Monster Girl Islands 7

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Monster Girl Islands 7 Page 4

by Logan Jacobs

  I wrapped up the goods in the shirt, tied it onto the branch so the fabric drooped down on the side notches and held it in place, and then slung the stick over my shoulder. When I turned around to look at the women, they all quickly looked away with a chorus of nervous giggles.

  Everyone except Malak, that is.

  The amber-eyed, black-tailed Coonag woman was staring me down intensely through her hooded eyes, and her sharp teeth bit into her lower lip as she clenched her jaw and stood with her arms crossed across her fur-wrapped chest. When she finally realized I caught her checking me out, she seemed to just get even more excited, because a grin curled her lips upward.

  “Alright,” I announced, “I’m heading back to the palace to take a warm bath and get some clean clothes. But then I’m coming right back, you hear?”

  The women all giggled, so I turned around and began to head toward the jungle path that led to the palace. However, I didn’t get ten paces in before I heard the swift footfalls of somebody approaching.

  Malak suddenly appeared beside me, and she was carrying a large iron pole underneath each of her arms.

  “They said they didn’t need me,” she obviously lied. “So, I figured I’d come with you.”

  Oh, she wanted to “come” with me, all right.

  The two of us continued down the pathway for a few minutes, and the Coonag woman was not-so-sneakily eyeing my body the whole way. Finally, I spoke up and tried to make some small talk with the woman.

  “If you don’t mind me asking,” I began, “I’ve noticed you seem a lot more… collected than many of your kind.”

  Malak jumped with surprise when she heard my voice, almost as if she wasn’t expecting me to address her. Then her face flushed red, and she looked down at the ground.

  “I’m glad you noticed,” the gray-haired beauty chuckled awkwardly. “That was always my role in our tribe. I was the thinker… The woman who tried to look at situations a million different ways before she jumped right into them. That always made me feel like an outsider to the Coonag people.”

  “Why on earth would you feel like an outsider?” I questioned. “There’s always a need for thinkers in this world.”

  “Well, you’ve probably figured out by now almost all the other Coonag women are impulsive,” Malak chuckled to herself. “They all act on their instincts, which is the sign of a powerful Coonag warrior. I was a ‘soft brain’ as they liked to say.”

  I stopped in my tracks and looked the woman square in her big, beautiful eyes. “That’s nonsense. You’re just as great of a warrior as the rest of your people. Hell, if you weren’t, how would you have made it this far? I’d say that, if anything, they wouldn’t have gotten as far without you.”

  A mixture of happiness and sadness filled Malak’s eyes, and the Coonag woman smiled softly.

  “You--You really think so?” she murmured.

  “Of course, I do.” I nodded. “We were taught in the Coast Guard that each and every member of the crew has an important role to play. You don’t get very far when everybody is committing groupthink, after all.”

  “Nobody has ever told me that before.” Malak lowered her eyes to the ground. “Thank you, Draco Rex.”

  I placed a hand on Malak’s shoulder to comfort her. “Please, call me Ben.”

  “Right.” The Coonag woman smiled and looked up, though she didn’t raise her head. “Ben.”

  The two of us continued down the path until we came across the familiar sight of the dragonkin palace. We entered into the safety of its walls and then made our way to the places we needed to go.

  I dropped off a couple of iron pans and eating utensils in the kitchen before Malak and I went to the armory to place the few weapons and random iron poles. When all was said and done, I let out a yawn and started to head back to my room.

  However, I stopped in my tracks when I realized Malak didn’t have anywhere to go.

  “Hey, Malak?” I asked the raccoon-woman. “Do you want to wait in my room until I’m all ready to head back out?”

  The gray-haired bombshell looked up at me with innocent eyes, though I could see straight through her facade.

  “Would that be alright?” she mused. “I could just wait in the other room while you change.”

  “It’s fine,” I reassured her, and then I began to lead her to my bedchambers.

  I cracked open the door, just to make sure nobody was currently occupying my room. Between Nerissa, Mira, and Talise, I never knew who was coming and going from my dwelling at any time of the day, but it looked like we were all alone for the moment.

