Courage In Love

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Courage In Love Page 2

by K. Sterling

  “What do you do?” Parker asked and he frowned when Ross sighed and shrugged dismissively.

  “I’m in defense.” He stated as he looked out the window and became absorbed in the steady flow of traffic outside. Parker rubbed his lip with his thumb as he considered.

  “What does that mean? Like, are you one of those Blackwater mercenaries or are you some kind of spy?” He joked and Ross laughed softly.

  “Maybe a little of both. Or, neither.” His lips pulled tight and he raised a brow. “It’s not something I can really explain but it’s not half as interesting as you’re imagining. I promise.” Ross insisted and Parker bit his lip as he tried to decide if he was ok with that vague of an explanation. Let it go. It might not matter after tonight. But for some reason, Parker wasn’t comforted by the thought. Mostly because he was still a little freaked out by the idea that he was actually sitting across from someone he’d found on a hookup app. And that he was so into a guy that he’d met through a hookup app. This didn’t feel skeevy or cheap.

  “Can I be honest?” Parker asked softly and Ross blinked and Parker could feel his focus become intense and it made him slightly uncomfortable, as if he was being read. Completely. Parker knew instinctively that Ross wouldn’t miss anything.

  “I’d like that.” He said simply and Parker wished he could read Ross half as well.

  “I’ve never done this before. I just came out of a relationship. Well, I’m just getting over being dumped. My sister has been on my case to start dating again and this is my first attempt.” Parker saw Ross’ eyes flare and he grinned as he leaned forward.

  “I’ve never done this either. Actually, I didn’t do this.” He admitted and Parker’s brows pulled together in confusion.

  “What do you mean?” He asked and Ross laughed as he cocked his head to the left.

  “They did it.” Ross whispered and Parker frowned as he looked over and saw two guys pretending to be unaware and caught up in their own conversation. Parker looked back at Ross expectantly, not at all sure he liked where this was going. Ross cringed as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I showed up thinking we’d be hanging out the way we do just about every weekend and they kind of blindsided me. They set up the profile and arranged our meeting.” He admitted. Oh, no, no, no. Parker shook his head and reached for his coat.

  “This was great but I’m going to head out. If you decide you’re still interested, you know how to find me.” Parker was rising from his seat when Ross’ hand closed around his arm and Parker froze. Ross’ eyes were huge and deep as they stared at Parker.

  “Please. Don’t go.” It was a soft, drugging plea and Parker groaned as he dropped back into his seat. He squeezed the bridge of his nose and tried to summon some strength and think straight.

  “Look. You’re really hot and smart and you’ve got this sexy, shy gentleman thing going on that’s really working for me but I don’t want to waste my time with someone that’s not really interested. Or ready. I wasn’t exactly excited about having a cheap one night stand and I’m sure as hell not into doing something we’re both going to regret later.” He explained and tried to tug his arm free. Ross held on tighter and his head tilted as he leaned over the small table. He smelled like fabric softener, soap and mint and Parker felt like he was melting as a wave of heat rolled off of Ross’ body and washed over him. Ross’ lips were inches from Parker’s and it would have been so easy to lean forward and taste them. Ross’ eyes became heavy as they locked on Parker’s lips.

  “I’m very interested.” It was a low rumble and it echoed through Parker and made his balls throb. “And I’m ready. I just don’t want you to think that I’m the kind of guy that’s ok with fucking someone and never hearing from them again.” He blinked and his eyes darkened as they searched Parker’s. Once again, Parker felt like Ross could see everything. He swallowed and nodded.

  “Good.” His voice was a bit shaky and Parker coughed softly. “We don’t have to have sex tonight. I’m fine with getting to know you better first.” He watched Ross’ hand release his arm and slide down until it reached his hand. Ross’ eyes were focused on their hands as his fingers glided slowly over the back of Parker’s hand. Goosebumps rushed up Parker’s arm and heat pooled in his groin when Ross’ head rose and his lips tilted in a lazy grin.

