Courage In Love

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Courage In Love Page 9

by K. Sterling

  “What stage?” Ross whispered as his hands slid around Parker’s waist and down before Parker could put his cock back in his pants.

  “You know, where we walk in and take a piss while the other person’s brushing their teeth.” Parker chuckled but Ross shrugged.

  “I’ve taken a shit in front of my team. I’m not too worried about my modesty.” He admitted and Parker tilted his head back and gave him a pointed look.

  “I don’t know that I’ll ever be that comfortable with another person. I’m fine with keeping that sacred.” Parker declared and Ross laughed as he nuzzled his face into the corner of his neck.

  “Deal.” He let his teeth graze Parker’s skin and he wrapped his hand around Parker’s semi hard-on and began to stroke. Parker groaned as his head fell back onto Ross’ shoulder. Ross’ other hand glided over the ridges of Parker’s stomach and over his pecs. His fingers swirled around Parker’s nipple and he hissed. “This is all I want.” Ross’ voice was gravelly and low as he cradled Parker’s heavy length.

  Ross walked backwards, towing Parker with him into the bedroom. He stopped when they reached the bed and used one hand to open the fly of his jeans while he continued to caress Parker’s straining erection. He kicked his jeans and underwear away and released Parker long enough to pull his t-shirt over his head. Ross’ nerves sang as he dropped to his knees in front of Parker, pulling his jeans and boxer briefs down as he went and Parker’s hand slid around Ross’ jaw as his lips wrapped around Parker’s cock. Ross moaned around Parker’s erection as the taste and soft, soapy smell of Parker flooded his senses. Ross gripped Parker’s hips and guided him back onto the bed. Parker dropped and Ross followed, taking him deep into his throat.

  Urgent and hungry, Ross bathed Parker with his lips and tongue until his body started to shake with need. Parker was so hard and Ross felt the gnawing, tingling ache in his ass. He released Parker to grab the lube and condoms he’d bought earlier from the bedside table before he pushed his face into Parker’s sack and sucked it into his mouth. Ross ripped the wrapper open and stretched it over the head of Parker’s cock. Parker breathed Ross’ name as he stroked a generous amount of lube over his throbbing length. Ross looked up and was glad he was already on his knees. The sight of Parker’s long, muscular body, stretched out on Ross’ bed and his large, hard cock twitching and ready would have made Ross’ legs give out.

  “Tell me what to do.” Ross begged as his hands swept up Parker’s thighs. Parker grabbed Ross’ hands as he sat up and leaned forward to catch Ross’ lips.

  “Turn and sit.” He whispered before he lapped at Ross’ tongue.

  Ross stood on shaking legs and turned between Parker’s thighs and slowly lowered himself. Parker grabbed his hip as he guided the head of his cock to Ross’ entrance. Ross hissed as it pierced his tight hole and he held his breath as Parker’s hot, hard length filled his clenching passage. There was pressure and a slight burn but it was quickly replaced with tingling fullness and Ross gasped when his ass rested on Parker’s thighs. A shuddering moan spilled from Ross as warmth flooded his groin and the urge to rise and slam back down gripped him. Ross wrapped his hands around Parker’s thighs and was about to push off when Parker’s arms closed around Ross’ chest and he fell back, taking Ross with him. Parker’s hands swept soothingly over Ross’ body and he melted over Parker. His shoulders and neck relaxed and he sighed as he rubbed his cheek against Parker’s. Ross’ legs draped over Parker’s and fell to the side as Parker planted his feet on the mattress and thrust, driving smooth and deep into Ross. Lightning shot down Ross’ legs and radiated out of his groin and he gasped as Parker’s hand wrapped around his cock and began to stroke in time with the thrusting of his hips. Parker undulated fluidly beneath Ross as his other hand caressed and explored Ross’ body.

  “Oh, Jesus… the things you do to me.” Ross panted as his hands clutched restlessly at Parker’s hands, the bedding, his balls… “This feels so good. Your cock feels so good.” He moaned as he rubbed his cheek against Parker’s face. A hoarse laugh burst from Parker as his lips slid along Ross’ cheek to his ear.

