The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set

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The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set Page 12

by MJ Nightingale

  “Oh, fuck, fuck,” she urged, enjoying the deliberateness of his every movement. She twisted beneath him enjoying each and every stroke.

  His pace began to quicken. “Oh, Babe, fuck,” he grunted and then she felt herself begin to come apart at the seams.

  “Don’t look away,” he grunted. His movements began to become rhythmic, as he pummeled her pussy with his cock.

  “Oh, my God,” Ronnie screamed, “Yes, yes! Yes!” Her screams pierced the night. “Nikko!” she screamed as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her.

  “Your mine now, Ronnie. Mine,” he grunted as he found his own release. His cock pumped and pumped in and out of Ronnie until he was spent, and milked dry. He collapsed beside her, finally releasing her leg. “Mine,” he repeated and pulled her body onto his, holding her while their hearts thundered in their chests.

  Chapter 11


  Nikko passed out briefly. When he woke fifteen minutes later, Ronnie was still asleep, half on top of him. His arms instinctively circled her in a protective gesture. He was surprised about how he reacted during his taking of her for their first time together. He wanted to possess all of her. He felt more connected to her than he had ever felt before. He not only wanted to fill her body with his cock, but wanted her to feel his claim upon her.

  He still hadn’t been able to muddle through his thoughts when she began to wake beside him. Her tight little body rubbed up against him, and it had his need for her stirring again. She shifted her head and with eyes half closed looked up to see his blue eyes gazing down fiercely into hers.

  She opened her eyes wider and he smiled down at her. She felt his hands slide up her hip, across her ass caressing it and then his hands brushed the side of her breasts.

  She felt his cock hardening under her leg and so she moved it slightly to give him space. But instead of space, he put his hands under her arms now and pulled her up, so she was lying completely atop him.

  “Nikko?” she asked.

  “Again,” he murmured seductively. “I’ve not nearly had enough of you yet, Ronnie.” His lips a breath away descended on hers.

  His tongue slipped into her mouth, teasing her to do battle. Soon his hands were back on her ass squeezing her cheeks, and then he forced one of his knees between her thighs so she was astraddle him. His cock was at attention between them as he leaned up on an elbow not breaking the kiss. He reached for another condom and handed it to her. She tore open the package greedily, and slid the sheath onto him.

  “Ronnie, I want you, now,” he murmured. “Say it,” he breathed while biting her bottom lip.

  “I want you too, Nikko” she murmured, as his tongue darted into her mouth again.

  He broke the kiss moments later, grasped her hips and guided them to his cock. He wanted to ram his cock into her, over and over again until she begged him for release. But instead took his time. He wanted her to control the pace this time. He urged her to sink onto him slowly. She complied, taking him in an inch at a time until she was completely impaled by his throbbing member. Using his fingers, squeezing her hips, he encouraged her to move. With a knee on either side of him, she began to move, rubbing her already swollen clit along the juncture between them. Her excitement had her wanting to move faster, but he kept the pace slow. His fingers dug into her.

  Her head began to thrash in her excitement with her impending explosion. “I need to see it, Ronnie. Look at me when you come undone. It’s me making you come, baby,” he grunted, holding back his own release as her slick pussy slid up and down his shaft.

  She looked at him, and his look of ownership, did her in. “Fuck me, Nikko. Fuck, I am going to come.” She intensified the speed despite his fingers sinking into her hips, gripping them tight. She kept her eyes on him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, damn, yes, yes,” the words spilled from her lips with no logic, just the words of her release. “Oh my God, yes, Nikko, fuck!” She drew out the last syllable as the explosion came.

  Jerking his hips, he slammed into her hot wet pussy as her eyes went wild, and rolled to the back of her head. His explosion came too, just as intense as before. He spilled his seed into this ice princess, but damn if she wasn’t the hottest most wanton creature he had ever been with. Her hair hung limply around her, sweat dripped down between her breasts. Her body—she smelled of sex. Their sex, and just as he finished unloading into her still quaking pussy, he no sooner thought of how he could have her again. And again.

