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Chosen by the Vampire King

Page 19

by T. S. Ryder

  "You were here to see her?" Timothy snarled, whirling on him again.

  It was almost worth it to see Daniel flinch and draw away. From the look on his face, he was about to pee his pants. "Dude, we were on a date when all of a sudden she freaked out at me. I thought it was because she wasn't getting enough lovin', but now I see—"

  "That's not what happened!" Amelia clenched her hands as she glared at Daniel. It wasn't enough that he was an asshole, but he had to ruin her chances of reconciling with the Alphas as well? "You are a disgusting—"

  "Save it." Timothy held out his hand, his eyes narrowed. His expression was hurt, betrayed, but when Amelia tried to explain, he just shook his head and backed down the steps. "The council was right about humans. Whatever you hoped to get from us—"


  He turned and leaped towards the trees, his clothes bursting off him as he shifted mid-air. Amelia ran after him, calling his name, but he was gone before she reached the bottom of the steps.

  She clutched her tank top closed over her breasts. Her lungs felt like they were collapsing. She wanted to slap herself for being stupid enough to have left the two of them.

  "Well, babe, since he's gone—" Mr. Abs put his hand on her butt, squeezing.

  Amelia whirled. Crack! Her palm stung as it flew against his face. Daniel stumbled back, a surprised look on his stupid face.

  "I told you to leave. Leave means go. Get off of my property and out of my life! You are a self-absorbed loser who doesn't care about anything except for how stacked your abs are, and it is very unattractive."

  Mr. Abs stared at her with his jaw hanging open for a long moment. A red flush came over his pale features and his hands clenched. His eyes narrowed. "You know, I was only doing your brother a favor by dating you. I can do better than a fat cow like you."

  "Great, go find yourself a dog then," Amelia spat back.

  He grabbed her arm. "Hey—"

  "Get your hands off me before I call the cops."

  Daniel released her and backed down a few steps, holding up his hands. "I got better things to do than debate this with you. But you'll be sorry! When you call crying to take me back again, I'll be all, 'Sorry, babe. I've got a new girl.’ You'll be sorry!"

  Amelia rolled her eyes and ignored Daniel's infantile ranting. She hurried into the house to put on a pair of running shoes and grab her keys before she headed off into the forest. At first, she could see Timothy's trail easily and followed it, hoping against hope that he’d regret his haste, and turn around so she could explain. But soon the footprints disappeared, and Amelia knew that if she didn't turn back, she'd end up lost.

  Tears flooded her eyes as she headed home.

  I have to call Xavier.

  She patted her outfit, but it didn't have pockets. Her cell phone was still at her house.

  Much to her annoyance, when she emerged from the woods, she found her brother pacing back and forth on the porch. Daniel must have phoned him. Amelia tensed, debating about going back into the woods until he left. She didn't want to have to justify herself to him right now. She didn't want to hear his excuses about why Mr. Abs was really the perfect man for her.

  Too late. He barreled down the steps towards her.

  Amelia ground her teeth. "I don't want to hear it, Adrian."

  "What are you thinking?"

  "Right now that I have a mess to sort out and you need to butt out."

  Adrian narrowed his eyes. "Very funny, Amelia. Daniel told me that a werewolf was here? That the werewolf attacked him?"

  "Only because your best friend was practically attacking me!"

  Adrian's eyes went wide at that. "What did he do?"

  "He only ignored me the whole time, except to tell me to make him a sandwich. Then, when I kicked him out, he came back and started kissing me. And it wasn't just a quick peck, Adrian. He was holding my wrists so that I couldn't push him away. Is that the kind of man you want for your little sister?"

  "So he's a little passionate. That's better than a werewolf! Do you want to spend the rest of your life as a wet-nurse? Not to mention what else they would do to you. If Daniel wasn't here, who knows what the brute might have done."

  "You mean like rape-kiss me? Oh, wait, that happened with your friend."

  "Worse than that! And I doubt it was as bad as you're making it out to be."

