Unspoken Love

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by Lynn Gale - Unspoken Love

  Nicholas shook her loose.

  “I made a decisive blunder in ever knowing you.” Swiftly he strode from the inn, leaving Bonita embittered and humiliated. Jealousy tore at his heart as he ventured behind the inn. His thoughts were in turmoil as he visualized Jenny in the arms of the Indian that Bonita had described.

  Chapter 7

  Jenny tensed when she heard hoofbeats approaching and wondered if the mysterious Indian had returned. She glanced back and saw Nicholas riding toward her. A sigh of approval escaped her lips, and she sent him a captivating smile. “I’m glad to see you, Nicholas. You won’t believe what happened to me.” She stopped talking when she saw his green eyes blazing down at her.

  “We’ll converse when we get home,” he answered gruffly.

  Piqued at his brusque response, she inwardly chastised herself for actually being glad to see him. Nicholas didn’t respond, and they rode home in silence. The tension became unbearable for Jenny.

  When they arrived at the plantation, she dismounted and sent Daisy to the stables. Ignoring Nicholas, she rushed into the house.

  Nicholas followed fast on her heels. “I want answers, Jenny. Were you with a man today?”

  Innocent of what had befallen her and refusing to be less than honest, she replied, “I was.”

  “And was this man an Indian by the name of Nakao?”

  “Why, yes,” Jenny said puzzled. “I’m amazed that you are so well informed. I didn’t tell anyone.”

  “You dare to stand here and admit that you were with another man?”

  “I resent your accusing tone!” She stood her ground refusing to let him bully her.

  Nicholas glowered at her before striding from the house. He paced the garden path, anguish filling his mind, for Jenny had still not spoken of her time away from him. His imagination ran rampant as he conjured her lying in the arms of another. Did that Indian caress her skin the way I have wanted to? Did he trail kisses down her bosom and cause her to writhe with desire? Had he loved her passionately? Had Jenny responded in kind? Questions continued to torment him, and he refrained from rushing back to the house and demand that Jenny reveal everything to him.

  After a lengthy trial, Judge White released Waoota and felt at peace with himself for having done so.

  Moments after the Judge’s decision, Nakao stood outside the jailhouse with two horses tethered to the hitching post. Waoota stepped outside and took a deep breath. “I am glad to be out of confinement.”

  Nakao clasped his brother’s hand in victory. “You are free, Waoota!”

  Waoota gave him a puzzled look. “You helped win my freedom, but how?”

  “I will explain everything to you soon.” He placed his hand on Waoota’s shoulder. “I brought your horse. Go home, and be in peace. I will join you later, but first I have a woman to see.”

  Waoota gazed at Nakao with questioning eyes. “You found a sweetheart while I was in jail?”

  Nakao broke out in hearty laughter. “No. Now, go!”

  With pleasure, Nakao watched Waoota leap astride his horse and ride out of town. After seeking Jennifer’s whereabouts, he headed for Small Timbers.

  Nearing sundown, a misty rain began to fall as he rode onto the plantation grounds. He cantered up the winding lane and saw the field hands, their shoulders slumped and feet dragging from a full day’s work, retiring to their quarters.

  Jenny rushed about, preparing the evening meal. The aroma of fresh baked bread and hot bubbling stew filled the kitchen. Careful not to burn herself, she removed the loaves from the oven, then set the table for two. Hearing distant thunder, she peered out the window and saw dark clouds rolling in. She grabbed an empty bucket to fetch water before the storm came. When she opened the door, Nakao was standing in the entrance, a look of gratitude on his face. “I came to thank you for speaking to Judge White. You kept your word and spoke on Waoota’s behalf. The Judge released Waoota today, clearing him of murder. I’m deeply indebted to you for your help.”

  Relief swept over Jenny as she listened to Nakao. “I am happy for you both.” She glanced past Nakao. “Is Waoota with you?”

  “No, he has gone to the farm.” Nakao grasped Jenny’s hand. “I will always be in your debt. If I can ever help you, send for me.” He released her hand, and with agile grace, mounted his roan and left as quietly as he had come.

