In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 4

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In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 4 Page 7

by Patora Fuyuhara

  Hm, so that’s how it is... Just a case of really poor timing on her part. She missed it by a hair’s breadth, really. It’s a shame, but I can’t just hand it over to her. I can’t just go back without the final volume. I need the full set or there’d be no point.

  “Excuse me, can you please give me that last volume of RoseMag?”

  “Er, no... I came here with the intentions of buying it, and that’s exactly what I did.” The girl seemed determined to get the book. In fact, she even turned and bowed her head to me, but of course something like that wasn’t going to deter me.

  “Please, this is my last chance... Every other bookstore has run out of stock, too...”

  “E-Even if that’s the case, I still can’t...” Suddenly the girl’s eyes drifted... landing right on the small mountain of books I had purchased.

  “Did you buy ‘The Order of the Rose’ as well?”

  “Er... well, I, uh...” She looked over the various titles on the book heap. After a while she looked over at me, eyes shining in the same way I’d seen too many times today. Getting real sick of these misunderstandings, people...

  “My my, you certainly have a good eye for literature, don’t you?”

  “Don’t get the wrong idea. It’s not like that at all, alright? This isn’t for personal reading or anything, I’m running an errand.”

  “Sure, sure. Don’t worry about it. I totally understand.”

  You clearly don’t understand. Quit grinning at me like that!

  The girl lost herself in thought for a while, but eventually snapped out of it and called me over to a corner.

  “What do you want?”

  “I’m willing to make a deal with you. If you give me that last volume of RoseMag, then I’ll autograph all of your Order of the Rose volumes.”

  “Excuse me?” Is this girl an idiot? Why would I want some random girl’s autograph?

  “Why would I want you to do that?”

  “That’s because I’m the author! Riel Rifrese herself!” The girl proudly puffed out her chest. Th-They’re big... around Yae’s level... Er, wait. Gotta focus.

  “Heh... so you’re really the author?”

  “I am! You think me a liar?”

  Of course I think you’re a liar. What are the odds of meeting the author of the book I just happened to be buying in the middle of a bookstore? Not to mention the fact that I know who the author really is, Yumina told me! Hmph... I guess I’ll have a little fun here and call her out.

  “So that means you’re really Imperial Princess Reliel, doesn’t it?”

  “Wh...uh...” The self-proclaimed author turned white as a sheet, blood draining from her horrified face. That’s right, I’ve exposed you as the fraud you are.

  Just as I was thinking that, she started sweating profusely and flapping her mouth open and shut like a fish. It looked as though she’d entered a state of shock. Er... what is happening here? “Wh— Huh— Buh— Wha— Ho—How did—?! E-E-Even my father doesn’t know that...!” W-Wait, seriously? Is it actually her?

  “Wh-Why would you expose my true... Ah! Y-You plan to blackmail me, using me as a stepping stone to get close to my younger brother, first in line to the throne. After that, you plan to steal his purity and claim the country for yourself!”

  “You goddamn moron!”

  “O-Ouch!!!” I gave the girl a swift karate chop to the head, hoping that it’d pull her out of such ridiculous thoughts. Princess or not, I’d do it again. “Ow... Wh-Why’d you do that?!”

  “Shut up! If it wasn’t for Yumina, I’d be totally ignoring this situation right now, but is this country gonna be fine with you as its princess?!”

  “Y-Yumina? You mean Yumina of Belfast? Who are you, exactly...?” Princess Reliel looked my way with curiosity clouding her face, though she was still rubbing her head. Despite the fact that she was older than me, I felt no need to be polite or respectful around someone like that. She was only about two years older than me, anyway.

  I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself.

  “My name is Mochizuki Touya. I’m engaged to Yumina. Yes, that Yumina, princess of Belfast. It’s not official news yet, however.”

  “Wh-What?! Engaged? That girl, of all people, is engaged?!” She looked at me, awestruck for a moment. But eventually her eyes began to dart around, as if she was concocting some strange story in her mind.

