Monster Girl Islands 7

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Monster Girl Islands 7 Page 22

by Logan Jacobs

  “That… I just can’t…” she whispered.

  “What?” I snickered. “Too much?”

  “Not at all,” the Morpho reassured me. “But… We aren’t done, are we? Don’t I have to make you, um… ‘Cum,’ too?”

  “There’s still plenty of time for that.” I winked.

  Elzara bit her lip, sat up in the bed, and looked away for a moment. Her face and chest were still flushed from her orgasm, and she was timidly looking around the room.

  “What comes next, then?” she whispered shyly. “Should I… should I do the same thing for you? Like with my mouth?”

  “That would be incredible.” I smiled and ran my hand across her taut cheek. She probably didn’t know exactly what she needed to do, so communication was going to be key.

  “I-I don’t know how.” The Morpho woman gulped as she looked down at my bulge.

  “I’ll help you,” I promised as I stood to my feet. “First, get down on your knees and take off my pants.”

  The blue-haired beauty was trembling, but she gave me a soft nod before she slid down and wrapped her hands around my belt. She fumbled around with it for a moment before she tossed it to the side and went for my waistband.

  My rock-hard erection shot up as it was freed from its fabric prison, and Elzara let out a loud gasp at the sight of it.

  “W-Wow.” Elzara gulped, though her eyes were wide with excitement. “I’m not sure how I’m going to fit all of that into my… It’s so large.”

  “You don’t have to take it all on the first try,” I promised. “I’ll go slow until you spread around me. It will feel great. I promise. Now… start to lick the tip of my penis.”

  Elzara timidly wrapped her hands around the base of my dick. Then she inched her lips toward the tip until they were pressed up right against my head.

  “Like this?” she asked, and then she slid the first few inches into her mouth.

  “Holy fuck, yes,” I moaned as I felt her soft tongue touch me. “Now, use your hand to stroke me gently, and slide it in and out of your mouth at the same time.”

  The Morpho woman’s eyes were full of doubt as they looked up at me, but then she obeyed. Her left hand stroked my shaft as she gently let my dick fall from her lips and then it slid back inside. She started off completely out of whack, but after a few tries, her mouth and hand got into a rhythm, and I felt pure ecstasy creep into my very being. Soon after, Elzara switched hands so she was jerking me with her left and running her hand up my abs with her right, and another groan was punched out of me.

  “I’m sorry!” Elzara apologized quickly as she pulled away. “I-I just wanted to touch your body.”

  “Don’t apologize.” I smiled. “You’re doing great. But you know what would feel even better? If you tried to take it all deep into your mouth.”

  “A-all of it?” Elzara’s brown eyes widened at the thought, and she gulped. “Like, the whole thing?”

  “Just go slow,” I tried to pump her up. “If you need to take a break or come up for air, just do it, okay?”

  Uncertainty raced across the woman’s face, but she soon bit her lip and nodded.

  “Okay,” Elzara agreed. “I’ll try it.”

  My mind raced with excitement as I watched her small lips press up against my dick once more. She took the first few inches, and then she slowly pressed herself further.

  “Ohhhh… that’s greattttt,” I sighed as her throat wrapped around the tip of my dick, and I just about blew my load right then and there. However, I wanted to keep her going for as long as I could, so I fought back my orgasm.

  Elzara let out a soft gagging sound as she tried to go deeper, but she pulled back. Then she let out a huff of frustration as she tried to find another approach.

  After a few moments of contemplation, the blue-haired Morpho gripped my shaft and went down again. This time, she must have been trying the “rip it off like a bandaid” approach, and I watched as her violet-sapphire locks moved down my member like she was inhaling it. Elzara gagged once, but only for a half-second, before she forced herself all the way down onto me.

  My balls tightened with anticipation as my cock hit the back of her throat, and I let out a long, deep moan.

  “Keep doing that,” I ordered. “If you keep doing that, you’ll make me cum.”

  “Hmmmm…” Elzara didn’t hesitate this time. Instead, she pulled her throat off my cock, gave it a gentle stroke, and then did it again.