  There were a lot of things he wanted to try with Ronnie.

  * * *

  Driving Ronnie home was the last thing he wanted to do, but it was nearly midnight, and Ronnie expressed she didn’t want her mother and stepfather to worry about her on their first evening out.

  The drive was done too quickly as the conversation didn’t lag. Ronnie invited him over for dinner the next night after he suggested coming over the next day. Not wanting to seem eager, but knowing he was facing one heck of a boring Sunday, he reluctantly agreed. Dinner with the folks was something he normally didn’t do. But Ronnie’s circumstances were different. He figured he could make his calls to his brothers tomorrow, and fill them in. In fact, he’d sent them a text reassuring them he would do that and all was well when Ronnie escaped to the bathroom after their third sexually acrobatic session was over.

  When he parked in her driveway, he turned off the engine figuring they could talk for a while longer, but were both surprised by the massive hulking figure in the window of the car that emerged suddenly out of the darkness. Recognizing the tattoos lacing down one arm as her step father’s, Nikko reluctantly rolled down the window. Their ears were immediately met with the massive man humming a tune that was popular a few years back, “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard”.

  “How was the milkshake?” He laughed, leaning into the window putting his massive forearms onto the frame of Nikko’s Cutlass.

  “It was great,” Ronnie piped in not hiding her sarcasm. Her step father had no filter. When he thought of something clever to say, it came out, and usually embarrassed everyone except him. In fact, he rather enjoyed it. She couldn’t help but add, “I’d say it was better than yours, but I’m afraid you’d tell me otherwise, and that’s just something I really don’t want to hear.” Jay was wonderful, but hearing about the sexual activities between him and her mother . . . well, it was wrong on so many levels. But it never seemed to stop him.

  Instead of laughing Jay just sighed. “No, I’d agree with you tonight, Ronnie. Your mom is just not feeling well again.”

  “What’s the matter?” she asked full of concern leaning even more towards the window so she could see his expression more clearly.

  Jay shrugged and answered. “She said it must be something she ate, but god dammit, she didn’t eat a thing tonight. You saw that. She really just picked at her food.”

  Nikko thought to the bear claw she had wolfed down earlier. He hoped that hadn’t made her sick. He groaned inwardly. Maybe the cream in it had unsettled her stomach. He wasn’t about to fess up to this giant of a man, but felt guilty anyhow. Way to go, he chastised himself.

  “I better get in then,” she murmured hastily as she reached for the door after a pressing a chaste kiss to Nikko’s cheek.

  “No. No hurry, Ronnie,” Jay retorted, stilling her with his words. She turned back to face him. “She’s actually sleeping. I brought Missy out one last time. I’m heading in now, to give you a little time to . . . shall we say . . . say goodbye,” he teased and made kissing faces and smooching sounds at them.

  “Real mature, Jay,” she called out after his retreating back, Missy at his heels.

  “Yeah, I know. But you love me anyway,” was his flippant retort made over his shoulder. “Nice seeing you, Nikko,” he added, still with his back turned then the sound of the door closing.

  “Interesting man,” Nikko muttered under his breath.

  “He grows on you,” Ronnie laughed.

  “I’ll take your word on it,”
he laughed in return as she scooted closer to him on the bench seat of his classic car.

  His arms were open, waiting, when she pushed into them, against him. “Tomorrow then,” she murmured against his lips.

  His answer was a groan of pleasure as her tongue slid into his mouth. For the next few moments all he could think about was his hot little ice princess making him very uncomfortable in her parent’s driveway. When her hand slipped to gently squeeze his massively hard cock, he had to stop her.

  “No my little ice princess, a man can only take so much.” He took her hand off his crotch.

  “Ice princess?” she laughed, arching one eyebrow.

  He laughed and nodded at his own term of endearment. “Mmm-hmm. That’s my nick name for you. You’re sending me on my way with blue balls baby. That’s pretty cold,” he teased.

  She was already sliding along the seat to her door. She opened it. Laughing hard, knowing Jay was rubbing off on her in a bad way, she couldn’t resist adding, “Well, there is always the five finger salute, babe. I hear boys are pretty good at that.” He had no chance to reply, she was out the door, skipping to the porch.