  Upon returning from the fields, Nicholas saw the Indian riding down the lane. He caught up to him and eyed him with skepticism. “Who are you? What business brings you here?”

  “I am Nakao. I came to see Jennifer Grant.”

  A confounded expression swept over Nicholas. The Indian had boldly admitted that he came to see Jenny.

  Warily, Nicholas and Nakao faced each other as they sat upon their mounts, the drizzling rain soaking into their garments. Each waited for the other to speak.

  Nicholas’s stormy eyes raked over Nakao as Bonita’s words came back to haunt him. The Indian was indeed handsome. A twinge of jealousy rose to the surface, and he spoke through clench teeth. “Don’t come here again to see my wife. I will not tolerate it.”

  Nakao’s expression remained devoid of emotion. Speaking nary a word, he sat erect in the saddle, revealing strong broad shoulders as he rode away.

  Nicholas galloped to the house, his anger mounting. He marched into the kitchen and found Jenny making a pot of coffee, a cordial smile playing upon her lips. He tossed his hat on the coat rack, and stood beside her.

  Jenny glanced up at his tall frame, her eyes inching past his chest and fixing on his green eyes. Since their disagreeable meeting the other day, she had tried to replace her animosity with kindness, for the thought of living out a year of turmoil was not to her liking. “Hello, Nicholas,” she sang cheerfully, still feeling the effects of Nakao’s glad tidings. In a flash, she realized that Nicholas didn’t reciprocate her congenial mood.

  His temper flared. “Your Indian left only moments ago, and now you are ready to play the docile wife with me?”

  “What?” Jenny gasped. Why does Nicholas keep referring to Nakao as if I am his woman? Fearing she would speak unkind words to him and not being able to tolerate being falsely accused, she stormed out of the house, wanting time alone to sort her troubled thoughts. Unhindered by the rain, she ran into the forest. She glanced back, saw Nicholas following her, and ran deeper into the woods to elude him. Brushing against the wet trees, the water seeped into her garments.

  “Stop!” he called, quickly gaining ground on her.

  “I will not!” Jenny shouted and continued running. Hampered by her waterlogged skirt, she tripped over a tree stump and sprawled to the ground.

  In one swift moment, Nicholas was upon her, his green eyes burning with fury. He straddled her and pinned her arms against the wet earth. “What is between you and the Indian?”

  As the scent of pine filled the air, Jenny felt his brute strength against her. Her heart pounded. “I am soaking wet and chilled to the bone. Can we return to the house and discuss this like civilized adults?” Her eyes searched his face as she waited for his reply. The rain steadily fell about them, and darkness blanketed the forest.

  Rain dripped from Nicholas’s hair and trickled down his face. “You’re playing havoc with my emotions,” he said. He sprang to his feet, bringing Jenny with him. Lifting her into his arms, he started for the house.

  “I can walk,” Jenny stated, struggling to free herself. His handsome face took on a tormented look as he held her firmly in his embrace. A battle of wills passed between them before Jenny resigned herself to weather his temperament. Even so, her heart raced wildly, and she felt breathless in his arms. She clung to him, savoring his nearness.

  When they reached the house, Nicholas released her and steadied her on her feet. “What is Nakao to you?” he asked.

A friend.” She wrung the water from her hair. “I am going to my room to change into dry clothes. Perhaps, then, we can sit down to dinner and be civil to one another.”

  He gave her an uncomfortable look. “I don’t want you to become sick due to my lack of foresight. Put on dry clothes. I’ll see you here in ten minutes.” Abruptly, he left the room.

  Bewildered by his actions, Jenny went to her room and removed her sodden garments. Swiftly, she dried her hair with a towel, then slipped into a clean cotton gown. She combed her dark locks, leaving her hair to fall in soft waves about her shoulders.

