Her Russian Billionaires - The Complete Billionaire Romance Collection

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Her Russian Billionaires - The Complete Billionaire Romance Collection Page 32

by Westwood, Susan

  Right now, he had to get out of this situation. It wasn’t looking good. If he could change his will, Kendra would inherit enough to live a comfortable life. Right now she’d get nothing and she’d be in danger. Except that he knew Viktor would take her in. He would protect her. It was the Russian way. It was how they were raised.

  Just when Sacha thought he had control of his vehicle, the car behind him slammed into him again. This time Sacha was unable to stop what happened next. One second he was on the road. The next he was sailing over the cliff. He saw blue sky then trees. His car tilted as it hit some trees. He was getting banged around and he fought to stay conscious. Halfway down the hill, the car came to a stop against a stand of trees. Sacha’s head spun. He spent a minute trying to get the world to stop moving like that. No one came down the hill. No one checked on him.

  They left him to die. He was bleeding, but badly. He could still move his arms, but his one leg hurt like a bitch. He suspected that he’d pulled out the stitches in his shoulder.


  He gingerly reached for his phone. No bars. He needed to get one of those satellite phones. He’d have service everywhere. He groaned as he moved. His whole body was beginning to hurt now, but he couldn’t stay here. He had to get up the hill. Sacha undid his seatbelt then opened his door. The car was tilted, but he could get out the driver’s side. He let the door slam closed. Leaning against the car, he caught his breath. Sweat poured off of him because of how much pain he was experiencing. If he didn’t get up the hill, he’d never see Kendra again. Or Cliff or Viktor. He’d never see his new niece or nephew.

  Sacha had planned on living a full life. Not dying on the side of a road, taken out by some hood who paraded around as a Councilman. Damn Lopez. If Sacha made it out alive he was going after Lopez. The billionaire had the resources. He could take the man down. He could give Kendra her life back. He still had to find his son and make sure all was right with him. Sacha eyed the hill he’d come down. Steep and rocky, but he could go tree to tree. He took a deep breath, then headed for the first tree. He stumbled, but reached it.

  He stopped to catch his breath, then moved onto the next tree. He did this and lost complete track of time. His only goal was to get to the road. Someone would come by. He was sure of it. He couldn’t think otherwise. Kendra’s face appeared in his mind and the vision spurred him on. He had to get to the top.

  Then he was at the top. He could see the road. Just one more little bit and he dragged himself onto the shoulder. His legs hurt, but he didn’t think he’d broken anything. He sat in the gravel and waited for someone to drive by.

  A red pickup truck stopped.

  “You okay, mister?”

  A teenage boy scrambled out of the cab. He raced around to look at Sacha.

  “I’ve been in an accident. I need a hospital.”

  “Okay. Let me help you in.”

  The boy hoisted him up as if he weighed nothing. Must be a football player. He buckled Sacha into this truck then drove off.

  “My name is Sacha.”

  “I’m Jeb, nice to meet you. Did you take a turn too fast?”

  “Someone ran me off the road,” Sacha said.

  The truck bounced him around, but at least he knew he was alive. “That’s awful. The hospital is about a half an hour away.”

  Sacha closed his eyes. He must have slept because the boy was shaking him. “Sacha? We’re here.”

  Sacha opened his eyes to see someone in white with a wheelchair. He struggled to sit up then remembered he had his seatbelt on. The boy unhooked him. He climbed into the wheelchair. They settled him into a room then he began to fade. A nurse came in to ask him some questions, but he couldn’t stay awake so he let himself drift off to sleep with thoughts that he had to call Kendra.


  Kendra couldn’t think of anything in her past that could embarrass her. She’d spent most of her adult life taking care of Cliff and her mother. She wasn’t going to be swayed.

  “Then again, after today, you probably won’t have that billionaire to protect you, anyway. Then you’ll be mine,” Lopez said.

  Kendra tried not to react, but she was suddenly worried about what Lopez had planned for Sacha. She didn’t know where he was. Was he hurt? She had to get out of here and find him. Not until Lopez said something incriminating.