  Amelia stopped on the steps, turning to her brother. Was he really so dense that he didn't understand what she was saying to him? Her hands clenched and it was all she could do not to push him. "Timothy and Xavier have only ever treated me with respect, unlike your 'buddy' who clearly doesn't care when I say no. He's the one who kissed me against my will; he's the one that I'd be afraid of doing worse to me!"

  "You said yourself that the werewolves were only interested in you as a brood mare."

  "I was stupid to believe some chick I didn't know. Timothy was here so we could talk things through and explain, but Mr. Abs might have just ruined my chances to ever be happy. Now go away, Adrian. I don't need you."

  A hurt look flashed over her brother's face, but it hardened quickly. "Fine, if that's what you want, but don't come crying to me when they break your heart again!"

  "I won't!" Amelia shouted after him. "Because they won't break my heart!"


  Xavier sighed as he got off the phone with Amelia. Timothy had arrived home a half an hour ago in a rage, ranting about how she was just using them and that he should never have thought a human would actually want to be with werewolves. Xavier, having the calmer mind of the two, had quickly phoned Amelia to get her side of the story.

  "Well, this is messed up," he said, settling on the couch while Timothy paced. "Tim, will you calm down and listen to me for a moment?"

  "No. No, we should have known when she left the packlands while we were supposed to be introducing her to the pack that she didn't want anything real with us. I don't care what excuses she has or what lies she's told you. I am not going to let her toy with my heart. We should have listened to the council about this from the start."

  Xavier watched Timothy pace, letting him blow off steam. A frown creased his brow. He knew Timothy well: he was quick to temper and slow to forgive. If he would just listen to Amelia's explanation, then perhaps they would have a chance of working this out. Getting him to listen would be the problem. Timothy wasn't one to hand out second chances easily.

  "I know you're angry. After what you saw—"

  "Anger – you think that's all this is?" Timothy turned to glare at him. "How can you sit there calmly? I was counting on her, Xavier. I thought she was our mate, that the three of us would have the white picket fence I always dreamed of. Instead, I find… that!"

  "The man kissed her without her permission. She had just kicked him out and—"

  "What was he doing there in the first place?"

  Amelia's explanation about that would only make him angrier at the moment. Xavier sighed. "Why don't we go for a run and cool off?"

  "I don't want to run," Timothy muttered. "I'm going to bed."

  Xavier nodded as he left, knowing that pushing him at the moment wasn't going to do any good. Once his partner was gone, the Rocky Ridge Alpha slumped over, hiding his face in his hands. Well. How was he supposed to sort this one out?

  Chapter Six

  She wasn't going to just let her fairy tale romance end over a couple of misunderstandings. Amelia kept an eye on her speedometer, making sure she went right at the speed limit. The last thing she needed right now was to be pulled over by the highway cops.

  Trying to explain over the phone wasn't good enough. She needed to see Timothy and Xavier and explain to them in person. The Alphas were too special to give up. She knew that now.

  And I might lose them because I let my past prejudices get the best of me. Why couldn't I just trust them?

  She turned off the highway into the long road that would take her to the packlands. The landmarks already felt familiar to her, even if
she had only been here once before, and she found the Alphas' house quickly.

  Her heart dropped to her stomach when she saw Lucinda sitting on the front porch swing, long legs curled underneath her, a book on her lap. The werewolf's eyes narrowed when Amelia got out of her car, but the human wasn't going to let herself be intimidated this time. She hadn't told Xavier what Lucinda had told her, but she was going to get the truth from her Alphas, not this female.

  "Amelia," Lucinda greeted her. "I didn't expect to see you again."

  "I'm certain you didn't." Amelia fought to keep her voice calm.

  "Can I help you?"

  "Yes. I want to talk to Timothy and Xavier."

  Lucinda cast a critical glance down her body. "We've already replaced you. You would have made a good nursemaid, and I'm sure my mates would have found a great deal of pleasure in you, but—"

  "But I want to talk to them." Amelia strode up the steps. "Not you."


