Courage In Love

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Courage In Love Page 16

by K. Sterling

  “I’ve been talking to a man named Keen a lot lately. He trained me and he’s sort of a mentor. He retired and set up a contracting company that trains law enforcement and military. I told him I was thinking about getting out and he wants me to work for him. Actually, he’s being really persistent. Keen says I can come in whenever I’m ready.” Ross watched Parker but he remained still, his eyes blinked a few times but otherwise, Ross couldn’t get a read on his reaction.

  “What would you be doing?” He asked cautiously. Ross shrugged.

  “Training. He teaches mostly smaller police department bomb techs how to detect and disarm explosive devices and use new protective gear and technology. He’s done really well for himself and he’s stretched too thin. He wants to take more contracts but he can’t keep up. And he’s going in with a developer to create and design new gear and tools. Some robotics as well. He wants me to do some consulting too.” Ross waited but Parker remained passive.

  “Is this something you’d want to do?” His voice stayed flat, nothing but his eyes moved. Ross’ brows pulled together as he nodded.

  “Yeah. I’d feel like I was still making a difference and the pay is good. It’s really good. I’d be making more than three times what I’m getting now.” Ross held his breath while Parker blinked a few more times.

  “So, what’s the catch?” He sounded wary and a little defensive. Ross exhaled loudly and rose onto his knees.

  “I’d still have to travel. Keen says that most of his contracts are in the Virginia/D.C. area but he goes all over the states. He promises that I wouldn’t be gone more than three or four days a week and he’d try to keep me in the area as much as possible.” Ross stopped when Parker released a long breath.

  “The states? Like, The United States?” He asked and Ross nodded as he sat on his heels and he cringed.

  “He’s working on contracts in The Middle East, training Iraqi and Afghani military and police units but he says he’ll take as many of those as he can. I might have to go a few times a year but it would be completely different from what I do now. I’d be gone for no more than two weeks, I’d stay in a hotel in a totally safe zone and I’d be well protected. I’d get huge bonuses for the times I was overseas.” Ross saw Parker’s mouth open as he pulled in a deep breath and Ross held his hands up soothingly, before Parker could protest. “But I wouldn’t do it more than once or twice a year and I’d be able to talk to you a few times a day. I warned Keen that I can’t be gone all the time.” He explained quickly and Parker laughed as he sat up and reached for Ross. Stunned, Ross gasped as Parker’s arms wrapped around his chest and he was rolled onto his back.

  “Ross, that’s incredible!” Parker exclaimed as he stared down at Ross. “Why didn't you say anything? Did you tell him yes?” He asked excitedly and Ross went almost boneless with relief. He chuckled as he slid his hands up Parker’s back.

  “I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do or what you’d want. I don’t want to do any more missions. I didn’t know if I was really ready to stop. I would have if you wanted me to but until this last trip, I was worried that I would only be doing it to make you happy. I don’t want to be away from you like that anymore. And I’m scared in ways that I wasn’t before. I have too much to lose and I’m terrified that I’ll hurt you. It’s time for me hang it up and do something else.” Ross felt tears roll down his temples as he watched Parker’s eyes shimmer before they overflowed. One of his tears hit Ross’ chin and Parker laughed as he dropped his face into the corner of Ross’ neck.

  “I love you so much!” His arms wrapped around Ross, pulling him tight. “I’m so happy!” He laughed again before his head snapped up and he searched Ross’ face. “You’re sure this is what you want? You’re not just doing this for me? I would have found some way to make it work though I probably would have started withholding sex until you retired for good.” He teased and Ross rolled his eyes.

  “You wouldn’t have lasted more than a week.” He wrapped his hands around Parker’s face and kissed him deeply. “I’m sure. I’m going to let them know that I’m done when I go back on Monday. I’ve only got a few months left. I can start out-processing in a few weeks. We’re not preparing for anything right now, so it’s a good time for Mark to start looking for my replacement. Something may come down the line and we might still get called out but it should be quiet from now on.” Ross’ nerves flickered and he silently prayed that he hadn’t just jinxed himself. Parker shook his head slowly and his eyes were wide.

  “You’re not going to leave anymore…” He whispered and Ross gave him a stern look.

