The Fylking: Outpost and The Wolf Lords

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The Fylking: Outpost and The Wolf Lords Page 81

by F. T. McKinstry

  Leopard Clan: A guild of female witch-assassins trained in the deep swamplands of Skolvarin. Mark is a shining sun the color of henna with a black crescent moon in the center. Anonymous and deadly. See also Magreda of Tahslen.

  Loki: An Old God with questionable origins and a proclivity for chaos, malice and trickery. Served by the Order of Fenrir. Also called the Prince of Wiles, Father of Hel, Sly One. See also Fenrisúlfr, Hel.

  Lone Wolf: An inn located northeast of Vota near the border of Wyrvith Forest. See also Wyrvith Forest.

  Lysalfheim Hall: A meeting hall in the King's Citadel in Merhafr. Part of the Rangers' Square used for meals, companionship, gatherings and official meetings. Named after a midwinter constellation which aligns with the upper three points of the Gate pentacle. See also King's Citadel, King's Rangers, Rangers' Square.

  Maan Ket: The realm bordering Dyrregin east of the Cyrilian Mountains.

  Magnfred: First King of Dyrregin to claim the throne after the First Gate War. Started the Blackthorn Guild. See also Blackthorn Guild, First Gate War, Magnfred’s Pact.

  Magnfred’s Pact: A pact made between King Magnfred, the first ruler of Dyrregin after the First Gate War, and the god Othin, to destroy the demon Isarvalos and free the Order of the Hooded One. See also First Gate War, Isarvalos, Order of the Hooded One, Othin (Old God).

  Magreda of Tahslen: A prostitute at the Pink Rose cathouse. Trained in the ways of the Leopard Clan. A friend of Othin of Cae Forres. See also Leopard Clan.

  Maigunn: The first Archwolf of Ýr. Beloved of the god Othin. Under his guidance, she built Othin’s Eye and created the Masters’ Council to govern the affairs of the keep and maintain the integrity of the magical arts. See also Othin (Old God), Othin’s Eye, Ýr.

  Masters of Ýr: A council of powerful sorcerers who rule Ýr and have mastered certain elements and disciplines such as Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Images, Thought, Sound, Forms, Demons, Stone, Flora, Fauna, Heavens, and Curses. See also Archwolf, Order of Fenrir, Ýr.

  Math Gate: An interdimensional portal used by the Fylking to travel between the world of Math and other star systems. Pentagrammatic. Maintained by the Wardens' Order and protected by the Fylking. See also Apex, Fylking, Gatetower, Wardens' Order.

  Maworfae: See Sea witch.

  Melisande: A woman of Odr in the Vale of Ason Tae. Nicknamed Millie. A renowned knitter and lover of Othin of Cae Forres. See also Ason Tae, Sif.

  Merhafr: (mer HAHF er): Ruling seat of Dyrregin. A large port clustered around the King's Citadel on the western coast of the realm, near Tower Sor. Includes an inner ring of walls and a second ring that forms a semicircle from the northern side of the harbor to the Taeson River that bounds the city to the south. See also Dyrregin, Sor.

  Mermaid: A cathouse in Grayfen.

  Milfort: A coastal village located just south of Tower Sor, near Merhafr. See also Sor, Merhafr.

  Mimir Forest: A large, wooded swamp east of the Rue Hills, in Patanin. Treacherous and difficult to navigate.

  Mimir: A large, wooded swamp east of the Rue Hills, in Patanin. Treacherous and difficult to navigate.

  Minos: A royal house in Earticael, the ruling seat of Fjorgin.

  Moefir: An ancient and powerful Niflsekt warlock in service to Vaethir. Trained by Faetros. See also Faetros, Niflsekt, Vaethir of the Dragon Clan.

  Moor's Edge: An inn located in the wilds of Ylgr near the northwestern coast of Dyrregin on the Wythe Strait. See also Ylgr.

  Moust: An Adept of the Fenrir Brotherhood. See also Order of Fenrir.

  Nestor: A King's Ranger deployed to the North Branch. Took over the Ason Tae patrol from Othin of Cae Forres.

  Nichlaes Klemet: A lesser royal in House Earticael and Commissioner of the King’s Archive. Father of Leofwine and Ingifrith.

  Nidavellir: A dwarven hall in the Otherworld.

  Niflsekt: The ancient enemy of the Fylking. A High Immortal race serving the dark side of balance. Responsible for the Gate Wars. See also Fylking, First Gate War, Second Gate War.

