Spellsinger 03 - The Day of the Dissonance

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Spellsinger 03 - The Day of the Dissonance Page 24

by Foster, Alan Dean;

  the Cloud Dance." She looked wistful. "I may even

  participate myself."

  "Dancing in the air isn't as difficult as dancing on the

  ground," said Folly.

  Grelgen grinned at her. "That depends on what you're

  doing in the air, infant." With great dignity she pivoted

  and led the four Elders back to the village.

  They were free, Jon-Tom knew, and so again were the

  enchanted folk.




  The map led them out of the narrow defile that was the

  enchanted canyon. Music and rhythmic grunts followed

  them as they left behind a village full of fairies aerobicizing

  like mad. Grelgen had a long way to go before she looked

  like Jane Fonda but she was determined to out perform her

  subjects, and Jon-Tom didn't doubt she had the willpower

  to do so.

  Several days' march through game-filled country brought

  them over the highest mountain pass and down onto the

  western slopes. Despite Grelgen's insistence that the jour-

  ney the rest of the way to Cranculam would not be easy,

  they were beginning to relax. Since leaving behind the

  enchanted village they had encountered no dangerous ani-

  mals or sapients, and food was plentiful.

  Ahead lay the desert. Jon-Tom felt certain they could

  cross it in a couple of days. AH was well.

  No more bad dreams bothered him, and he awoke

  refreshed and at ease. Fallen leaves had made a comfort-

  able, springy bed. They were now back into deciduous

  forest, having left most of the evergreen woods behind.

  He pushed his cape aside. A few wisps of smoke still


  rose from the remains of last night's fire. Roseroar snored

  softly on the far side of the embers while Mudge dozed

  nearby. That in itself was unusual. Normally the otter

  woke first.

  Jon-Tom scanned the rest of the camp and sat up fast.

  "Jalwar? Folly!"

  The woods did not answer, nor did anyone else.

  He climbed to his feet, called again. His shouts roused

  Mudge and Roseroar.

  "Wot's amiss, mate?"

  Jon-Tom gestured at the campsite. "See for yourself."

  Mudge inspected the places where the missing pair had

  slept. "They aren't off 'untin' for breakfast berries. All

  their gear's gone."

  "Could they have been carried off?" Jon-Tom muttered.

  "Why would anybody bother to sneak in softly and steal

  that pair away while leavin' us snug and in dreamland?"

  Roseroar said. "Makes no sense."

  "You're right, it doesn't. So they left on their own, and

  with a stealthiness that implies premeditation."

  "What?" she growled in confusion.

  "Sorry. My legal training talking. It means they planned

  to sneak out. Don't ask me why."

  "Which way would they go?"

  "Maybe there's a town nearby. I'll check the map." He

  reached into his pocket, grasped air. A frantic, brief search

  proved that the map was well and truly gone.

  "Mudge, did you... ?"

  The otter shook his head, his whiskers bristling in anger.

  "You never gave it to me, guv'nor. I saw you put it up

  yourself." He sighed, sat down on a rock, and adjusted his

  cap, leaning the feather down at its usual rakish angle.

  "Can't say as 'ow I'm surprised. That Corroboc might

  'ave been a class-one bastard, but 'e knew wot 'e were

  about when *e named that girl."

  "ArTve been suspicious of her motives from the begin-


  Alan Dean Foster

  ning," Roseroar added. "We should have sold the little

  bitch in Snarken, when we had the chance."

  Jon-Tom found himself staring northwestward, through

  the thinning forest toward the distant desert. "It doesn't

  make sense. And what about Jalwar? He's gone, too, and

  that makes even less sense. How can he get anywhere

  without our help and protection?"

  Mudge came and stood next to his friend, put a comforting

  paw on his shoulder. "Ah, lad. 'Ave you learned so little

  o' life since you've been in this world? Who knows wot

  old Jalwar promised the girl? 'E's a trader, a merchant.

  Obviously 'e made 'er a better offer than anything we 'ave.

  Maybe 'e were bein' marooned on that beach by 'onest

  folk 'e'd cheated. This ain't no world for takin' folks on

  faith, me friend. For all we know Jalwar's a rich old

  bugger in 'is 'ome town."

  "If he wanted Folly to help him, why would they take

  the map? They wouldn't need it to retrace the trail back to


  "Then it's pretty clear they ain't 'eadin' for Snarken,

  mate." He turned and stared down the barely visible path.

  "And we ought to be able to prove it."

  Sure enough, in the dew-moistened earth beyond the

  campsite the two sets of footprints stood out clearly, the

  small, almost dainty marks of Jalwar sharp beside Folly's

  sandalprints. They led downslope toward the desert.

  " Tis plain wot they're about, mate. They're 'eading

  for Crancularn. That's why they stole the map."

  "But why? Why not go theah with the rest of us?"

  Roseroar was shaking her head in puzzlement.

