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Pyramids Page 27

by Terry Pratchett

Page 27


  Dont see why, grumbled an elderly priest at the back of the crowd. Bloody knife and fork artist.

  They grabbed him, still protesting, and hurled him into the river.

  All hail- They paused. Who was he high priest of, anyway?

  Bunu, the Goat-headed God of Goats? Wasnt he?

  All hail Bunu, probably, they chorused, as the sacred crocodiles homed in like submarines.

  Koomi raised his hands, imploring. It is said that the hour brings forth the man. He was the kind of man that is brought forth by devious and unpleasant hours, and underneath his bald head certain conclusions were beginning to unfold, like things imprisoned for years inside stones. He wasnt yet sure what they were, but they were broadly on the subject of gods, the new age, the need for a firm hand on the helm, and possibly the inserting of Dios into the nearest crocodile. The mere thought filled him with forbidden delight.

  Brethren! he cried.

  Excuse me, said the priestess of Sarduk.

  And sistren-

  Thank you.

  -let us rejoice! The assembled priests stood in total silence. This was a radical approach which had not hitherto occurred to them. And Koomi looked at their upturned faces and felt a thrill the like of which he had never experienced before. They were frightened out of their wits, and they were expecting him - him - to tell them what to do.

  Yea! he said. And, indeed, verily, the hour of the gods-

  -and goddesses-

  -yes, and goddesses, is at hand. Er.

  What next? What, when you got right down to it, was he going to tell them to do? And then he thought: it doesnt matter. Provided I sound confident enough. Old Dios always drove them, he never tried to lead them. Without him theyre wandering around like sheep.

  And, brethren - and sistren, of course - we must ask ourselves, we must ask ourselves, we, er, yes. His voice waxed again with new confidence. Yes, we must ask ourselves why the gods are at hand. And without doubt it is because we have not been assiduous enough in our worship, we have, er, we have lusted after graven idols.

  The priests exchanged glances. Had they? How did you do it, actually?

  And, yes, and what about sacrifices? Time was when a sacrifice was a sacrifice, not some messing around with a chicken and flowers.

  This caused some coughing in the audience.

  Are we talking maidens here? said one of the priests uncertainly.


  And inexperienced young men too, certainly, he said quickly. Sarduk was one of the older goddesses, whose female worshippers got up to no good in sacred groves; the thought of her wandering around the landscape somewhere, bloody to the elbows, made the eyes water.

  Koomis heart thumped. Well, why not? he said. Things were better then, werent they?

  But, er, I thought we stopped all that sort of thing. Population decline and so forth.

  There was a monstrous splash out in the river. Tzut, the Snake-Headed God of the Upper Djel, surfaced and regarded the assembled priesthood solemnly. Then Fhez, the Crocodile-Headed God of the Lower Djel, erupted beside him and made a spirited attempt at biting his head off. The two submerged in a column of spray and a minor tidal wave which slopped over the balcony.

  Ah, but maybe the population declined because we stopped sacrificing virgins - of both sexes, of course, said Koomi, hurriedly. Have you ever thought of it like that? They thought of it. Then they thought of it again.

  I dont think the king would approve- said one of the priests cautiously.

  The king? shouted Koomi. Where is the king? Show me the king! Ask Dios where the king is!

  There was a thud by his feet. He looked down in horror as the gold mask bounced, and rolled towards the priests. They scattered hurriedly, like skittles.

  Dios strode out into the light of the disputed sun, his face grey with fury.

  The king is dead, he said.

  Koomi swayed under the sheer pressure of anger, but rallied magnificently.

  Then his successor- he began.

  There is no successor, said Dios. He stared up at the sky. Few people can look directly at the sun, but under the venom of Dioss gaze the sun itself might have flinched and looked away. Dioss eyes sighted down that fearsome nose like twin range finders.

  To the air in general he said: Coming here as if they own the place. How dare they?

  Koomis mouth dropped open. He started to protest, and a kilowatt stare silenced him.

  Koomi sought support from the crowd of priests, who were busily inspecting their nails or staring intently into the middle distance. The message was clear. He was on his own. Although, if by some chance he won the battle of wills, hed be surrounded by people assuring him that they had been behind him all along.

  Anyway, they do own the place, he mumbled.


  They, er, they do own the place, Dios, Koomi repeated. His temper gave out. Theyre the sodding gods, Dios!

  Theyre our gods, Dios hissed. Were not their people. Theyre my gods and they will learn to do as they are instructed!

  Koomi gave up the frontal assault. You couldnt outstare that sapphire stare, you couldnt stand the war-axe nose and, most of all, no man could be expected to dent the surface of Dioss terrifying righteousness.

  But- he managed.

  Dios waved him into silence with a trembling hand.

  Theyve no right! he said. I did not give any orders! They have no right!

  Then what are you going to do? said Koomi.

  Dioss hands opened and closed fitfully. He felt like a royalist might feel - a good royalist, a royalist who cut out pictures of all the Royals and stuck them in a scrapbook, a royalist who wouldnt hear a word said about them, they did such a good job and they cant answer back - if suddenly all the Royals turned up in his living room and started rearranging the furniture. He longed for the necropolis, and the cool silence among his old friends, and a quick sleep after which hed be able to think so much more clearly . . .

