Unspoken Love

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Unspoken Love Page 16

by Lynn Gale - Unspoken Love

  Jenny clung to Nicholas.

  “I can’t believe you’re really here,” she said, basking in his company. It had taken months for her to realize that she loved him. If they had met under different circumstances, she would have been smitten with him long before now. Since leaving the plantation, he had constantly invaded her thoughts.

  Unbeknownst to Jenny, Nicholas held similar thoughts. He never wanted the moment to end, but there was much they needed to discuss. He loved Jenny and longed for her to return to the plantation. About to pour out his heart and beg her forgiveness, someone rapped on the door.

  “Is Jennifer Grant in there?” a deep voice inquired.

  Nicholas sent Jenny an inquisitive look. Rising, he slipped into his pants, unlocked the door, and peered into the corridor. His eyes narrowed as he recognized Nakao. “What is the meaning of this?”

  “I came to check on Jennifer’s safety. I did not know you were here,” Nakao said.

  Jenny wrapped the sheet around her and faced her protector. “I am fine, Nakao.”

  Nakao caught a glimpse of Jenny and silently begged her apology before discreetly leaving them alone.

  Nicholas’s slammed the door shut and swung around to face Jenny. A mixture of love and anger embroiled his consciousness. “Why is Nakao here?”

  “Nakao and I share the same chamber. He was concerned for my safety.”

  “You and Nakao are living together?”

  “It is not what you are thinking, Nicholas. We share a room and nothing more.” She steered the conversation away from Nakao. “If you had not come into my life a year ago, I would not be here, groveling for work and food.”

  Nicholas looked at her for the longest time, his thoughts unreadable, then he turned away, poured wine into a goblet, then gulped it down. He tossed the glass aside and drank straight from the bottle, unable to relish its bittersweet taste.

  As he continued drinking, Jenny slipped into her clothes. Silently she watched him. She yearned to wrap her arms about his broad shoulders. Since there was little she could say, she prepared to leave. Nicholas spun around and faced her.

  “Why was Nakao at my door?”

  “He was looking out for my interest. He’s been a great help to me. I must go to him now and apologize for your rude behavior.” She took a step forward, but Nicholas held her back. His eyes pierced hers.

  “Go to apologize?” he taunted.

  “Yes, he has been nothing but kind to me. He’s never forced me to do anything I didn’t want to do.”

  “Like marry you?”

  Sweeping her into his arms, he carried her to the bed and fell atop her. He kissed her hungrily, and caressed her shapely form. Consumed with passion, he removed his trousers and pulled Jenny into his embrace. In spite of her discontent, Jenny accepted his advances. As they lay entwined, he made love to her again.

  Sated, he took a deep breath. “Remember the first time we met at Thelma’s inn? Neither of us expected the other to be there. If Bonita hadn’t threatened to ruin your reputation, we would have never gotten married. He loosened his hold on her. “I want you to go back to the plantation with me,” he mumbled, then closed his eyes in a drunken slumber.

  Jenny gave serious thought to his words. Did he know what he was asking of her? How could she go to the plantation with him? He had divorced her. No matter how much she loved him, in good conscious, she couldn’t live on the plantation without the benefit of clergy. She wondered why he brought up Bonita’s name tonight? He made it pretty clear that he entered a forced marriage with her and that there was no love. She sobbed inside. She didn’t know what to do.

  She figured it out as she carefully nudged Nicholas aside and studied his handsome profile. She caressed his raven hair and rained kisses upon his brow. He was too drunk to respond. One last time, she touched her lips to his soft mouth and drank in his striking appearance, wanting to remember him. Then slipping off the bed, she crept from the room.

  Nakao waited for her in their chamber.

  “I am sorry, Jennifer. I did not know you were with Nicholas Grant.”

  “Oh, Nakao, it is I who am sorry. I’ve caused much friction between you and Nicholas. I didn’t know it was him when I delivered the tray of wine.”

  “You are still in love with him.”

  Jennifer nodded.