  “We both know we’re going to have sex tonight. I might have had this sprung on me but I haven’t been able to stop seeing that picture on your profile and I can tell by the way you keep looking at me that you’re seeing me naked at the lake.” He intertwined their fingers and Parker’s heart took off. It was beating so fast and so hard and he could see Ross naked, holding a wadded up shirt or pair of shorts over his groin as the other hand waved the camera away. Really broad shoulders and a wide, hard chest tapered into a narrow waist, a hard ass and muscular thighs. He looked like a god. Ross laughed softly and he trapped Parker’s leg between his. “So, you think I’m hot?” He asked as his thumb stroked Parker’s palm. Parker gave him his “duh” face.

  “I have a pulse.” He added and Ross chuckled as he shook his head.

  “I was sure you wouldn’t be interested. You’re so beautiful and your body is amazing.” He admitted and Parker swallowed a groan as desire roared through him. Without thinking, he reached across the table and wrapped his hands around Ross’ face and pulled as he leaned forward. Their lips collided and Parker moaned when he felt Ross’ hand wrap around his thigh as their tongues thrust and tangled. Parker angled his head and he hated that there was a table between them. He needed to feel Ross’ body pressed against his. Something dropped on the table and Parker and Ross looked up, panting and in shock.

  “We’re going home. Be safe, my children.” A slender, puckish blonde winked before he towed the tall, handsome yet nerdy looking guy with close cropped black hair from the brewery. Ross shook his head in disbelief before he turned back to Parker.

  “That’s Ian and Bryan.” He explained before he looked down at the table at a box of condoms and lubricant packets. “They’re obnoxious but occasionally useful.” Ross added as he quickly tucked the box into the front pocket of his hoodie. Parker laughed as they waved from the sidewalk.

  “They seem nice.” He mumbled and waved back. Ross shrugged and Parker decided he was ready to go too. Somehow, life had practically thrown the perfect man at Parker and the kiss had been incredible. Parker had never felt an attraction that instant and that intense. He wasn't going to give his brain a chance to get in the way.

  “Come on, I live just around the corner.” He said as he stood and grabbed his jacket. Parker took Ross’ hand and pulled him to his feet.

  Chapter 4

  Parker and Ross walked two blocks before Parker led him down a side street. Ross frowned as he looked back over his shoulder. It was dark and isolated. He looked back at Parker and shrugged, he didn’t like that Parker came through here often but he looked like he could handle himself. And Charlottesville wasn’t exactly D.C.. They came out onto a well lit street and Parker pulled his keys out of his pocket as he jogged up the front steps to the door of a duplex. He smiled and looked over his shoulder as he unlocked it and held it open for Ross.

  For a moment, Ross couldn’t breathe and he froze on the doorstep. Parker’s pale blue eyes, obscenely thick lashes and full, soft lips had been mesmerizing and his rich, caramel skin beyond tempting when they were in the brewery. Now, his overwhelming sensuality was almost intimidating. Ross wasn’t used to being this close to someone this beautiful. It suddenly seemed completely insane that a guy like Parker wanted him. What the fuck is going on? Ross blinked at Parker as he tried to find some logical explanation. Parker raised a brow and his head jerked toward the interior of the house.

  “Are you coming inside?” He teased and Ross nodded as he slowly walked over the threshold.

  “You just moved in.” Ross mumbled as he looked around. Parker’s brows pulled together as he locked the door behind them.

eah. How did you know?” Parker asked as he pulled off his jacket and hung it on the back of a chair. Ross raised a shoulder and gestured toward the window.

  “Curtains still have creases, fresh paint smell, the box from the new cook wear on the kitchen floor and the couch cushions look overstuffed.” He offered a shy smile as Parker drew near. “Sorry, habit.” Ross explained and Parker laughed softly as his hand slid around Ross’ neck and he pulled him close.

  “I was staying with friends until I finally accepted that it was over. I moved in two weeks ago.” His voice dropped off as his lips brushed against Ross’. They felt so warm and a current of heat rolled through Ross’ body from where their lips touched. He groaned as he angled his head and parted his lips. Parker’s tongue curled around his and Ross fisted his hands in Parker’s shirt. Clearly, he wants to have sex, Ross accepted and his nerves began to twist and his heart thundered in his ears. DO NOT fuck this up. Be cool and go with it before he comes to his senses. One of Parker’s hands sifted through his hair and the other wrapped around Ross’ ass and squeezed. “What are you into?” Parker whispered into Ross’ mouth. Ross’ nerves wound tighter and he cringed as he let his head fall back when Parker’s tongue slid down his neck.

