Irontown 3

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Irontown 3 Page 3

by Adriana Arden

  ‘B… but I’m not a slave!’ Jane sobbed.

  To her shock and surprise he pinched and twisted her nipples until she whimpered. ‘What word did you forget?’ he said sternly.

  ‘Sir! I’m not a slave, Sir…’

  ‘No, you’re not an official slave, but you can pretend to be, can’t you?’

  ‘But why, Sir?’

  ‘Because the IRES people who did this to you want to cause panic. They’re probably hanging around the park waiting for something to happen when you’re found out.’

  ‘But who are they, Sir?’

  ‘The Irontown Rules Enforcement Society. They’re hard-line promoters of the principles on which Shackleswell as founded. They think all women should be either slaves or obedient wives, even outsiders who stay here too long. They do this kind of thing to publicise their views and embarrass the city council. Getting you away from here without any of that happening will annoy them and it’ll be a great story for me.’

  ‘A story, Sir?’

  Adam looked slightly self conscious. ‘I’m hoping to become a reporter for the Shackleswell Observer. I’ve contributed some articles on slave spotting before but this could be my big break.’

  ‘This is so you can write a newspaper story about me suffering like this!’ Jane said aghast, and then yelped as he pinched her nipple again. ‘Sir!’ she added.

  ‘I’m not doing this just for fun or for a story,’ Adam said sternly. ‘The IRES want to cause trouble and panic and I’m trying to stop them. They probably expect somebody to take your gag out so you can lick them clean after they’ve used you and you’ll tell them who you are, or else when your time’s up you’ll go free and start asking strangers for help.’

  ‘Then why not call the police, Sir?’

  ‘If I call the police they’d turn up in uniforms and everybody would know something was wrong and you’d be at the centre of it. Do you want that? I know outsider women aren’t use to being naked in public with everybody staring at them. You’re not meant to be here, do you understand? In the town in public we can manage outsiders, but not in here. You’re a threat to the Irontown way of life because you might go back outside and talk. And I don’t want that. That’s why I’m not letting you just go free. The threat you pose has to be assessed. When I get you out of here I’ll take you straight to the Mayor’s office and he can decide what to do with you next.’

  Appalled as that sounded, Jane felt a strange thrill as she listened to this young man telling her what he planned to do with her.

  ‘Of course I can leave you to think it over for another few hours if you want,’ Adam said. ‘You’ll probably only get four or five more visitors during that time and a couple more clock thrashings…’

  Jane gulped and said in a small meek voice: ‘I’d like to pretend to be your slave and get out of here right now, Sir, please.’

  ‘Do you promise to do exactly as I tell you?’

  ‘Yes, Sir,’ she said, feeling another tingle.

  Adam overrode the clock mechanism and shut it off and the bolts restraining her snapped back. With a groan Jane sat up, massaging her stiff limbs. But she was not free for long. Taking a padlock out of his bag Adam secured her wrists behind her back and then hooked an old leather leash to her collar. She bit her lip but allowed him to secure her. Then he put a straw sunhat on her head and a pair of cheap flip-flops on her feet.

  He held up what looked like small red rubber ball but one cut in half and held together with a loop of elastic cord. ‘This is to make sure you don’t give yourself away by saying something stupid out loud so other people can hear you. Do you understand?’

  She nodded and opened her mouth and let him gag her. The ball clamped about her tongue and filled her mouth. It was not as painful as the tongue clamp and she could close her lips over it.

  ‘Just follow where I lead and try to relax,’ Adam told her.

  She stood up stiffly, realizing that she was slightly taller than he was. Taking up his bag in one hand and her leash in the other, Adam led Jane out of the castigorium and into the sunlight.

  The park seemed to be full of people. Ordinary properly dressed people mingled with naked female figures in all tints of flesh. Most of them seemed to be doing the kind of things people usually did in parks. It was perfectly normal and at the same time totally outlandish and bizarre.

