Irontown 3

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Irontown 3 Page 12

by Adriana Arden

  She could, but she dearly hoped she would never have to.

  Just then a vigorous, wiry, greying man dressed in a casual but expensive cream open necked shirt and matching linen trousers entered. He greeted Adam heartily. ‘I’m Mark Plowright. I read your article, young man. Well done. You kept your head in the park and stopped these IRES idiots from making a scene. Very commendable…’

  Plowright looked Jane up and down through his keen sharp eyes with frank and unabashed male interest which made her cheeks burn. ‘And this is your famous kidnapped artist. Quite a looker, isn’t she? And Goldsmith gave her to you to look after? So virtue has been rewarded, eh? Lucky young man. Teaching her about life here?’

  ‘Yes, Sir,’ Adam said.

  ‘Well take my advice and don’t be too gentle with her. They appreciated a firm hand however much they squeal at the time.’

  While Jane quailed Adam said sincerely: ‘I’ll bear that in mind, Sir.’

  ‘Now let me show you what I want her to paint…’ Plowright said.

  He led them out across the Hall again and through another doorway into quite a different room. It was large and almost empty with a woodblock floor and French windows opening out onto a bright sunny well-tended garden.

  But Jane’s eyes were transfixed by the device that stood in the middle of the room.

  It was a wrought iron wheel which stood about six feet high suspended between two sturdy square section wooden posts at either side bolted to a low heavy wooden base. The lower rim of the wheel hung in a metal trough half filled with water. The wheel had snaking decorative spokes radiating out from a hollow ring centre about eighteen inches across and it was hung about with several sets of leather straps. It was suspended between the posts by pairs of short crescent arms each fitted on the inside with a row of half a dozen small runner wheels set perpendicularly to the plane of the big wheel which were pinched together into circular grooves running around the front and back sides of its rim.

  One of the posts had a crank handle fitted to it that passed through the arc of runner wheels to a cog that engaged with a ring of teeth set in the face of the big iron wheel. This arrangement was clearly intended to allow the wheel to be rotated freely in its mounting while keeping it upright and steady. There were also crank handles set half way down the side posts where their thinner upper sections rose from the middle of thicker lower halves. The device looked old but clearly it had been well maintained. The woodwork base was polished and the groove in which the runner wheels ran was freshly greased. Also looking frighteningly functional were the cane, whip and spanking paddle which hung from brass hooks screwed to the post sides.

  Standing expectantly on either side of this strange device was Screw 361 and a trim, blonde, attractive fortyish woman wearing a light summer dress. She smiled at them in a welcoming but slightly nervous way as they entered.

  ‘This is my wife Edwina,’ Plowright said. ‘This is young Adam Tamper who we read about, Dear, and this is the outsider artist woman who is now in his care.’

  Edwina politely shook hands with Adam and smiled slightly uncertainly at Jane.

  ‘Good afternoon, I’m so pleased to meet you,’ she said in refined tones. ‘I hope you are enjoying your stay in our lovely town.’

  ‘Probably not, Dear, after what the IRES men did to her,’ Plowright said with mild impatience. ‘But hopefully she’s learning our ways now. Anyway let’s not waste time and show them what I want.’ He slapped the big iron wheel. ‘It’s quite a sight, isn’t it?’ he said to Adam. ‘There aren’t many left now. And I’d like a proper painting of it in action, like in the old days…’

  Jane felt her stomach tightened. Oh no, what were they going to do to that poor slave maid?

  But Plowright was snapping his fingers at his wife. ‘Go on, Dear. Don’t worry about young Adam. If he’s had this one to play with for the last few days he’s quite used to looking at older women…’

  And to Jane’s amazement Edwina unbuttoned her dress and slipped it off to reveal she was naked underneath except for a delicate silvery metal chastity belt that enclosed her groin. She had a good body, trim and well-toned, with neat high breasts and clear pale skin. Fluffy blonde pubic hair showed through the scrollwork of the chastity belt where it covered her pubic mound. It was the first pubic hair on a woman Jane had seen in Irontown.

