Shadows Of A Book
Like an elaborate stage production, a book is merely the end result of months of preparation by many people who never set foot into the spotlight. It’s my pleasure to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to a few of those who worked so hard to make this particular production happen.
First and foremost I’d like to thank my editor at Omnibus Press, Chris Charlesworth, who has been endlessly patient through numerous delays. His sensitivity to the demands on my time, and his tact when reminding me how I should prioritise those demands when I often muddled their order, made this process far more pleasant than it could have been had he responded otherwise.
That said, I would be remiss if I didn’t also immediately acknowledge the equal patience, tact, and sensitivity of my favourite writer, Harold Gershowitz, as he, too, suffered seemingly endless delays in our work together due to my lack of coordination while trying to juggle far too many tasks. Hal’s is a formidable talent, and I’m continually amazed that he finds anything I have to say worth his consideration. He also has very nice ears.
Another of the many men I answer to who deserves a special commendation for patience above and beyond the ordinary is John Ward. It’s hard for me to believe that my contribution to his endeavors constitutes anything more than sheer frustration, yet still he always seems happy to see me. For that I’m grateful.
Of course this book would not have been possible without those who extended to me their time and trust in sharing their personal memories and mementos to aid my efforts. My sincerest thanks go to HerbBernstein, Paul Brownstein, Dick Clark, Ron Dante, Robert Danz, Marshall Deixler, Susan Deixler, Ben Fong-Torres, Harry Grovier, Lee Gurst, Bro Herrod, Howard Honig, Maxine Horn, Jeanne Lucas, Steve and Lexy Mackler, Mary Moesel, Amanda Mercer Neder, Pamela Pentony, Jim Petersen, Iris Richman, Ed Sciaky, Kyle Vincent, Jack Wilkins, Robert Windeler. A special note of gratitude to Mrs Anna Keliher, Harold Keliher’s widow. Anna is agreat Brooklyn broad, a sweet and lovely lady, a joyous human being, and a true pleasure to know.
Additional and equally heartfelt thanks go to Zev Gruman and the other intrepid folks at Paper Chase Research in New York City; Kalen Rogers at Music Sales Corporation, who did me the great favour of putting me in touch with Zev; Terry Mazeroski and Lester Eldridge of the former Eastern District High School, Brooklyn; friend and author Jerry Hopkins; the always accommodating Paul Lane of Photo Source, Evanston; Stroh’s archivist Peter Blum, and Barry McGuire who put me in touch with Mr Blum; Michelangelo Signorile, who helped assuage my fears and put things in perspective; Paula Sweeney, at Selective Service Administration; Dr William Donnelly, a historian with the U.S. Army Center of Military History in Washington, DC; Mark Duran of Playboy Enterprises; attorney Renee Schwartz; Mark Foreit; Bill Lynch of the San Francisco Public Library; Mrs Denise Nielsen, fan and friend; the clever and helpful men and women of the Evanston Public Library as well as the Sulzer Library in Chicago, all of whom went out of their way to open new avenues of research to me, and make the old paths easier to navigate.
Of course they also serve who simply take my calls at all hours. I’m always thankful for good friends who are always so willing to listen to me read or rant or kvetch, who calm me down and cheer me up and generally make my life a more pleasant place to be. My special thanks to Michael Eldridge and Marianne Ahokas, my touchstones and too-frequent hosts, and Arcata, California, a gem of a place I wish I could put in my pocket and carry with me always. Thanks, too, to the Zimas – Bill, Debbie, Emma and – a new addition to the family since I acknowledged them in my last book – little Lucy. All are constant sources of comfort, creativity, and amusement. Even more thanks to my agent, Jonathan Dolger, the calm, quiet voice of reason; to Paul Desprez, the best husband I’ve had to date, and his sister Denise; to Tamsyn Griffith, who continues to lend generous moral and financial support; to Laurie Worrall, friend and fellow cheese hunter; to Cathy Weldy, the reassuring voice on the other end of the phone; to Dan Salomon, who is never impressed; to Kim Blacker and her beautiful and wise daughter Rachael Blacker; to October Crifasi, who got more – and less – than she bargained for when she raised her hand at that first book signing; to Beth Pearson, still my biggest fan; to Emil and Gertrude Francone, who still love me like their own.
And, finally, my sincere appreciation to all the Barry Manilow fans who wrote to express their support and add their personal thoughts and anecdotes. I’m sure their idol will shine no less brightly in their eyes for the revelation of a few new facets.
To anyone who I missed, please know that your omission is not an expression of any less gratitude on my part than I feel for those listed, but merely a reflection of my own poor organisation. While your name may not appear here, your assistance was truly appreciated.