  Night Guild: Hired blades who protect the prostitutes in Dyrregin's cathouses. Originally established by the kings of Dyrregin. Guardsmen mark themselves by wearing a black band from shoulder to waist. Colloquially referred to by rangers and guardsmen as "bats." See also Cathouse.

  Nith: Agda’s daughter and a priestess of the Order of the Hooded One. See also Order of the Hooded One.

  Norn: A being in the Fylking pantheon. The Norns rule fate and destiny; spinners, weavers, workers of magic. The term is used by Others and High Immortals to refer to Melisande. See also High Immortals, Melisande, Others, Seiðr.

  North Coastal Road: The main coastal thoroughfare from Merhafr to the northern border of Dyrregin. Passes through Austr and Ylgr.

  North Companies: A large force of Dyrregin Guard stationed in the Thorgrim Mountains and the Vale of Ason Tae, to protect the realm from invasion from the south and west. Commanded by Captain Edon.

  North Mountain Road: The main thoroughfare from Vota to the Vale of Ason Tae. Passes through Wyrvith Forest, the Thorgrim Mountains and the Wolftooth Pass.

  Nosthrod: A hall in Alfr Forest in northeastern Fjorgin.

  Odr: A village on the North River in the Vale of Ason Tae. Close to Tower Sif, the Apex of the Math Gate. See also Apex, Ason Tae, Sif.

  Oeoros: The Fylking homeworld.

  Oeoros-Math Gate: An interdimensional portal on Oeoros that allows travel to and from the Math Gate on world of Math. See also Fylking, Math Gate.

  Ogjan Mountains: A mountain range in northern Austr, east of the Thorgrim Mountains bordering the Vale of Ason Tae.

  Old Gods: The pantheon originally introduced to Math by the Fylking. Includes, among others: Balder, a sun god; Freya, a goddess of fertility; Hel, keeper of the realms of the dead; Loki, a mischievous trickster; Thor, a god of war and thunder; and Othin, the Allfather. See also Freya, Fylking, Loki, Othin (Old God).

  Olja: Wife of Damjan, the Master of House Jarnstrom. See also Jarnstrom Forge.

  Olsc Amathin: A realm in southern Maan Ket bordering Dyrregin.

  Order of Fenrir: An ancient order of sorcerers who serve Loki. Founded in Fjorgin. Symbol is a black wolf surrounded by leaves, moons and thorns. Adepts and Masters often referred to as Wolf Lords. See also Fjorgin, Loki, Old Gods, Regnhild, Ýr.

  Order of the Hooded One: An ancient order of priestesses who serve Othin, the Allfather. Imprisoned and hidden in Ýr by the original Wolf Lords and warded by Isarvalos. See also Othin (Old God), Isarvalos, Order of Fenrir, Ýr.

  Oscar: A scout stationed in the Birkan rangers’ station near the border of Ylgr.

  Others: Beings who inhabit the Otherworld. See next.

  Otherworld: The vast realm of the unseen existing beyond time and space; the source and reflection of physical events. Inhabited by an infinite variety of beings referred to as Others, including nature spirits, elves, goblins, phooka, planetary entities and other natural forces. This includes High Immortals, who occupy the unseen dimensions and are often, though not always, respected as gods. The Otherworld can be perceived by mortals with second sight, though interaction can be dangerous and is ill advised without training and protection. See also High Immortal, Phooka.

  Othin (Old God): The Allfather in the Fylking pantheon. Also called Hooded One, Magician, Wanderer, Trickster and Raven God. Accompanied by ravens and wolves, he often appears as a mysterious blue-cloaked figure. A notorious shapeshifter, he is considered tricky, unreliable, yet wise. See also Old Gods, Order of the Hooded One, Othin’s Eye.

  Othin of Cae Forres: Captain of the North Branch of the King's Rangers. Named after Othin, the Allfather. See also Othin (Old God), King’s Rangers.

  Othin’s Eye: A sophisticated portal to the Otherworld built deep beneath Ýr, the home of the Fenrir Brotherhood. Named after a Fylking tale in which the god Othin sacrificed an eye at the well beneath the roots of Yggdrasil for a drink of the water, thereby gaining knowledge of all things. See also Order of the Ho
oded One, Othin (Old God), Otherworld, Veil.

  Otter River Valley: A valley in the southern foothills of the Vale of Ason Tae. A day's journey from Odr.

  Ottersun: A far northern village beneath the Fomor Mountains overlooking the Wythe Strait.