  Koomis heart leapt. Dioss discomfort was a crack which, with due care and attention, could take a wedge. But you couldnt use a hammer. Head on, Dios could outfight the world.

  The old man was shaking again. I do not presume to tell them how to run affairs in the Hereunder, he said. They shall not presume to instruct me in how to run my kingdom.

  Koomi salted this treasonable statement away for further study and patted him gently on the back.

  Youre right, of course, he said. Dioss eyes swivelled.

  I am? he said, suspiciously.

  Im sure that, as the kings minister, you will find a way. You have our full support, O Dios. Koomi waved an uplifted hand at the priests, who chorused wholehearted agreement. If you couldnt depend on kings and gods, you could always rely on old Dios. There wasnt one of them that wouldnt prefer the uncertain wrath of the gods to a rebuke from Dios. Dios terrified them in a very positive, human way that no supernatural entity ever could. Dios would sort it out.

  And we take no heed to these mad rumours about the kings disappearance. They are undoubtedly wild exaggerations, with no foundation, said Koomi.

  The priests nodded while, in each mind, a tiny rumour uncurled the length of its tail.

  What rumours? said Dios out of the corner of his mouth.

  So enlighten us, master, as to the path we must now take, said Koomi.

  Dios wavered.

  He did not know what to do. For him, this was a new experience. This was Change.

  All he could think of, all that was pressing forward in his mind, were the words of the Ritual of the Third Hour, which he had said at this time for - how long? Too long, too long! - And he should have gone to his rest long before, but the time had never been right, there was never anyone capable, they would have been lost without him, the kingdom would founder, he would be letting everyone down, and so hed crossed the river. . . he swore every time that it was the last, but it never was, not when the chill fetched his limb
s, and the decades had become - longer. And now, when his kingdom needed him, the words of a Ritual had scored themselves into the pathways of his brain and bewildered all attempts at thought.

  Er, he said.

  You Bastard chewed happily. Teppic had tethered him too near an olive tree, which was getting a terminal pruning. Sometimes the camel would stop, gaze up briefly at the seagulls that circled everywhere above Ephebe city, and subject them to a short, deadly burst of olive stones.

  He was turning over in his mind an interesting new concept in Thau-dimensional physics which unified time, space, magnetism, gravity and, for some reason, broccoli. Periodically he would make noises like distant quarry blasting, but which merely indicated that all stomachs were functioning perfectly.

  Ptraci sat under the tree, feeding the tortoise on vine leaves.

  Heat crackled off the white walls of the tavern but, Teppic thought, how different it was from the Old Kingdom. There even the heat was old; the air was musty and lifeless, it pressed like a vice, you felt it was made of boiled centuries. Here it was leavened by the breeze from the sea. It was edged with salt crystals. It carried exciting hints of wine; more than a hint in fact, because Xeno was already on his second amphora. This was the kind of place where things rolled up their sleeves and started.

  But I still dont understand about the tortoise, he said, with some difficulty. Hed just taken his first mouthful of Ephebian wine, and it had apparently varnished the back of his throat.

  S quite simple, said Xeno. Look, lets say this olive stone is the arrow and this, and this- he cast around aimlessly - and this stunned seagull is the tortoise, right? Now, when you fire the arrow it goes from here to the seag - the tortoise, am I right?

  I suppose so, but-

  But, by this time, the seagu - the tortoise has moved on a bit, hasnt he? Am I right?

  I suppose so, said Teppic, helplessly. Xeno gave him a look of triumph.

  So the arrow has to go a bit further, doesnt it, to where the tortoise is now. Meanwhile the tortoise has flow - moved on, not much, Ill grant you, but it doesnt have to be much. Am I right? So the arrow has a bit further to go, but the point is that by the time it gets to where the tortoise is now the tortoise isnt there. So, if the tortoise keeps moving, the arrow will never hit it. Itll keep getting closer and closer but never hit it. QED.

  Are you right? said Teppic automatically.

  No, said Ibid coldly. Theres a dozen tortoise kebabs to prove him wrong. The trouble with my friend here is that he doesnt know the difference between a postulate and a metaphor of human existence. Or a hole in the ground.

  It didnt hit it yesterday, snapped Xeno.

  Yes, I was watching. You hardly pulled the string back. I saw you, said Ibid.

  They started to argue again.

  Teppic stared into his wine mug. These men are philosophers, he thought. They had told him so. So their brains must be so big that they have room for ideas that no-one else would consider for five seconds. On the way to the tavern Xeno had explained to him, for example, why it was logically impossible to fall out of a tree.

  Teppic had described the vanishing of the kingdom, but he hadnt revealed his position in it. He hadnt a lot of experience of these matters, but he had a very clear feeling that kings who hadnt got a kingdom any more were not likely to be very popular in neighbouring countries. There had been one or two like that in Ankh-Morpork - deposed royalty, who had fled their suddenly-dangerous kingdoms for Ankhs hospitable bosom carrying nothing but the clothes they stood up in and a few wagonloads of jewels. The city, of course, welcomed anyone - regardless of race, colour, class or creed - who had spending money in incredible amounts, but nevertheless the inhumation of surplus monarchs was a regular source of work for the Assassins Guild. There was always someone back home who wanted to be certain that deposed monarchs stayed that way. It was usually a case of heir today, gone tomorrow.


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