  Despite being located in a palace, my room was fairly modest. There was a small window that looked out toward the ocean, as well as a platform bed with a rather comfortable seagrass mattress. Then there was the tub, which essentially was a large stone cauldron that behaved exactly as such.

  My clothes were stored inside of a thatched chest I kept at the foot of the bed, and I already knew I had a few more changes of clothes ready to go. However, I wanted nothing more than to get the stink of huitar off me.

  So, I picked up the two coconut shells that acted as my oven mitts, snatched a few hot stones out of the fireplace, and then threw them underneath the tub. If I was going to take a bath, I wanted to make sure it was as comfortable as possible. It would take a few minutes for the water to be heated up evenly, but I was also fairly eager to hop in.

  I unfastened my pants, dropped them to the ground, and then walked over to the tub.

  Malak gasped when she saw my cock, and then she made a small whimpering sound.

  “I-I can leave the room if you--” she began, but I cut her off as I glanced over my shoulder.

  “You don’t have to do that.” I smiled devilishly. “In fact, once the water is all nice and warm, you’re more than welcome to join me.”

  The Coonag woman pursed her lips as several thoughts seemed to flit through her brain, and then she watched me as I climbed up over the edge of the tub and lowered myself down onto the makeshift seat underneath the surface.

  The water was a tad chilly, and goosebumps rose up all along my skin. However, the fact that it was washing off the briny sea water as well as all the unwanted remnants of my earlier kill made me not give a fuck.

  I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and let out a deep sigh as I was refreshed by my bath. Then a pair of soft hands began to run through my hair.

  Malak massaged my scalp delicately, and it suddenly felt like I’d died and gone to heaven. I let out a small moan of appreciation, and the Coonag woman stopped dead in her tracks.

  “You must really like that,” Malak purred.

  “I really fucking do,” I sighed. “Where did you learn how to do that so well?”

  Malak began to massage my head once more, and my body lit up with a pleasurable sensation. Damn… Was I going to orgasm without any sort of sexual contact? It seriously felt that good.

  “You’re not going to like the answer,” the short-haired woman giggled.

  “Tell me anyways,” I demanded playfully. “That’s an order from your king.”

  “Weeeeelllll…” Malak trailed off. “The Coonag women are tree dwellers, remember? There are a lot of bugs in the trees…”

  “Say no more,” I chuckled, even though it really didn’t bother me.

  Honestly, the way she was rubbing my hair, I wouldn’t have cared if she told me she learned how to do this from wiping a baby’s soiled bottom.

  Malak massaged me for another minute or two before she pulled her arms back and stepped away.

  “Are you alright?” I mused as my eyes shot open, and I turned around to see what was wrong. “Your hands aren’t getting tired, are they?”

  A sly grin spread across the gray-haired woman’s face. “I hope not. For your sake.”

  Instantly, my cock began to harden. I knew exactly what she was talking about, and I was more than ready for it. Though she didn’t talk as much as Nadir or Lezan, Malak was just as beautiful as the
other members of her species. In fact, in some ways she was even better because she was a thinker, and I loved smart women.

  The Coonag woman reached behind her back, unfastened the hook that held her fur top together, and then let her shirt fall to the floor. Instantly, her massive breasts plopped out and jiggled as they were freed from their fabric prison.

  My mouth hit the floor at the sight. I knew the short-haired woman was curvy, but her clothes must have hid just how damn curvy she was.

  Her breasts must have been at least double Ds, and each one had a pale pink nipple at its end. The large buttons of love were already erect as they stood on her chest, and they were thick as a pencil eraser and begging to be sucked.

  Malak then bent over and tugged off her bottoms to reveal her smooth slit.

  “You’re being very quiet,” the Coonag woman chuckled.

  “That’s because your body is leaving me speechless,” I gulped as I looked up and down her amazing figure.

  My dick was as hard as a diamond right now, and I wanted nothing more than to jump out of this tub and screw Malak until she screamed my name.