  “Huh? But Yumina is a girl, so... What? Errm, like a fake marriage...? I-Is your true aim to seduce the king?!”



  That isn’t even remotely how it is! You’re seriously pissing me off now! I returned to the counter and paid for all of my books. It was quite costly, but it still fell under the amount I had gained from the day’s questing, so I didn’t mind so much.

  I put all of the books into [Storage], then left the store with the princess in tow. There was a magnificently built carriage outside, which I assumed belonged to the girl and her escorts.

  I took her behind the store, opened a Gate, and pulled Yumina and Kohaku through it.

  “It’s been a while, Reli.”

  “Yumina?! Eh? H-How long have you been in Refreese?!”

  “Gimme a minute, Yumina. I’ll leave the explaining to you. Kohaku, you keep an eye on those two. Tell me if anything comes up.”

  《Very well.》 I left Yumina and Kohaku behind, then headed off to the workshop. I took my volume of “Rose-Tinted Magic” out of [Storage], made a copy, and immediately returned back to the group.

  I handed the book over to Reliel, who was surprised by my sudden reappearance.

  “Here, now there shouldn’t be an issue.”

  “H-Huh? Is this alright? I thought you wanted it...”

  “I’m saying it’s not like that! I wasn’t buying these for me, it was for my store!”

  “You know what they say about people who get so defensive, don’t you...? Er, actually... never mind.” Reliel shut her mouth when she saw me preparing to deliver karate chop.

  Alright, time to go home... I opened up a [Gate]. Kohaku jumped ahead and crossed to the other side.

  “Please take care of yourself, Reli. I hope to see you again soon.”

  “You too, Yumina. Please invite me to your wedding.” Honestly, I’d prefer it if she didn’t attend, but I simply wore a blank expression and persevered.

  I headed through a [Gate] and went straight home. I slumped down on to the sofa in the living room.

  “Man... I’m beat.” I’m not tired because of the hunting mission, though... Linze brought me a fresh glass of ice water.

  “Thanks a ton.”

  “N-No, thank you...” I gulped down all the water she brought me. Ahh, that’s the stuff. I savored the cool liquid, but Linze still remained in one spot, looking at me. What is it now?

  “Er, those... books. Did you get them?”

  Heh, I get it... Someone wants to get reading, does she? I took out today’s haul from [Storage] and stacked it on the table.

  “I asked Rosetta to make a bunch of copies of each volume to prepare. If there’s anything in particular you want, just tell her.”

  “Got it!” With that, Linze went to call Rosetta. Rosetta had the ability to recall herself to the workshop, and there was an active [Gate] connecting my house and Babylon, so they probably didn’t need me.

  I went to the kitchen and gave the Bloody Crab leg to Crea. She seemed quite pleased. Crab stew’s on the menu for today, after all...

  I decided that I wanted to go and have a rest. I’d had quite a busy day, after all. I went to my room, flopped down onto my bed, and closed my eyes. I was suddenly and satisfyingly assaulted by sleep.


  The next day, Moon Reader was even more lively than ever. Word must have spread, because there was a line stretching right out of the doors. Because there were brand new books available, it made sense that people would want to come and get their chance to read it first.

  The store bec
oming more popular was a good thing, but I couldn’t really feel good about it.

  Bah, as I expected... I’ll just toss this place over to Linze and open a new store.

  As it turned out, a few months later... the author behind “Order of the Rose” released a new series.

  Apparently it was the story of a man with incredible power, who attempted to take over a country. To do so he forced the country’s knights, beautiful princess, and her younger brother, to succumb to his wicked ways. I asked Linze to show me it, and the illustrations of the man bore a subtle resemblance to me. This counts as harassment, right?! Next time we meet, I’ll thank you with a [Gravity]-infused karate chop to the head, you wretch! You better prepare yourself!

  ◇ ◇ ◇

  That morning I woke up with a pressure on my lips and a wet sensation in my mouth. Right in front of my face was the face of another individual. Rosetta. Her eyes were closed.


  “Oho! I’ve woken you up, sir yes sir!” Wh— Huh?! What the hell?! Why is Rosetta here?! Why is she kissing me awake?! Wha—?!