  She returned to the kitchen and saw Nicholas sitting at the table. He’d changed into dry clothing as well. She gazed at his profile, taking in the tight brown trousers covering his long muscular legs. A white cotton shirt opened to the waist exposed tuffs of dark curly hair. Damp raven hair fell sensuously across his forehead, enhancing his striking looks. She wondered what it would be like to run her fingers through his glistening locks? Striving to gain control of her emotions, she pushed the fantasy from her mind and chastised herself for her weakness. She poured coffee into their mugs and then filled their plates with stew. Slicing the freshly baked bread, she placed it on the table and joined Nicholas.

  Nicholas stood.

  “It is not food that I want, Jenny. I have been more than patient. What is Nakao to you?”

  Jenny left nothing unsaid as she carefully explained all that had happened between her and Nakao. As Nicholas listened, his expression changed from incredulity to anger and then guilt as Jenny spoke of the platonic relationship that she and Nakao shared and how she had defended his brother to Judge White. “He came here to tell me Waoota was a free man and to thank me for my help,” she concluded.

  Nicholas sank into the chair. “It’s obvious that you have won Nakao’s friendship. I have accused you unjustly. I apologize.”

  “I forgive you.” She gripped his hand warmly. A thrill swept through her as they touched, but she brushed the feeling aside. “I wanted to tell you of my plight, but you made me angry at your insinuations. She withdrew her hand. “Now that we’ve discussed the matter, let’s forget it and move on.”

  “Consider the subject closed,” Nicholas answered.

  “Still, there is something that I’m curious about,” Jenny said puzzled. “How did you know about Nakao?”

  Nicholas sent her a regretful look. “Bonita said Nakao took you into the forest.”

  “Why would she say such a thing?”

  “She tried to deceive me into thinking you had run off with him.”

  “Why would she lie?” she asked, appalled.

  “You were innocently brought into this. The first time I met you at the Hearthside Inn, I mistook you for Bonita. Later, she followed me into the corridor and begged me to be with her, but I refused. A week later I married you. Bonita must have been jealous and wanted to repay me for turning her away. She even schemed to get me in bed the day you met Nakao, but I refused her advances.”

  “I am shocked at Bonita’s behavior. To have me kidnapped is a crime,” she said, stunned. “Now I know why she rushed me outside to pick flowers behind the inn.” She felt a prickle of jealousy as she pictured Bonita flirting with Nicholas. “If Bonita had gotten to your room before me, our troubles would not be,” she commented.

  “I am thankful that you got there first,” Nicholas answered. “Bonita would have put a noose around my neck to marry her, then steal me blind.”

  “But you are married, Nicholas. You just have me for a wife instead of Bonita.”

  “And I’m delighted! You are by far more woman than Bonita will ever be. I have my name and land to protect, I would never marry her.”

  Jenny became solemn. “Yes, your land comes before all else no matter who it hurts in the bargain.”

  Nicholas leapt from his seat, pulled Jenny off the chair, and gripped her by the shoulders. “Don’t speak such words! I love the plantation, but I would not see you hurt. I do have feelings, Jenny. How do you think it feels to know your life was in jeopardy because of my dalliance with another woman? Do you honestly believe I don’t feel any shame? I have forced you to marry me and live here, but I would never wish you harm.” His eyes seemed to pierce her soul. “Do you realize if Nakao had chosen to he could have raped you or left you for dead somewhere? Do you think I could have lived with such torment?”

  “You speak with sincerity,” Jenny murmured. Still, it troubled her to think of him and Bonita in a compromising situation. Why should I care? she inwardly scolded. We’re living a lie for a marriage, and I mustn’t fall in love with him. “Well, if anything good has come of this, at least Waoota was saved from the gallows and I have gained an Indian’s friendship.”

  Nicholas eyed her sharply. “Let’s drop the subject. We will not speak of this incident again.”



  “Can you let me go now?.”

  “I’m sorry, Jenny.” He moved away from her. “Let’s sit down to dinner before it is cold.”

  Jenny had seen the intense look in his eyes and tried to collect her thoughts. With all that had happened, she lost her appetite and picked at her food. Nicholas, however, ate ravenously.

  Jenny cleared the dishes and then excused herself. As she prepared for bed, she heard Nicholas moving about in his room. She looked at the door that stood between them and wondered what the outcome would be if she were to enter. Flustered by her thoughts, she rolled back the covers and climbed into bed.

