Casino King: A Dark Mafia Romance (Carfano Crime Family Book 1)

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Casino King: A Dark Mafia Romance (Carfano Crime Family Book 1) Page 14

by Rebecca Gannon

  This week has been a busy one. I’ve spent my days in meetings, on the phone, and on the road. I had to drive into Manhattan twice to talk with Leo about our meeting with the head of the Triads in two weeks, as well as our plans for the party we’re attending tonight. I normally would have just stayed with him in the city until it was all worked out, but I couldn’t leave Tessa. I couldn’t go a night without her.

  Leo, Luca, and I had to go over detailed safety measures and escape routes for both events in case things go south. I don’t think they will, but we’ve stepped up our security since our father and uncle were killed. They were too confident that no one would ever try to take them out. They were too comfortable in their neighborhood.

  Not us.

  My brothers and I know that anything can happen – anytime and anywhere. We don’t cut corners and we always make sure each of us has a man with them when we go out.

  That’s why I’ve been so protective of Tessa. I should’ve been more careful on the phone with Leo last weekend, but he got me so fucking mad that I didn’t even think about Tessa overhearing what we were talking about.

  She didn’t know there was more to me than just owning and operating The Aces, but she does now, and she took it like the woman I know she is – strong and mesmerizing.

  A true fucking queen.

  I knew the moment I saw her she could handle anything. Especially me. I just didn’t know when, or how, to tell her. It’s not something you just come out and say, and I didn’t want to give her the choice to run. I wanted her so deeply embedded with me that she couldn’t leave me. I’m both an asshole and a genius, because she decided she doesn’t care. She just wants me. And what that makes me feel is unlike anything I’ve ever felt.

  It was a wave of euphoria that morphed into a deep craving that hasn’t left me since she said the words.

  I crave her.

  Every minute of every day.

  I need her.

  I want her by my side. She’s not a woman you keep in the shadows hoping no one notices her. She’s the woman you place center stage for all to see, but never touch.

  Mia bella rosa may not know it yet, but she’s going to be mine in every sense of the word.

  She’s stronger than she thinks, and I plan on making sure she knows that.

  My phone starts buzzing on my desk, pulling me from thoughts of testing not just her mental strength, but her physical strength. I want to fuck her against the wall with both her legs hooked around me under my arms so her hips aren’t touching the wall at all, only her upper back. She’d have to use every muscle to stay where I want her, and it’d be the sexiest fucking thing in the world to see her do that for me. Because I need her to.

  “Is everything good for tonight?” Leo asks right away when I pick up the phone.

  “Yeah, we’re good.”

  Tonight at Sahara’s, a hotel and casino on the other side of the city, a private party is being held that will have all the major players in New York and New Jersey attending. Each of the five families will be represented –Carfano, Cicariello, Melcciona, Capriglione, and Antonucci– as well as the Triads, Yakuza, Bratva, Armenian, and Irish families.

  There’ll be politicians, CEOs of fortune 500 companies, presidents of unions, police chiefs, and a shit ton of every other higher up in the dirty world we all live in.

  It’s a show of power.

  Having all of us in the same building is a show of power for the man known only as The Broker. He has his hand in every aspect of illegal trades around the world, which is how he got his name. He can broker any deal you need, from anyone, anywhere. Nothing happens in the illegal trades game without him knowing about it. Even if he doesn’t have anything to do with it, he always knows and keeps track. Weapons, drugs, women, cars, passports, new identities, hit men, mercenaries, organs. Anything you can imagine.

  He can supply safe transport for products and people, and extraction for the same from any situation.

  If it’s needed, he can supply it.

  He’s an elusive man who runs his empire from the shadows, sending his people to do the work. He’s never seen by those outside of his close circle.

  Even tonight, I know he won’t be there. He’s showing his power by not even attending. That’s why my family doesn’t like to use him, knowing the price is too steep. Not in money, but in the information he gathers on you and the secrets revealed that he then uses against you if you ever cross him.

  The Carfanos will be the most powerful in the room tonight by far, but because of The Broker’s way of business, he’ll always be a step above us all. And that makes me burn on the inside like no other. Just like knowing the family who ordered the hit of my father and uncle will be there tonight. That makes my blood burn and boil like the river Styx.

  If I had it my way, I’d drag every last one of those Cicariello fuckers into hell and watch them suffer for all eternity. Even if I was in hell right along with them, I’d wear a grin so fucking wide knowing my vengeance was exacted.

  But I can’t. The Cicariellos keep a tight security at all times. The core family, the ones I want obliterated, not their blind soldiers, have stayed locked behind the walls of their compound on Long Island since the hit on my family was made. They thought they could take over our territory and our businesses afterward, leaving us weak and vulnerable, but they didn’t know our father. Michael Carfano was a man never to be underestimated, and the Cicariellos did just that.

  He and my uncles trained their sons to take their place in the family since we were ten. On my brother’s, cousin’s, and my own tenth birthdays, we didn’t have parties. They were spent in my father’s office as he explained the family business to us. Then he took us to the family gym and we started our training. It was equipped with weights, boxing and sparring rings, grappling mats, a shooting range, and knife throwing blocks. We were trained for any and all situations.