  “You don’t know what your body does to me. I’ve never wanted anyone like this. I feel like I’m losing my mind when I can’t see or touch you.” Parker’s breath was hot and damp as it huffed in Ross’ ear. “I swear, I lay in my bed sweating and aching at night during the week. You’re like a drug, the way I need you.” He bit Ross’ earlobe and heat exploded within him and his skin became slick.

  “I need you to fuck me harder.” Ross begged and Parker growled as he released Ross’ erection and grabbed his thighs.

  “Stroke your cock. I need to feel you come.” Parker demanded breathlessly as he pulled Ross down hard against his thrusts as he rolled his hips, driving deep into Ross’ tight passage. Parker’s shaft ground against Ross’ prostate and a heavy, rolling wave of pleasure spilled though his body and Ross’ eyes rolled back into his head as he sobbed deliriously. He could feel pre-cum pouring over his hand as he tugged at his pulsing length.

  “Don’t stop.” Ross whimpered as he squeezed his muscles tight around Parker, causing him to hiss and jerk beneath him. “Right there. It’s so good, right there.” He squeezed again and his body became sparks of electricity and light flashed behind his eyelids as pressure slowly pushed up his shaft. Parker’s thrusts became jerky and desperate as he chanted Ross’ name.

  “I’m so close, come for me!” Parker growled as he pounded into Ross.

  The air was filled with strained curses, shredded moans, the rhythmic slapping of wet skin against wet skin and gasped breaths. Ross’ entire being clenched as he arched and froze and Parker screamed his name as he clawed at Ross’ skin. Ross’ body began to jump and twitch as come burst in a steady, thick stream from his cock. Parker’s arms wrapped tight around Ross’ chest as he shuddered and bucked beneath him. Ross felt Parker’s shaft pulse and contract before Parker went limp. Ross reached back and his hand curved gently around Parker’s face.

  “I want to feel that.” Ross whispered raggedly as he fought to catch his breath. Parker turned his face and hummed as he kissed Ross’ palm.

  “What?” Parker asked weakly as his hands slid up Ross’ stomach and he shivered.

  “I want to feel you come inside of me.” Ross stated and he felt Parker’s cock pulse. Parker moaned in agreement then hissed as he slowly pulled out. Ross slid off of Parker and rolled and rested on his elbows next to him. He brushed his lips across Parker’s chest. “I’m clean and if you tell me there won’t be anyone else and that you’re clean, I’m fine with not using condoms.” Ross murmured as he pressed kisses against Parker’s skin and Parker’s hand wrapped around Ross’ head.

  “Of course there won’t be anyone else but I’ll get tested. I’m pretty sure I’m clean but the farther I get away from David the worse he seems and the less I trust him.” Parker admitted and Ross nodded.

  “They test me after every mission to make sure I’m not exposed to anything. But, I can go and get tested with you, if you want.” Ross offered but Parker shook his head.

  “No, I’m not worried about you.” He said but his brows pulled together and he frowned.

  “What?” Ross asked gently.

  “What do you mean by ‘exposed to anything’?” Parker asked as he raised his head and stared down at Ross. Ross cringed as he considered what he should tell Parker and Parker’s eyes narrowed. Ross decided on being completely honest and sighed as he rolled onto his back.

  “They test for NBC exposure. Nuclear, biological and chemical agents. And they test for parasites, bacteria and viruses. I got stuck someplace once, for a few weeks, and by the time they could extract me, I had typhoid.” Ross squeezed his eyes shut when he heard Parker gasp as he sat up and turned to Ross.

  “Are you fucking serious?” He almost shouted and Ross nodded as he reached for Parker’s arm and rubbed soothingly. “Typhoid? They don’t vaccinate you for shit like that?” He
asked incredulously and Ross shrugged.

  “They do. Believe me, I’ve been injected more times than a lab rat. But, it’s still possible to get typhoid if the conditions are bad enough and the body is weak.” Ross explained and Parker’s hand clamped over his mouth to stifle a yell. Ross made a shushing sound and Parker’s eyes became wide and he shook his head. Ross sighed as he sat up and put his arms around him. “I survived, obviously. I spent a week in the hospital and I was as good as new when I came out.” Ross reassured and Parker turned and looked at him like he’d admitted he ate kittens.