  But the decision was taken away from her. The door behind her opened and three police officers strode in. Nikolai was behind them with a piece of paper in his hand. Distracted by them, Kendra didn’t see Lopez race around the desk. He grabbed her and held her close to him, a gun against her throat. She sucked in a breath, not sure what to do. She was frozen and that rarely happened. Growing up in a bad neighborhood, she knew how to defend herself.

  “Stop or I’ll shoot her,” Lopez said.

  “You’ll have a murder on your hands,” Nikolai said.

  “I don’t care. No one is going to convict me. I have too many judges in my pocket.”

  Nikolai put up his hands. “Think about this Lopez.”

  “No, you think about it.”

  He shoved Kendra at Nikolai. She stumbled into the man. He caught her, but when she turned Lopez was gone out a back door. One of the cops had to shove it hard to get it open.

  “You okay?”

  She took stock. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “Your mother is safe. I called the cops in that town and they’ve put some extra security on. I’m sure Sacha will pick up the bill.”

  “Sacha? Have you heard from him?”

  “No he seems to be out of range.”

  She had to see him. “I don’t even know where he was going today.”

  Her phone rang. “It’s Viktor.”

  She answered it. “Kendra, I know where Sacha is. He’s in a hospital outside the city. I’ll send a car to get you. Where are you?”

  “City Hall,” she said.

  “Wait there. I’ll head up. Alia will stay with Cliff.”

  “Is he hurt badly?”

  Her heart would break if something happened to him. He‘d been so good to her. She was a perfect strange he’d taken into his home along with her brother. He’d done so much. She’d never get over it if he were hurt because of her.

  “He’s unconscious, but okay. They expect his body just needs to rest. I don’t have any details other than his car went off the road.”

  “Oh, no.”

  “He’ll be fine, Kendra. We Russians are made of tough stock. I’ll see you there.”

  She hung up. “Sacha has been in an accident. Viktor’s sending a car to pick me up.”

  Nikolai looked around. The forensic team had arrived, but there was one uniform. He pointed at the woman. “Take this woman downstairs and wait with her. She’d get a ride.”

  The officer nodded then followed Kendra to the elevator. Kendra’s heart was in her throat. What if something happened to Sacha? It would be her fault. Maybe she needed to stay away from him. He would be safer.

  They’d catch Lopez then she could be fine. Even if they didn’t, she’d put Sacha in danger. She wouldn’t forgive herself if he didn’t live. The car came a half an hour later. It seemed like hours to Kendra. She wouldn’t be happy until she saw Sacha. When she knew for sure he was okay.

  Then she’d leave. She’d find some other place to live. Cliff could stay with Viktor, but Kendra would find a different location. She had to stay away from Sacha so he’d be safe. He wasn’t really part of this except that he’d harbored her.

  He shouldn’t be hurt because of what he’d done for her.

  The scenery passed her by, but she didn’t see it. The hospital sat on a lawn of green. It wasn’t very big and Kendra wondered if it had all the facilities to deal with Sacha’s injuries. Was he getting the best care? Not that she had the resources to move him, but Viktor would. With a heavy heart, Kendra shuffled into the emergency department, which was bustling with noise and people. She spotted Viktor who gave her a warm smile. He should be mad at
her, not greeting her like she was family.

  He gave her a hug. “I haven’t seen him, yet, but the nurse is telling me that he’s awake.”

  “I’m so worried. All this is my fault,” Kendra said.

  Viktor shook his head. He hadn’t let her go and she felt guilty taking strength from him. “Sacha doesn’t do anything that he doesn’t want to do. He took you in, knowing the risks. Don’t beat yourself up about this.”

  “I can’t help it,” she said. “He wouldn’t be hurt if it weren’t for me.”

  “Stop, Kendra. It isn’t productive. I wish Alia were here because she’s better at this.”

  “You’re doing fine.”

  She let him go, not that she wouldn’t feel guilty about what happened.

