Brie Faces her Master's Fears (After Graduation, #4)

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Brie Faces her Master's Fears (After Graduation, #4) Page 5

by Red Phoenix

  Brie left Mr. Gallant so she could wander the halls of the school, trying to find extra shots, but she soon felt out of place as the Training Center began to fill with people. She looked for Lea but could not find her, so she headed for the elevators to return home.

  To her surprise, Ms. Clark was standing before her when the doors opened.

  “Miss Bennett.”

  Brie put her eyes to the floor and mumbled, “Ms. Clark.”

  The Domme stepped off the elevator and addressed her. “I was told you are doing interviews for your film. Is that right?”

  Brie nodded, unsure if she was going to get a lecture about upholding the integrity of the school, a favorite topic of the trainer.

  “I will interview with you.”

  Brie was so shocked, she looked up without thinking. “You will?” When she saw Ms. Clark’s stern expression, she instantly looked back down.

  “Of course. I believe the perspective of a Domme should be included.”

  Still recovering from the shock, Brie replied, “I agree.”

  “Fine. Marquis said you are doing his in exactly a week. I will be available the day after.” She did not wait for Brie’s response. She walked away, her heels clicking seductively down the hall.

  Brie hit the elevator button, still reeling from the shock. The thought of interviewing Ms. Clark made her cringe inside. No doubt Mr. Holloway would approve of the added drama.

  The minute she entered the lonely apartment, she dialed Sir’s number. Brie dreaded the phone call, but did not hesitate.

  Sir could immediately tell something was wrong just by the tone of her ‘hello’. “Explain what has happened,” he stated, his voice calm and sure. It helped to ease her nerves.

  “Sir, I need to tell you that I have had the same dream three nights in a row. It’s so real that I…” Her voice trailed off as she lost her courage to continue.

  He chuckled, the relief easy to hear in his voice. “You’re calling about a dream? Did I die in it? Well, don’t worry. I’m fine, babygirl. No need to fret any longer.”

  “No, Sir… I had a dream about another man.”

  His tone suddenly became deadly serious. “What man?”

  “Faelan, Sir.”

  He paused before insisting with forced calm, “Explain this dream in detail.”

  Brie recounted her dream, not leaving out any details, as much as she was desperate to. She would not make the mistake of holding back something he might consider significant, no matter how mortifying it was for her.

  The phone went silent. Finally, she asked in a choking gasp. “Sir?”

  “How did it make you feel?”

  “Every night I wake up feeling I’ve betrayed you, Sir. Marquis Gray questioned if my feelings have changed for Faelan, but they have not. These dreams are coming out of nowhere and I just want them to go away.”

  He said coldly, “Marquis Gray?”

  Brie backtracked, realizing she was just digging herself into a deeper hole. “I saw him today at the Center. I didn’t want to tell him, Sir, but he insisted. He also was adamant I tell you as soon as I got home.”

  “Your Master should always be the first you tell,” he said in an icy tone. “The fact you have had these dreams for three nights has me questioning your silence.”

  She blurted, “Sir, I thought they would go away. I thought you would think I was silly or worse, that I actually desired Faelan. Master…after what happened the night before you left, I’ve been afraid to do or say something wrong.”

  “So you said nothing.”

  “Yes,” she admitted miserably. “I want to please you, but I also feel a need to protect you, Sir. But in the end, all I ever do is fail you.” She stifled a sob, feeling unworthy of his collar.

  “Your protection is not what I want from you, Brie. I want your honesty at all times.”

  She struggled to get the words past the lump in her throat. “Yes, Sir.”

  “I do not hold you accountable for dreams. You can let go of any feelings of guilt over that. However, I am disappointed.”

  “I know I deserve to be punished, Sir. Punish me, please.”

  She heard him sigh heavily. “I’m uncertain if your dreams are a result of our discussion before I left, but I believe your reluctance to tell me is directly related. It is a vicious cycle. Your fear causes you to be silent, and your secretiveness causes me to question you trustworthiness.”

  “Yes…” she agreed sadly.