  However, it looked like the racoon-woman was coming to me.

  Malak strutted over to the side of the tub, hoisted herself over the edge, and then gently lowered herself into the water. Her breasts floated up to the top of the water as she positioned herself, and I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

  “You know, Ben,” the gray-haired woman began, “Lezan and Nadir told me all about what you did to them, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since.”

  “Oh?” I raised my eyebrows at her words as my heart began to pound in my chest.

  “Mhmm.” Malak scooted a bit closer. “And ever since then, I’ve wanted you to do the exact same thing to me.”

  “Exactly the same?” I chuckled, though I was melting in the presence of the beautiful naked woman. “I thought you weren’t guided by your emotions like the rest of your people?”

  “It’s not my emotions…” the Coonag woman purred as she began to trace my inner thigh with her fingers. “Like I said. I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit. Thinking about it long and hard.”

  When the last part of the sentence left her lips, Malak wrapped her fingers around my erection. Her touch alone made me shiver with ecstasy, but we were nowhere near the best part yet.

  The short-haired woman began to stroke me tenderly with one hand while she fondled my balls with the other.

  “Fucking hell,” I moaned and threw back my head. “Did you learn to do that from being a forest dweller, too?”

  “I’ll never tell.” Malak winked.

  The beautiful woman continued to stroke me off, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to touch her, to taste her sweet kiss against my lips…

  So, I wrapped my right arm around Malak’s neck, grabbed the back of her head, and then pushed her close to my face. The Coonag woman’s lips were supple and soft, and she let out a soft groan when I slid my tongue into her mouth. We kissed passionately for several minutes while she continued to pleasure me, and I felt like I was quickly edging to a climax already.

  Fuck, she was good at this.

  I needed to turn the attention on her, or else she was going to make me blow before we even got to the best part. So, I gripped her inner thigh with my free hand and slowly made my way upward…

  I slid two fingers into Malak’s warm pussy, which caused her to pull away and gasp. Then I began to finger her slowly while I rubbed her clitoris with my thumb.

  Malak’s whole body began to tremble, and she closed her eyes as her mouth fell open and gasped for air.

  “Oh, Gods, Ben!” she moaned. “K-Keep doing that.”

  Obviously, I obliged.

  I hastened my pace as we both continued to pleasure each other with our hands, and I could tell the two of us were close to the brink of orgasm.

  That was why I stopped abruptly and pulled my fingers out of Malak.

  The Coonag woman met my gaze and frowned. “What’s the matter? Was I not doing it right?”

  I just shook my head. “Fuck, no. You were doing amazing. But I’ve got something better in mind…”

  I stood up in place, took Malak by the hand, and led her out of the tub. I got out first, and then I assisted the beautiful short-haired woman as she pulled herself over the side.

  “Ah!” Malak cried out as she slipped on the slick rock and fell into my arms.

  In one fell swoop, I caught her, picked her up like a bride on her wedding night, and began to take her to the bed. Then I gently placed Malak down onto the seagrass mattress, got down on my knees, and spread her legs.

  Her arousal was already dripping out of her amazingly taut pussy lips, and I couldn’t help but lick my own lips as I thought about what she was going to taste like. So, I grabbed Malak by the thighs, gave her a tug, and pulled her womanhood up to my mouth. Then I ran my tongue around the edge of her labia, and the woman turned to jello.

  “Oh, Ben…” Malak shuddered. “That feels so good.”

  I circled her wet, sweet pussy lips a few more times for good measure before I moved on to her clitoris. When I finally began to flick my tongue across her warm love button, she was on pins and needles. Malak’s thighs tightened around my head, which only got me all the more turned on, and I quickened the speed of my tongue and pressed myself closer against the Coonag’s womanhood.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet,” I moaned.

  Suddenly, Malak arched her back and gripped the sides of the bed.

  “K-Keep doing that!” she demanded. “I think I’m about to--Ohhhhhhhhh!”

  Malak’s pussy got a million times wetter as she orgasmed against my face, and I didn’t stop pleasuring her with my mouth until her moans finally died down.