Patricia Butler
Evanston, Illinois
“Through a Glass Darkly”, Adrian Deevoy, Q, May 1990
“Can’t Smile Without You”, Giles Smith, Sunday Telegraph Magazine, January 9, 2000
The Selective Service System Headquarters, Arlington, VA
Social Security Administration, Washington, DC
“Barry Manilow Wants a Little Respect, and He’ll Go Toe-to-Toe to Get It”,
Leonard Pitts Jr., Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service, December 1, 1993
“Every Gay Blade’s Fantasy”, John L. Wasserman, San Francisco Chronicle, September 29, 1973
Liberace: An American Boy, Darden Asbury Pyron, The University of Chicago Press, 2000
Steppenwolf, Hermann Hesse, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1957
Anti-Rock: The Opposition to Rock ‘n’ Roll, Linda Martin and Kerry Segrave, Da Capo Press, 1988
“Looks Like Barry Manilow’s Made It, To Say the Least, But Why Isn’t He Happier”, Robert Windeler, People Weekly, August 8, 1977
“Stuck in a Creative Corner, Barry Manilow Comes Out Swinging With Some
New ‘Old Standards’”, David Van Biema, Todd Gold, People Weekly, October 22, 1984
“Still King of the Middle Road, Barry Manilow Ponders Some Careful Side Trips –Into Movies and Fatherhood”, Carl Arrington, People Weekly, February 8, 1982
“Satirist Ray Stevens Turns Barry Manilow On His Musical Ear”, Dolly Carlisle, People Weekly, May 28, 1979
“A Nice Mid-Life Crisis”, Eric Levin, Jane Sims Podesta, People Weekly, November 9, 1987
“Human Tranquilizer”, Kim Cunningham, People Weekly, May 10, 1993
“The English Dearly Love a Duke, But It Took Barry Manilow to Lure 40,000 to Blenheim Palace”, People Weekly, September 12, 1983
“Manilow Can’t Swing Like Sinatra”, Lloyd Sachs, Chicago Sun-Times, December 13, 1998
“Classic Manilow”, Glenn Gamboa, Beacon Journal, August 5, 1999
“On The Town”, Penny Parker, Denver Rocky Mountain News, March 8, 2001
“An Unfunny Night at ‘Copacabana’”, Joel Hirschhorn, Variety, February 25, 2001
“All Manilow Wants is a Little Retrospect”, Karen D’Souza, Mercury News, January 7, 2001
“Psycho Nympho, Imaginary Manilow”, Julie Hilden, FindLaw Legal News,February 12, 2001
“Everyone Has Been Lying To You … I Swear”, Matthew D. Glaser, Daily Trojan, February 25, 1999
“Manilow Homogenizes Sinatra,” David Wiegand, San Francisco Chronicle, December 6, 1998
“Can’t Live Without You”, Robert Drake, Philadelphia, July 17–24, 1997
“1998: The Year In Review”, Edna Gundersen, USA Today, December 29, 1998
“New Pop Music For Middle Age”, Stephen Holden, New York Times, November 27, 1998
“The Burning Man Festival Sparkles”, Joe Williams, St. Louis Post, September 13, 1998
“Smashed Hits, Here They Are”, Jim Davis, Daily Herald, November 6, 1998
“Stranger-Than-Fiction Developments on Spring Rock Scene”, Albany Times Union, April 27, 2000
“His Music and Passion Still in Fashion”, Greg Mo
rago, Hartford Courant, November 30, 2000
“‘Copacabana’ is a Rotten Banana”, Pamela Fisher, San Francisco Examiner, February 10, 2001
“Manilow’s ‘Copacabana’ Comes Off as Very, Very Barry”, Mark de la Vina, San Jose Mercury News, January 19, 2001
“Addicts Anonymous: Western Society Encourages Us To Be Dependent …”, Helen Wilkinson, Guardian [Manchester], December 12, 1998
“Foreword: Zeitgeist”, Tom Bussmann, Guardian [Manchester], December 19, 1998
CD Review Digest, 1983–1987
CD Review Digest Annual, 1989
“Fast Tracks”, Playboy, May 1982
“Manilow Shows Audience What Makes Him So Great”, Ed Masley, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 15, 1993
“Barry Manilow: King of Schmaltz, With a Touch of Class”, Henry Schipper, Playgirl, Mary 1983
“Barry Manilow”, Alastair Sutherland, Graffiti Magazine, April 1988
“The Playboy Advisor”, Playboy, December 1965
“20 Questions: Tom Waits”, Playboy, [issue date unknown]
“The Playboy Interiew: Phil Collins”, Playboy, 1986
20th Century Pop Culture, Dan Epstein, Carlton Books Limited, 1999
The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media, Edited by Lisa A. Lewis, Routledge, 1992