  His window was still open. “You’ll pay for that, Ronnie,” he called. She was still laughing softly when the door closed behind her. Oh, you’ll pay he thought.

  He spent the drive home thinking of ways to make her pay, and it did nothing to alleviate the tension he was feeling at the moment. Or his blue balls.

  * * *

  Ronnie was working her magic in the kitchen with Lou’s help. She hadn’t done much cooking during college, but in high school, her mom had taught her quite a few dishes. Tonight, for Nikko, she was making chicken Parmesan, and a tomato salad with cucumbers, basil, and fresh mozzarella that she would sprinkle with red wine vinegar and olive oil. She knew Nikko was Italian, and was missing his family’s Sunday dinner because he was assigned to be her watchdog. But, there were perks to him staying here, she mused.

  Jay was puttering outside on his motorcycle and enjoying his day off with Missy while the women cooked.

  Popping the chicken breasts that had been pounded down to thin layers and coated lightly in bread crumbs into the oven, Ronnie turned it to bake while her mom lowered the flame on the sauce to simmer. Everything else was set.

  Ronnie retreated to her room to freshen up, change her clothes, and get ready for Nikko’s arrival. She’d been surprised at how much she missed him today, but she wanted to stay home with her mother. Despite eating a decent lunch, her mom still did not look well.

  Their talk had been about the trial, her attorney, and the fact they felt it would be trying, but they were both confident of success with Mr. Stimson on the case. He had even called to tell them he had gotten a judge to sign orders to have the Tampa Bay Port Authority release video tapes to him. He would be watching them on Monday, which was the next day. He’d promised to call her and fill her in on what the tapes revealed.

  When Ronnie emerged from her room, she caught Lou and Jay having a small dispute.

  “Louisa, I want you to go to the doctor, baby.”

  “I’m fine, Jay, really. It’s just stress.”

  “Honey, you started losing weight before this thing with Ronnie. Now you are throwing up every day.” He reached up to put his hands on her shoulders. “Listen, just humor me. Get some blood work done. Something,” he pleaded.

  “Fine. I’ll call Monday and make an appointment,” Lou gave in. She knew what was up, but wasn’t ready to tell Jay just yet. She needed to see her doctor anyhow to confirm the pregnancy, and get a referral to an obstetrician.

  “Thank you,” Jay breathed a sigh of relief. “I know Ronnie’s got you worried, but you’re no good to her if you don’t take care of yourself.” After his mini tirade, he pulled her in for a hug, holding his much frailer wife gently in his massive arms. Ronnie ducked back into her room, as Jay’s head dipped down for a kiss. She wanted to give them some time alone and not intrude on this tender moment.

  * * *

  Back in her room, Ronnie fiddled with her hair feeling even guiltier than usual. But she too was worried about her mom’s health. If Jay’s words were true, this illness began before her fall from grace. That scared her even more. What if something was seriously wrong? Her mom was tapped out. Please let it be something simple, she prayed. Her mom had just found this happiness, a place of her own, and Ronnie didn’t want to lose the only parent she ever knew.

  When enough time had passed, Ronnie emerged from her room, with a cough to indicate her arrival. Lou was alone, however, setting the table for dinner.

  “Where’s Jay?” Ronnie asked. “I thought I heard him.”

  “Oh, he’s taking a quick shower, baby,” she murmured, setting the plates down tiredly. Ronnie noticed, and took action.

  “Mom, why don’t I finish this,” she said, approaching her but not revealing her concern. “Why don’t you go get freshened up as well, lie down for a bit. I’ve got this,” she stated firmly, taking the remaining plates from her. “Nikko won’t be here for an hour, and we’ve been at it in the kitchen now for a while. You’ve cleaned the house from top to bottom today and you look tired.”

  “You sure?” Lou looked around vaguely as if she were trying to think of what to do next.

  “Yes, go Mom. I’ve got this.”