  “Brie, anything that causes you discomfort must be shared, no matter the reaction you fear will result from it. Without trust, you and I are nothing.”

  The truth of his words cut like a knife. “Please punish me.”

  “I am not without understanding, Brie. As my sub, you need to have faith I will react in a reasonable manner. Our last parting caused you to question that. I give you my word that, even if I need time to digest what you share, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. But only if I hear it from your mouth and not another’s.”

  “I promise, Sir. But please, I feel the need to be punished.”

  “Then your punishment shall be that unfulfilled need.”

  She whimpered. Brie had never thought in a million years that not being punished could hurt so much.

  “Remember this lesson so that we do not have to revisit it again.”

  After she’d hung up the phone, she let out a painful sigh. This precarious dance of trying to navigate his tragic past and her foolish missteps made their relationship difficult and hurtful. Brie could only hope that their love would be enough.

  Dangerous Liaisons

  Brie knew she could not put off her meeting with Mary any longer. She’d asked Lea to feel out Blonde Nemesis’ mental state before she made her first attempt at contact. Lea reported that Mary was willing to get together if it was at a club, not at the Training Center and not at Sir’s apartment. Brie wondered at the strange request, but remembered Sir’s advice to meet Mary on her terms. Before she committed, she called Sir to make sure he approved.

  “No, you may not go to The Haven.”

  Brie was hurt at Sir’s lack of trust. “Sir, I don’t plan to scene. I will just talk with Mary and Lea and leave afterwards.”

  He laughed, a response that surprised her. “I am not concerned about you scening, Brie. However, you should know that Mr. Wallace has been given permission to return to the club. I’ve been informed he is there every night. It would not be appropriate for you to go, especially alone.”

  Brie wanted to avoid Faelan and all the chaos he would cause if they were to meet. “Understood, Sir.”

  “There are several clubs that will do, but they are on the outskirts of the city. See if Mary is open to meeting at one of them instead.”

  Sir could not know how much his trust in her meant. “Thank you, Sir! I will happily make that suggestion.”

  “Good luck, Brie. Call me after your meeting.”

  It turned out that Mary was open to visiting another club, and suggested one that had just reopened. She’d heard it was more edgy than The Haven and wanted to check it out. Neither Lea nor Brie had heard of it, but it was in a central location for them all. Brie picked up Lea in Sir’s Lotus. The look on Lea’s face when Brie pulled up was priceless.

  “Oh my, Brie! Does Sir know you’re driving this?”

  “Of course. He told me to take his car whenever I want. I’m hoping to impress Mary. Maybe if I let her take a spin she will sign my consent form.”

  “Do I get to drive it if I sign?” Lea asked.

  “Umm…I’ll have to ask Sir.”

  “What?! You trust Mary to drive this hot little sports car more than me?”

  “You forget I’ve seen your poor vehicle. I know the kind of driver you are. How many dents does it have? Fifty?”

  “Brie, you’re a cruel friend. I’m going to seriously reconsider this whole documentary thing.”

  “What? And miss out on telling the world your lame jokes as you shake you
r big boobs? It’s an idle threat, girlfriend.”

  Lea’s eyes lit up. “That reminds me, I have a new one.”

  Brie groaned as she punched the gas pedal and sent both of them slamming into the seats. Oh, the power of Sir’s car!

  “How do you know you have a cheap Dom?”

  Brie rolled her eyes. “Just hit me with it.”

  “He asks you to take off your collar to walk the dog.”

  Brie actually laughed out loud. “Okay, that was good. You can use that in the interview.”

  Lea clapped her hands. “I have a good feeling, Brie. I think tonight is going to exceed your wildest dreams.”

  She sighed nervously. “I hope so. I’ve never wanted anything as much as this. Well, let me amend that. I have never wanted anything except Sir more than this.”

  Lea bumped her shoulder and giggled. “Get thee to The Kinky Goat, woman!”

  When they arrived a half-hour later and parked, both girls looked at each other and laughed. “This can’t be it,” Brie stated.

  “It says Kinky Goat,” Lea replied, pointing to an old, neon sign.