  Amelia opened the door and walked right in, calling for the two Alphas. There was no response. When she checked the garage, she found that it was full of vintage vehicles in various states of repair, but the Malibu she remembered the Alphas driving on their first date was missing. Where had they gone?

  "I told you, we don't want you here," Lucinda started, but a low growl behind them interrupted her.

  Amelia whirled, her heart jumping to her throat when she saw Timothy. She wanted to launch herself into his arms and kiss him hard, begging his forgiveness for the misunderstandings that they had suffered. His gaze flickered over her briefly, a shocked look coming over his face before his eyes narrowed on Lucinda.

  "What are you doing in my house?"

  "Me?" Lucinda gasped. "What about her?"

  "She is none of your concern. Xavier and I have told you and your grandfather both that we would rather never have a mate than take you into our bed. Stop coming to our house unless it's for official business."

  Amelia could have crowed in triumph. She was right; Lucinda had lied to her! But her triumph didn't last long. Even after Lucinda had slunk out, Timothy's gaze didn't soften.



  "Why are you here?"

  Amelia swallowed hard. "I needed to see you."


  "I need to explain what happened yesterday. It's not what you think—"

  Timothy turned on his heel and walked away. Amelia stared after him in shock. She knew he was angry, but after what she told Xavier, she had hoped that he would be at least willing to listen to her. A familiar feeling of frustration welled up inside her and she marched after him, her hands clenched to fists at her side. This was not how this was going to end. He was not going to refuse to listen to her and she was not going to take it lying down like some meek little kitten afraid of some thunder.

  "I am talking to you, Timothy Pond," she said. "You walked away from me once and I am not letting you do it again. You told me you wanted a woman who called you out, and here I am. Listen to me."

  The Alpha stopped. His own hands clenched. Amelia took a deep breath, trying to maintain her composure, and walked around him, facing him.

  "I know what you think you saw, but you have it all wrong."

  "Xavier told me what you told him. But I've heard it all before, Amelia. I don't believe you."

  She forced herself to speak calmly. "Why not?"

  "Because it's things like that… 'He kissed me against my will; I was trying to make him leave; he's just a friend; it was only one time…’ The same sort of things my mother would always tell my father when he came home to catch another man in the house or their bed. She always made me lie to protect her, no matter how many times that man had been over. I was afraid she'd leave…"

  "It's not your fault."

  "I know. If I could go back I would have told my father the truth. It would have been easier on us all if he had made her leave. Regardless, I am not going to be him. I'm not going to let you break my heart. This ends now."

  "So, because one woman lied, all women lie?" He tried to move past her, but she blocked him, stretching her arms out to either side of the doorway. "If I followed that same logic, then the only reason you were interested in me in the first place was to get me into your bed or kitchen so that I could do everything for you! That's the type of men I've known!"

  Timothy shook his head. "Just leave, Amelia."

  "I am leaving," she snapped back, too angry to think clearly. "Because I deserve a better man than you. I deserve a man who will listen to me. Not somebody like you, who believes only what he wants to believe and will tear my heart out without stopping to think that maybe I'm in as much pain as he is!"

  "I want to believe you!" Timothy shouted at her. "I want to believe you so much that it is killing me not to, but I would rather feel the pain now than when we have children – when they are in the middle being torn apart as well."

  Amelia took a step back. She shook her head. It was happening again. Everything was falling apart.

  Maybe she just wasn't meant to have lasting relationships. She couldn't take this anymore. Timothy was being a stubborn fool, and she was right – she deserved better than him. How will I ever find someone better than him? She stormed past him, her teeth clamping down on her cheek, determined not to cry.

  At least not until she was safely away.

  After half an hour on the highway, she pulled to the side and broke down. Her whole body rocked with the force of her sobs, but she was glad to cry it all out. Timothy was never going to forgive her. And while she knew this whole mess was her fault, she had come to a conclusion. She wasn't going to grovel and beg for him to take her back. She had gone to put her heart on the line, and this is how it had ended.

