Minor Demons

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Minor Demons Page 14

by Randall J. Morris

  The first minor demon attempted a punch. Shadow dodged the blow and took a quick jab at his jaw that connected. The second minor demon used the opportunity to kick Shadow hard in the side. He followed it up with a punch to Shadow’s face. Shadow saw stars as he went down. The two minor demons proceeded to kick at him over and over. Shadow eventually mustered the strength to roll out of the way but he was very badly bruised. As the two minor demons moved in to continue their assault, a tremor shook the ground. General Cain had arrived.

  “Ooh the big, bad brother of the traitor. Are we supposed to be scared?”

  Cain grinned.

  “Yes, you should be. Never turn your back on my nephew.”

  Shadow swept the legs out from both of them and they fell to the ground. He jumped over them and went to meet his uncle.

  “No, Shadow. Get back down there and kill them.”

  “Uncle, they kind of beat the shit out of me while Murmur ran to get you. I don’t think I have enough left in me to take a two on one fight right now...”

  “I don’t accept that. I pay good money for your combat training and I want to see what it’s done for you. Get down there and kill them.”

  “We were tormenting the souls in the river Styx. I don’t have my armor and I only have a couple of knives on me. My gear is back at the house. You want me to kill two minor demons with a couple of knives?”

  Cain nodded. Shadow sighed and walked back down to face his smiling tormenters, who had gotten back up from the ground. Shadow removed the two knives from his belt and winced at the pain in his side. The minor demons laughed at him. One of them decided to lunge with a roundhouse kick. Shadow ducked under the his leg, kicked his other leg out from under him, and stabbed him repeatedly with one of his knives as he fell to the ground. The other minor demon capitalized on the fact that Shadow was distracted and kicked the other knife out of his hand. He punched him hard and Shadow went down.

  Murmur attempted to go down and help but General Cain held up one hand to keep him away. Cain looked angry.

  “Shadow, get up.”

  The minor demon continued his assault on Shadow, who was curled up in a ball and trying to take the punishment as best as he could. Cain yelled again.


  As the minor demon threw a punch at Shadow’s head, Shadow caught him by the wrist and twisted it. The demon’s look of anger faded from his face and one of fear took its place. He attempted to change forms but Shadow quickly removed the dark blue ring from his hand and placed it on his own finger. With all the rage and pain Shadow had held on to as he fought two-on-one, the transformation from demon to a raging shadow monster only took a few seconds. The minor demon ran but Shadow picked him up in the air. He hit him against the ground again and again and again until the minor demon stopped moving. A thick dark liquid covered his remains. Shadow pounded him with his massive fist like he was killing a fly with a newspaper. The demon’s blood slowly leaked out of him as Shadow applied more and more pressure. As a final insult, the rage creature that Shadow had become lifted the minor demon and threw him in the river Styx.

  Cain grinned. He kept right on grinning as he started with a slow applause.

  “No one insults out family. Take the other ring and get yourself home.”

  Cain turned and disappeared in black fire. Shadow collapsed and then took several minutes to get up after he refused Murmur’s help. He removed the ring with a grey gem from the other minor demon’s finger and hobbled home.


  “Wow. That’s some crazy shit. I guess I always figured your life was a lot easier. I guess your uncle demanded a lot more of you than I realized.”

  “No shit, Leech, but I didn’t tell you the story to earn your pity. I told you the story because we’re about to reach Earth and I can’t have the two of you annoying me to no end while I’m trying to work.”

  “Did you find out what department the minor demons were in?”

  “Inaction and laziness. They worked for Asmodeus.”

  “Does he know what you did?”

  “Nope. I threw both of their remains in the river Styx. If he ever does find out, I obviously can’t count on my uncle to step in to save me so I hope the two of you are ready for a three-on-one fight against a major demon.”

  Lilith smiled and put her hand on his shoulder.