  “Genetic registration complete! I was simply storing your genes, master sir! Now it’s official! The ownership of the workshop and my delightful self has transferred to you, Mochizuki Touya, sir yes sir!”

  Huh? Uh...? Oh, right... the registration for the workshop. I hadn’t done that yet, had I... I’ve been so busy that I’d completely forgotten about it. Even so... this method of registration is trouble. Kind of bad for my health.

  I wasn’t sure if Rosetta had become a maid like Cesca had, but either way she wasn’t wearing a uniform. She was wearing what looked more like a mechanic’s jumpsuit. I wondered if that was what an industrial manager should be wearing, but I didn’t bother thinking too hard about it.

  From what I understood, she was manufacturing something in the workshop. I had no idea why, but I figured it had something to do with her trying to prove herself.

  Well, I didn’t mind. She was free to make whatever.

  “Master, sir! I would like some more iron and silver, sir!”

  “Again? Just what in the world are you making?”

  “That is a secret, sir! Need-to-know only, sir yes sir!”

  Always with that response... Well, whatever. I’ll find out soon enough. I handed over some change to Rosetta so she could go and buy the necessary materials. She accepted the money with a giddy little smile on her face. It was kind of like giving pocket money to a child, honestly.

  “Oh, status report, sir! A guest has come to the mansion!”

  “A guest...? I wonder who it is.” I quickly changed out of my PJs and headed downstairs. Upon entering the living room, I was greeted by Laim and General Leon.

  “Ah, Touya my boy! Sorry for dropping by so early.”

  “I’m surprised to see you, General. Is there something wrong?”

  “No, I actually came on personal business. I’d like something from you!”

  Hm? What could he possibly want from me?

  “You made my Lyon an interesting weapon, didn’t you? One that takes the form of both spear and sword.”

  Oh, the one I gave to him after beating down those asshole noble brats...

  “I did. Why, is there something wrong with it?”

  ”On the contrary, it’s great! Which is why I came to ask, could you make me a pair of gauntlets with similar functions?”


  “Today, the Knight Order and the Royal Army are engaging in a joint training session. It would be most embarrassing for a father to lose to his son, I’m sure you understand.”

  That’s your reason...? Man, it’s hard to believe a guy like this raised Lyon.

  “But your gauntlets are already imbued with magic, aren’t they, General?” As I spoke, the general removed the gauntlets tied at his waist and set them upon the table.

  “It is as you say, these ones are imbued with fire magic. But there’s no real effect beyond that. If possible, I would like an enchantment that bolsters my offensive force. I’d also like to ask for a defensive enchantment, if it wouldn’t be too much.”

  “I... see...” Well, if I imbue it with [Gravity], I could boost the destructive output for sure... And I could probably make a program that changes it into a shield, too.

  “Alright, I’ll work on it for you. Do you want me to apply the effects to these ones? Or should I just get a new set entirely?”

  “These gauntlets have sentimental value to me. I’d rather they remain unchanged, so I would prefer you make me a new pair.”

  “Fair enough.” I used [Storage] to pull out another lump of mithril. I then molded it into two gauntlets. I lined it with the pelt of a powerful monster, and had the general try them on so I could make relevant size adjustments. The general was right-handed, so I made sure the shield would be on the left. After that, I applied the relevant [Program] and [Gravity] enchantments.

  “Will this do for now?”

  “Wow! You did it!” I handed over the newly created mithril gauntlets. The general put them both on and smacked his hands together with a smile on his face.

  “Hoho, just as one would expect from mithril, it’s certainly light.”

  “I’ll explain how they work in combat, if you’d like to join me elsewhere.” I opened up a [Gate] to the area where I had fought the Bloody Crab. An out-of-the-way place like that was best for testing out the destructive capabilities, after all.

  “Alright... first off... The left gauntlet can become a shield. You need to say the phrase ‘Shield On’ to trigger it, and the phrase ‘Shield Off’ to return it back to normal.”