  “I love him, but he is not in love with me. Besides, he divorced me weeks ago.” Deep in thought, she paced the floor. She stopped abruptly. “We must leave the inn before Nicholas awakens.”

  “If you truly love Nicholas, shouldn’t you be with him?”

  “I cannot live with a man who doesn’t love me.”

  Nakao shrugged. “If you wish to move on, we will.”

  Jenny scribbled a note to Nate, begging his apology for their abrupt departure and then, in the early morning hour, they left.

  As the sun came over the horizon, they made their way into the elite side of Natchez and stopped at a cafe for breakfast.

  “Maybe we can apply for work at one of the elegant mansions,” Jenny said thoughtfully. Again, she remembered her father’s farm where food and prosperity were abundant. She had sent a letter to her father saying she was fine. She hated to deceive him and longed to go home, but she couldn’t bear the shame.

  Nakao consumed his breakfast and silently watched Jenny. “It pains me to see you so sad. I wish I could make you happy.”

  She sent him a brilliant smile to cover her loneliness. “You once told me that better times lie ahead, and I firmly believe that,” she replied. She swallowed the last bite of her breakfast, then washed it down with the remainder of her coffee.

  She stood to leave when a familiar voice called, “Jennifer!”

  She spun around to see Blake Preston striding toward her.

  “What brings you to Natchez?”

  Jenny evaded a direct answer. “I came to Natchez several weeks ago.”

  “Why have you been here so long?” Engrossed with Jenny, Blake didn’t see Nakao until Jenny made the introductions.

  Careful to leave out the fact that they had run into Nicholas, Jenny said, “We are looking for work.”

  Blake looked astonished. “Excuse me, Nakao, I must speak with Jenny in private,” Blake said. Blake escorted her to a table while Nakao skeptically looked on and waited by the door. “What really brings you here, Jenny? Are you and Nicholas not getting along?”

  “Nicholas and I are divorced. I couldn’t tell Father. I feared it would set his health back. He thinks Nicholas and I are touring the country, but soon I’ll have to tell him the truth. Nakao is a true friend and has been a pillar of strength for me. We are both looking for work.”

  “You and Nicholas are divorced?”

  Jenny sent him a troubled look.

  “Let me help you, Jenny. A woman of your upbringing shouldn’t be a servant to others. I own a few houses in Natchez and want you to move into one of them. I’ll also find work for your Indian friend. Please say you’ll let me help.” He pressed his fingers together and anxiously gazed into her eyes, awaiting her answer.

  Jenny wrestled with her emotions. It would be so easy to accept Blake’s help Her gaze shifted to Nakao. He had diligently stood by her. Can Blake really find him a steady job? One thing’s for certain, if I do accept Blake’s generosity, I don’t want people to think I’m his mistress.

  “Let me take care of you until you know what you want,” Blake reiterated.

  Since leaving Nicholas, Jenny had found life troublesome and suffered discomfiture along the way. It would please her to rely on someone she could trust, just until she got on her feet. It was difficult for women to forge a life with men like Zachary and Gilbert who would take advantage of them. Thankfully, however, Nakao had been there to protect her. She came to a decision. �
��Thank you, Blake. I accept your offer.” She reached into her pocket and brought out the money she and Nakao had saved. “Take this lest we be considered charity cases. It should help pay for room and board until we are situated.”

  Blake waved her hand aside. “Put your money away, Jennifer. I only want to help you.”

  Jenny hesitated. She saw his resolute expression and shrugged. “If you insist. I’ll pay you back someday.” She returned the coins to her pocket and motioned for Nakao to join them. Leaving the cafe, they boarded Blake’s carriage. Jenny explained their plans to Nakao and asked if he agreed.

  Nakao gazed into her troubled eyes. “I will indulge you until you know your heart.”

  Jenny smiled, grateful for Nakao’s support.

  Blake took them to a quaint cottage on the outskirts of town. Surrounded by woods, the small stucco house and stable painted a tranquil scene. Black-eyed Susans and wild azaleas filled the well-cared-for landscape. Vines of lush green ivy trailed along the stone garden path.

