Love's Falling Star

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Love's Falling Star Page 3

by B. D. Grayson

  “Not this weekend you aren’t. You and I are taking a road trip.”

  “A road trip? Where? Why would we need to be on a road trip?”

  “Because my brother works for the Great Smokey Mountains Wildlife Preserve, and due to the damage done by the forest fires, they’re having a fundraising concert and gala. He landed us two tickets and you are going.”

  “I really need to study—”

  “One of the artists who’s performing is a local talent by the name of Lochlan Paige. Heard of her?”

  “What?” Mia now had Vanessa’s attention.

  “Lochlan had a concert scheduled this weekend in St. Louis. The stadium she was playing suffered some damage during the recent snowstorms, so she was suddenly available to do the fundraiser. When they added her this morning, my brother called and asked if I wanted tickets, soooo—”

  Vanessa had to admit she really would like to see Loc again, but she didn’t want to bother Lochlan, who was obviously just trying to be nice. “I really need to study this weekend.”

  “Too bad. He already has our tickets to the concert and the gala. We’re leaving Friday after your morning class. It’s a five-hour drive, so you’ll have plenty of time to study on the way.”

  “The gala? That means—”

  “That means we need clothes. Clothes that will turn the head of a very closeted superstar.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Mia. Lochlan’s head isn’t turning for me. It was a one-time thing. Just let it go and tell Greg thank you for the tickets, but I can’t go.” She went back to her work. “Take Ty if you want someone to be there with you, but I’ll pass.”

  “The tickets are ours, and you are going. Now, here’s the deal, you either find something to wear, or when I kidnap you and throw you in the car, you will see Lochlan Paige again wearing jeans and a T-shirt.”

  “This is crazy. Why are we rushing to see someone who will barely remember me by now?”

  “That’s not the case and you should know it. Look, let’s just go, and if she acts that way, we can leave. But we are going to try.”

  Vanessa sighed. “This is a bad idea.”

  “No, this is a fantastic idea.”

  ✥ ✥ ✥

  Lochlan entered the gala and was greeted by a swarm of fans. She was grateful for everyone who attended, but there was something about this part of these events that made her uneasy. She was used to being the center of attention, but when people crowded her, it was hard to hide the panic inside.

  She looked out over the group of fans and her eyes wandered to a high-top table in the back of the room where Vanessa stood. Lochlan’s knees almost went weak. My God, she’s beautiful. The low-cut black dress and the way her hair fell to one side almost made Lochlan’s mouth go dry. She smiled, incredibly pleased when Vanessa smiled back. Once she had greeted everyone who surrounded her, she made her way to Vanessa.

  “You look—wow.” Lochlan wasn’t confident that she hadn’t just undressed Vanessa with her eyes. And at the raise of Vanessa’s eyebrow, she conceded she hadn’t hidden it well.

  A blush crept across Vanessa’s face. “Thank you. You look amazing as well.”

  “How’s school?”

  “Good. Took a night off tonight.” Vanessa turned to Mia. “Lochlan, this is my best friend, Mia.”

  Lochlan extended her hand. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

  “Thank you. I’m a huge fan,” Mia gushed.

  “So I’ve heard.” Lochlan smiled. She looked around. “And where is this Ty I’ve also heard about?”

  “He has a family gathering tomorrow, so it’s just a girls’ weekend,” Vanessa said.

  “Then I’m glad you chose to spend it with us. It’s a good cause, and as a hometown girl, it’s something that I hold dear, so I’m thankful for everyone who came out to support it.”

  “Mia’s brother works for the wildlife reserve, so he was able to get us tickets.”

  “It’s nice to see a friendly face.”

  “I can imagine.” Vanessa looked around the room. “It’s a good crowd.”

  “It is, yes.” Lochlan turned her attention to Mia. “Were you two able to see the show?”

  “We were. You did amazing.”

  “Acoustic sets are always fun. You get to actually make eye contact with people and have a connection with them, versus large venues where there are so many faces and you try to give them all a moment of attention.”

  “Well, you did great.” Vanessa beamed.