  “I’m always ready to take down Asmodeus. You just let us know when and where and we’ll be there.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Shadow, Leech, and Lilith passed the remaining time after Shadow’s story by preparing. Shadow speculated on what their orders would be while forming several plans. He had a piece of parchment that he occasionally scribbled a few notes on. Leech removed the minotaur axe from his back and sharpened both sides. Lilith mostly slept or looked bored. She occasionally touched Leech so she could send a shock through her system. Leech was annoyed by this at first but he eventually just smiled, remembering that Lilith was a little more sick and twisted than the other demons he was used to. When the boat made it to the shore, Malcontent appeared at the front of the boat.

  “I am here to turn all of you loose on the world. Come here and get your orders from your department.”

  Nightmare and his posse stepped forward and Malcontent handed them a scroll. Nightmare looked like he wanted to continue the fight that he had started before Baal stepped in, but remembered that Charon was looking on and decided against it. He shook his head very slightly at Andras and Valefor. They stepped off the boat and ran off to start tempting and torturing.

  As Shadow stepped forward, Malcontent handed him a scroll with his orders from General Cain. Malcontent briefly rested his hand on Leech’s shoulder and smiled.

  “Watch Shadow’s back, son.”

  Lilith walked forward and touched Malcontent’s hand. Nothing happened. She left the boat pouting. Malcontent looked at his son with a confused expression.

  “She’s a weird one, Dad. Don’t worry about it.”

  As Leech left the boat to tell Lilith off for her behavior, Shadow stayed back a moment longer. Malcontent stopped grabbing scrolls from his bag.

  “Can I help you, Shadow?”

  “I just wanted to say that I won’t forget what you did... for me or my father. You deserve your new position, Malcontent.”

  Shadow left the boat and walked towards a quarreling Leech and Lilith.

  “I figured that he would have a parasitic touch too.”

  “Why? Why would my dad have a parasitic touch? What the hell is wrong with you, Lily? The fact that you need to shock yourself on a regular basis is really weird.”

  “I get bored easily.”

  Shadow cut in.

  “You guys need to focus. Stop fighting over the damn minor powers or I’ll take both of your rings away from you. I’m really getting sick of this. Let’s take a look at our orders and get going.”

  Shadow unrolled the piece of parchment and looked it over for a few minutes.

  “Carlos Romero. He works construction. His wife died in childbirth and now his son is sick. The level of care that he can afford isn’t finding the problem. We’re going to convince him to... step slightly outside the law to obtain the money he needs to save his son’s life. We’ll start small.”

  Leech nodded.


  “I’m going to turn the time over to Leech. He’s not only a coveting money minor demon, he’s also a book nerd.”

  Lilith cut in. She grabbed Leech’s face with one of her hands and gave him a command.

  “Hop on one foot while you explain our drug strategy.”

  Leech began to hop on one foot. He also flipped off Lilith.

  “I’m not doing this until she stops being an annoying bitch.”

  “Touch my cheek and I’ll let you stop.”

  “Again with the shock addiction. You realize I’m draining part of you every time I do that, right?”

  Lilith shrugged.

  “I don’t really care. I like it.”

  Leech looked to Shadow for help as he continued to hop on one leg.

  “Lilith, Leech is right. You have to stop or I’ll take your ring away. This is your last warning. I’m getting tired of this too.”

  Lilith started to pout, but she looked at Leech and told him to stop hopping on one foot. She then crossed her arms and looked away, clearly mad that she didn’t get her way. Leech was about to continue but Shadow cleared his throat to get his attention. He nodded in Lilith’s direction. Leech sighed, walked up to Lilith, and touched her face with one of his hands for around ten seconds. When he let go, she fell over.


  Leech tried to start his drug presentation once again but Lilith raised her hand.

  “How can you already have a question? I haven’t even said anything...”

  “It’s an important question, I promise.”

  “Alright, fine. What is it?”

  Lilith took out a cigarette, lit it, took a long drag, and blew out a puff of smoke.