  “The last time you were gone, you looked like you’d been thrown from a vehicle and dragged for miles.” Parker said as he searched Ross’ face. Ross grimaced, it wasn’t that far from the truth, actually. Parker’s eyes flared and his hands clutched at his head. “You were gaunt and beat the fuck up. You had to shave off all of your hair because of lice. Now, you tell me you ‘got stuck someplace’ and had typhoid. What the hell are you doing, Ross?” Parker’s voice was getting louder and he was starting to rock as his body became restless. Ross shifted and wrapped his body around Parker’s and brushed his lips against his ear.

  “You’re going to have to believe me when I tell you that more often than not, everything goes right and we’re really good at what we do. I can’t give you more than vague details and descriptions. It’s not because I don’t trust you. I’d tell you anything you wanted to know if I could. But, it’s as much for your protection as anything else.” Ross explained and Parker only relaxed a little. Ross kissed his neck softly and whispered his name. “Please, trust me when I tell you that I’m always careful. I don’t take risks and what I do is important. My team’s trust and safety are my first concern when I’m out there. And I have a really good reason to come home safe and sound.” He pulled Parker tight against him and rubbed his cheek against his shoulder. “I promise I will always let you know that I’m safe as soon as I can and I’ll contact you every chance I get.” Ross murmured and the rigidness finally left Parker’s body.

  “I’m going to worry every time you go and I won’t be able to stop until I hear from you.” Parker whispered and Ross nodded.

  “I know and I’m sorry about that. That’s why I don’t like talking about this with you. I don’t want you to worry. I love what I do and I love working with the people on my team. Until you, I never cared about going away. I’ve seen what it does to the other guys and how it affects their spouses and families. It’s one of the reasons I didn’t bother dating.” Ross admitted. It was a lot easier when he didn’t have someone he cared about. He pulled Parker back down to the pillows and settled Parker’s head in the corner of his shoulder and held him tight.

  “Promise me you’ll always come back.” Parker begged and Ross clenched his jaw as he waited for his emotions to settle.

  “I promise I’ll do everything I can and I’ll fight like hell.” Ross whispered and Parker became very still.

  “That’s not the same thing.” He argued gently and Ross nodded.

  “I know but it’s more honest.” Ross hoped that would be enough. Parker sighed as he let it go. Ross listened and tracked his breathing until it became steady and soft. His thoughts revolved around how falling in love with Parker would change his ability to perform and his dedication to his team. Ross’ eyes went to the black duffle bag by the bedroom door and he frowned as his feelings turned to dread. For the first time, Ross didn’t want the phone call, he didn’t want to go. Now, Bryan’s cozy, routine life looked like a dream.

  Chapter 17

  “Let’s get up and go for coffee.” Ross’ fingers swept over Parker’s scalp, sending a drugging warmth pouring down Parker’s spine that made him less inclined to do anything that involved being upright. He groaned as he wrapped his arms tighter around Ross’ chest.

  “I need a nap.” He grumbled and Ross snorted.

  “We just woke up.” Ross pointed out and Parker shrugged.

  “Yeah, but fucking you makes me really tired.” Parker explained as he burrowed into the corner of Ross’ neck. Ross laughed softly and there was more drugging warmth.

  “Just coffee and breakfast, then we’ll come back and spend the day being lazy.” Ross promised and Parker groaned again. Everything was just right. He was drowsy and snuggled against Ross’ perfect, warm body and his face was buried in his favorite spot in the whole world. He took a deep breath and the clean, soft scent of Ross filled him. Parker knew if he licked Ross, he’d taste slightly minty. He’d taste divine and Parker wanted to stay right where he was.

  “I thought you bought stuff yesterday.” He argued and Ross nodded and stretched, dislodging Parker’s face from his happy place.

  “I did but I don’t like to buy coffee. It’s never as good at home as it is from my place.” He explained as he rolled and propped himself up on his elbows. Parker frowned at the ceiling as the content and drowsiness wore off and his stomach growled. He sighed as his head flopped sideways, toward Ross.

  “Fine. But this coffee better be good. You ruined my perfect morning.” He complained as he sat up. Ross snorted again.

