Billionaire's Single Mom_A Billionaire Romance

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Billionaire's Single Mom_A Billionaire Romance Page 76

by Claire Adams

  “I just said, if I had another job I would leave today,” Archie answered as he bowed his head.

  “I can help you with that. Grab your stuff and go now,” I yelled across the table. “Kendall, call security and have Archie escorted off the premises, and get his severance pay sorted.” I leaned back toward Kendall who looked shocked.

  “Anyone else wishing to go? Do it now. It’s not a problem with me. Your money will be on the table if you decide to go. Jefferson, you may have been thinking about it for all your absent days, you want to go?” I said as I looked at each of them individually.

  “I’m okay here, Sir. It’s just that I have a personal problem with my boyfriend,” he replied.

  I sat in mild shock for a moment. Damn, I never realized he was gay, not that I cared. Good for him. Men were easier to deal with than women any day of the week.

  “Okay then, back to work. All of you,” I said as everyone left, muttering to each other.

  I had no problem firing someone. It was part of being a boss. They were just employees, and their personal life wasn’t anything to do with me. I was just glad I had no problems like they did. I thought back to how Dad had taught me to stand firm and be tough, it was the only way a business could go forward, and it was true that weak people never survived.

  I returned to the office after lunch and was just about to tell Kendall I was going home. She knocked on the door and entered my office before me.

  “Can I have a quick word please,” Kendall asked as she clasped her hands in front of her.

  “What do you want?” I asked. I guessed she wanted something. It wasn’t very often she came into the office and asked to speak to me.

  “Is it possible to be absent tomorrow?” she asked quiet and unsure.

  “What you want a day off for? Fuck, you have an interview somewhere else?”

  “No, it’s my dog, he’s sick,” she answered. “I need to take him to the vet, please.”

  “For fuck's sake, Kendall. I just got rid of one person, and nearly got rid of another for being absent,” I said in a demeaning tone. “How do you think that will make me look to have you taking a day off? I’ll tell you. I’d look like a fucking hypocrite. Don’t you think?"

  I had always hated pets and known they were a complete waste of time. All you have to do is take care of them, where is the joy in that?

  “I know, but, it’s, it’s ah, it doesn’t matter,” she replied with a tear in her eye.

  “As much as I think you are a good employee, don’t think that sob story will change my mind, a simple tear from you will make me look like a weak fuck to rest of the staff,” I said sternly.

  “What stands for one stands for everyone, I don’t want everyone crying just to get a day off or to save being dismissed. Take Jefferson for example. You want him to come in here crying, saying he has a boyfriend problem, sob, sob and I put my arm around him and go, 'there, there, there, everything will be all right, of course, he loves you.' It just isn’t gonna happen, sweetheart."

  Her face went pale, and another tear fell.

  “Just find another way around it and get back to your desk. I feel like shit today and don’t want to ever hear about your stupid fucking dog again,” I said. “Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll try and sort something else out if possible,” she replied.

  “I’m sure you can manage to think of something. You have a decent brain between your ears, not bad for a blonde,” I added as she walked toward the door with her shoulders hunched.

  I turned on the TV and flicked through the channels. My cell phone rang. Peter. What the fuck did he want now? The phone stopped ringing, and the message came up.

  "You have one voicemail." I turned my attention back to the TV, but the cable sucked. It was all repeats.

  Peter called again on the cell, and I ignored it. I had nothing to say to him, and I had no idea what he wanted from me. It was definitely time he sorted his own problems out for once.

  “Kendall,” I called.

  “Yes, what can I get you?” she replied through my open door.

  “Just, if Peter calls, tell him you haven’t seen me today? You have no idea where I am." A migraine was coming on fast.

  “Okay, no problem. Any message for him?” she asked as she waited for my reply.

  “Nah, just tell him I have probably gone on a bender again,” I chuckled.

  “You really want me to tell him that?” she replied as she smiled a fake smile.