  “I’m really into you.” Ross panted and Parker growled softly as his teeth grazed Ross’ skin.

  “Good. Do you want to actually get into me?” His voice was low and smooth and it made Ross’ cock pulse.

  “I have another confession.” Ross whispered and Parker hummed in response. “I’ve only done this a few times. I don’t really know what I’m doing.” He admitted and Parker’s head snapped up and his eyes were wide.

  “Are you kidding?” He asked incredulously. “You were Don fucking Juan in the brewery. If we were alone, I would have ripped my clothes off and begged you to fuck me right there.” Parker said as he grabbed the halves of Ross’ hoodie and tugged him toward the bedroom. Ross licked his lips before he ducked his head and pecked at Parker’s.

  “I just needed to touch you and I didn’t want you to go. I’ve been in the military my whole adult life. I’ve been really busy and I’m not very good at approaching other men unless I’m sure they’re interested.” Ross explained and Parker shook his head.

  “I promise, if they were gay, they were interested.” He grabbed the box in Ross’ pocket and tossed it on the bed before he pushed the hoodie over Ross’ shoulders. Anxiety and arousal coursed through Ross’ body and he had to pull in a deep breath as Parker’s fingers quickly flicked at the buttons of his shirt. Part of him wanted to grab Parker’s hands and slow him down while the rest of him wanted to push them away and rip the shirt off.

  “I just wasn’t good at figuring any of that out. Or this.” Ross murmured as Parker nibbled at his lips. Christ, Parker was so fucking hot and Ross was afraid he’d lose control and maul him or come before they even got started. As if Parker had heard his thoughts, he raised his head and smiled drowsily at Ross.

  “Sshhh…” He soothed as he spread the halves of Ross’ shirt apart. Parker’s hands pressed against Ross’ stomach and glided. “Tell me what you want and let me take care of it. Whatever you want, I’ll do it and make it good for you.” He promised and Ross’ legs felt weak.

  “Everything.” Ross sighed as Parker’s hands slid down and began to work at the fly of his jeans. “I want everything but I really want you to fuck me.” His head fell and he bit back a groan when Parker’s hand wrapped around his erection and stroked him through his boxers. He heard a deep moan from Parker before his tongue washed across his collar bone and Ross shivered.

  “I can do that.” Parker breathed against Ross’ skin. “But I have to taste you first.” He demanded as he pressed his hands against Ross’ chest before he pushed and Ross fell back on the bed.

  Ross rose on his elbows and watched as Parker quickly unbuttoned and threw his shirt away. Ross’ eyes grew wide when Parker pulled his undershirt over his head. Holy shit, he was perfect. The light from the hall was a halo behind him and his skin was like honey and his body looked like it had been carved from marble. Ross untied his boots and kicked them off before he pushed his jeans down his legs. Parker stripped down to his boxer briefs and crawled over Ross’ body until they were nose to nose. For a moment, Ross’ nervousness crested and he felt like he was about to jump out of his skin. Then, Parker’s lips closed over his and Parker lowered his body and wrapped it around Ross’.

  There was nothing else. Everything distilled into slick, hot need as Ross’ hands pulled and clawed at Parker’s body. He’d never wanted anything the way he wanted more of Parker. Ross sucked on Parker’s tongue as he wrapped his arms and legs around him. It felt so damn good. Nothing had ever felt so good. Parker’s hands slid beneath the waistband of Ross’ boxers and wrapped around his ass and Parker thrust his hips against Ross. His large, heavy erection ground against Ross’ and they moaned in unison. Parker pulled his lips free and gasped before his head dove into the corner of Ross’ neck and laved. Ross tried to clasp Parker to him but Parker pushed away and his lips and tongue swept hungrily over Ross’ chest and stomach.

  “You taste so good.” Parker groaned as his tongue dipped into Ross’ navel while his hands pushed Ross’ boxers down his legs. His breath was hot and wet as it washed over Ross’ length and Ross locked his hips and legs to keep from thrusting toward Parker’s mouth. When Parker’s tongue flicked at the head of Ross’ cock, he hissed and his hands fluttered against the sides of Parker’s head.