  “Do you attend many concerts?” Lochlan asked.

  Mia quickly responded. “If it’s Brinley, you can count this one in.” She pointed toward Vanessa.

  “Oh, a Brinley fan?” Lochlan smiled as Vanessa looked away shyly, not answering at first. Her interest was also piqued at the mention of the pop singer, who was an out lesbian.

  “We’re a fan of the lesbians,” Mia blurted out. Which caused Vanessa and Lochlan to both stare at her. “Not that you need to know any of that.”

  Lochlan wasn’t sure how she should respond to the statement. “Well—that’s—great.”

  Vanessa took a breath. “In high school, I was a proud member of her fan club, yes.” She formed her hand to make the known fandom sign.

  “Just in high school?” Lochlan loved the blush that came to Vanessa’s face.

  “Okay, maybe now too, but my taste in music does include country as well.”

  “Glad to hear that. Although she is a great person, and I’m happy for her success, it’s nice to know that I have a chance to sway you toward country music.”

  Mia motioned to someone behind Lochlan. “I think someone is trying to get your attention.”

  Lochlan looked to see who it was. “Oh, that’s Jamie, my best friend and manager.” She couldn’t ignore Jamie motioning urgently to join her. “Unfortunately, that’s my cue.” She smiled at Mia. “It was so nice meeting you.” Then she caught Vanessa’s gaze. “And as always, it was good seeing you.”

  “You, too.”

  “I’m really glad that you came. Maybe I can catch you again before the night is done.”

  “You’re busy, Loc. We understand.”

  “Thank you for understanding. However, I will do my best to get back around to you.” She placed the slightest of touches on Vanessa’s arm. “Otherwise, I hope you enjoy your evening.”

  As they watched Lochlan walk away, Mia said, “She probably won’t even remember me.” She chuckled. “Yeah, right.”

  They spent the evening meeting several new people who worked with Mia’s brother. Although they hadn’t been able to talk to Lochlan any more that night, Vanessa had to admit that she had fun. She had glanced over at Lochlan a handful of times during the night and within moments always found blue eyes turning to her as well. The idea that Lochlan Paige seemed to be keeping up with her during the night had something in the pit of stomach doing cartwheels and accelerated her heart rate.

  As the evening was winding down, Vanessa and Mia made their way from the ballroom to retrieve their coats. Vanessa hadn’t wanted to bother Lochlan, thinking she would just direct message her later. As they were just about to leave the building, there was a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see a large man who apparently had been running to catch her. Vanessa had seen him before. She smiled. “Hi. Jacob, right?”

  “Hi. Ms. Paige would like a word with you before you go.”

  Vanessa beamed as she saw Lochlan closing in on them. “Sorry, you were busy and we—”

  “Were leaving without saying good-bye?” Lochlan dramatically placed a hand to her heart and feigned hurt, while the smile on her face never wavered.

  “You’ve been otherwise occupied,” Vanessa countered.

  “I just wanted to tell you good night.” She turned to Jacob. “Thanks, I have it from here.” He nodded and returned inside. She turned back to them. “Thanks again for coming tonight. It was good seeing you, although I wish we’d had more time.”

  “Maybe next time,”
Vanessa said.

  “I am so on board with there being a next time.” Lochlan smiled.

  Mia spoke up. “I’m going out to get in the valet line.” She smiled at Lochlan again. “It was sooo nice meeting you.”

  “You as well.” Once Mia was gone, she turned to Vanessa. “You know, the first time that I met you, you shielded me from people seeing me. You made me feel safe—protected. Tonight, you stood across the room quietly while I talked to everyone else and were very gracious about it. Not many fans do that.”

  “Not many megastars run me down before I leave the building.”

  Lochlan blushed. “Touché.”

  “So, I guess we’re both seeing a different side to things tonight.”

  “Seems that way, yes.”

  “Is that what I am? Just a fan?” Vanessa asked.

  “I hope not.”

  “Then just out of curiosity, why did you have your bodyguard chase me down?” Lochlan stared nervously at the ground. “Why are you standing here now?”