  "You're as dense as 'e is, luv. Ain't it plain enough yet

  to both of you? Jalwar's a trader. They're goin' to try and

  buy up the 'ole supply o' this medicine 'is sorcerership

  needs so badly and 'old it for ransom." He stared at

  Jon-Tom. "We told the old fart too much, mate, and now

  'e's bent on doin' us dirty."



  "Jalwar, maybe..." Jon-Tom mumbled unhappily, "but

  I can't believe that Folly..."

  "Why not, mate? Or did you think she were in love

  with you? After wot she went through, she's just lookin'

  out after 'erself. Can't blame 'er for that, wot?"

  "But we were taking care of her, good care."

  Mudge shrugged. "Not good enough, it seems. Like I

  said, no tellin' wot old Jalwar promised 'er in return for

  'elpin' Mm."

  "What now, Jon-Tom?" asked Roseroar gently.

  "We can't turn back. Map or no map. I suppose we

  could go back to the village of the enchanted folk and get

  another one, but that would put us weeks behind them. We

  can't lose that much time if Mudge's suspicions are correct.

  They'd beat us to the medicine easily. I studied that map

  pretty intensively after Grelgen gave it to us. I can remember

  some of it."

  "That ain't the 'ole of it, mate." Mudge bent and put

  his nose close to the ground. When he stood straight again,

  his whiskers were twitching. "An otter can follow a scent

  on land or through water if there's just enough personal

  perfume left to tickle 'is nostrils. This track's fresh as a

  new whore. Until it rains we've got a trail to follow, and

  there's desert ahead. Maybe if we pee on the run we can

  overtake the bloody double-crossers."

  "Ah second the motion, suh. Let's not give up, Jon-


  "I wasn't thinking of gi
ving up, Roseroar. I was thinking

  about what we're going to do when we do catch up with


  "That's the spirit!" She leaned close. "Leave the de-

  tails to me." Her teeth were very white.

  "I'm not sure that would be the civilized thing to do,

  Roseroar." Despite the deception, the thought of Folly in

  Roseroar's paws was not a pleasant one.

  "All man actions are dictated by man society's code of

  honah, Jon-Tom," she said stiffly. She frowned at a sudden


  Alan Dean Foster

  thought. "Don't tell me that after what's happened heah

  yo still feel fo the little bitch?"

  He was shouldering his backpack. "We still don't know

  that she went with Jalwar voluntarily. Maybe he forced


  Mudge was waiting at the edge of the campsite, anxious

  to get moving. "Come on now, mate. Even if you exclude

  age as a consideration, the girl was bigger and stronger

  than that old ferret. And she could always have screamed."

  "Not necessarily. Not if Jalwar had a knife at her throat.

  Look, I admit it looks like she went with him voluntarily,

  but I won't condemn her until we know for sure. She's

  innocent until proven guilty."

  Mudge spat on the ground. "Another o' your other-

  worldly misconceptions."

  "It's not otherworldly. It's a universal truism," Jon-

  Tom argued.

  "Not in this universe it ain't."

  Roseroar let them argue while she assumed the lead,

  glancing occasionally at the ground to make sure they were

  still on the trail, scanning the woods for signs of ambush.

  For the moment she preferred to ignore both of her

  argumentative companions.

  From time to time Mudge would move up alongside her

  to dip his nose to the earth. Sometimes the footprints of

  their quarry would disappear under standing water or mix

  with the tracks of other creatures. Mudge always regained

  the trail.

  "Must 'ave took off right after the last o' us fell

  asleep," the otter commented that afternoon. "I guess

  them to be at least six hours ahead of us, probably more."

  "We'll catch them." Jon-Tom was covering the ground

  easily with long, practiced strides.

  "Maybe that ferret weren't so old as 'e made 'imself out

  to be," Mudge suggested.

  "We'll still catch them."

  But the day went with no sign of girl and ferret. They



  let Roseroar lead them on through the darkness, until

  accumulating bumps and bruises forced Jon-Tom to call a

  halt for the night. They slept fitfully and were up again

  before the dawn.

  By afternoon the last trees had surrendered to scrub

  brush and bare rock. Ahead of them a broad, hilly plain of

  yellow and brown mixed with the pure white of gypsum

  stretched from horizon to horizon. It was high desert, and

  as such, the heat was not as oppressive as it might have

  been. It was merely dauntingly hot. The air was still and

  windless, and the shallow sand clearly showed the tracks

  of Jalwar and Folly.

  It was a good thing, because the sand did not hold their

  quarry's spoor as well as damp soil, and Mudge had

  increasing difficulty distinguishing it from the tracks of

  desert dwellers as they started out across the plain.

  "I 'ope you remember that map well, mate."

  "This is the Timeful Desert, as I remember it."

  Mudge frowned. "I thought deserts were supposed to be

  timeless, not timeful."

  "Don't look at me. I didn't name it." He pointed

  toward a low dune. "The only sure source of water is a

  town in the middle of the desert called Redrock. The

  desert's not extensive, but it's plenty big enough to kill us

  if we lose our way.''

  "That's a comfortin' thought to be settin' out with."

  The otter looked up at Roseroar. "Any sign o' our friends,

  tall tail?"