  Daintily she stepped onto the platform supporting the wheel and then stood with her back to it and stepped up onto the inside rim of the wheel with her feet just inside the trough sides and spread her arms and legs out. Her head rested just beneath the upper rim of the wheel while she bent her arms slightly so that her hands could grasp the spokes on either side level with her shoulders. Plowright secured her into position, buckling the straps over her wrists and elbows and about her neck, and then across her chest between her breasts and then over her midriff, knees and ankles. Her bare bottom, divided only by the thin curving rear metal band of her chastity belt, was now framed by the inner open ring of the wheel. The final leather strap went across her mouth forming a gag.

  Screw 361 took up position holding the crank handle connected to the rim of the wheel.

  Plowright walked about the wheel looking at Edwina’s spread-eagled body from every angle. Then standing behind her he reached through its curving spokes and clasped and squeezed her breasts cheerfully, making her whimper. ‘This used to be used for dunking troublesome females and teaching them a lesson in discipline,’ he said. ‘It’s still good for reminding wives of their place, like this…’

  He snapped his fingers at Screw and she turned the handle. The wheel rotated smoothly within the pinch of its side runners and Edwina was turned upside down until her head was dragged underneath the water in the trough.

  Plowright looked through the ‘V’ of his wife’s naked spread legs at Adam and Jane. ‘It teaches them to concentrate on holding their breath whatever you do to them…’

  He took up the spanking paddle and slapped it lightly against the insides of his wife’s thighs, then a little harder against her bare buttocks encircled by the open inner ring of the wheel. Jane saw her flinching within her bonds and her head twisting under the water. How long was he going to leave her like that?

  But unhurriedly Plowright walked round to the front of the wheel and stooped and smacked the paddle against his wife’s jutting inverted breasts, flattening them against her chest. Then almost playfully he pinched and tugged some of the blonde curls protruding through the open scrollwork of the chastity belt cup over her pubes. Jane thought she saw bubbles rising to the surface of the trough…

  Then Plowright snapped his fingers again and Screw cranked the handle. The wheel turned and Edwina’s head was carried back up out of the trough until she stood up right again. Her blonde hair now hung limp over her shoulders and trickles of water were running down her body and she spluttered for breath behind her gag strap. Then she blinked the water from her eyes and looked with fear and hope at a husband. He patted her wet cheek and blushing breasts.

  ‘You looked splendid, dear,’ he assured her.

  Plowright turned back to Adam and Jane and saw Jane’s attention fixed on Edwina’s wet body. Even though what had been done to her was horrifying and degrading, even more so because she was not a slave, Jane found that she could not look away. Now with a start she realized that her nipples were standing up stiffly while her labia were engorged and wet. She felt her cheeks burn as she hastily looked aside. But it was too late.

  ‘Judging by the state of her it looks like your Brush appreciates good old engineering,’ Plowright commented with a chuckle. ‘Or maybe she has taken a fancy to my wife?’

  ‘I’m sorry, Sir,’ Adam said. ‘She doesn’t know how to behave yet.’

  ‘Not at all. It’s only natural. What’s she like with other women?’

  ‘I’ve got a couple of slave housekeepers but I haven’t allowed her much contact with them yet, Sir, apart from an introductory session. Seeing as she is an outsider
I was building her up to full relations. I thought she might need to be broken in gently. Mostly I’ve been using her myself.’

  ‘That sounds sensible. Train her to appreciate your cock first. But don’t delay putting her with other women if you want. It’s just another way of mastering her. There’s no threat to you and it helps keep them fresh and lively. Wives screw their slave maid’s everyday and husbands don’t worry about it if they know they’ve got the upper hand.’ He patted his wife’s wet head again and then playfully tweaked her hard nipples. ‘Do you want to try her out on Edwina?’

  While Jane felt a sick wave of horror and disbelief surge through her, Adam struggled noticeably to keep his voice level. Clearly he had not been expecting this. ‘Well, that’s most extraordinarily kind of you, Sir. If you’re sure it isn’t any trouble…’

  ‘None at all. It’ll be something else to talk about when I’m showing off the finished painting. How the pretty artist I hired screwed Edwina on the old dunking wheel.’ He chuckled. ‘Maybe she wanted to sample my wife’s brush, eh!’

