered piece of ground, up against the wall.


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