  “Don’t be dumb. You may be blonde, but you’re not all stupid,” I said raising my eyebrows.

  I turned off the TV and grabbed my jacket, ignoring the hurt look on her pretty face. I’d had enough of the day and had decided to go and see if the house had been cleaned yet.

  Kendall was on the phone as I approached her desk, she mouthed the word “Peter” to me. With note, I headed toward the elevator.

  Fuck today. It was already fucking me.

  Chapter Six


  I had thoughts of Bo all day, I had wanted to take him to the vet, but my boss had forbidden me to have the day off. I couldn't believe the arrogant prick had no concern for anyone apart from himself, and from the way he talked yesterday, he has even less concern for animals. How inconsiderate could one person be? When he wants to be a prick, he’s and has got to be the biggest prick out of all of them.

  I nearly finished all my work, and the office door opened, I hoped he didn’t want me to do anything else at this time. I lifted my head, and Elijah walked straight past me, never even acknowledging that I was there. Wow, if I had the day off, he wouldn’t even of noticed. He just wanted to make a point and used giving special treatment as a weak excuse.

  Every time he acted like this I could see him for who he really was and all the conversations I had about it started to make sense.

  “Goodbye prick,” I whispered under my breath.

  I looked at the clock. I could still make the vet if I was quick. The prick had gone so he wouldn’t know if I sneaked off a little early. I grabbed my things and headed home to get Bo.

  When I arrived at the vet's and could see the blinds on the door being lowered as I jumped out of the car. I quickly ran and knocked on the door.

  “Hello," I shouted through the glass, as I knocked on the door.

  “We are closed,” a voice said.

  “It’s me, Kendall. Bo is sick,” I hollered. “Please?”

  The lock clicked, and the door opened.

  “I shouldn’t do this, but seeing as I know you and Bo a little, come in quickly,” the vet said.

  “Thank you, I would have come earlier, but my boss wouldn’t let me take off. I was lucky he left the office a little early today,” I replied as I panted.

  “So, I take it your boss isn’t an animal lover then?” the vet asked with a look of concern.

  “You could say that I’m not so sure he even loves people, or at least not the ones who won’t jump into bed with him when he wants them to!” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “How long you been there?” the vet asked.

  “Not long really, just over a month, and it’s a dream company to work for, a once in a lifetime opportunity,” I replied as I held Bo still on the table.

  “What’s the company, dear? Maybe I have heard of it.”

  “Hanson’s, you know the big logistics company,” I replied as I stroked Bo’s fur.

  “Ah, Hanson’s, I know it well. I suppose you are talking about Elijah then?” the vet commented.

  “Yes, how did you know?” She checked my dog on the cold, stainless steel table.

  The vet explained she lived around here most of her life and knew the parents of Elijah and Peter from years ago. She saw how he had changed as he started to grow up with all that money and power.

  “I also saw him on the TV on occasion, especially when his dad died, and it was announced he was to be the sole owner of the business. But something wasn’t right there if you ask me, Peter
is much more level-headed. Elijah has just turned into an arrogant dick, pardon my French,” the vet said as she held a stethoscope to the chest of Bo.

  “So, what would you say the problem is?” I asked the vet.

  “Anemia,” the vet said.

  “Hey? You think Elijah is anemic?” I asked puzzled.

  “No silly, Bo has a touch of anemia,” she laughed at me.

  “Ah, so what’s the cure for that?” I asked.

  “I can give him some pills, but he’s getting old. It may get worse over time. As for Elijah, I wish I could tell you differently, but it may be time for you to look for another job,” she said.

  “I have considered it, and everyone has determined that is what I should do, maybe this episode with Bo is the final straw and I’ll leave, job or no job,” I replied.

  “Like I said, I have known Elijah for a lot longer than you, and I have not seen a change in the better for him. Actually, if anything, he has gotten worse over the past couple of years.” She patted Bo as he panted.