  Roseroar's extraordinary eyesight scanned the horizon.

  "Nothing but sand. Nothing moves."

  "Can't say as 'ow I blame it." He kicked sand from his


  By the morning of the next day the mountains had

  receded far behind them. Jon-Tom busied himself by

  searching for a suggestion of green, a hint of moisture. It

  seemed impossible that the land could be utterly barren.


  Alan Dean Foster

  Even a stubby, tired cactus would have been a welcome


  They saw nothing, which did not mean nothing existed

  in the Timeful Desert. Only that if any life did survive, it

  did not make itself known to the trio of travelers.

  He felt sure they would overtake Jalwar and Folly, but

  they did not. Not all that day nor the next.

  It was on that third day that Mudge had them halt while

  he knelt in the sand.

  " 'Ere now, 'ave either of you two noticed this?"

  "Noticed what?" The sweat was pouring down Jon-

  Tom's face, as much in frustration at finding no sign of

  their quarry as from the heat.

  Mudge put a paw fiat on the ground. "This 'ere sand.

  'Ave a close look."

  Jon-Tom knelt and stared. At first he saw nothing. Then

  one grain crept from beneath Mudge's fingers. A second, a

  third, moving from west to east. Mudge's paw hadn't

  moved them, nor had the wind. There was no wind.

  At the same time as loose grains were shifting from

  beneath the otter's paw, a small rampart of sand was

  building up against the other side of his thumb. The sand

  was moving, without aid of wind, from east to west.

  Jon-Tom put his own hand against the hot sand, watched

  as the phenomenon repeated itself. All around them, the

  sand was shifting from east to west. He felt the small hairs

  on the back of his neck stiffen.

  4' Tis bloody creepy,' * the otter muttered as he rose and

  brushed sand from his paws.

  "Some underground disturbance," Jon-Tom suggested.

  "Or something alive under the surface." That was not a

  pleasant thought, and he hastened to discard it. They had

  no proof that anything lived in this land, anyway.

  "That's not all." Mudge gestured back the way they'd

  come. "There's somethin' else mighty funny. See that 'ill

  we passed the other day?" Jon-Tom and Mudge strained to



  see the distant relative of a Serengeti kopje. " Tis lower

  than it were."

  "Nothing unnatural about that, Mudge. It's just shrink-

  ing into the distance as we walk."

  The otter shook his head insistently. " 'Tis shrinkin' too

  bloomin' fast, mate." He shouldered his pack and resumed

  the march. "One more thing. Don't it seem to either o'

  you that we're walkin' downhill?"

  Jon-Tom didn't try to hide his confusion. He gestured at

  the western horizon. "We're on level ground. What are

  you talking about?"

  "I dunno." The otter strained to put his feelings into

  words. "Tis just that somethin' don't
feel right 'ere,

  mate. It just don't feel right."

  That night the otter's nose proved of more help than his

  sense of balance. They dug a hole through a dark stain in

  the sand and were rewarded with a trickle of surprisingly

  clear water. Patience enabled them to top off their water

  skins and relieve their major anxiety. It was decided

  unanimously to spend the night by the moisture seep.

  Jon-Tom felt someone shaking him awake, peered sleep-

  ily into still solid darkness. Mudge stared anxiously down

  at him.

  "Got somethin' for you to 'ave a looksee at, mate."

  "At this hour? Are you nuts?"

  "I 'ope so, mate," the otter whispered. "I sincerely

  'ope so."

  Jon-Tom sighed and unrolled himself. As he did so he

  found himself spitting out sand. The full moon gleamed

  brightly on their campsite, to reveal packs, weapons, and

  Roseroar's feet partially buried in sand.

  "The wind came up during the night, that's all." He

  found he was whispering, too, though there seemed no

  reason for it.

  "Feel any wind now, mate?"

  Jon-Tom wet a finger, stuck it into the air. "No. Not a


  "Then 'ave a look at your own feet, mate."


  Alan Dean Foster



  Jon-Tom did so. As he stared he saw sand flowing over

  his toes. There was no wind at all, and now the sand was

  moving much faster. He drew his feet up as if the pulver-

  ized silica might bite him.

  "Look all around, lad."

  The sand was crawling westward at an ever more rapid

  pace. It seemed to accelerate even as he watched. In

  addition to the steady movement there came the first

  murmurs of a dry, slithery, rasping sound as grains tumbled

  over one another.

  The discussion finally woke Roseroar. "What's goin' on


  "I don't know," Jon-Tom muttered, eyeing the crawling

  ground. "The sand is moving, and much faster now than it

  was yesterday. I'm not sure I want to know what's making

  it move."

  "Should we go back?" The tigress was slipping on her

  sandals, shaking the grains from the leather.

  "We can't go back." He pulled on his boots. "If we go

  back now, we lose Jalwar, Folly, and likely as not,

  Clothahump's medicine. But I won't force either of you to

  stay with me. Roseroar, are you listening to me?"

  She wasn't. Instead, she was pointing southward. "Ah

  think we might get ourselves a second opinion. We have


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