  Then I stood up, spread her legs open wider, and prepared to enter her with my throbbing erection.

  “Are you ready for the big one?” I asked with a growl.

  Malak gasped when she saw me at full mast. “Oh, Gods. They told me you were big, but wow… That thing looks like it’s going to split me in half.”

  “It just might.” I winked, and then I positioned myself over Malak’s quivering womanhood.

  I slid the head of my cock inside of her pussy, and we both let out a groan of pleasure in unison. Then I pressed my body against hers and kissed her passionately as I pushed myself the rest of the way in.

  My balls tightened when I bottomed out against her cervix, and I just about exploded inside of her right then and there. However, I kept my cool and continued on.

  Malak and I made out as I began to pump in and out of her with rhythmic passion. Her tunnel was extremely tight and wetter than a monsoon, which only increased the size of my erection.

  “D-Did it just get bigger inside of me?” The Coonag woman pulled away as she looked down and groaned.

  “It sure as fuck did,” I whispered into her ear before I nibbled on it. “Want to see how much bigger it can get?”

  “Fuck me…” Malak breathed, and I couldn’t quite tell if that was an expression of disbelief or a command.

  Better safe than sorry, I guess.

  So, I started to thrust harder, and I had to hold Malak’s thighs in my hands to keep her in place. Her massive breasts bounced with each pump, and I’d never been more eager to feel her nipples in my mouth than I was at this moment.

  Without slowing my intensity, I moved down, grabbed one of her breasts with my hand, and then sucked tenderly on her thick, tender nub. Malak’s hand ran across the back of my head, which told me I was doing something right. So, I gave the right nipple a bit more attention before I switched over to the left.

  “You’re so damn big,” Malak groaned into my ear. “I think you’re going to tear me in two!”

  I felt myself quickly building to a climax, so I pulled away from Malak’s breasts, sat straight up, and shoved my cock into her as deep as it would go.

  We both let out an intense moan as I bottomed out insid
e her again, and Malak’s pussy began to quiver and spasm like it was out of control.

  “Gods, Malak…” I groaned as I closed my eyes and took it all in. “You’re so tight.”

  When I looked back down at the Coonag woman, I saw her amber eyes were practically pleading with me.

  “Fill me with your seed, Ben,” Malak begged. “I want to feel your love inside me. I-I want to bear… your child.”

  The short-haired woman could barely even talk through her trembling moans, and I thought it was the fucking hottest thing in the world.

  So, I started to pound Malak like a jackhammer, and her sounds of pleasure instantly became more hurried and closer together. Finally, I put my hand around the small of her back and sat her up so I could kiss her once more.

  Once that happened, it was over.

  Malak’s whole body tensed up as we made out, and she unleashed a powerful moan against my lips as her pussy spasmed like mad.

  As it did so, I sensed the tension in my abdomen release, and I shoved my cock as far into Malak as it would go and groaned as my warm seed flooded into her hungry womb. I held the Coonag woman against my body until both of our orgasms had subsided, and then I gave her a final kiss before I let myself slide out of her.

  I watched intensely as a bit of my cum dribbled out of her pussy, but before it could splash onto the bed, Malak reached down, picked up the residual with her fingers, and then licked it off.

  “You never let any of the king’s seed go to waste.” She winked.

  Then, almost as if a switch had been flipped in her body, Malak slammed herself back onto the bed and let out a long sigh.

  I crawled up next to her, wrapped my arm around her shoulder, and pulled her naked body in close against mine.

  “How’s that for getting some rest?” I joked as I kissed her shaved head.

  “That was rest?” the Coonag woman shot back. “If that’s the case, we should rest more often.”

  “Tell me about it.” I smiled at the beautiful woman in my arms.

  I stared up at the ceiling of my room for a brief second, and the next thing I knew my eyes were getting droopy. The exertion of the battle with the huitar, mixed with the passionate love I’d just made, had me tired as a bear about to go into hibernation. On top of that, I could hear the sounds of the soft, crashing waves outside my window, and Malak’s body was radiating warmth.


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