  Jane became acutely aware her own helpless exposure and hung her head trying not to make eye contact with anybody while at the same time swivelling her eyes from side to side with helpless curiosity. There was a perfectly ordinary looking ice cream van parked beside one of the broader pathways with a queue of people waiting to be served. The two of them were totally naked slave girls standing there apparently unaccompanied and totally unselfconscious. What was going on here?

  Then her gaze shifted from their bare buttocks to the colourful illustrations of the ice creams on sale and she suddenly realized how hungry she was. Adam noticed the direction of the gaze and said softly: ‘Would you like one?’

  She nodded and whimpered.

  He bought her a chocolate cornet and they found an unused bench nearby. He sat on it and motioned for her to kneel in front of him. He pulled out her gag ball and fed her the ice cream. She gulped it down hungrily, ignoring the cold it sent through her teeth and luxuriating in the comforting sweet sugar rush it delivered. Ice cream had never tasted better!

  In between bites she whispered: ‘I don’t understand, Sir. Those girls buying ice creams ahead of us: were they slaves?’

  ‘Yes of course, but it’s probably their day off.’

  ‘Slaves with a day off, Sir?’

  ‘In Shackleswell slave girls also have rights and privileges. It’s all down to the ideas of W. S. Rowland: the Victorian engineer and free-thinker who built much of Shackleswell. He was famous all over England of course, but outsiders never knew about his most important work. I’ll show you…’

  When she finished her ice cream he replaced Jane’s tongue gag and then led her along a pathway to a spot where half a dozen paths met at a circle of gravel that surrounded a monument not unlike the castigorium but with a small clock tower on its roof and drinking fountains mounted on the insides of its supporting pillars. The drinking fountains, she noticed, were fitted with what looked like phallic spouts. Below them were low wide bronze pans shaped a little like water-lily leaves with another fountain playing across them.

  Raised on a plinth under its roof was a bronze statue of a man in Victorian dress complete with a stovepipe hat and bushy side-whiskers. He was depicted seated on a device that resembled an old-fashioned penny-farthing bike except that it had two small rear wheels for stability making it a tricycle and the huge front wheel had been extended sideways to form an oblate cage in which a naked girl was running round hunched over like a hamster, clearly driving it along.

  As Jane goggled at it, Adam explained: ‘Rowland recognized that on a small scale and over relatively short distances, the human female body was a very effective, energy efficient and non-polluting power source when coupled with properly designed mechanical systems. He was worried about the excess female population after so many men had been killed in his time fighting wars, and thought his girl-powered machines were a solution. He also believed that prostitution could be safely regulated and used positively. Way ahead of his time he recognized the existence of the female orgasm and developed a system of punishments and rewards using its power, which could condition suitable women to accept intimately merging with machines. He had a saying: "Flesh must yield to iron and steel, at the same time giving it life and purpose.” In his memory all Irontown slaves are named and numbered after machine parts and treated according to his principles.’

  So that was why she had NAIL 104 stencilled on her body.

  Adam continued: ‘By tradition their pussies are shaved so they can be kept clean and nothing catches in machinery. Slave women know their place, but they are not mindless and they also know that they are valued. The c
ity is built upon their labour. Rowland Park is one of a few secure large open spaces closed to outsiders so that slaves can be exposed openly.’

  Jane shuddered and made throaty, pleading noises until he pulled the gag ball out and she could whisper: ‘But Sir, where do they all come from?’

  ‘From all over the country. You know people are always talking about the problems of delinquency; well we have arrangements with outside social services and police to take selected female cases off their hands. Here they can be taught discipline and given a new purpose in life. And it works because it’s balanced and fair and has adapted to modern times. That’s why the IRES can’t be allowed to upset it.’

  Jane realized she was squirming. It was the sound of running water in the ring of fountains all about her. It reminded her that she had not peed since she had wet her bed last night.

  Adam correctly interpreted the look on her face and her squirming. ‘Do you need to relive yourself?’

  She nodded.