  The club was in a rundown section of town and had the vibe of a biker bar. “Is it safe?” Brie asked, reluctant to leave Sir’s car unattended.

  Lea jumped out of the car. “Where’s your adventure, Brie? You’ve become an old married woman since getting collared. Live a little!”

  Brie locked the car and set the alarm. She sincerely hoped she wouldn’t regret this…

  When they entered the establishment, several of the patrons turned to stare at them. Brie suddenly felt like fresh meat on display and wanted to turn around, but Mary was waving at them from the bar.

  “Come on, stick-in-the mud,” Lea joked, dragging her over to Mary.

  Brie sat down unenthusiastically. She stared at Mary, and Mary stared at her—neither willing to make the first move.

  “I have a great joke,” Lea started.

  Mary broke the silence to avoid it. “How have you been, Stinky Cheese?”

  Brie answered half-heartedly, “Good, and you?”

  “Could be better. Could be a hell of a lot better.”

  Brie didn’t want to pussyfoot around the elephant in the room. “Why did you do it? Why did you let me think you fucked Faelan at the graduation ceremony? Why on earth would you do that to a friend?”

  “It’s always about you, isn’t it, Brie? Did it ever occur to you that I had feelings for Faelan?”

  “What? Like you did for every guy I showed an interest in?”

  “See! There you go again. You think I liked those men because you did? Hell, no! You and I have the same tastes, but for some damn reason they always go for you,” Mary spat out angrily, then took a drink of her rum and Coke.

  “Are you seriously telling me that you love Faelan?”

  “Love is too strong a word, and something you throw around like candy. I want him on a level I have never wanted another man. You’d probably call that love, but that would be stupid.”

  Brie snorted. “Oh, yeah. Call me stupid, but at least I’m honest about my feelings. You just push everyone away.”

  Mary waved her hand and ordered a round of drinks for the three of them. “You are such a bitch, Brie. You think you’re all goodness and light, but you are a bitch underneath. Guys are idiots and fall for bitches like you all the time.”

  Lea spoke up. “Look, Mary, don’t take out your frustrations on Brie. She cares for people and that’s something you wish had, even if you hate her for it.”

  Mary stood up and looked like she was going to throw her drink in Lea’s face, but Brie put her hand firmly on Mary’s wrist.

  “Maybe I am a bitch, because you’re right—you and I are a lot alike, and you are the biggest bitch I know.”

  Mary looked at her in shock and then started laughing. Brie joined in and soon all three girls filled the bar with their laughter.

  A sleazy wannabe Dom eased up to them. “You do realize laughing is not allowed. Sit down and shut your mouths and I may treat you to my whip.”

  His uncouth approach was comical. Brie looked at Lea and then Mary. The three burst out in giggles, embarrassing the ‘Dom’ enough that he left.

  “Oh, my God, I’ve missed this!” Lea stated.

  Mary sat down and sipped her drink before admitting, “Me too.”

  Brie grinned at the two girls. “I’ve felt lost without my other Musketeers.” She gave Mary a humorous snarl. “I just couldn’t get past you betraying me like that.”

  “I was honest for the first time in my life and look what happened. The guy tossed me away like garbage and my friends turned on me.”

  Brie suddenly felt the weight of her rejection and grabbed Mary’s hand, squeezing it tightly. “You’re right. I sucked as a friend because I never considered you were telling the truth. Well…that’s not quite true. When I went to present my collar I saw the look on your face. It helped me to have the courage to present it to Sir instead.”

  “You should be bowing at my feet thanking me,” Mary answered.

  Brie took a sip of her drink as a peace offering, even though she didn’t care for rum and Coke. “Yeah, that’ll happen…”

  Lea held up her drink. “Here’s to the Three Musketeers reuniting!” The three clinked glasses. Brie noticed the sleazy wannabe Dom raised his glass too. It was pathetic, so she turned her back on him.

  “Lea said something about the documentary,” Mary started. “Don’t you dare tell me you need me to spill my guts on film.”