  He and my uncles trained their sons to take their place in the family since we were ten. On my brother’s, cousin’s, and my own tenth birthdays, we didn’t have parties. They were spent in my father’s office as he explained the family business to us. Then he took us to the family gym and we started our training. It was equipped with weights, boxing and sparring rings, grappling mats, a shooting range, and knife throwing blocks.

  We were made to be strong. Capable of handling ourselves in any situation, ruthless in handing out and receiving punishments, protective of our family, and ready to take over and run the business when we were needed.

  That came sooner than my brothers, cousins, and myself would have wanted, but we were ready nonetheless. And that’s what the Cicariellos didn’t know.

  We’ll find a way to exact our revenge one day soon. Focusing on maintaining the Carfano name and business dealings was our first priority before we started plotting on how to get at them.

  We took care of finding the hitman they hired first and foremost with our own man who is capable of finding those who never intend on being found. Now, over the past few years, we’ve slowly sabotaged their businesses, trying to draw them out of their fortress, but they’ve remained strong in there. Such pussies. They don’t have the balls to face us. They only send their highest trusted men to events and out to do their business while they live like kings behind those high walls.

  The hatred we all feel hasn’t dimed in the least in the past five years, and no matter how long it takes, our justice will be served. A death they’ll beg for when we get our hands on them. All of them.

  The Cicariellos will send someone close to the family tonight at The Broker’s party, but not the ones we want. They know we would find a way to get to them before, during, or after the party, and the only way such powerful people can all gather together in the same place is with the knowledge that if anything were to happen, then an all-out war would rain down on all of us from every direction. None of us wants that. No one could survive that, especially when the war would involve The Broker.

  “No talking to
Lin tonight. We wait for our meeting,” Leo tells me, like he has three times before.

  “I know,” I say impatiently.

  “Alec,” he starts, a warning. “You’re my brother. I know you. If you get the chance, you’ll say something. He’s targeting you and your business specifically.”

  He’s not wrong, but I have more than just my business to worry about now.

  “Not this time,” I assure him, and I hear Leo’s audible sigh through the phone. “Don’t start again, brother.”

  “She’s a risk you’re not ready or prepared for.”

  “How would you know?” I snap, hating that he thinks he knows everything. “And that’s starting again.”

  “I’ll be there at 8.”

  “Can’t wait,” I say dryly, hanging up before he can say anything else.

  The rest of my day is spent on edge. I haven’t seen Tessa since this morning, and knowing Leo will be here soon, I pour myself three fingers of whiskey and sit and wait.

  It slides down my throat smoothly with a slight burn that I always welcome. I need Tessa’s taste as badly as I need this whiskey.

  This morning, before leaving for the basement, she was half asleep as she mumbled something about her show manager booking them an extra performance tonight for a special occasion. It didn’t register fully into my otherwise preoccupied brain considering she was naked and her morning voice was sexy and raw like I had just shoved my cock down her throat. I couldn’t resist pressing her back into the mattress and kissing her hard while my hand found its way down her body to give her a goodbye worthy of its name.

  Now, I wish I had asked a few questions. But right as I take my phone out to text Enzo, my door opens and in walks Leo with two of his most trusted men, Alfie and Richie.

  I slip my phone back in my jacket and down the rest of the amber liquid in my glass. I’ll check in with Enzo later. I know he’s going to make sure my woman is safe. He knows his life depends on it, and I have to focus on making it through this party.

  Standing, I button my suit jacket and give Leo a nod.

  “Let’s go,” is all he says in response.

  Only Leo and I are going to the party, not wanting all the Carfanos present in case something goes sideways.

  “You look tired,” I tell Leo as we’re driven across my little island to Sahara’s. Alfie drives us with Richie in the SUV in front of us and my two men in the one behind.

  “I am,” he says in a clipped tone.

  “What’s going on?” Leo is rarely tired. He’s more of a machine than I am. He rarely sleeps.

  “The Cubans in Miami have decided to go back on our already agreed upon importing costs, the Armenians have been dropping too many bodies in our territory and not cleaning up after themselves which makes it look like we’re taking their enemies out, and you have the Triads who won’t just fucking stay down when we put them there. Add in that both the Armenians and the Triads will be in the same room as us in less than a half hour as well as the Cicariello scum lackeys who will be standing in for Joey and the rest of them, and I’m fucking tired. Just tell me you won’t be distracted by anything for the next few hours.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ, Leo, you make it sound like I’m some pussy who can’t do my job.”

  “Just checking.”

  “You don’t need to,” I grit through clenched teeth.

  He looks out the window. “A woman can ruin men like us. Men who do what we do, are who we are. She’ll make you think twice before making a decision that you never would have before, risking your life in that split second. She’ll change you. She’ll give you a weakness where you had none before.”

  I’ve never heard him talk like this – lost in a memory he’s never shared. I want to ask him more, but decide to lay it all out there on my end for him to know.