  If they would fight over this stupid misunderstanding, what else would they fight over? He was right… it was best that their ugliness came out now while they weren't emotionally attached before she fell in love.

  But that itself was a lie. Amelia broke into fresh sobs. She was already in love.

  What am I going to do now?


  Xavier waited on Amelia's front steps. He had driven out here so that they could work through this, and for him to explain both Timothy's past and his temperament. When he found that she wasn't there, he hoped she was at work. But she wasn't. As the hours ticked by, he sat on her step, two equal fears warring in his brain.

  One: Timothy was right, and she was with another man.

  Two: she went to the packlands to try to talk with them.

  When she pulled up and he saw the tears streaming down her face, Xavier knew which one it had been. His shoulders slumped as he stood. She had seen Timothy, and he had lashed out, as he was prone to do. Amelia's expression was a mix of disbelief and anger when she saw him. He let out a slow breath. His years of being with Timothy helped him know how to handle his partner's outbursts, but Amelia would have no idea how to. No doubt she pressed, making it worse.

  "Hi," she mumbled when she got out of her car. "What are you doing here?"

  "I wanted to talk with you. You've seen Tim, haven't you?"

  "How could you tell?"

  Xavier sighed. "Whatever he said—"

  "—Doesn't matter because I can't be with someone who thinks I'm a liar and a cheat and won't listen when he's angry." She walked past him and stomped up her steps, keys clinking together in her hand as she searched for the right one. "I deserve better than that."

  "Yes. You do. Timothy isn't usually like this. He has issues, yeah, but he's learning how to work through them. It's just because he feels vulnerable."

  Amelia dropped her keys. She stared at them for a long moment before she just sat on the steps and shook her head. "I can't take it. I thought… I thought that maybe I would finally meet someone who respected me. I can't handle this."

  Xavier silently picked up the keys and unlocked the door.

  "I can do that myself."

  "I know that."

  Amelia bit her lip. He offered her a hand and gave her a small smile. "Let's go inside and talk. Please?"

  Amelia's lip trembled, but she accepted his hand and nodded. "Okay."

  Chapter Seven

  Amelia was thrilled when she saw Xavier sitting on her steps. Too thrilled. The way her heart lifted like it was full of helium. The hope that maybe he didn't hate her was so powerful that she knew it would kill her when he repeated what Timothy had said. She wanted to just turn around. Go somewhere far, far away. Like Pluto.

  Maybe Mercury. Amelia hated the cold.

  Don't be silly. He wouldn't have driven all this way just to say that he hates you. But Amelia was already so raw that she didn't want to trust him. She didn't want him there at all. Even if he wasn't looking for a fight, she might just turn it into one anyway. Still, she let him lead her inside.

  "I don't know if it's a good idea to talk right now," she sniffed, expecting that if she started to cry he'd run off like all her previous boyfriends had.

  To her surprise, Xavier gently turned her to face him and wiped her tears away. "We don't have to talk. If you just want me to hold you, that's okay. I just hope Timothy didn't say anything unforgivable… He wants you, Amelia, and so do I. It's just hard for him to put his heart out there."

  Amelia's lip wobbled and she bit down on it, not wanting to cry anymore. Xavier's explanation was so gentle and believable that of course, it made sense. It was just her luck that on top of the anger and heartbreak she was feeling, guilt would have to come, too.

  But he said that they wanted her. And right now she wanted to believe it so bad that she had to think it was a lie. It hurt too much to think it was true.

  "I don't want to be held," she mumbled. "I don't want to… I just want to be alone. But I don't want to be alone."

  Xavier slowly put his arms around her, so slowly that Amelia thought he must be waiting for her to pull away. She leaned into him instead, grateful that he at least was trying to calm things down before they escalated further.

  Goodness knows I'm no good at that. She said what she thought and acted on how she felt. Sometimes what she meant to say in the heat of the moment was a lie once she calmed down. It's exhausting being me.


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