  “You need coffee or something to eat?”

  His brother was lying in a hospital bed. How could he be so concerned with her comfort? “I’m fine. I should be asking you that. He’s your brother.”

  “I know he’s fine, Kendra. We’ll get to see him soon.”

  “They won’t let me in. I’m not family,” she said.

  “We’ll tell them that you’re his wife.”

  “We can’t lie. Besides, that might cause Sacha to have a heart attack.”

  “I think he’ll be glad to see you. Don’t worry, we’ll get you in.”

  Viktor was so sure of himself. Was it a family trait or a Russian trait? She didn’t know, but she appreciated it at the moment even if she didn’t think she deserved it.


  Everyone kept calling him Sacha, so he assumed that was his name. He knew he was in a hospital and he was in some pain. He didn’t know what had happened.

  A cop walked into his room. “I’m Officer Kenney. Can I talk to you?”

  Was he in trouble? “Sure.”

  “Can you tell me what happened?”

  The officer pulled out a notepad and a pen. He clicked the pen, the stared at him. Sacha. He had to remember that he was Sacha. “Uh. I can’t.”


  “I don’t have any memory of what happened to put me in here,” Sacha said.

  The officer nodded. “You told the boy who brought you in here that you were run off the road. Do you think that is the story?”

  “Might be. I don’t remember.”

  “Would you know why someone forced you off the road?”

  “No, sir.”

  The cop frowned. “Okay. I’m going to go talk to your brother and your wife.”

  Wife? He looked down at his left hand. He had a wife? He didn’t feel married but then again what did that feel like? He didn’t know. The cop left. A nurse came in. She checked his vital signs.

  “We’re going to admit you overnight for observation,” she said.

  He didn’t want to stay, but he had no idea where home was. Hopefully he’d figure it out before he left here. “Okay.”

  “We’ll move you into a room in an hour. We just have to complete our tests here.”

  “Do you understand, I’ve lost my memory?”

  “Yes. It will probably come back soon. Or it could take a few weeks. Your wife and brother are here to see you.”

  Wife? He was still wrapping his brain around that word. Did he have kids? He’d have to ask her. Would they warn them that he didn’t know who he was let alone who they were? Maybe they’d look familiar. Maybe it would all come back to him when he saw them.

  A tall man walked into the room followed by a mocha-skinned beauty. He had good taste in women, for sure. She was beautiful, but he knew by the hesitant look in her eyes that she knew of his predicament.

  “Hi, Sacha. I’m Viktor. I’m your brother.”

  “So I hear.”

  He wasn’t looking at him. He was staring at the woman. She was very beautiful. He’d bet their children, if they had any, were amazing looking, especially if they took after her.

  “Hi, I’m Kendra.” She didn’t say she was his wife, but they might not have let her in if she wasn’t.

  “They’re admitting me overnight.”

  “How are you feeling?” Kendra said. She didn’t come closer. He wasn’t going to break.

  “Okay, considering. They tell me someone ran me off the road. Can anyone explain why?”

  Kendra and Viktor exchanged a glance. They must know what happened and why. “The doctor said not to worry you with that right now,” Viktor said.

  Kendra looked worried and upset. Was his condition worse than they were telling him? “What’s going on?”

  That look again between the two.

  “Let’s wait until you’re settled in your room before we talk,” Viktor said. “We’ll tell you everything then.”

  “That bad?”

  “Maybe,” Kendra said. For being his wife, she wasn’t making much eye contact. Was she having an affair? With his brother? Is that why they were here together?

  “Did we have a fight?” Sacha asked.

  “No, of course not,” Kendra said. “It’s just a complicated story. There’s no privacy here.”

  Sacha frowned, but he’d let them tell him later.

  “Do you need food?” Kendra said.

  That sounded wifely. “They’re going to feed me when I get in my room. I feel like I haven’t eaten all day.”

  “Are you in pain?” she asked.

  He yawned. “I’m thinking they gave me some pain medication. It’s making me loopy.”