  “I don’t want to lay blame on you, but you could be the person who has just convinced me to leave, at least you have knowledge of his history,” I said as I lifted Bo from the table.

  I gained more insight into Elijah's behavior from the vet and paid her for the meds, then I jumped in the car and headed home. I would seriously take on board everything I had just learned. The prick had just pushed me a bit too far this time.

  “So, Bo, what do you think about what the vet said?” He was asleep. “Should I leave him?" I asked him anyway.

  It may have been a sign or acknowledgment that he understood me, but he barked, so Bo had made the final decision, I would finish at the end of the next week, no matter what he said to convince me otherwise.

  We arrived home, and I took Bo into the house and gave him his medication. I hoped he would get better and prayed it wasn’t a sign he was getting too old. I showered and fixed my dinner, and then my phone rang.

  “Hello, Kendall, how are you?” Mom asked.

  “I’m okay. I have just got back from the vet with Bo,” I replied.

  “What’s wrong with him?” she asked inquisitively.

  “A touch of anemia, the vet said it’s a sign he’s getting a bit old."

  "Give him a big kiss from Grandma."

  “I have also decided to quit my job,” I said.

  “I’m so happy you have decided to do that, it will be the best decision you have made.” She sounded happy.

  “I’ll tell him Monday. I'll also qualify for full pay and my monthly bonus, that is unless he gets funny and tries to stop it, but, I’m not sure he would be bothered. I can't believe it, but he only cares about having a bum in that seat, no matter who it is,” I answered.

  “Good for you dear,” she said with a sound of happiness in her voice.

  “I’ll also give him a piece of my mind. I have got nothing to lose once I give him my resignation letter, he can shove his job up his ass for all I’m concerned,” I replied with a laugh.

  “I knew you would come to your senses dear. It was only a matter of time before you saw the light. You will be much happier once you finally leave.”

  “You can look back on things and learn from them, even if they were not mistakes. You could use things toward your future,” she commented.

  “Mandy said you were a wise old bird,” I said with a giggle.

  “She’s a cheeky girl, just wait till I see her next time, I’ll show her who is an old bird,” she said with a firm tone and in jest.

  “I’m sure I’ll be nervous though when I hand my notice in, he will probably give me a right earful to start with, and it will be a week of hell,” I said nervously.

  “Just take it as it comes, once you give him that letter what can he do? He can’t exactly fire you for anything,” she said.

  “I just hope I have the courage to open my mouth and say something to him, I know he wouldn’t listen, but it might make him think a bit if he ever thought my point was worth anything,” I said.

  “You never know until you try, he could just ignore you completely, or he could listen to what you say without acknowledging what you have said,” Mom said. “If he’s that arrogant, he will make it look like he’s ignoring you."

  “The only thing is, what happens if he won’t accept my resignation, is there any way he can stop me leaving?” I asked.

  “He can say that, but at the end of the day, I don’t think there is anything legally he can do to stop you but don’t take my word for it, I’m not a lawyer,” she said plainly.

  “I’ll have a good think about what I’m going to say to him, all the bad points compared to his good points if I can think of any good points, that is,” I said.

  “Well dear, I have kept you long enough, you should be getting some rest and thinking what to put on your list and what you are going to say to him,” she said.

  “Yes, you’re right, I have had a rough and long day, I’m a bit tired, I should be getting to bed soon,” I replied.

  “Okay dear, I’m going now, as soon as you do the deed, let me know how you get on alright?" She was so supportive of me.

  “No problem Mom, thanks for calling, good night," I said sleepily.

  “Good night dear, speak to you soon,” she said before she hung up the phone.

  It was late, and I had a thick head from all the conversations about having a new job. How would I do it? And what would I say the reason was?

  Bo was already waiting for me, and he was laid on his back with his belly faced to the ceiling. I smiled as I rubbed his belly and asked him his thoughts on the matter.

  “Well Bo, mummy may be without a job soon, what will we do then hey?” I said.