  “Being lazy is your perfect morning?” He teased and Parker shook his head as he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

  “No. Having sex with you and then wrapping myself in you for hours is my perfect morning.” Parker said as he turned on the water. Hands grabbed his shoulders before Parker was spun around. Ross’ body slammed into Parker’s as Ross’ hands closed around his face and his lips collided with Parker’s. Stunned, Parker gasped and Ross’ tongue surged in, demanding and probing. Ross’ hands swept down Parker’s body and spread across his back, pulling Parker closer, cradling him against Ross’ chest. When Ross finally raised his head, Parker was slightly dazed and aroused. Ross’ eyes were wide and full as they spilled into Parker’s.

  “Everything with you is perfect, Parker. You make me so happy.” He whispered and a soft moan slipped from Parker’s chest and his toes felt like they were coming off the floor. Ross dipped his head and brushed his lips against Parker’s. “I never imagined I could feel like this, that I’d have this with anyone.” Ross admitted and Parker held onto Ross’ shoulders as the room tilted.

  “I never knew I could be this happy. I thought I was before but I was wrong.” Parker breathed the words against Ross’ lips and they curved before he began to nibble on Parker’s lower lip. Parker growled softly and his hands slid down Ross’ shoulders and over his chest. Ross’ hands locked around Parker’s wrists and he shook his head.

  “We’re getting ready, remember?” He gave Parker a pointed look and Parker’s lip pushed out.

  “Fuck me, first.” Parker demanded as he rocked his hips against Ross’, grinding against Ross’ semi hard cock. Ross shook his head again.

  “Nope. You’ll end up talking me into a nap and then I won’t get my coffee.” He argued and Parker scowled.

  “I swear, if this coffee isn’t really good, I’m going to fall out like a toddler.” Parker promised and Ross laughed as he turned him and pushed him toward the sink.

  “It’s really good.” Ross assured him as he reached around Parker and grabbed his toothbrush. Parker rolled his eyes and shook his head.

  “It can’t be better than your dick.” He stated and Ross choked. Parker shrugged. “Just thought I’d put it in perspective, since that’s what I’ll be missing out on.” He said as he squeezed toothpaste on his brush. Ross’ cheeks turned pink and Parker decided it was almost as much fun as having sex.

  “We’re not going to be gone long and my dick will still be here.” Ross murmured before he jammed his toothbrush into his mouth. Parker grinned wickedly at Ross through the mirror.

  “I probably won’t even taste it.” Parker’s eyes flicked to Ross’ cock and it jumped. “I’ll be too busy trying to decide if I want to suck your dick until you come or if I want you to fuck me senseless before you pull out and come in my mouth.” His eyes went to the ceili
ng and Parker waved the toothbrush in the air as he pretended to give the matter a lot of thought. When he looked back at Ross, his eyes were wide and the toothbrush slipped from his hand and fell into the sink. Ross’ erection was large and Parker could practically see it pulsing.

  “Ummm…” Ross blinked back at Parker through the mirror and Parker winked as he raised his toothbrush.

  “You better get on with it. You don’t want to miss out on that coffee.” Parker announced before he started to brush.

  The coffee was really good. Parker was impressed but it still wasn’t as good as the taste of Ross’ cock. Or any part of his body. But Parker made the best of it. They shared scones and a fruit salad as they relaxed by a window and the watched joggers and early shoppers. When they got back to Ross’ house, Parker made sure that Ross understood how much Parker enjoyed his cock. He took his time, teasing and sucking it until Ross was desperate, panting and moaning Parker’s name hoarsely before Parker got on his knees and demanded that Ross ride him hard and fast. As always, it took a lot of coaxing to get Ross to let go. Ross had a habit of holding back, afraid he’d hurt Parker. But Parker wanted Ross mindless and uninhibited, he loved that he could rob Ross of his control and his gentle manners. No one had ever fucked Parker so hard and so deep, so completely. When Ross gave in, he could make him come without touching his cock, he rode Parker into oblivion and made his ass sing like a church choir.

  “God, you’re an animal.” Parker groaned into the pillow as he stretched. He was going to be sore later. Ross’ hand slid down Parker’s slick back soothingly.


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