  “I might still have to go before I’m officially a civilian. And I’ll still have to take some overnight trips during the week.” He warned and Parker smiled.

  “But it’ll only be a few days without you and you won’t be in danger anymore.” He argued and Ross sighed happily as he wrapped his arms and legs around Parker.

  “Just a few more weeks and it’ll be over. I’ll just be a boring guy and you’ll be sick of me being around so damn much.” He heard Parker snort close to his ear.

  “That sounds like heaven, Ross. Stay and bore me as much as you want.” Parker insisted.

  Chapter 27

  “I think we should look at this.” Ross said as he slid a piece of paper across the table. Parker’s heart stopped when he saw the words Open House.

  “Do you think we’re there?” Parker asked and Ross grinned.

  “Did you know that you always ask a question when you’re afraid to be the first one to say something out loud?” He slid his chair closer and wrapped his arms around Parker’s neck. Parker hoped that Ross couldn’t hear his heart pounding wildly. “I love you and I think we should live together. Let’s buy a house. I’ll sell my place and move up here. I can telecommute when I’m not on training trips, so I’ll basically be working from home.” Ross rubbed his lips against Parker’s cheek. “Come on, we’re ready for this.” He insisted and Parker licked his lips nervously as he tried to make his brain work.

  “David kept our place and I was homeless for weeks. He kept all of our stuff because I had nowhere to go. I ended up in that shoebox and had to start over with new furniture and cheap dishes.” Parker babbled as he stared at the listing. Ross’ hands cradled Parker’s face.

  “Listen to me.” Ross commanded as his eyes locked onto Parker’s. “You know that I’m not him. Stop thinking I could be capable of what he did.” Ross insisted and Parker nodded and pressed a kiss to his lips.

  “Ok.” He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.” Parker picked up the paper and his brows pulled together.

  “This has three bedrooms.” He looked at Ross and he shrugged.

  “I figured we could turn one room into an office and share it and the other could be a guest room for when your mom and sister visit. Or, if we decide we want to have kids…” Ross paused and Parker’s head swung toward Ross’.

  “Kids?” Parker yelled and Ross held his hands up and made a shushing sound.

  “We don’t have to decide that now. I just thought it would be good to have it there, in case that’s something we wanted to do. Later. One step at a time.” Ross murmured soothingly and Parker nodded jerkily as he pushed away the panic inducing thought of children and focused on living with Ross.

  “Fine. We can go look at this.” He agreed and Ross laughed as he pulled Parker to him. His lips covered Parker’s and his tongue swirled around and caressed Parker’s teasingly before he jumped to his feet.

  “Let’s go! You’re going to love it.” Ross announced as he tossed cash on the table. He grabbed Parker’s arm and tugged. “It’s just a few miles from Bryan and Ian and close to campus.” Ross began reciting details as he dragged Parker from the diner.

  The house was perfect. A few weeks later, they were shuttling Parker’s meager belongings to the newly remodeled Cape Cod. Well, everything that Ian didn’t declare “sad bachelor furnishings”. Those boxes were dropped off for d
onation to The Habitat Store. The team helped Ross pack up his house and Mark and Michelle drove up to help unpack. Michelle insisted that her and Parker break in the hammock that her and Mark brought as a housewarming gift. Parker tried to escape when she pulled out a bottle of tequila but she wouldn’t be denied. To his great shame, Parker discovered that hammocks were very worthy adversaries and capable of catapulting grown men face first onto the ground.

  Chapter 28

  “What do you think about adding more bookshelves to the living room? And maybe along one side of the hallway?” Ross asked as he lifted Parker’s legs and dropped onto the couch next to him. He settled Parker’s legs over his lap and reclined. Parker nodded as he narrowed his eyes and stared at the wall behind the television.

  “I can see that.” He agreed. “We can call a few carpenters and get some quotes.” Parker said as he looked back down at the paper in his hand. Ross waved dismissively.

  “I’ll make them.” He insisted and Parker frowned.

  “I think it would be simpler to just pay someone and let them worry about the supplies and tools.” Parker countered and Ross shrugged.