Barry Manilow: An Illustrated Biography, Richard Peters, Pop Universal/ Souvenir Press, 1982
Barry Manilow Special, Bev Gilligan, Grandreams Ltd., 1982
“Does Barry Manilow Deserve a Break Today?”, Ed McCormack, Oui, November 1976
Barry Manilow, Tony Jasper, W.H. Allen & Co., Ltd., 1981
Barry Manilow: An Unauthorized Biography, Mark Bego, Tempo Books, 1977
Dennis Miller: The Off-White Album, Dennis Miller, Warner Bros. Records, Inc., 1988
Sweet Life: Adventures on the Way to Paradise, Barry Manilow, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1987
Starlust: The Secret Life of Fans, Fred and Judy Vermorel, W.H. Allen & Co. Ltd., 1985
“Barry Manilow Music Catches Millions by the Ear”, Seventeen, May 1976
Bob Dylan: Don’t Look Back, Directed by D.A. Pennebaker, Produced by Albert Grossman, John Court, Pennebaker Films, 1967
“Fast Tracks”, Playboy, February 1980
The Billboard Book of #1 Hits, 4th Edition, Fred Bronson, Billboard Books, 1997
Billboard Book of Top 40 Hits, Joel Whitburn, Billboard Books, 1996
“Give His Regards To Broadway”, Jan Breslauer, Los Angeles Times Calendar, October 12, 1997
“Bound For Glory”, Vanity Fair, May 2001. Excerpted from Positively 4th Street, by David Hajdu, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001
“Barry Manilow”, Us Magazine, June 26, 1989
“Barry Manilow: From Brooklyn to the World”, Spencer Benedict, Playing Keyboards, December/January 1989
“Barry Manilow: Finding the Time for the ‘Sweet Life’”, Publishers Weekly, October 16, 1987
“The Unseen Side of Barry Manilow”, Teen’s Entertainment ‘80
“Time to Spread the Love on Dodgers Opening Day”, T.J. Simers, Los Angeles Times, April 3, 2001
Queer Noises: Male and Female Homosexuality in Twentieth-Century Music, John Gill, University of Minnesota Press, 1995
Queer in America: Sex, the Media, and the Closets of Power, Michelangelo Signorile, Random House, 1993
Fame in the 20th Century, Clive James, Random House, 1993
Passing Parade: A History of Popular Culture in the Twentieth Century, Richard Maltby, Oxford University Press, 1989
Red Lobster, White Trash, and the Blue Lagoon, Joe Queenan, Hyperion, 1998
A Massive Swelling: Celebrity Re-Examined as a Grotesque Crippling Disease, Cintra Wilson, Viking, 2000
“For Online Absurdity, Dave Barry’s Your Guy”, USA Today, December 2, 1999
“Barry”, Stephen E. Rubin, Ladies’ Home Journal, April 1979
“When Your Name is a Punchline, You Live in Hell. Barry Manilow Lives in Hell”, Bill Zehme, Rolling Stone, November 1, 1990
CD Review Digest, Vol. 3, Janet Grimes, Editor, The Peri Press, 1989
CD Review Digest, Vol. 6, Janet Grimes, Editor, The Peri Press, 1992
CD Review Digest, Vol. 7, Janet Grimes, Editor, The Peri Press, 1994
“The Man Who Liked Paperwork”, Michael Oliver
Mud Will Be Flung Tonight, Bette Midler, Atlantic Recording Corporation, 1985
“Out”, Stephen Randall, Playboy, September 1990
“Fast Tracks”, Playboy, December 1981
“Fast Tracks”, Playboy, August 1981
“Fast Tracks”, Playboy, June 1980
“The Answers: Barry Manilow”, Imogen Edwards-Jones, You [Mail on Sunday], December 1999
“Barry Manilow”, Rona Barrett’s Hollywood, June 1979
“Barry Manilow, Producer-Arranger”, Planning Your Future [Teen Magazine], 1980
“An Evening With Barry Manilow”, Preview, December 1978
“What’s Your Favorite Sport?”, 16 Magazine, October 1978
“Barry Manilow’s True Blue Miracle: From Jingles to Hit Singles”, Bananas, 1975
Will Pop Eat Itself? Pop Music in the Soundbite Era, Jeremy J. Beadle, Faber and Faber, 1983
Clive: Inside the Record Business, Clive Davis with James Willwerth, Ballantine Books, 1974
Follow The Music: The Life and High Times of Elektra Records in the Great Years of American Pop Culture, Jac Holzman and Gavan Daws, FirstMedia Books, 1998
Rockonomics: The Money Behind the Music, Marc Eliot, Franklin Watts, 1989 Man Enough: Fathers, Sons, and the Search for Masculinity, Frank Pittman, MD, Perigee, 1993