  He and Screw bent down and turned the crank handles set in the side posts and their upper sections telescoped upwards, lifting the wheel clear of the trough. Then Plowright turned a tap on the side of the trough and the water gurgled away into some hidden tank within the wheel’s base, leaving it empty. Then Screw cranked the wheel again and once more Edwina was turned round so that she hung inverted. But this time her chastity belt encased groin was at head height, while her head hung at groin height.

  Plowright took a key from his pocket and turned it in the slim lock of the chastity belt. The belt sprang open and he pulled it off, exposing Edwina’s naked groin and tight little pubic mound with its fluffy thatch of blonde curls cut by a narrow pink cleft. He patted it and then slid a finger into her cleft and twirled at about until Edwina moaned. Then he reached down and pulled the gag strap off her mouth. ‘Now you show this woman how we do things in Irontown.’

  ‘Yes, Mark,’ she promised meekly.

  Adam pulled Jane’s tongue clamp out and then twisted her collar round so that her leash hung down behind her back and then guided her forward, making her step into the now empty trough. Her ringed naked pussy mouth pressed against Edwina’s face while Edwina’s exposed inverted groin seemed to hang it in front of her, its pink gash swelling and gaping wetly and ever more widely. This was a woman she had never met until fifteen minutes ago. Now she could smell her pussy juices.

  Helpfully Plowright handed Adam the spanking paddle. ‘If she’s new to this she might need some encouragement,’ he said. He took up the cane and stroked it over his wife’s upturned buttocks framed within the hollow inner ring of the wheel. ‘Meanwhile I’ll make sure Edwina does her bit…’

  Adam stood back and rested the paddle blade against James buttocks. ‘I want you to lick Mrs Plowright out until she comes in your face, you understand?’

  Jane was too terrified to respond. Adam slapped the paddle sharply against her bottom. ‘I said do you understand?’

  ‘Yes, Master!’ Jane yelped.

  Adam smacked her again. ‘Then get on with it!’

  Taking a deep breath Jane thrust her face forward into Edwina Plowright’s expensively scented sex mouth. Its soft clinging wetness enveloped her.

  There was a swishing crack from the other side of the wheel as Mark Plowright caned his wife’s bottom. Jane felt Edwina crane her neck and plunged her nose and mouth into her shaven cleft.

  Now Edwina’s tongue was in her pussy and hers was in Edwina’s, while both of them jerked and whimpered as their respective master and husband beat them on to greater efforts. Helplessly their juices flowed out from their secret inner depths over each other’s faces.

  And then it seemed to Jane that the world shrank until all it contained was her lips and pussy and Edwina’s lips and pussy mashed against hers and the smell and taste of her and the burning of her bottom and the terrible growing pressure inside her that could only be released in shame and despair. A convulsion surged through her and she sprayed her juices over Edwina’s face even as she felt the other woman inundate her.

  For a timeless interval she sagged against Edwina’s inverted body with her head resting in her hot wet upended groin. Then she raised her sticky face and looked into Mark Plowright’s laughing eyes.

  ‘I wouldn’t worry about going gently with her, Adam, I think she’s doing fine,’ he declared.


  Jane was silent on the way back to Tannery Lane and for most of that evening.

  What she had been made to do had been so shocking and yet everybody else, including Edwina, had acted as if it was perfectly ordinary. Yet she found after a while that it was not her own humiliation that most troubled her. Finally she got her thoughts together as Adam was preparing her for bed. As calmly and collectedly as she could she asked: ‘Master, how can Edwina Plowright possibly live with a husband who makes her wear a chastity belt and treats her like that?’

  For a moment Adam looked genuinely puzzled. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Humiliating her like that, Master. It was disgusting! Maybe I don’t matter but he did it to her in front of you.’

  ‘He wasn’t humiliating her; he was showing her off along with the dunking wheel. He wants to spend a lot of money on her by putting her in a painting by a celebrity artist. That’s a compliment.’