  ‘Then we’re in the right place.’ He led across to the nearest low set pan and pointed. ‘That’s what they’re for so you can look at Rowland while you’re doing it. For slave girls it’s like making offering to his memory…’

  Jane froze in horror and shook her head. She was just about dealing with nudity. He could expect her to pee in public as well!

  Adam pinched her left nipple between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed until her eyes watered. ‘Slaves who embarrass their masters in public by refusing orders are punished,’ he said in a low voice. ‘Now squat down, open your legs and pee…’

  Whimpering Jane obeyed, feeling her cheeks burning as she opened her legs. She stared at the bronze statue of Rowland, trying not to think of what she was doing or where she was or Adam’s eyes on her bare cleft. She felt the urine hissing out of her and then the little fountain of water washing her groin clean.

  When she was done Adam said: ‘That’s better. Don’t disobey me again…’

  He led her away again across the park again.

  They approached one of the park gates. Now she understood why they were so elaborate, keeping any passing outsiders from glimpsing what went on inside while they were in use.

  ‘Before you go outside you’ve got to change,’ he said.

  There was a copse of trees near the gate and Adam led her into its shelter. He pushed her back up against one of the trees and then bound her leash about her neck, holding her in place. Then he opened up his bag and took out a bundle of clothing and a pair of boots and then an odd device. It was a pair of black rubber dildos, one longer and other shorter and with a head shaped more like a mushroom. The surfaces of each were covered by metal studs and bands and they were connected at their bases by a clear plastic rod with electronic circuitry visible within it. Paired with it was a small clear plastic remote control pad.

  ‘I can’t lead you by a leash when we’re outside so you’re going to be wearing this,’ he told her. ‘It’s called a wireless chain. It goes up inside your vagina and rectum and locks in place and it will automatically give you a shock if you don’t stay close by me.’

  He knelt before her and tried to part her knees so he could slide the dildos up into her pussy and bottom. But Jane stared at the thing in horror and shook her head. No, he couldn’t put something like that up inside her! It was cruel and inhuman. She felt panic growing inside her once more. She could not take anymore of this mad place! She squeezed her thighs together and shook her head and squirmed and whimpered.

  Adam stood up with his face set. ‘I think it’s time you learned your place, Jane. I’ve made allowances for you being an outsider but right now you’ve got to obey our rules for your own good. I didn’t want to have to use this but there’s no other choice…’

  He took out a short black coiled whip made of braided rubber. There seemed to be silver threads woven through it and its handle was chunky, like the pain torch, and it also had a control switch. As Jane’s eyes widened in horror Adam switched it on and then drew his arm back and lashed the whip across her stomach.

  The braided rubber stung her flesh with a crack but the silver threads sparked and crackled as they delivered a jolt of electricity, doubling the pain of its impact. Jane shrieked and dribbled about her plugged mouth as the electric whip swished through the air again, cutting square across her right breast and then her left, indenting them deeply so that they sprang back up with heaves and jiggles, only to be splashed by the tears running off her cheeks. The fourth cut seared upwards through her thighs and into the naked cleft of her groin. She screeched afresh as the braided rubber ripped up through her flesh lips and across her throbbing clitoris, driving pulse after pulse of pain into her as it went.

  Through misty eyes she saw Adam staring at her, a bulge showing in the front of his trousers. Then he lowered the whip and clasped her to him, flattening her simmering freshly-whipped breasts against his shirt front, and kissed her lips hard, bruising them against her gag-filled mouth. Then he lowered his head and kissed her simmering nipples which were standing up hard. He reached down between her thighs which parted at his touch and ran his fingers through her sore, tingling, naked vulva and they came away wet. Then with a fumble his penis was free of his flies and he lunged against her, sliding his shaft up inside her and pumping violently into her aching vagina. Jane almost choked about her gag. His cock felt very large for somebody of such slim build.

  A dozen hard thrusts, grinding her sweaty buttocks against the bark of the tree and then with a grunt she felt him spurt his hot young sperm up into her. And as he did so she felt the brief thrill of a sharp mini-orgasm course through her.