  Patanin: A realm between the Thorgrim Mountains and the Taeson River.

  Phooka: A creature of the Otherworld. A shape changer, part human at times, or part or all animal such as a goat or a horse, always with dark fur. Bleak, uncanny and generally wicked, yet can also be beneficial depending on mood or circumstance. Considered a prince in the between realms. See also Otherworld.

  Pink Rose: A renowned cathouse in the coastal city of Fell. Managed by Mistress Kidge.

  Poes: A port in Fjorgin, located between Ýr and Antesh on the Wythe Strait.

  Prederi of Merhafr: A King's Ranger of the North Branch. See also King's Rangers.

  Rande: A King’s Ranger of the North Branch. An expert tracker. See also King's Rangers, Ylgr.

  Rangers' Square: A garrison in the King's Citadel in Merhafr, containing rooms, baths, kitchens and training yards in which rangers live between patrols. Strategically positioned on the eastern side of the citadel closest to the gates. See also King's Rangers.

  Rangers: See King's Rangers.

  Regnhild: Queen of the Northern Spire, an ancient empire that existed in what is now Fjorgin. Established the Order of Fenrir under the guidance of Loki. See also Loki, Order of Fenrir.

  Return of the Fylking: A date in Dyrregin history used to indicate a number of years after the Fylking returned following the First Gate War. The Fylking arrived in Dyrregin roughly 9000 years ago, and reigned for 6500 years until the Niflsekt destroyed the Math Gate. The realm lay accursed for 1000 years until the wardens returned and rebuilt the towers. After 300 years, the Fylking returned through the Math Gate, and the Dyrregin calendar marked a new age at that time. The present time in which The wolf Lords takes place is Return of the Fylking, 1247. See also Arrival of the Fylking, Fylking, First Gate War, Niflsekt.

  Rivergate: A town near Tower Sie, in Fjorgin. See also Sie, Sie War.

  Rolof: A King’s Ranger of the North Branch. Cousin of Bren of Ottersun. Killed in Ylgr. See also King’s Ranger, Bren of Ottersun.

  Rosalie: The daughter of Lord Detlef Halstaeg and younger sister to Arcmael.

  Rule of Exchange: A law that maintains balance between the mortal world and the Otherworld through the exchange of payment for work or favors asked of the Otherworld. Payment must be equal to the power of the being summoned and the extent of the requested task. See also Otherworld.

  Sachi: The young daughter of the Master of Water, in Ýr. Future Archwolf of Ýr. See also Archwolf of Ýr, Masters of Ýr, Order of Fenrir.

  Sae: An outer gatetower located in southern Dyrregin roughly twenty-five leagues from the Skolvarin border. See also Math Gate, Gatetower, High Fylking.

  Sea witch: A horrible, malevolent, powerful Otherworld being who rules over the sea. Known to take the shape of a beautiful woman in order to seduce mortal men.

  Seashell: A cathouse in Milfort. Said to be guarded by a dark elf.

  Second Gate War: A recent war between the Fylking and the Niflsekt that nearly resulted in the destruction of Math by a mighty demon who came through the Math Gate. See also Fylking, Math Gate, Vaethir of the Dragon Clan.

  Sef: An outer gatetower located in the Njorth Sea off Dyrregin's southwestern coast. Over millennia, the sea engulfed the granite shoals around this tower, isolating it from land. The wardens now tend it by sea using boats. Sailors avoid it for fear of the Fylking. See also Math Gate, Gatetower, High Fylking.

  Seiðr (Old Fylking): Primordial magic involving the understanding and manipulation of the threads that connect all things. The power of the Norns and Freya, the Witch Goddess. Revered by Old Gods and Others. See also Norn, Freya, Völva.

  Severed Kingdoms: a vast, Otherworld dominion cloaked in shadows and flames and inhabited by demons. See also Isarvalos, High Commander of the Third Sun.

  Shinter: A ringleader in a crime ring in Ylgr. See also Ylgr.

  Sie War: A war two hundred years ago between Dyrregin and Fjorgin. Since the establishment of the Math Gate by the Fylking, Dyrregin held the coastal lands in eastern Fjorgin, including Tower Sie. Fjorgin claimed and won all the lands west of the Njorth Sea. Afterwards, the two realms drew up the Njorth Treaty. See also Sie.

  Sie: An outer gatetower located in the realm of Fjorgin across the Njorth Sea. Once part of Dyrregin, Tower Sie was lost in the Sie War, but is still tended by the Wardens' Order under the protection of the Fylking. See also Math Gate, Gatetower, High Fylking, Sie War.