  “Her name is Tessa. I want you to meet her. I’m not letting her go. I probably never should’ve gone back to see her dance after that first time, but the moment I saw her…” I trail off, not knowing how to put it into words. “The thought of her out there with another man burns me from the inside out to the point where I know I’d burn the fucking world down before that ever happened.”

  “She’s a fucking stripper?” Leo shakes his head and rubs his temples.

  “No, she’s not a fucking stripper,” I growl, fisting my hands so I don’t strangle him. “She’s a dancer. Ballet and shit. She teaches kids at a studio in town and is in the Friday night show at The Aces. That’s where I first saw her.”

  “Oh,” is all he says.

  “What?” I snap, knowing he wants to say something.

  “Nothing, Alec. I just didn’t expect that.”

  Releasing a rushed breath, I drop it because I don’t know what he means by that and we’ve just pulled up to Sahara’s.

  Leo and I lead the way to the door with our men flanking on the side and behind us. The bouncer checking off names doesn’t even bother asking for ours, already knowing who we are.

  Sahara’s is known for their massive midnight pool parties, and as we enter the glass dome structure attached to the hotel that encases the pool area, my eyes immediately scan those who have arrived before us, assessing the threat.

  Palm trees rise high from areas around the lagoon styled pool which has women floating in it with their tits out, sipping on cocktails. They no doubt were hired to be something to look at by the men in attendance.

  A stage is set up at the far end next to the DJ, which will more than likely have a well-known artist performing on it sometime later in the night. Bars are set up all around to keep the liquor flowing. Private lounge and cabana areas extend off from the cement paths that weave around the pool and surrounding area. A sand beach area to my left has beautiful women waitressing trays of both liquor and cigars in string bikinis that leave little to the imagination.

  The stairs leading to the second level are flanked by bodyguards, the private rooms up there where some will go to conduct business or drag one of the many hired women here for a quick fuck.

  “I need a drink,” I tell Leo, walking us over to the nearest bar.

  “I can already tell this is going to get wild pretty soon,” he says.

  “I know.”

  The Broker always has surprises throughout his parties. Last year, he had naked women come down from the glass roof, twisting and turning on silk ribbons that had every man in the place completely fucking entranced. Another year there was a sex show on stage that when over, had everyone breaking away to find any semblance of privacy in the cabanas with whichever woman they could claim first. The Broker always hires call girls to walk through the crowd and give the men whatever they want.

  I wonder what he has planned this year. He hosts these parties for the areas around the country and world with the highest concentration of his clients, and he doesn’t spare any expense.

  Moving around the room for the next hour, Leo and I make small talk with politicians, including the mayor of Atlantic City and New York, police chiefs from precincts all around the tri-state area, and presidents of the unions we control. It’s always important to show them your face every so often to remind them who owns them. Let them look us in the eyes so they know what’s coming for them if they decide they want to go back on any of our agreements and try to fuck us over.

  Nothing instills fear in a man who thinks they have a powerful position in life more than when you come around to remind them it can all be taken away in the blink of an eye.

  We avoid who we need to, and our men make sure none of them get too close to us either.

  After my third whiskey, and while in the midst of telling Leo how board I am of these people, the lights dim, and the DJ’s music morphs into something slow and sexy – a song I recognize.

  Three women take the stage and start to dance a routine I’ve become all too familiar with over the past two months.

  My eyes search the dark area surrounding the stage and in between all the guests, hoping it’s just the
liquor making me realize what I’m seeing.

  The song eventually fades out and the women leave the stage, the men all around yelling their praises and vulgarities after their retreating figures.

  I’m vaguely aware of Leo saying something next to me, but when the next song starts, and it’s one I know better than any other, I throw back the rest of my whiskey and shove it at a waitress passing by before pushing my way forward.

  Leo yells at me, but I ignore him, letting him and our men find their own way through the crowd, not caring in the least that I’m exposing myself. My eyes stay glued to the spot I know she’ll emerge from any second now.

  Chapter 18


  My emerald green skirt fans out around me as I spin out onto stage. My costume tonight for this party is different than my others, but my manager insisted, saying it would go well under the dim colored lights reflecting off the glass dome and pool. He told all of us performing that we needed to elevate our look, and even tweaked our routines slightly to make them even more sensual and eye catching than before.

  I got a glimpse of the party through the curtain when Jenna, Kayla, and Gina took the stage a few minutes ago, and all I thought was, holy shit.

  I’d always wanted to see one of Sahara’s midnight pool parties, but this is something else. Something more than I think they usually do. And I know the guests here aren’t of the garden variety kind that are typically in attendance either.

  I can feel a mixture of fear, power, rage, and a simmering of sinister energy swirling around the room. I don’t know who’s here, but I know they’re all dangerous.

  Amongst all of them, though, there’s one energy in particular that I feel caressing my skin like a black rose – soft velvet petals before the thorns cut me deep. Gently seductive, yet possessively scarring.

  I know that caress. I’ve come to crave that caress. I’ve come to need that caress.


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