  “Ohoho... Shield On. Ohohooo!!!” The left gauntlet responded to the general’s voice and expanded into a medium-sized shield. I figured it’d come in handy against enemies wielding blades and such.

  “Next is the offensive capabilities. When you say the word ‘Impact,’ your right gauntlet will increase its weight by about two hundred times the standard for about a second. If you say it right as you attack, you should have an extremely powerful strike on your hands. It’s extremely dangerous, so please don’t use it against lightly-equipped people or soft people.”

  “Tw-Two hundred times?!” One gauntlet weighed around five kilograms. I figured amplifying the weight by two hundred times would be enough, but maybe it was a little bit too extreme... Kind of like swinging around a massive hammer wildly.

  As I lost myself in thought, the general took a battle stance in front of a big hunk of rock. He pulled back his right hand... And struck the mass with startling speed.

  “Impact!” The moment his hand hit the rock, it crumbled into tiny fragments before my eyes.

  ...I-It’s true that only I can make something like this, but maybe I gave him a little bit too much...

  “Ohoho! This is superb, my boy! I’ll surely be able to handle heavy infantrymen and great monsters without any worry at all, now!” Well, he’s the general... so I’m sure he won’t abuse it or anything.

  “Aside from that, there’s the phrase ‘Stun Mode‘ to paralyze your enemies, and the phrase ‘Burning Mode’ to burn your enemies. Just say ‘Mode Off’ to restore it to default.”

  “Ooh, you enchanted it with fire as well? I’m so grateful, now I can keep my moniker of Fire Fist Leon.” The general smiled. He seemed really excited, honestly. He switched on Burning Mode right away and began to shadow-box. After fighting nothing until he was satisfied, he deactivated the gauntlets and looked them over with a happy expression.

  “Ah, this is wonderful... When Lyon showed me his weapon, I was quite taken aback. Are you sure you aren’t better suited as a master smith or something?”

  “I haven’t got any intention of doing this on a professional level, no.” The weapons that I made were more fit for beast than man. They could be too easily abused. Making them for friends was fine enough for me. I didn’t really want to take money off them, either. But whenever I mentioned that, I was always told “That won’t do, at leas
t let me give you something to make up for the trouble.” I always tended to accept substitutes for cash, at least. Food was the best option.

  The general was excited to beat his son immediately... or rather, excited to train with his son, so we opened up a portal to the training grounds.

  The general went off to search for Lyon, gleefully clanging his gauntlets together. Forgive me, Lyon...

  My mission accomplished, I figured I’d go home, but then I noticed a pair of familiar faces. It was Will, and Neil as well. It looked like they were training.

  Will made a slash toward Neil, but the older man dodged quite easily and kicked at the boy, tripping him over.

  “The opponent may be a swordsman, but that does not mean he can only use his sword! Attacks can come from many places, boy. Never break stance!”

  “Y-Yes sir!”

  Heheh... Looks like these two are working hard. I rested my elbow on the fence surrounding the training field and watched them go at it. Compared to earlier, Will was definitely improving. I was glad. It looked like Neil was really giving him a serious runaround. I had confidence the kid would be able to become a real knight yet.

  “Hm? Touya?”

  “Huh? Elze?” Elze showed up, wiping some sweat off her brow with a towel.

  “What’s going on? You’re up early. You don’t normally get up until around the time I make it home...” When she put it like that she made me seem like a lazy layabout. In my opinion, they were too early to rise.

  “I was woken up by a visit from the general. He wanted me to make him a new weapon.”

  “Hmm, gotcha.” If I was more honest, I’d have said that I was woken up by Rosetta’s kiss, but I didn’t feel a need to add fuel to the fire.

  “Oh, that’s right, Touya! If you’re heading home with a [Gate], can we swing by the Silver Moon first? I wanna use the hot springs!” Elze suddenly brought up something unexpected. We had taken a few group excursions to the hot springs in the past. Hell, we’d gone in the mornings a few times, too. I could understand why Elze would be so eager. She seemed extremely sweaty and had probably been working hard.


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