  “Bryan’s got all the tools I’d need. Though I think I might go ahead and buy my own.” He couldn’t help but grin and get a little aroused at the idea of purchasing an arsenal of power tools. “Yeah…I’m going to get my own.” Ross leaned and stretched toward Parker’s lips. Parker’s head pulled back.

  “Do you think that’s wise? Have you built a lot of things?” He raised a brow skeptically and Ross laughed as he reached for Parker.

  “Trust me. A few bookshelves will be child’s play.” Ross promised. “Next time you’re at Bryan and Ian’s ask to see their “Before” and “After” pictures. That house was a dump before we remodeled it.” He said and Parker shook his head in disbelief.

  “I didn’t realize you were so talented.” Parker murmured as he wrapped his arms around Ross’ neck. Ross growled softly as he tilted his head and nibbled on Parker’s ear.

  “I don’t like to mess with electricity but I can do just about everything else.” He breathed and Parker shivered.

  “Anything?” He panted and Ross chuckled.

  “I could build you some furniture. Or, if you want me to remodel one of the bathrooms…” His tongue traced the swirl of Parker’s ear. “I’m really good at laying pipe.” Ross whispered. Parker blinked a few times before his mouth fell open and he roared with laughter.

  “Shit, that was bad!” He gasped as he wiped his eyes. “Just go. Do whatever your handy, nerd heart desires.” Parker said as he waved at the door. Ross sighed as he sat up.

  “Fine. You’ll change your mind when you see the shelves I’m going to build.” Ross announced as he pushed Parker’s legs off of his lap and stood up. Parker snorted.

  “Will they be studly shelves?” He teased and Ross shook his head.

  “Make your jokes, professor. They're going to be the sexiest shelves you’ve ever seen.” Ross stated as he jumped to his feet. “I think I’m going to buy a table saw…” He started to scan, trying to think of any future projects he might want to do that would justify the purchase. What the hell, I’m buying a fucking table saw, Ross decided. He leaned over the couch and dropped a kiss on Parker’s lips. “I’m buying all the tools.” He said as he stood. Parker sighed as he went back to his papers.

  “If that’s what you want. Have fun.” He mumbled.

  Chapter 29

  “Wow, Ross.” Parker shook his head as he watched Ross apply a final coat of white paint over the shelves in the upstairs hallway. “I apologize for doubting you. These are beautiful.” He admitted and Ross grinned as he set the brush on the edge of the can and stood up. His white t-shirt clung to the grooves in his chest and stomach and Parker’s pants felt tighter. Parker decided he liked watching Ross make things. “So… you mentioned some bathroom remodeling?” He murmured as he reached for Ross. Parker’s hands drifted down the back of Ross’ damp t-shirt and over his ass. He wrapped his hands around the tight globes and squeezed as he tilted his head so he could slide his tongue up the side of Ross’ neck. There was the clean mint taste and a hint of salt. Parker groaned and his teeth grazed Ross’ skin and his cock became painfully hard. Ross growled as he lifted Parker and wrapped his legs around his waist.

  “I’ll do whatever you want.” Ross said as he carried Parker into the bedroom.

  Ross set a knee on the bed and fell forward, holding Parker against his chest with one hand and catching himself as they hit the mattress with the other. He released Parker and rose to pull his t-shirt over his head. Parker moaned in delight as his hands roamed Ross’ slick skin before they swept down and attacked the fly of Ross’ jeans.

  “I want your cock.” Parker demanded as he pushed Ross’ jeans and boxers down his hips. Parker fell back, pulling Ross with him. “Give it to me.” He urged as he stared up at Ross.

  There was a flash of heat in Ross’ eyes and he licked his lips before he dropped his head and kissed Parker. His tongue probed, swift and determined before he raised his head and crawled over Parker’s body until his cock hovered above Parker’s face. Parker moaned in delight as he wrapped his lips around the head and grabbed Ross’ hips. Ross hissed as Parker began to suck hungrily. He lifted and pulled on Ross’ hips, and Ross groaned as he started to thrust carefully. Parker hummed in approval and Ross cursed. Parker relaxed his throat, taking more of Ross’ length.