  After a few long seconds, Lochlan answered. “Can I get back to you on that?”

  “You can. Just wanted to make sure that I’m seeing this right.”

  “Seeing what right?”

  “That you seemed to be flirting with me.” Vanessa held her breath awaiting a response.

  “That would be crazy.” Lochlan looked away, took a deep breath, and spoke more softly. “I am a country music singer whose career would be put in jeopardy if I were to do something like that…with someone I don’t even know.”

  Vanessa understood exactly what that meant. “Right.” Vanessa breathed deeply. “So, I guess that’s settled.” She tried to smile.

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “No flirting happening here.” Vanessa couldn’t tell if Lochlan seemed more frustrated or just sad. “Good night, Lochlan.”

  A moment passed before Lochlan spoke. “Good night, Vanessa.” They exchanged glances and Vanessa turned to go. She stopped when she heard Lochlan’s quiet voice. “It would be crazy to think that someone would keep something like that a secret, right?” Vanessa turned and saw Lochlan’s hand covering her mouth as if she was as shocked that she had spoken aloud as Vanessa was upon hearing it.

  “What?” When Lochlan didn’t answer, Vanessa moved toward her. “You know, you may meet someone one day that you can trust. Someone who just wanted to get to know you. No secrets to tell, no careers to jeopardize. Just someone who, for some reason, seems to be genuinely drawn to you.” Vanessa waited a beat before she finished. “If even to their own surprise.”

  “I would love to meet someone like that. Someone I could get to know better. Maybe talk to and have a friendship, and then we could just see where it goes. I would really like that.”

  “So, when you meet someone you feel you can trust, someone you feel would care about you for the person that you are, you should hold on to that.”

  Lochlan smiled, and this one was genuine. “I was thinking the same thing.” Their gazes held for a moment. “Do you have a phone?”

  Vanessa chuckled. “Everyone has a phone, Loc.”

  Lochlan rolled her eyes. “One that I can use, please.”

  Vanessa smiled and handed the phone over. “Are we taking another selfie?”

  “Nope.” Lochlan was typing something into the phone.

  “So, what are we doing?”

  Lochlan looked up at her and smiled. “You said when I find someone who cared about me for who I am, to hold to that.”

  “I did,” Vanessa said.

  “Then I am holding on to that—to you.” She motioned to the phone. “My number is under LP.” She waited a beat. “Use it.”

  “When would you like me to start?”

  “Is now too soon?” Lochlan let out the cutest and most nervously adorable laugh that Vanessa had ever heard.

  Vanessa lowered her head and smiled. “Why are you trusting me?”

  “Because I can’t seem not to.”

  “Thank you.” She couldn’t seem to look away from Lochlan. It had been a problem all night long. “Good night.”

  “Good night. Drive safely.”

  When Vanessa didn’t move, they both laughed. “God, I can’t seem to move.”

  “I’m okay with that too. You could just stay there if you’d like.”

  A horn honked, and Vanessa turned to see Mia standing at their car. “Ugh. I have to go.”

  “I’ll be here a while longer if you want to call or text. I’ll get back with you when I can.”

  “Okay.” Vanessa turned to go.

  “Oh!” Lochlan said, causing Vanessa to turn once again. “I meant to tell…”


  “You look really…beautiful.”

  Vanessa grinned. “Good night, Ms. Paige.”

  As Vanessa got into the car, Mia spoke. “What was that about?”


  “Um, because Lochlan never took her eyes off you as you walked to this car. That’s what? What just happened?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure.”

  As they drove away, Mia’s brother called and eventually talked them into staying at his house for the night. Mia had gushed over how aware Lochlan was of Vanessa during the entire evening. She had also asked what Lochlan had wanted with Vanessa just before they left. She told Mia that it was just casual and that Lochlan was saying that she was glad that they had been able to come. Vanessa would do as she had been silently asked; she would keep the secret Lochlan had entrusted her with. She loved Mia, but this was too big to ask someone else, especially someone as naturally gabby as Mia, to hold. So, Vanessa would do it herself. She would hold this very special secret for Lochlan until she was ready to deal with it in her own time.