The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows, 1946–Present, Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh, Ballantine Books, 1999
The Whole World Sings: The Fans Behind Barry Manilow, Mandy Strunk, Dowling Press, Inc., 1999
The Divine Bette Midler, James Spada, Macmillan Publishing, 1984
“Barry Manilow: The Musician Behind the Image”, Bob Doerschuk, Keyboard, January 1983
“Barry Manilow: Writing the Songs to Get That Could-It-Be-Magic Feeling Again”, Gerrit Henry, After Dark, June 1976
“Jingles and Singles”, Jack Kroll with Peter S. Greenberg, Newsweek, March 31, 1975
“Barry Manilow: From a Hobby to a Habit”, Paul Baratta, Songwriter Magazine,November 1975
“Barry Manilow: Photoplay’s Star of the Month”, Photoplay, August 1979
“The 1976 After Dark Ruby Award Party: Barry, Chita, and a Six-Year-Old Named Ruby”, Patrick Pacheco, After Dark, July 1976
“Barry Manilow Redux: Maybe He’s Not So Bad After All”, Glenn Plaskin, San Francisco Chronicle, May 9, 1989
“Manilow Indulges His Jazz Man’s Soul”, Charles Passy, Wall Street Journal, April 4, 2000
“Housewives’ Choice? Hey, the Guys Like Me, Too”, Kevin Bourke, Manchester Evening News, January 21, 2000
“‘Copacabana’: How I Wrote The Songs–and Learned to Act”, Barry Manilow, TV Guide, November 30, 1985
“Barry Manilow: Master of Music”, Joe Delaney, Showbiz Weekly
“He’s a Survivor”, Alan K. Stout, Las Vegas Review-Journal, December 15, 2000
“Swing Low, Sweet Manilow”, Harry F. Waters with Mark D. Uehling, Newsweek, December 2, 1985
“Playboy Interview: Paul Simon”, Tony Schwartz, Playboy, 1984
Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America, Volume 2, Gale Research, Inc.
The Jews in America 1621–1970, Compiled and edited by Irving J. Sloan, Oceana Publications, Inc., 1971
“Barry Manilow Refuses to See His Dying Dad”, Star
“Music Preview: Could It Be Magic?”, Lori D’Angelo, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, August 6, 1999
“The Choice of Manilow”, Mike Joyce, Washington Post, August 26, 1988
“The Democratic Party Planners”, Lloyd Grove, Washington Post, June 25, 1988
“Personalities”, Chuck Conconi, Washington Post, June 8, 1989
“Manilow Earns a Place Among Pop’s Best Interpreters”, Howard Reich, Chicago Tribune, February 8, 2000
“The Original Bathhouse Bette: My Interview With Steve Ostrow”, Bette Writer, Stasey Tackett
“Stage: Miss M. Divine”, Ian Dove, New York Times, December 4, 1973
“Divine Miss M. Is Set for a Tacky Gala”, Paul Gardner, New York Times, December 29, 1972
“The Foreign Immigrant in New York City”, Kate Holladay Claghor, Ph.D., Reports of the Industrial Commission, Volume XV, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1901
“Edna Manilow, Pop Singer’s Mother”, Miami Herald, September 10, 1994
“Edna Manilow, Singer’s Mom”, Sun-Sentinal, September 11, 1994
“The Playboy Interview: Billy Joel”, Playboy, May 1982
“The Rocket Man’s Rocky Flight”, Jim Morekis, Creative Loafing Online, October 9, 1999
“The Rebirth of Elton John”, Philip Norman, Rolling Stone, March 19, 1992
“Looks Like He Made It”, Rafer Guzman,, November 27, 1997
“Winter in the Sun: Palm Springs Loosens Up”, Bernard Weinraub, The New York Times, January 14, 2001
“Sidney E. Woloshin, 72, Writer of Ad Jingles”, Saul Hansell, The New York Times, November 10, 2000
“Barry Manilow Works to Please Himself “, David Burke, Lee News Service, April 28, 2000
“Dubious Achievement Awards of 1992”, Esquire, January 1993
“Point of View”, Mark Evanier,
“Just Like That Old Tie Rock ‘n’ Roll”, Ann Norsworthy, The Oracle, October 18, 2000
“RodeoHouston: Some ‘Splainin to Do”, Tim Carman, Houston Press, January 25, 2001
“People, Places and Things in the News”, South Coast Today, January 1, 1998
“Barry’s Last Laugh”, San Angelo Standard-Times, May 17, 1999
Behind the Music: Bette Midler, VH1
Behind the Music: 1975, VH1
Interviews with Anna Keliher
Interviews with Lee Gurst
Interviews with Ron Dante
Interview with Kyle Vincent
Interview with Jack Wilkins
Interview with Dick Clark
Interview with Robert Danz
Barry Manilow Page 28