  ‘By painting her naked and strapped on to that terrible machine, Master?’

  Adam’s answer was simple but yet devastating. ‘Yes, because that’s a celebration of the principles which made this town great. That’s why Irontown women are used to serving their husbands in any way they wish. By submitting to them it shows respect and loyalty. It keeps us united. It’s tradition. That’s how it’s always been done.’

  Was that the answer? Was everybody in Irontown, which was so subtly isolated from the rest of the country, a prisoner of its own iron tradition? And if nobody dared speak out and break that tradition, then nothing changed. She gritted her teeth. Well if it was up to her it would.


  The next morning after breakfast Adam announced a change of routine to Jane, Cam and Bolt.

  ‘I’ve got to visit my parents so we’ll take a break from research.’ He looked at Cam and Bolt. ‘It’s a nice day. Why not take Jane to the park so she can enjoy it properly. The castigorium was not the best introduction to Irontown slave life. You two show her what fun you can have there on a slave day off.’

  Cam and Bolt beamed happily.

  Jane asked tentatively: ‘You mean I’ll be free to walk around the park as I like, Master?’

  ‘Well, not exactly free…’


  Jane found out what he meant an hour later when he left the three of them just inside the gates of Rowland Park. After they had removed their slave coats and packed them away in the bags they carried, he gave Bolt and Cam some pocket money and then a pair of small medallions that they clipped to the fronts of their collars. They had the current date and a code number stamped on it.

  ‘Those are day-pass fobs, which mean that they are out on their own with my approval,’ he explained to Jane. ‘That means they can go where they like and take you with them, but you can’t go anywhere on your own…’

  To make sure of this Adam padlocked yard long chains between Jane’s collar and Bolt and Cam’s, with her between them. They could move about freely as long as it was in a threesome. There was no way that she could escape from their supervision.

  ‘I’ll pick you up here at five o’clock,’ Adam said. ‘Enjoy yourselves…’

  Jane watched him go with mixed emotions. He had been with almost constantly for days now and suddenly he was gone. It felt strange. No, it was good, she reminded herself. He’d put her through hell! This might be a chance for her to escape… if only he’d not been so thorough with chaining her to her pretty minders.

  But Bolt and Cam were looking about them with eager anticipation, beaming at the people strolling a
bout, both clothed and naked, having fun in the warm sunshine. It was very much like the first day Jane had been here. There was even an ice cream van visible the distance. After living as a naked slave for some days she felt slightly less embarrassed by her exposure, but the place still made her shudder.

  ‘Don’t look like that,’ Cam admonished gently. ‘We’re going to enjoy ourselves.’

  ‘I didn’t exactly have fun the first time I was here,’ Jane pointed out.

  ‘How much of the park did you see when you were here then?’ Bolt asked.

  ‘The castigorium and the monument to Rowland,’ Jane said.

  ‘Well there’s much more than that,’ Bolt said. ‘Come on…’

  And dragging Jane between them they set off into the park.


  Three hours later Jane had to admit to herself that it was impossible to ignore Bolt and Cam’s innocent and infectious enthusiasm, especially since they were chained together. Their linked collar chains had drawn a few interested glances but nobody had interfered with them in any way. They were, in a limited sense, free to do what they wanted.

  Bolt and Cam had shown her round the park, which was larger then she realized, and they had even taken swim in a small pool. Foam rubber floats were provided to clip onto their slave collars to keep them afloat. Swimming between two girls when you were chained together at the neck took practice, Jane discovered, but it was also very funny. Hugging a pair of slippery naked female bodies in spontaneous laughter was also disturbingly exciting. Then they bought ice creams and started looking round for a place to have the picnic that they had brought with them

  Was it possible simply to enjoy pleasant surroundings and innocent fun even when she was naked and cuffed and collared like a slave, Jane wondered? Well plenty of other slave women seemed to be doing so. Of course it was bizarre and she knew it was wrong but she could not deny it was… not unpleasant. Whatever might happen tomorrow perhaps she could simply enjoy today for what it was. She had even begun to get used to being naked. On a day like this in a park it didn’t seem so unnatural…


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