  Brie took a gulp of the drink for liquid courage and smiled, throwing all caution to the wind. “That’s exactly what I need. I showed the piece to a big-time producer and you know what he had the nerve to tell me? And I quote: ‘You don’t have a film unless you get Mary’s story’.”

  Mary smiled. “Hah!”

  “I’m completely serious.”

  Mary got a superior look on her face. “So the great Brie Bennett came here tonight with her tail tucked between her legs to beg for my story.”

  Brie replied dryly, “There will be no begging, bitch.”

  Mary bristled at her tone and was about to let Brie have it when Lea stepped in. “Hey, Virginal Mary, I thought this was a club but all I see is the lame-o bar.”

  Mary turned to her. “You’re an idiot, Lea. The action takes place in the back.” She pointed to the double doors across the room. “I’m told all kinds of fun happens behind those doors.”

  “Yeah, like it could even compare to The Haven,” Brie retorted.

  Lea rubbed her hands together gleefully. “Why don’t we check it out and see for ourselves?”

  Brie knew Lea was attempting to defuse Mary’s anger, so she went along with it. “Why not?”

  Mary looked at her scornfully. “I’m shocked the collared Brie would consent to having fun. Won’t your Master get mad and punish you?”

  “I’m not going to scene, you ignoramus. I’m just curious.”

  “Well, hell, so am I!” Lea answered, getting up. “Let’s go…”

  Brie followed the other two into the Play Arena. She was shocked at how rundown and grimy the place was. She looked around, not impressed by the old equipment. Everything about it felt icky and slimy.

  She glanced over at a girl bent over a table. The blindfolded sub had a ball gag in her mouth and was dripping saliva profusely. Her hands were tied behind her back, and her legs were spread and bound so that her pussy was splayed out for all to see. Written on her ass were the words, ‘Fuck Doll’.

  Brie looked away when a random guy dropped his pants and warned the girl that he played rough and was going to make it hurt.

  She quickly moved on to another scene with a Domme and two subs. The male sub was dressed in a black leather hood and matching collar. His cock was restrained by a painful-looking metal gadget that fastened around both his balls and the head of his cock, making the shaft bend in an unnatural manner. He was standing over the female sub, who was lying on a r
ickety bench. She was licking his balls enthusiastically while the Domme fucked her with a lengthy black dildo strapped on at the hips. The Domme’s strokes were long and ruthless.

  “Now, thumperboy, you better not get any harder or it’s going to hurt.” She slapped the female. “Suckle those balls, slut. Make it hard for him.” She laughed wickedly as she spread the girl’s outer lips and thrust even deeper.

  Somewhere in the back, Brie could hear a girl whimpering as a whip cracked repeatedly. “Shut your piehole, cunt, or I’ll make it really hurt.”

  Overall, the place lacked the cleanliness and allure of The Haven, so Brie opted out. “I’ll meet you back at the bar. Don’t take too long, you two,” she warned.

  Brie sat at the bar, feeling on edge. She took a sip of her drink and snarled. Leave it to Mary to order her a crappy drink. After several minutes, Brie started drinking it out of sheer boredom. Even though she didn’t enjoy the taste, at least it gave her something to do.

  She waited impatiently, getting more agitated by the minute. That was when the sleazy wannabe Dom came over to make his move. “I see your girlfriends have decided to have a little fun. Why don’t you and I join them?”

  Brie shook her head, and was surprised to feel a little lightheaded. “Look, I’m collared.” She touched the beloved collar around her neck for emphasis. “I don’t scene with anyone except my Master. It’s rude of you to even ask.”

  The guy didn’t seem to care and sat down beside her. “We’re both grown adults here. What we do doesn’t have to leave this place. It’s just you and me enjoying a little time together.” He reached over and stroked her arm.

  Brie pulled away, but her reflexes were unusually sluggish. “Don’t…”

  He smiled. “Don’t what? Don’t flirt with the sexiest girl at the bar?”

  Her limbs began to feel heavy and weak. She looked at her hands, wondering what was wrong. But then she remembered the sleaze sitting next to her and barked, “Go.”

  He ignored her demand, opening his mouth to show off the stud in his tongue. “I’m going to make you come.”


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