  My body was practically shaking with pleasure as Elzara’s head eagerly bobbed back and forth on my erection, and she kept going for a solid minute before I sensed the tension in my abdomen.

  Soon, I could tell my journey was coming to an end.

  “You know,” I grunted. “For being new to this, your mouth is fucking incredible.”

  Elzara let out a quiet giggle, though she continued to pleasure me.

  The blue-haired woman went down on my cock once more, but this time, it was too much. The second I felt my dick hit the back of her throat, the warm coil in my stomach snapped, and I let out a deep, guttural groan as I unloaded a huge load into her mouth.

  Elzara let out a purr when my orgasm shot into her throat, but her chocolate-colored eyes lit up as she accepted my warm seed, and I watched her throat pulsate as she swallowed my love. Then she pulled her head away with an almost fearful look in her eyes.

  “Was that--?” she began.

  “That was my seed.” I nodded.

  “I-I thought it was supposed to go… in here?” The innocent woman asked as she pointed to her pussy. “Where… it will go to my womb.”

  “It will,” I promised. “I still want to feel the inside of you. Take off the rest of your clothes.”

  Elzara gave me a half smile as she stood up, and then the blue-winged woman reached down, grabbed the bottom of her tunic, and yanked it off over her head. Her body may have been slender, but its proportions were fucking incredible. The woman’s breasts were full and perky, each one with a soft, pointed pink nipple that stood at attention.

  “Are you sure you’re up for it?” Elzara asked as she glanced at my still rock-hard cock. “The others always say they’re lucky to get one out of the Morpho men before they fall asleep.”

  “I’m not a fucking Morpho man,” I reassured the blue-haired beauty with a grin.

  My dick pulsed back to attention at the sight of Elzara’s fully naked body, and I sat up, tugged off my shirt, and threw it to the ground. Then I beckoned for the butterfly-woman to come over to me.

  “W-What do you want me to do?” she whispered as her eyes fixated on my cock.

  “I’ll show you,” I purred. “Just come here.”

  Elzara moved over to me, and then I lifted her leg up so she was straddling my erection.

  “Okay.” Her eyes darted around nervously. “Now what? Is it really… going to go inside of me?”

  “Yes. Try to relax.” I put my hands on Elzara’s shoulders and then gently pushed her down onto me. Her pussy was amazingly wet and even more tight, and I tensed up as her velvet tunnel surrounded my tip.

  “Ohhhh!” she gasped as soon as she opened to accept me, and her body began to tremble.

  “We’ll go slow,” I whispered. “Push your hips up a bit to slide me out of you, and then lower yourself back down. You want to coat the tip and shaft with your natural lubrication so I can fill you all the way up.”

  “O-o-okay…” she breathed as she began to follow my instructions. “Is this okay?”

  “Yeah,” I moaned as her virgin tunnel began to vise grip around my tip.

  “Ohhhh…” Elzara moaned with pure passion when she felt me fill her up. “I’m doing it… I’m taking you all inside… it feels… amazing. Ohhh…”

  “Just go slow,” I coaxed. “We have all the time we need tonight.”

  “H-How are you this huge?” she gasped while she continued to inch down my thick shaft. “It’s like you’re s-splitting me in h-half, but… it feels so gooooodddddd.”
br />   “You’re doing so good,” I praised before I leaned in and softly sucked on Elzara’s nipples as she slowly continued to force herself down onto my cock, and the blue-haired beauty let out a deep moan at the sensation, which only made me go harder.

  With one final effort, Elzara pushed herself the rest of the way down, and her soft lips locked themselves around my shaft.

  “I did it!” she gasped. “You are so deep inside of me. “Wooooowwww…”

  “Great job. I’m going to start to make love to you now. Are you ready? I’ll go slow.”

  “Y-y-yessss…” she whispered. “I’m ready for you.”

  I wrapped my arms tightly around the woman as I bottomed out inside of her, and then I started to guide her body up and down on my cock.

  Both of us threw our heads back as our sounds of pleasure escaped in unison, and then I leaned back in and nibbled on her neck.