  “He opened one eye and rolled onto his side. He had a sad look in his eyes and wanted me to tickle him some more. It was funny how some things like a tickled belly can make everything seem right.

  My mind fell into both slumber and thought. I had two areas in that I wanted to confront Elijah on. Firstly, I wanted to tell him he was a good-for-nothing piece of shit and secondly, that all his wealth means nothing because it’s unable to help him find a decent woman or life with meaning. I cuddled close to Bo and slowly drifted into slumber. Another exhausting day.

  Chapter Seven


  I put the phone down and looked out from my office window. Fuck it. I’d had enough. My trades are doing well, and I can't fucking be here a minute longer. My eyes are blurry from the screen of my computer.

  I grabbed my jacket as I headed out from the office. I stared at the main door and just walked, with my gaze fixed on the exit sign. I was in no mood for “Are you coming back today?” or “Can we reach you if needed? Mr. Hanson?”

  I headed home. I just needed some down time to myself. The business had become boring to me lately. I was bored by it all, and I couldn't explain my feeling of melancholy.

  When I got home I poured myself a double bourbon and slumped on the couch, I laid there with my feet up and didn't move. I looked at all the items in my huge living area and my latest purchase the LED flat screen with the smart home technology lights that can be controlled from my cell. The furniture was covered with natural bison leather, everything had cost a fortune, and I sat all alone in my expensive and lonely house.

  I poured myself another bourbon and took a big swig, even this was expensive, and it was the one thing that did leave me feeling satisfied. I filled my glass and walked from room to room; I looked at all the things I had bought and thought about what they did for me. I had a love affair with things.

  I found myself in the garage, the one place I did feel at home. I loved my vehicles, and none more than my bike, my pride, and my joy. My beloved Triumph Thruxton R. A modern-day take on a classic British café racer, retro styled and as mean as they come, in a silver ice color finished with chrome. This beauty was all steel and muscle. It was like sex on the road. The fast and furious kind.

  I sat on my tool box an
d stared at her. She was a thing of beauty. I felt free as the wind when I rode her, with no one to answer to but me and the winding road. I looked at the lines of the bike, and I decided to take her for a spin.

  I picked from my jacket collection. I ignored the Givenchy Star Patch jacket and went for my trusty bad boy look. I looked like a real bad ass. I was sexy as fuck when I rode. The perfect chick magnet and conversation starter.

  I hopped on, and I started the 1200-cc engine, and instantly I felt the vibrations between my legs. I wheeled her out of the garage and headed down the driveway then I opened up the throttle and let her rip. It was perfect. The wind cleared the fuzziness that the bourbon had started to wash over me. I was glad I had left work.

  I headed down the highway, the hill beckoned for some real riding, but for now, I wanted to see if I could reach top speed. I pulled back on the throttle, and the engine lurched forward with an almighty roar... 40, 50, 70 and still she climbed… 100, 130. Yes! The trees blurred into a mat of green, the engine whined as she was close to her limits. I glanced at the gauge and could see I needed gas, so I slowed to a more sedate speed until a garage appeared in the distance before me.

  I filled the bike with gas as the sound of music caught my attention. I looked up and could see an open bar across the street. I decided to relax for a while before I headed out further into the hills.

  I entered the bar, the stench of beer and bourbon filled the air as the jukebox blasted out the sounds of some fucking asshole singing a sad country tune. I headed toward the bar. Stuffed animals adorned the walls, their glass eyes followed my every step. It was like I was in red-neck heaven.

  “Beer,” I said to the fat woman behind the bar.

  “Comin' right up,” she replied with a country tone.

  I glanced around. It was full of days gone by cowboys and rodeo riders, with denim and Stetsons everywhere. The alcohol went down well. I needed it more than I knew.

  I turned back to the bar and glanced to the side of me, and there was an old man sat alone with his beer. I could see he was dressed differently to the others; he must be a stranger in these parts like me I imagined.


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