  “Oh, fuck!” Ross yelped when Parker’s lips wrapped around the head and began to suck.

  Need and Ross’ heart pounded hard. They were like a drum in his chest and ears as he clutched desperately at the comforter as Parker’s head rose and fell slowly over Ross’ groin. There was so much heat. Ross wasn’t sure if it was the room or something that started deep within him but his skin prickled with it and it pooled in the base of his cock and sack. It felt like Parker was going to swallow every inch of Ross’ rigid length, like his body was being pulled into Parker as it turned to liquid beneath Parker’s searching, soothing hands. Ross’ fingers fisted in his hair as he twisted and panted on the bed. Nothing like this had ever happened to Ross. He’d received a few quick blow jobs, once in a car and once in a department store dressing room, but this was completely different. This felt like something Ross would never stop feeling, like he’d live with traces of it forever and always want it.

  Parker’s mouth was hot, wet silk as it wrapped around Ross’ throbbing erection. It was almost like being drugged, like a thick fog of pleasure and desire that made Ross’ body heavy yet taut at the same time. When Parker’s lips skated down Ross’ shaft and pressed into his sack, Ross arched and gasped. He whimpered when Parker sucked gently at his balls and traced the line beneath them into the cleft of his ass. This was a first. No one had ever done this to Ross. He sucked in a breath and his eyes felt dry as he stared at the ceiling fan. Parker’s hands swept up his thighs, pressing them wide and aside from letting them fall, Ross held very still. Slippery warmth washed over his hole and his jaw fell open and his eyes rolled back as Parker growled softly before his tongue drilled into the puckered bud.

  “Christ, Parker. I…” Ross didn’t know what he was going to say but his brain evaporated as Parker’s tongue thrust and probed. Tendrils of searing pleasure licked at Ross’ nerves and his feet slid along the bed as he opened himself wider. Parker’s hands locked around the cheeks of Ross’ ass and tilted him as Parker’s face pressed deeper. He sucked at Ross’ tender flesh and Ross’ shoulders came off the bed. “God, that’s…” Ross gasped before he shoved a knuckle into his mouth and bit down.

  A finger pushed and slid past the tight ring of Ross’ ass and lightning streaked down his legs. He looked down and his eyes locked on the string of pre-cum that hung from the head of his erection, ending in a tiny pool on his stomach. Then, his eyes drifted down and Parker’s eyes were watching him, clear yet heavy as his tongue
washed over Ross’ balls. A second finger slid into Ross and he hissed as his hips came off the bed. A drowsy grin curved Parker’s lips as he rose over Ross’ groin. The muscles in Parker’s arm twisted and stretched as his fingers reached and curved. Color exploded behind Ross’ eyes and it was as if fireworks exploded deep in his ass. Ross rose on his elbows and whimpered Parker’s name. Parker’s grin widened and he repeated whatever sorcery he had just committed and Ross’ head fell back as a cascade of heat and electricity rolled through him. His balls pulled tight as pressure and pleasure started to build.

  “Parker.” Ross licked his lips, trying to make them work. “Please, I need you inside of me.” His voice was strained as he reached for Parker’s shoulder. Parker hummed softly as his lips brushed up the length of Ross’ cock.

  “Just a little bit longer. You’re really tight.” Parker whispered and Ross groaned as he felt another finger stretching him and Parker’s lips closed around Ross’ erection and began to suck gently.

  Ross fell back against the bed and clenched his jaw to keep from begging. Or cursing. He told himself to be patient, Parker clearly knew what he was doing. Not that Ross wasn’t appreciating Parker’s efforts. He was feeling things in parts of his body that he didn’t know were possible. But he was nearly frantic with need and he was so close to coming. The handful of times Ross had been on bottom had been good once he settled in and got used to it but as soon as he got off, it wasn’t very comfortable. He didn't want to miss that window.

  “Parker, I can’t hold it off much longer.” Ross panted. Parker released Ross’ cock and made more soothing sounds as he rubbed his cheek against Ross’ thigh.

  “Relax. I told you I’d make this good for you.” He said and Ross heard ripping as Parker opened the box. Ross sighed in relief.

  “It’s been a long time and I don’t want to come before you’ve fucked me.” He admitted and Parker chuckled as he tore a condom open with his teeth.


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