  “Amazing,” she panted. “Sooo wonderful…”

  “You’re so tight,” I half-whispered, half-groaned. “It only makes me want to fuck you harder.”

  “Harder?” Elzara gasped, and her chocolate-brown eyes widened. “You can go harder?”

  “I can.” I smirked. “Do you want me to show you?”

  The Morpho woman hesitated for a moment. Then she slowly nodded with excitement in her eyes.

  So, I gripped Elzara’s ass tightly, lifted her up a few inches, and then proceeded to pound into her from a seated position.

  “W-Woooooow!” she groaned through gasps as her body jerked up and down on my erection. “That feels… amazing!”

  Elzara threw her blue locks out of her face as her mouth contorted into a silent gasp. Her wings flapped rapidly as I pumped in and out of her tight tunnel, and I knew she was reaching the edge.

  That only made me want to go harder.

  “Do you want my seed in your womb?” I groaned as the coil tightened in my very being. “Do you want my baby?”

  “Yes!” Elzara responded instantly. “Fill me with your seed, Ben! Give me your child!”

  I increased my pace, and the butterfly-woman nearly screamed.

  Elzara’s entire body turned to jelly in my arms as she orgasmed. Her velvet tunnel spasmed against my cock, and her already tight pussy became like a vise.

  The sounds of her pleasure, mixed with the sensations of her womanhood, sent me over the mountaintop.

  “I’ll give you a child, then.” I let out a deep groan as I came inside of her like a broken fire hydrant, and I felt my warm seed ooze out around us both as we stared each other deep in the eyes while our bodies took joy from the act of making a baby.

  Finally, once we had both calmed down, I lifted Elzara off my erection and sat her down beside me in the bed. Then I threw myself back onto the mattress and let out a long, heavy sigh as I looked at my lover.

  Her azure locks were tousled and messy, and her skin glistened with sweat from our intense love making, but this only made her all the more beautiful.

  I scooted back so my head was against the pillow, patted it, and then cuddled Elzara in my arms when she got up there.

  “Not bad for a first time, eh?” I winked.

  “Is it always like that?” Her brown eyes went wide at the thought. “Because if so, how have I been missing out for all these years?”

  “It is with me,” I promised. “But I’ve been told over the years that I’m pretty special.”

  “You really are,” Elzara cooed as she kissed my chest tenderly. “You’re a very special man, Ben Whitfield. Thank you.”

  “I should be thanking you,” I retorted with a smile. “You were fucking amazing.”

  I pulled the naked Morpho woman close to my chest and stared up at the ceiling as we listened to the pitter-patter of the raindrops against the top of our dwelling. It was a calming sound, and soon I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

  The next thing I remembered was waking up to the sound of chirping bugs. I groggily ran my hands through Elzara’s hair as I tried to force myself awake, but it was harder than it looked. Finally, I heard the sound of voices outside the dwelling, and I slowly rolled out of bed.

  “Good morning,” Elzara murmured as she rubbed her eyes.

  “Good morning.” I kissed her forehead and then stood up. “I hope you had a good sleep.”

  “Are you kidding?” Elzara giggled. “After last night, I thought I’d sleep for a whole week.”

  “Happy to be of service,” I snickered. “And willing to execute a repeat performance.”

  “O-Oh, good to know.” The blue-haired pixie blushed, but her brown eyes trailed over my body as she considered the thought.

  We still had a butterfly queen to find and awaken, or I’d be pressing for that repeat performance right now.

  But, as it stood, we both got out of bed, tossed on our clothes, and then headed out to meet the rest of our friends.

  They were all outside already, and they were inspecting the clearing around us.

  “There they are!” Candara waved when she saw us approaching. “We were starting to think we’d have to send somebody in to wake you both up.”

  “How was your night?” Ahwara asked as she looked between us knowingly.

  Instead of a simple response, Elzara walked up to her leader, hugged her tightly, and then smiled at her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered to the orange-haired pixie.

  “I won’t tell the queen.” Ahwara winked.