  Her mom gave her a gentle smile and nodded. “Okay, I might take a nap.” Lou began the trek to her room. This pregnancy was tougher than the last one. The nausea lasted all day, then at night the heartburn was keeping her up, that and her fears. Yes, she thought, going to the doctor was definitely a good idea.

  * * *

  Soon after Lou departed to her room, Ronnie finished setting the table. Everything was nearly ready. Missy was curled up on the floor by the sofa enjoying a nap, and Ronnie decided to step outside and get a bit of fresh air. She loved Maine, loved the seasons, loved the cold, the forest, but she was finding more and more to like about Florida too. Yes, it was hot in the summer, but near the water you didn’t feel it as much. You always had the breeze. The beaches were magnificent, and she even thought about looking for work here in the Everglades, or the Keys; and then, there were even some jobs she could apply for at the many botanical gardens, and parks the state had to offer.

  But thinking about applying for jobs right now was out of the question. She kicked a large stone in the driveway into the Florida scrub. Sighing, she realized in just three days she would have been walking onto a stage to accept her diploma. It would have been her graduation. She would miss it. She had been looking forward to walking across the stage with her mom, grandparents, and uncle in the audience cheering her on. Well, no use moping around, she thought. She had a defense to work on. Her name to clear.

  She heard Nikko’s car before she saw him. Turning, his car, sleek and shiny, pulled up into the driveway. Cutting off the engine, he quickly got out of the car, looking scrumptious to her eyes, in fitted Levis, and a simple grey V-neck shirt. Yummy. Her mood lifted immediately. He approached her, and she him. His cologne, Burberry, enveloped her, and so did his arms.

  “Mmm, Ronnie,” he mumbled against her lips. “I’m starving,” he breathed before pressing a kiss to her lips.

  “Good,” she murmured when he pulled back. “I cooked up a storm.”

  “I meant for you,” he whispered, and bit her lip teasingly. His straight white teeth tugged on her bottom lip before releasing it.

  “Didn’t get enough of me last night?” she laughed.

  “No way, not nearly,” he chuckled and began walking her to the door. “Maybe I can convince you to come back to the hotel with me after dinner.”

  “That might be a possibility,” she laughed in return, grabbing and squeezing his ass possessively as she walked beside him.

  Chapter 12


  Dinner had been a success. Nikko proclaimed his enjoyment of the Italian feast she prepared. Her mom ate heartily to Jay’s delight, and the two men got along well, w
hich pleased both of the women.

  Knowing her mom needed to work tomorrow, the night ended early, and Ronnie made the excuse to accompany Nikko for a ride not wanting to sleep so early, and announced she would return in a few hours.

  Jay made faces at her beyond her mother’s back, but she kept her face expressionless as she was getting used to his antics. The man was a beast, but a teddy bear at heart, who loved to tease everyone mercilessly, one target at a time. She was currently his. She liked that part of him.

  With a spare key in her purse, she announced they shouldn’t wait up. Jay’s quick reply was, “We won’t.” Then, they were off.

  The ride to the hotel was silent. The ride up in the elevator wasn’t. As soon as the doors slid closed, and they were alone, Nikko pulled her to him. She had been standing in front of him, and he ground his already painfully swollen cock into her sexy ass. “Fuck, Ronnie, you have a great ass,” he murmured as he dipped down to press a kiss along her neck from behind. “I’ve thought of all kinds of delicious things I could do to it.”

  “My ass?” she laughed, enjoying the sensation of his cock at the apex of her rear. She pushed back into him increasing the pressure. It caused her muscles in her pussy to contract.

  “Damn, that feels so good,” he murmured as a bell dinged indicating the fourth floor, and the doors slid open. He passed her quickly in the hall, key card out in a flash, and the door of his suite pushed open. She was right behind him passing under his arm. She hadn’t taken two steps when he swept her into his arms, and took five more steps and they were in the center of the living room. He set her down behind the sofa that faced the large screen television.

  “Get undressed, Ronnie,” he commanded. He wasn’t wasting any time. Neither was she. She unbuttoned her blouse, and he already had his T-shirt off.


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