  Blake tossed aside the reins, helped Jenny from the carriage, and escorted her to the house. Nakao followed, wary and alert to danger, as was his nature.

  Blake invited them into the parlor. “Make yourself comfortable while I get the maid,” he said and exited the room.

  Nakao stood in the doorway while Jenny strolled around the lavishly furnished room. Red velvet furniture trimmed in black walnut sat against the walls, and a marble table was enhanced by an ornate oval mirror, which hung above it. Jenny ran her fingers over the piano keys and touched a fringed silk tapestry that graced the piano case. She felt the lace curtains and heavy brocade draperies. Wallpaper with soft pink blossoms complimented the room, and a painting hanging on the wall showed a vibrant garden in full bloom.

  “These furnishings remind me of Small Timbers,” she told Nakao. She felt a pang of anguish as the words flowed from her mouth. Thankfully, Blake sent her thoughts in a new direction when he returned with the servant and made the introductions.

  “Lily, I want you to meet Jennifer Grant. She will be staying here indefinitely.” Lily curtsied slightly and smiled. With innocent blue eyes, the dark-skinned woman looked at Jenny.

  “I’m pleased to make your acquaintance, Ma’am.”

  “Don’t be so formal, call me Jenny.”

  Lily grinned, her gaze shifting to Nakao.

  “This is my friend, Nakao,” Jenny said, noting they were still staring at each other.

  Nakao nodded to Lily. He continued to watch the comely young maid with silken black hair. A white muslin apron covered the gray cotton gown that she wore but didn’t hide the shapely form beneath her garments.

  Jenny sent Nakao a warm smile. She had seen something likened to passion in his eyes with his long appraisal of Lily. Pleased for him, she silently vowed to encourage their relationship if Lily wasn’t spoken for.

  Blake addressed Nakao. “I could use a new gardener and groundskeeper. If you want the job, you may stay at the guesthouse down the lane.”

  Standing tall and proud, Nakao considered Blake’s proposal. “I will stay,” Nakao said. He glanced at Lily who sent him a shy grin before averting her eyes. “I love working in the soil and watching the earth bring forth nature’s bounty.”

  Jenny’s spirits rose as she met Blake’s gaze. “I can’t thank you enough, Blake.”

  Blake kissed her hand. “I’m happy to help.” He turned to address Lily. “Lily, show Nakao to his quarters. When you return, give Jenny anything she wants.” To Jenny, he said, “My agenda is full today. I must leave on business.” He took in her threadbare apparel. “Tomorrow I’ll return, and we’ll go on a shopping excursion. I know just the dressmaker for you.”

  “Must we shop? You have done far too much already.”

  “Nonsense, Jenny. You will be the belle of the ball in Natchez. I’ll take you dancing and dining, or whatever your heart desires.” Jenny gave him a distressed look prompting him to say, “I won’t rush you, Jenny. Yet surely, you know I care a great deal for you. Maybe someday you’ll feel the same as I do.” Tearing himself away, he retreated from the room.

  Jenny moved to the window and watched him ride away while a myriad of thoughts raced through her mind. Blake had been quite generous to her. She now wondered if she had done the right thing by accepting his hospitality. She knew she must find work and pay her way, for she refused to accept his generosity indefinitely. She knew Blake cared deeply for her, yet she didn’t feel the same excitement for him. Only Nicholas could stir her heart and passion. He haunted her even now as she recalled their union the night before. Sadness enveloped her as she realized he was out of her life forever. I’ve got to forget his handsome face and his eyes that were so full of passion.

  Nicholas awakened with a throbbing headache, saw the empty wine decanter, and knew from whence his pain came. He glanced around the room for Jenny, but she wasn’t there. He heard demanding patrons moving about the inn and assumed she’d returned to her work. A knock on the door made him assume Jenny had returned. He swung the door wide in anticipation but found Tessie standing at the entrance.