  “Was it good for you?”

  Leech couldn’t help but crack a smile, as much as he fought it, and then he gave in to an all-out laughing fit. Shadow grinned too. When Leech finally regained his composure, he finally started in on the presentation.

  “Alright, let’s crunch some numbers. Before we start, I need to know what state we’re going to be in. Shadow?”


  “It really depends what connections he has and where he starts out. If we have to start as low as marijuana, we can probably pull in about $500-$1,000 per pound minus whatever percentage we have to give to however many other people. Hopefully we can skip that level. If we go straight to meth, we can pull in $10,000 - $15,000 a pound. If we can make it to cocaine, it’s likely to be more in the realm of $20,000 - $30,000 a pound. What kind of connections does he have?”

  Shadow checked the file again.

  “He has a cousin named Diego. Apparently, he’s a top-level dealer in Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. He has some serious cartel ties. I bet he’d be willing to give his cousin a job, we just need to make sure he doesn’t kill him first for making the request.”

  Lilith stopped them again.

  “Can we involve prostitutes? I really think we should involve prostitutes.”

  Shadow rolled his eyes at her.

  “Yes, Lilith, I’m sure at some point this will involve prostitutes. We are about to help this guy become a drug dealer, after all. Any other stupid interruptions?”

  “No, just that one. I’m good for now.”

  “Actually, Lilith, why don’t you follow the local prostitution ring and see if you can figure out who the big players are in that realm? I need you to eventually get one of them to offer Carlos sex for drugs. Make them be insistent, so Carlos either has to accept or kill them.”

  “And you guys?”

  “We’re going to talk Carlos into becoming a drug dealer and then we’re going to take him gun shopping.”

  As Shadow and Leech made their way to Carlos’ house, Shadow couldn’t help but notice how many young kids were let outside by inattentive parents to roam the neighborhood. Children as young as 3 played in the streets without any form of supervision. Shadow smiled at what this implied about some of the regions of Utah. Many parents didn’t even give a shit about their own children because they were too lazy or selfish to watch them. One good car accident and...

  Shadow shook himself. He couldn’t lose focus.

  “The kids wouldn’t make much of a meal, even if they went to Hell.”

  “You’re probably right, Leech. I just think it’s amusing how little these people care about their offspring. I know demons who are better parents.”

  “Most demons are better parents. At least they’re around all the time to teach you how to be... you know... terrible.”

  “Good point.”

  “So why did you send Lilith off on her own? Was she getting on your nerves that much?”

  “Yes and no. Honestly, I just don’t know how to relate to her. It’s kind of weird just being around her considering the fact that I...”

  “...almost killed her in the death pit? Yeah, that is a little weird. Are you going to talk to her about it?”

  “I don’t think she wants to and I’m not sure I care enough to bring it up. If she’s somehow moved on, then I’m good with leaving things the way they are.”

  “Look, bro, I understand that we’re friends and everything but you’re still the leader. You can’t lead her if you have no idea if she still hates you or not. As mushy and as human as it may sound to suggest this, I think you need to talk to her.”

  Shadow looked at Leech like he had lost his mind and Leech held up his hands in defense.

  “It’s just a suggestion. You’re the leader and it’s your call.”

  Shadow thought about it for a moment.

  “You’d be alright on your own?”

  “It’s talking a guy into considering selling drugs... to save his dying child. I don’t think it will take much persuasion.”

  “Then I think maybe you’re right. I probably should take off and work with Lilith. I mean, I’ve known you for a while and I am just barely at the point where I can tolerate you now.”

  Leech grinned.

  “Back at you, asshole. You’re a good leader, Shadow. I’d follow you to Hell and back.”

  Shadow laughed.

  “That doesn’t mean much, Leech. We’re demons. We live in Hell.”

  “Just make sure you know where her loyalties lie before you send her off again. We wouldn’t want the backlash of her running off or joining up with someone else after all we’ve made it through so far.”