  Nicholas lay in his bed thinking of Jennifer. Shivers of desire racked his body as he conjured up her image. Earlier in the rain, the titillating figure beneath her clothing had driven him insane with desire, and he could barely think coherently. How much longer must I watch her tempting ways? She is beautiful, defiant, and slowly driving me out of my mind..

  Chapter 8

  Jenny went about her duties with diligence.

  One evening, she sat at the dinner table and left her food untouched.

  “You’re not eating,” Nicholas commented.

  “My stomach is upset,” she replied, passing a biscuit to him. When Nicholas had finished eating, she stood to clear away the dishes. As she felt the room spin around her, she gripped the table for support.

  In an instant, Nicholas was beside her. Lifting her into his arms, he carried her into the parlor and eased her onto the sofa. Jenny met his gaze and saw his brows furrow with concern.

  “Don’t fret, Nicholas. I’m really fine. I’ve just felt a little out of sorts today.”

  Nicholas gazed at her. “You’re an independent woman, but I’m here if you need me. Rest a bit, then I’ll help you to your room.”

  “I’ll retire now, so that you can go to the study and log the day’s work.” She rose from the sofa and promptly swooned. Nicholas swept her limp form into his embrace and carried her to the bedroom. Jenny rested her head against his shoulder, acutely aware of his masculinity. She was ailing, but his striking appearance and manly scent tempted her to stay in his arms. She brushed aside the thought as he placed her on the bed. Sitting on his haunches, his eyes penetrated hers. His voice sounded tender to her ears. “Will you be all right, Jenny?”

  “Yes,” she murmured, feeling an intimacy between them.

  “Don’t concern yourself with rising early. Stay in bed tomorrow, and let’s hope your illness passes. I suspect you’ve been working too hard and you’re exhausted. I’ll have Hattie come to the house a few hours each day and relieve you of your chores.” He rose to his feet and exited the room.

  Jenny gazed at the doorway where he had passed. She heard him go down to the study, then readied herself for bed. The moment her head touched the pillow, she fell into an exhausted sleep.

  The next morning Nicholas crept into Jenny’s room. Pensi
vely, he studied her sleeping form. A surge of tenderness swept through him. With gentle fingers, he touched her silky hair and fought the urge to kiss her sweet lips. He placed his hand on her forehead. Confident she didn’t have a fever, he quietly left the room.

  Jenny awakened to bright sunlight filtering into the room. She rolled over and gazed at the clock on the nightstand. It was nearly ten in the morning. She scampered out of bed, brushed her hair, and tied it at the nape with a blue velvet ribbon. Splashing tepid water over her face, she dabbed it dry with a towel and gazed into the mirror. She focused on her complexion and was pleased to see that her cheeks had regained their normal rosy color.

  As she made her bed, she could smell the aroma of fresh coffee in the air. She smiled, knowing Nicholas had made it before going to the fields. Clad in her negligee, she walked to the kitchen. She felt the warmth of the sun while she gazed out the window at the vast plantation. She turned to remove a cup from the cabinet, then headed to the stove for some coffee. A movement caught her eye, and she spun around to find Nicholas standing in the doorway. “H-h-how long have you been here?”

  “Long enough,” he replied, his eyes sweeping over her scanty attire. “I returned to see how you were feeling.”

  “I’m much better, thank you,” Jenny mumbled. “I didn’t expect you until dinnertime.” Conscious of her thin gown, she hastened to say, “I need to get properly dressed.”

  Nicholas blocked her way, his towering frame hovering over her.

  Jenny saw passion in his eyes and heard his erratic breathing. No matter that she yearned for his touch, she refused to become his conquest.

  Nicholas pulled her into his embrace. Hungrily, his mouth sought hers. He kissed her lips, sending fires of passion sweeping through her.

  Regardless that her body begged to do otherwise, Jenny refused to succumb to his charm. Furious for weakening toward him, she shoved him away and stilled her wanton heart. She sent him a haughty stare. “Need I remind you, we have a marriage in name only? Forget any notions you might be entertaining.”


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