  For a minute Adam remained inside her, resting against her with his head on her shoulder, savouring her warmth. Then he raised his eyes and she saw his flushed and excited face, looking a little surprised at his own surge of passion.

  ‘You… are really… very hot…’ he said softly.

  Then he collected his wits and composure and pulled out of her, leaving her feeling strangely empty. His penis still jutted semi-hard out of the front his trousers. He undid her leash from the tree, pulled the gag clamp ball off her tongue and commanded: ‘Down on your knees and lick me clean!’

  Trembling Jane obeyed, taking his cock into her mouth and sucking and licking it clean, not caring that she was debasing herself with this humiliating act. She tasted his fresh young sperm and her juices. He stroked the coiled electric whip through her hair and across her back, making her tremble, but the power was turned off. As she worked she rolled her eyes up at him, desperate to see some sign of approval on his face. At that moment in her dizzy state that was all that mattered. The whipping followed so closely by his brief passionate coupling had shocked her even as it had driven home the terrible truth that he might only be a young man but he had total power over her and was perhaps the only friend she had in this mad city right now, so she had to win his favour once more.

  When she was done and he was clean Adam deliberately wiped his cock dry on a fist-full of Jane’s hair as if that was the most natural thing in the world. She trembled with shame with her head bowed as he used her as a living towel and yet she had a strange wish that he found it satisfying. Then he tucked his cock away.

  ‘Stand!’ he commanded and she obeyed. ‘Open your mouth,’ and she obeyed. He clamped her ball gag back over her sticky tongue. ‘Spread your legs,’ he commanded and she obeyed.

  He pushed the wireless chain device up into her vagina and rectum. The front dildo slid easily into her freshly lubricated channel even though she winced as it stretched her aching passage. Adam had to push harder to force the anal plug past her sphincter, but once inside she felt it expand to hold it in place. She felt it filling her and yet the bridge connecting the front and back shafts was slim enough so she could close her thighs about it and move unhampered.

  Adam stood up holding the remote device. ‘Stay,’ he commanded as if training a dog, and then slowly walked away from her. After a few pace
s Jane felt the probes in her vagina and rectum began to tingle and then prick. When he was ten paces away from her they were stabbing into her painfully and she was whimpering and squirming and clenching her thighs together. But she did not move. He walked back to her and the pain melted away.

  He unlocked her wrist cuffs. ‘No more misbehaviour, do you understand?’ Jane nodded. Yes, she would be so very good. ‘Now get dressed…’

  She put on the clothes he had brought. There was a grey knee-length belted coat with sleeves long enough to cover her cuffs, soft grey ankle boots to hide her cuffed ankles, a matching scarf to tie over her collar and a headband to conceal the lettering stamped on her forehead. She realized over the last few weeks that she had seen several women dressed like this out and about in Shackleswell. Now she began to suspect that underneath their clothes they had been naked, stamped and cuffed like her.

  When she was dressed Adam gave her the bag to carry.

  ‘Stay close behind me,’ he told her. Then he turned and headed towards the gate. And meekly Jane followed after him, just like any obedient slave girl would with her master.

  Chapter Three

  It was perhaps a twenty minute walk from Roland Park to City Hall. And in all that time Jane hardly took her eyes off Adam’s back. If he got too far ahead she felt the warning pricking tingling in her groin and she hurried to close the distance between them. As she walked she was acutely aware of his spent sperm seeping out past the dildo plugged in her vagina and running down the insides of her thighs.

  She was also aware of strange eyes flitting across her as they went and realized that the residents of Shackleswell knew exactly what she was. And yet they did nothing to impede progress, even though there was no obvious connection between her and Adam, apart from the fact that she was following closely in his footsteps. And yet there was an invisible chain linking her pussy to the controlling device in his pocket. She felt her vagina squeezing hard about the dildo inside her at the perverse thought of it.


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