  “Would you like breakfast brought up to your room, Sir?”

  He hid his disappointment. “No thank you, Tessie. Would you send Jenny to my room?”

  “Jenny doesn’t work here anymore. She and the Indian left early this morning. Is there anything I can get you?”

  “No, Tessie, please return to your tasks.” He tossed her a coin for her endeavor, then closed the door.

  “How could I be such a fool? Jenny must be with the Indian.”

  His world collapsed around him as he packed his bag. He wanted to blame her for their problems but knew he was at fault. From the beginning, he had forced her into marriage and disrupted her life. Though he was weary and beaten, he made a promise to himself, “You’ll be mine again, Jenny. I will hold you in my arms once again!”

  Chapter 16

  In the days ahead, Blake was Jenny’s constant companion. He took her shopping and presented her with gowns of the finest material. Money was no object as he escorted her around town, taking in the entertainment, and dining at the finer restaurants. Jenny protested his extravagance, but he continued to lavish her with gifts.

  One afternoon as Blake drove Jenny about town, he pointed to a section dubbed Natchez Under The Hill. “Stay away from there,” he warned. “Thieves and cutthroats plague the area. It’s no place for a lady.” They returned to the elite part of town. “Handsomely spoiled patrons live life to the fullest here,” Blake volunteered. “Some party and spend their money frivolously, but I’m not one of them.”

  Jenny gazed at men wearing richly tailored garments. The ladies dashed to and fro, adorned in extravagant gowns, seeking to impress others with their wealth. She looked away from the privileged class and concentrated on Blake as he brought the carriage to a halt. “Blake, I want to discuss my finances,” she began. “You seem to be taking control of my life. Whenever I mention looking for work, you staunchly refuse to listen.”

  “I have money and want to spend it on you,” he countered. “You don’t need a job. I’ll take care of you as long as you will let me.”

  “I want to work, not sit at home and be pampered,” Jenny replied. She knew he was in love with her and that it wasn’t proper for her to remain in his home. She had relented partly because of Nakao. He and Lily had become more than friends, and she knew they shared intimate moments together. Nakao was in love, and she was exceedingly happy for him. Still, it did nothing to help her disposition with Nicholas constantly invading her thoughts, contrary to her promise to forget him.

  Nicholas rode to Thomas’s farm, knowing he was about to take the biggest gamble of his life. He pulled up at the farmhouse, dismounted, and tied the reins to the hitching post.

  He had barely knocked on the door whe
n Emma greeted him with a smile and motioned for him to come inside.

  “Welcome,” she said. “Thomas is in the parlor. Go on in. I’ll bring some refreshments.”

  “Much obliged, Emma.” He removed his hat and strode into the parlor.

  Thomas grinned and motioned for him to have a seat. “It’s good to see you, Nicholas.”

  “I trust you are doing well,” Nicholas said, hoping what he had to say wouldn’t upset him.

  “I’m getting by. Dr. Jones thinks I’m improving, so all is good.” Thomas gave him a concerned look. “You’re a busy man, Nicholas. What really brings you here?”

  “I have a confession to make, Thomas. I should have been honest from the onset, but Jenny convinced me not to tell you due to your health issues. I cannot deceive you any longer.”

  Thomas sat upright. “Go on.”

  “I forced Jenny to marry me so that I could inherit my uncle’s plantation.” He went on to explain the whole scenario and concluded by saying, “I thought I had it all figured out until I fell in love with her. I’ve been miserable since she left. I’d give up the plantation if I could win her back.”

  Thomas was quiet for a moment. “I suspected something was amiss.” He gave him a questioning gaze. “What did you expect to gain by telling me this?”

  “Well, for one thing, I ask for your forgiveness. I never meant to hurt you, or Jenny.” He paused. “I’ve thought about this a lot. Will you let me take you to the plantation to live? I’ll look after you like you were my own kin.”

  “Well, it appears that your kin has up and left you,” Thomas replied, making light of a serious situation.


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