  “Alright. Just make sure you don’t screw it up with Carlos. I’m trusting you with almost the entire mission, Leech. Don’t make me regret my decision.”


  Using the fog that had appeared after a light rain, Shadow was able to locate Lilith at Sugar House Park. She was walking around looking unsure of what her next move should be. It wouldn’t take Shadow long to reach her there, but by the time he arrived her situation would have changed drastically.

  Three dark forms were slowly closing in on her. She hadn’t realized it yet, but she was about to be surrounded. As Shadow recognized who was closing in on her, he started sprinting and knew he had to make it there in time.

  After Shadow had given her an order to get her out of the way, Lilith found the nearest park and walked around, waiting. It was unlikely that any prostitutes were going to attempt anything in the daylight so she had plenty of time to think. If no prostitutes decided to hang around Sugar House Park, she could simply move on to another park and cross this one off of her list.

  Lilith realized once again the same thing she had battled for years. She didn’t play well with others. She knew she could flirt and make everyone’s jaw drop but she never belonged anywhere and was no good at being part of a team. She had always thought that it stemmed from the fact that she didn’t have a mother, but maybe she was just born weird. Leech sure seemed to think she was crazy and Shadow didn’t know what to do with her, which is why he sent her off on her own to do a whole lot of nothing.

  For a moment, she considered crying but quickly banished the thought. She wasn’t some weak-minded little girl. Self-pity wasn’t the answer. Rage was. She wasn’t weird enough that Leech and Shadow needed to send her off like they had. After all, she thought that the two of them would understand her. Leech had been underestimated his entire life and Shadow was raised by one parent, just like she had been. The appropriate response was definitely rage...

  As she was thinking this while walking around the park, she bumped into something solid, tripped, and fell backwards. When she looked up to see what she had run into, she saw the grinning faces of Nightmare, Andras, and Valefor. She immediately hopped back up on her feet and pulled her whip off from her belt.

  “What’s a pretty girl
like you doing wandering around this park all by herself? Did Shadow get sick of you already and kick you to the curb?”

  Lilith hoped she could lie her way out of the situation she was in.

  “I’m not here alone. We’re scouting a prostitution ring that operates out of this park. Shadow and Leech are around, so it would be wise for the three of you to leave.”

  Nightmare looked to the left and then to the right.

  “I don’t see your buddies anywhere, babe. They abandoned you. I guess there’s a sure-fire way to find out though. Valefor, Andras...”

  Valefor and Andras began to walk towards her as she backed away. From the look in their eyes, she knew what they were planning on doing. More than anything she hated Shadow for sending her off on her own to be attacked by his enemies. She cracked her whip at Andras’ face as Valefor lunged at her. While Andras took the hit and started bleeding from his nose, Valefor tackled her and pinned her arms to the ground. Andras was there seconds later pinning her legs. Nightmare slowly made his way toward her, smiling down at her. Lilith cried out in horror and continued to struggle but she knew there was nothing she could do. She closed her eyes, preferring not to view what was about to happen when a small drop of liquid fell on her forehead.

  She opened her eyes to see what was going on. Valefor’s facial expression was nothing more than a blank stare. More liquid dripped from his face onto her forehead and then she saw the blood pouring down his face in streams originating from a large knife that had sunk in almost to the handle between Valefor’s eyes. He fell over and Lilith pushed his lifeless form off of her.

  Lilith sat up and realized what she should have done at the beginning of this fight. Andras was still pinning her legs, but he was also looking around wildly to pinpoint where the knife had come from.


  Andras looked at Lilith and she grinned back at him.

  “Attack Nightmare.”

  Andras got up and obeyed. Nightmare saw Andras walking towards him with a raised blade and quickly delivered the punch that knocked him out.

  “That’s not a great way to motivate your team, Nightmare. You just let one of them die and then you knocked out the other one yourself.”


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