  Vanessa sent one text that night explaining that she knew Lochlan was busy and that she and Mia had decided to stay at Mia’s brother’s home. She explained that if they talked, Mia was sure to ask questions. She regretfully added that she and Lochlan would have to talk another time. Vanessa sighed as she thought back on the conversation and knew that sleep would elude her tonight.

  ✥ ✥ ✥

  Lochlan looked at her phone for a moment, squinted her eyes in contemplation, and hit send. While she waited on a reply, she packed her things into her bags. She smiled as she heard the notification saying there was a new text. She read the message.

  Good morning to you, too. Awake, so you can call if you want.

  Lochlan hit the phone icon to place a call. Against Lochlan’s better judgment, they had texted a couple of times after Lochlan had left the fundraiser. The messages had stopped, and she had assumed that Vanessa had fallen asleep.

  A sleepy voice answered the phone. “Hi.”

  It was the simplest of words but spoke with such kindness. Lochlan could hear the smile in Vanessa’s voice. “Hi.”

  “Are you heading out?”

  “We’re loading up, yeah.” Lochlan sat back on her bed. “The crew and drivers slept a few hours, so it’s back out again. The tour continues.”

  “So, you’ll be in Kansas City tomorrow night?”

  Lochlan smiled. “I will be. Sounds like someone is keeping up with my schedule.”

  “Hey, I’m a big fan these days.”

  “Am I at Brinley level?”

  Vanessa laughed softly. “I’ll let you know.”

  Lochlan took the joke as it was intended. “I can’t wait for that moment.”

  “What about the weather out toward Kansas City?”

  “The snow stopped yesterday, and the roads seem to be okay. The amount that St. Louis got caused some damage to the stadium and power supplies, but KC seems to be okay.”

  “I’m surprised you aren’t flying back out.”

  “I am actually using a different bus until we meet up with mine in Kansas City tonight. I have a friend I write with a lot who’s from Knoxville. We’re stopping there and picking her up so we can get some writing down for the next album.”

hat sounds like a lot of work.”

  “Yeah, it will take most of the drive, but we both have some things to get down. We’re also doing the music sheets for the song I was working on when I got yelled at in a library for being too loud.”

  Vanessa scoffed. “I did not yell at you!”

  “Maybe not, but you very matter-of-factly told me to be quiet.”

  “You know that I’m going to have to hear that song.”

  “I thought you already heard it. I vaguely remember the reason I was called down was for singing it too loudly.”

  Vanessa laughed. “I was studying.”

  “I remember.”

  “My parents and I have put a lot of time and money into my brain. I have to make sure it pays off.”

  “I’m sure that it will. So, what’s your major?”

  “I’m pre-med. Once I get all my classes done here, I hope to be accepted into Vanderbilt.”

  Lochlan couldn’t help the sudden excitement that she felt about Vanessa attending a college in Nashville. “So, you’re moving to Nashville?”

  “I hope to eventually, yes. I stayed home because at the time it was the financial thing to do. My dad is a cardiologist, and my mom has a PhD in psychology. They were on board with Vandy, but I think it’s crazy to pay that kind of money for my pre-med classes. I’m basically at home and can finish all my classes here, then move on to Vanderbilt when I’m ready to actually start medical school. I just can’t see paying sixty-seven thousand a year for math and language classes. Mom’s best friend is a nurse anesthetist, and she came out of school with a mound of debt that she paid on for years. My cousin went into the Air Force and they helped with her med school expenses. Medical school is financially exhausting for people, and I don’t want that to be my parents or me.”

  “That’s awful. People who are saving lives shouldn’t come out of school with hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of debt.”

  “Yeah, but that’s the way this seems to work.”

  “Do you have a specialty that you’re going into?”

  “Pediatric oncology.”

  “Oh, wow. That’s amazing.”

  “And heartbreaking.”

  “I can only imagine that it would be.”

  “Nothing like being surrounded by sick babies and kids.” Vanessa’s tone became somber.


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