  Sif: An outer gatetower located on the northernmost point of the Math Gate in the Vale of Ason Tae. Called the Apex, Tower Sif merges with other worlds and is the first line of defense from attack by the Fylking's enemies. Guarded accordingly by grim Fylking warlords, Sif is enshrouded by dark tales. See also Apex, Math Gate, Gatetower, High Fylking, Niflsekt.

  Sigbjorn: Prince of Nosthrod and heir to the throne. See also Nosthrod.

  Sin: An outer gatetower located between the realm of Patanin and the Cyrilian Mountains bordering eastern Dyrregin. See also Math Gate, Gatetower, High Fylking.

  Skadi: Mistress of the Faersc Conservatory. A seer who serves the Fylking and trains the Wardens of Dyrregin. See also Faersc Conservatory, Fylking, Wardens' Order.

  Skaut: A rangers' station located in the southern foothills of the Vale of Ason Tae. See also King's Rangers.

  Skolvarin: The realm bordering Dyrregin to the south. Separated by the Great River. Protected by the Skolvarin Guard.

  Sleipnir: A constellation visible on the northern horizon in winter. Location of the Fylking homeworld of Oeoros. Named after Sleipnir, a gray horse with eight legs ridden by Othin. See also Othin (Old God).

  Soc: An inner gatetower located in Vinland. See also Math Gate, Gatetower, High Fylking.

  Sol: An inner gatetower located south of the Taeson River, fifty leagues due east of Tower Sor. See also Math Gate, Gatetower, High Fylking.

  Som: An inner gatetower located in southern Dyrregin fifty leagues southwest of Vinland. See also Math Gate, Gatetower, High Fylking.

  Sor: An inner gatetower located on the western coast of Dyrregin near the port city of Merhafr. Rumored to be inhabited by sullen Fylking warlords with a proclivity for harming mortals. Site of the mysterious disappearance of a warden named Edros. See also Edros, Math Gate, Gatetower, High Fylking, Merhafr.

  Sos: An inner gatetower located twenty-five leagues due east of Vinland on a peninsula on the western coast of Dyrregin. See also Math Gate, Gatetower, High Fylking.

  Soulcleaver: A fearsome being of the Dark Realms summoned by sorcerers to track and hold other magicians. Costly to summon and difficult to control. See also Adept, Dark Realms, Order of Fenrir, Rule of Exchange.

  Spruce Road: A road that picks up near the northern fork of the Blanch River in Austr and passes through the valley on the western flank of the Thorgrim Mountains. Often used as an alternate route into the Vale of Ason Tae in the winter, when the Wolftooth Pass is snowed in. See also North Mountain Road.

  Stone River: A township in the Ogjan Mountains on the road between Dyrregin's western coast and the Vale of Ason Tae.

  Stony: A long-standing member of the Night Guild who watches over the Pink Rose cathouse. See also Night Guild.

  Straelos: Son of Lord Detlef Halstaeg and younger brother to Arcmael.

  Taeson River: A large river south of the Fasos Hills that passes through Merhafr and into the Njorth Sea.

  Tahslen: A port city in southern Dyrregin, due east of Tower Sef in the Njorth Sea.

  Tasn: A King's Ranger of the North Branch.

  Thorgrim Mountains: The great mountain range in Northern Dyrregin that borders the Vale of Ason Tae. Home of the Faersc Conservatory. The Wolftooth Pass provides the most direct route over the mountains to the north. See also Faersc Conservatory.

bsp; Thorn: The sheriff of Ylgr. See also Dark Lords of Ylgr.

  Thurisaz: A rune. Misfortune, demons, opposition, persecution and the torment of women.

  Tower View: A tavern in the lower city of Merhafr that stands on the Taeson River in view of Tower Sor. Colloquially nicknamed the "Sour View" in reference to the grisly and mysterious tales that surround the gatetower. See also Sor.

  Ulfhidin: A King's Ranger deployed to the North Branch by Lord Detlef Halstaeg under shady circumstances.

  Ursa: A woman of Merhafr. Partner of Prederi. See also Prederi of Merhafr.

  Vaethir of the Dragon Clan: A Niflsekt warlock responsible for the First and Second Gate Wars. Commander of Niflsekt Covert Operations. Also known as Destroyer of the Math Gate, High Vardlokk of Chaos, Dragon Lord.


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