  “Oh, fuck.” Ross whispered hoarsely. “That’s so good, Parker” His hips continued to rise and fall tentatively and Parker moaned in frustration, urging Ross to thrust harder. He shook his head. “I can’t.” Ross protested. “Give me your ass and I’ll ride you as hard as you want but I can’t do that.” He argued. Parker pulled free and gasped.

  “Do it!” Parker ordered as he rubbed his lips over the head of Ross’ cock. “Fuck me hard, right now.” He reached down and pushed his track pants over his hips.

  Ross pushed off the bed and dove for the bedside table and snatched the bottle of lube from the drawer. He tossed it on the bed then grabbed Parker’s hips, flipped him and dragged him down the bed until his legs hung off the side. Ross dropped to his knees and his hands wrapped around the cheeks of Parker’s ass and parted them as his face pressed into the cleft. His tongue washed over Parker’s hole and he screamed Ross’ name.

  “I need you to fuck me. Now.” He complained and Ross shook his head.

  “This first.” He hummed happily as he licked Parker in broad strokes. “You taste so good.” Ross growled as he pressed Parker’s cheeks wider and drilled his tongue into the tight bud. Parker yelled into the mattress, begging and swearing as Ross licked and sucked relentlessly.

  “Ross!” Parker howled as he clawed at the bedding. “Please!” He cried as his legs began to shake. Ross rose and quickly coated his cock with lube and was about to slide a finger into Parker’s clenching heat when Parker shook his head. “No. Just fuck me.” He begged. “I swear to God, if you don’t…” Parker’s eyes flared and his mouth fell open as Ross’ cock pushed past his tight entrance and thrust forward quickly until he was fully seated. Parker’s eyes shut and he sighed in relief.

  “Is that what you want?” Ross whispered and Parker nodded. Ross shook his head. “I don’t think so.” He said and he pulled his hips back until the head of his cock was just at Parker’s entrance before he slammed forward. Parker yelped and Ross laughed hoarsely. “What about that? Is that it?” He asked and Parker nodded drunkenly. Ross shook his head again. “I don’t think that’s it either.” He ground his hips hard against Parker’s ass, lifting his feet off the floor and Parker grunted. Ross grabbed Parker’s hips and rolled his next thrust as hard as he could and Parker yelled as he fisted his hands in the comforter. Ross let his nails drag down Parker’s back and he gasped. “How was that?” Ross asked and Parker moaned into the bed.

  “Really good.” He panted and Ross released a strained chuckle as his hands slid u
p Parker’s back. He wrapped them around Parker’s shoulders and rubbed them soothingly.

  “It’s not quite right though.” Ross’ voice was gravelly and thin and Parker knew he was hanging onto his control by the tips of his fingers. “I think this is what you want.” He said as he tightened his grip on Parker’s shoulders and drove deep before his hips flexed back and then slammed forward again.

  “Oh, God! Please don’t stop!” Parker sobbed and Ross snapped.

  All of his control vanished and he pulled Parker’s body into his thrusts as he rode Parker relentlessly. Parker bit down on a fistful of sheets and screamed as Ross continued to pound into him. Pressure surged from Parker’s sack, into the base of his cock and up his shaft as a hot wave of pleasure flooded his groin. Parker’s nerves sparked and he hauled in a desperate breath.

  “Ross!” He gasped before his nerves exploded and his body convulsed beneath Ross’. Come burst from the end of his cock as a current of liquid heat shot down Parker’s legs and the muscles around Ross’ shaft squeezed.

  “Chriiist!” Ross yelled as his back arched and he thrust deep and froze. His hips jerked twice and Parker felt heat flood his passage. Ross’ hands locked around Parker’s waist as he shuddered before he fell forward, draping himself over Parker’s back. He kissed Parker’s shoulder before he rubbed his cheek against his skin and sighed happily. “Are you ok?” He murmured and Parker laughed.

  “I’m probably going to need all of my meals delivered to me in bed for the next few days but other than that, I’m really ok.” He said and Ross groaned as he pressed his hands to the bed and pushed off. Parker hissed as Ross’ cock slid out and a tremor rippled through his body. Ross stood up and pulled Parker to his feet. He frowned at the comforter and looked back at Ross. “We’re going to have to find a different dry cleaner. That’s the third time in two weeks.” Parker complained and Ross grinned as he pushed his hand through his hair.


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