  “That happens when you take stuff like that. You don’t handle it well, but you’ll be in the hospital so you’ll be fine.”

  Sacha nodded at his wife. He had a sense of being in the hospital recently. Should he ask?

  “Was I here recently?”

  A look came across Kendra’s face, but he couldn’t interpret it. “Yes, but that’s part of what we need to talk about later.”

  “Okay. I’ll be quiet. If you guys need food or coffee, go ahead. I think I’m going to sleep.” He closed his eyes for a moment. Well it seemed like a moment. Then he was being wheeled to an elevator.

  “Where’s my wife? Does she know I’m being moved?” he said.

  “She knows. She’ll be waiting for you upstairs.”

  Sacha wondered where they lived. What did he do for a living? Was he poor? Rich? He hoped they would answer all of his questions.

  Kendra was waiting for him upstairs. “I put your clothes in the closet.”

  “Thank you.”

  He shifted to the other bed and then everyone left them alone. He patted the bed. “Come sit.” She did, but she didn’t look thrilled. When she sat he said, “Kiss me. I want to see if I remember you.”

  She looked at him as if he had two heads. “Uh, okay. Then we’ll talk when Viktor gets here. He’s calling Alia.”

  She leaned down and placed those luscious lips against his. It did feel like coming home, it felt like they’d know each other a long time. He grabbed the back of her head to deepen the kiss.

  Someone cleared a throat. “Ahem.” Viktor was in the doorway smiling. “Sorry to interrupt.”

  Kendra stared at him. “Do you remember me?”

  Sacha put his fingers to his lips. They had some memory of her. He knew how to kiss her and she knew how to kiss him. Something stirred in his brain, but then was gone. So this was his wife. She was a good kisser. Her eyes studied him.

  “No, sorry. I don’t remember a thing.”


  Kendra watched Sacha’s eyes as they approached the house in upstate New York. They’d brought his driver along so they would have a way to get around other than the Maserati in his garage. Viktor had insisted that the driver was also a bodyguard and they might need him.

  “I would feel better if the driver was there,” Viktor had said. “Especially with his memory loss.”

  The hospital had insisted that he didn’t need a nurse. That he would probably remember things in good time. Sacha’s mouth fell open.

  “I own this?”

  “Yes. And an apartment in
Manhattan, among other places.”

  “What do I do?” he asked.

  “You are a lawyer and you are in the midst of opening a nightclub.”

  “Why are we out here and not in Manhattan?” he said as he climbed out of the car.

  She didn’t know how much to tell him. The nurse hadn’t been clear. The nurse hadn’t really known their situation. She’d been talking to Kendra as if she were his wife. She wasn’t. There were no feelings between Kendra and Sacha.

  There was only a contract that was on hold for the moment.

  “Just a getaway until you feel better.”

  He frowned back at her. “Until I remember.”


  The driver parked the car. They didn’t have luggage. All of their stuff was already here.

  Kendra unlocked the front door. Sacha let her go ahead of him. Always the gentleman. He closed the door behind her. His eyes roved over the foyer and the stairs going up in front of him. He put a hand on Kendra’s hair.

  “I still can’t believe that I am married to such a beautiful woman.”

  He’d been saying that a lot since the hospital. She couldn’t tell him the truth. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be mad when he found out. Viktor had only said it so she could see him in the hospital. Was he going to want to sleep with her?

  Not that she minded, but it might be like cheating on Sacha. Not that he had any right to keep her from sleeping with someone else. Even if that someone else was technically him.

  It was all confusing. She would have to read over the discharge instructions to be sure she was doing the right things.

  Kendra couldn’t help leaning into the hand that was massaging her scalp. “You hungry?”

  “I am.”

  “I’ll cook us something.”

  He followed her into the kitchen. Kind of a like a puppy dog. He had a sweet smile on his face. Gone was the serious and stern expression that Sacha usually had on his face. She rather liked the “new” Sacha. He wasn’t scary at all. Or at least he didn’t look scary. This Sacha smiled a lot more.


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