  Damn. Ahwara might have been a hard-ass sometimes, but she was a damn good leader. And, more importantly, she seemed to care about her friends. Things were definitely going to be interesting once Queen Dalwen was awakened…

  “Your ideas held up, Draco Rex,” Mira announced as she stepped forward. “The levee kept all of the water out of the clearing. Not a single drop got in.”

  “And the stuff on the roof kept us dry,” Nadir added. “Trust me, I was staring up at the ceiling all night, just waiting for something to happen.”

  “Good to hear.” I smiled at my crew. “But we can’t dwell on our successes for too long. We still have a castle to find, and a queen to awaken. How far away do you think we are, Ahwara?”

  “A little under half a day,” the orange-haired leader theorized.

  “Then, let’s get going,” I commanded.

  So, we gathered up our belongings and then set out into the forest, in search of the Morpho Queen and whatever new challenges awaited us.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Whew,” Nadir panted as our crew pushed on through the foliage of the jungle. “I feel like my whole body is leaking.”

  “Me, too,” Lezan grumbled and wiped the sweat from her brow. “How are the rest of you not dying over there?”

  “That’s humidity for you,” I chuckled as I sliced down a large fern with my seaglass sword. “It looks all nice and sunny outside, but the moisture in the air makes it ten times worse than it really is.”

  “I don’t think their choice of attire is helping,” Candara noted as she pointed to the Coonag women’s outfits. “I’m assuming that’s the ‘fur’ you were telling us about?”

  “It sure is.” Nadir leaned against a tree and dramatically gasped for breath. “The Coonag women take pride in the appearance of their furs, the ones that occur naturally and the ones we steal from other beasts.”

  “Well, you’re about to be taking pride from a heatstroke if you don’t sit down and take a break soon,” Ahwara warned.

  “A break?” Mira scoffed. “According to your directions, we’re not very far away from the castle.”

  “We aren’t,” the pink-winged butterfly woman retorted, “but I’d really prefer not to have to carry these two the rest of the way.”

  “Ahwara’s got the right idea,” I agreed. “The heat and humidity right now is nuts, and the fact that none of us are equipped to handle it is only making things worse. Besides, we’re going to need to regroup and come up with a plan just in case we run into any unexpected visitors in the castle.�

  “You think those… orc things might be there?” Elzara gasped as her brown eyes widened.

  “I don’t know,” I admitted. “But they’ve obviously been here on the island recently. Knowing what I know about those ugly fuckers, they can’t resist themselves when it comes to pillaging a castle or village. If they know about your queen’s palace, then they surely will have tried to take it. And if she’s been in hibernation the whole time? I wouldn’t be surprised if they were still there.”

  “Then we need to be ready to kick their hides.” Holara grinned enthusiastically. “After we rest, of course.”

  “Oh, thank the Gods,” Lezan panted, and she promptly plopped down underneath a large tree.

  The Coonag with the multi-colored hair pulled out her stone axe, grabbed the stem of a nearby fern leaf, and sliced it off at its base. Then she started to fan herself with the oversized frond as a hint of relief spread across her face.

  “Scootch over,” Nadir ordered as she sat down beside the other Coonag woman, and the dark-haired racoon woman plucked her own makeshift fan and then got to work fanning herself and her friend.

  “This is why we wear such thin coverings,” Ahwara noted with a look of smug satisfaction. “They may not offer us much protection from enemies, but they keep us from overheating for sure.”

  “I don’t see what the problem is,” Jonas admitted with a shrug. “I’m certainly hot, but I feel fine.”

  “That’s because you’re wearing a robe!” Nadir hissed.

  “Probably with nothing else underneath,” Lezan added. “You can at least get a nice breeze up through the bottom.”

  “I don’t feel bad, either,” Sela noted. “Perhaps we are more well-adapted for the sun?”

  “It’s not the sun.” Nadir shook her head. “It’s the air. It feels like I’m sucking down a mouthful of water every time I inhale.”

  “You think this is bad?” I whistled playfully as I leaned up against the trunk of a tree for shade. “I should tell you about the time I was stationed in Florida. You wanna talk about humidity? That was ten times worse than anything we’re experiencing right now.”


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