Fake Fiancee Mate - Single Shift

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Fake Fiancee Mate - Single Shift Page 1

by Raines, Harmony

  Table of Contents


  The Single Shift


  Chapter One – Travis

  Chapter Two – Kate

  Chapter Three – Travis

  Chapter Four – Kate

  Chapter Five – Travis

  Chapter Six – Kate

  Chapter Seven – Travis

  Chapter Eight – Kate

  Chapter Nine – Travis

  Chapter Ten – Kate

  Chapter Eleven – Travis

  Chapter Twelve – Kate

  Chapter Thirteen – Travis

  Chapter Fourteen – Kate

  Chapter Fifteen – Travis


  Also By Harmony Raines

  Get In Touch

  Fake Fiancée Mate

  The Single Shift

  Book Two


  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the author or publisher.

  This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events or places is purely coincidental.

  © 2020 Harmony Raines

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  The Single Shift

  A series of standalone shifter romances

  Fake Date Mate

  The Single Shift - Book One

  Fake Fiancée Mate

  The Single Shift - Book Two

  Fake Fiancée Mate

  The Single Shift

  Book Two

  A silverback seasoned shifters romance

  Can he convince his fake fiancée their love is real?

  Rock star bear shifter, Travis Cooper, has made mistakes. Plenty of mistakes.

  But those mistakes are in the past. And that is where they must stay because he’s trying to adopt Izzy, the daughter of one of his best friends who sadly passed away.

  There’s just one big problem. Or maybe two.

  First, the man who claims to be Izzy’s biological father is fighting Travis for custody. Although, Travis is convinced the guy is only after the fortune Izzy’s mom left her. Second, someone set him up. The media is full of fake news articles about him. Articles that would not be looked on favorably by the courts.

  He does not need that kind of scandal. Not now.

  So his best friend suggests he finds a fake fiancée.

  Kate needs money. Her brother has been set up and is facing jail time if she can’t prove his innocence. But good layers come with a big price tag. The kind of money she just doesn’t have.

  But her boss comes up with an idea. It’s simple. All she has to do is pretend to be Travis Copper’s fiancée.

  The Travis Cooper. How hard can it be?

  When Travis and Kate meet, they both realize there is nothing fake about their feelings for each other.

  But, with so much to lose, can they afford to take a chance on love? Will Travis be forced to choose between his mate or the child he’s promised to love and protect?

  Chapter One – Travis

  “And this is your professional advice?” Travis dragged both hands through his hair as he looked at his accountant with disbelief.

  “No, it’s my advice as a friend,” Jon replied. “If you want to shake off the playboy image and show the courts you are the best person to raise Izzy, you need to portray yourself as a family man.” Jon got up from his chair and approached Travis warily. “It makes sense.”

  “No, it makes no sense,” Travis replied firmly. “I have a mate out there somewhere. A mate I’d always hoped to meet and marry and raise kids with. What you are suggesting puts all that in jeopardy.”

  “I’m fully aware of your situation, Travis. And believe me, under normal circumstances I would never suggest this. Never even think it, but these are not normal circumstances, are they?” Jon had a point. The explosive photos of Travis leaving a hotel room with a married woman, along with a barrage of fake news articles, were tipping the scales against him. He couldn’t let that happen.

  “Okay,” Travis said warily. “If I did consider your nonprofessional advice, how would I even go about finding someone I could trust?”

  His bear closed his eyes and shook his head. This is a bad idea. If the press ever finds out you hired someone to be your fake fiancée, this would all blow up and you would lose Izzy.

  And if I don’t do this, if I don’t take drastic measures, then I could lose Izzy anyway. Travis was stuck between a rock and a very hard place. He had little room to maneuver.

  “I know someone.” Jon was Travis’s most trusted friend. They had known each other before Travis got famous. Yet still, there was a niggling doubt in the back of his head that asked if he could really trust Jon. Or anyone.

  Travis’s trust issues had grown along with his fame and fortune. It was one facet of his rock star life he hated. People used and abused him for their own gains.

  Not everyone, his bear reminded him.

  No, not everyone. But enough. Enough to often leave Travis lonely in a crowded room. Travis eyed Jon levelly. His accountant wasn’t squirming in his seat, he was maintaining eye contact.

  That’s a good sign, his bear prompted.

  “Melinda’s employee, Kate. They’ve worked together for six months or more. Her brother got himself into some trouble. She’s trying to raise funds for his defense.” He pressed his lips together as Travis laughed and dragged his hands through his hair.

  Your hair will fall out if you keep doing that, his bear told him.

  My hair will fall out or turn gray early if things carry on like this, Travis replied.

  “You are suggesting my fake fiancée is the sister of a criminal?” Travis stalked toward the window and looked out. The view of the ocean was stunning. He longed to dive right into the cold clear water and swim out to the horizon. But he would never abandon Izzy. Never take the easy route where the child was concerned. He’d given his word to protect her and that was what he intended to do.

  Whatever it takes, his bear said gruffly.

  Whatever it takes, Travis agreed. Even if that meant pretending to be engaged to a woman. A woman who was not his mate.

  “I’m suggesting you give it consideration. Kate’s desperate to keep her brother out of jail.” Jon joined Travis looking out at the view. “I thought it would appeal to you. A sister trying to keep her kid brother out of trouble. Strong family values are your thing.”

  Jon’s words skewered Travis’s heart. “It’s not the same,” he answered quietly.

  “Who says?” Jon asked. He sighed, sounding tired. “Why don’t you at least meet her? I’ll set it up and ask her to sign a nondisclosure form beforehand. That’ll give you some protection.”

  “You know she could simply turn around and sell the story to the press for the money she needs,” Travis said quietly without taking his view off the ocean.

  “She wouldn’t. She’s nearly as loyal as you.” Jon patted his friend’s shoulder. “Izzy’s a lucky girl to have you as her father. Never forget that.”

  Travis nodded, his voice gruff as he said, “Thanks, man. I need to hear that. But I’m not her father yet. And the way things are going I might never be.”

  “We’ll get through this,” Jon promised. “The courts will
grant you full custody and then you can quietly break up with Kate and go your separate ways.”

  “You make it all sound so easy so reasonable.” Travis gave a short laugh. “We both know that’s not how life works.”

  “I also know you deserve a break.” Jon pressed his lips into a thin line. “You’re not the bad guy in all this.”

  Travis nodded. “Sometimes it’s easier to become what people think you are than to fight for who you really are.”

  “I’ve never known you to take the easy option, Travis.” Jon chuckled. “Even at school you always took the hardest route.”

  “Kick a guy when he’s down.” Travis tore his gaze away from the view of the ocean and fixed his attention on Jon. “Set up the meeting. Tell Kate I’ll cover her brother’s legal fees, whatever it costs, if I think we’re compatible.”

  “I’ll phrase it a little differently,” Jon replied as he turned from Travis and headed toward the door. “When?”

  “A soon as you can get the contract drawn up and it’s convenient for Kate.” Travis clenched his jaw. He didn’t like the thought of inviting a stranger into his life. “And it’ll depend on Izzy, too.”

  “Sure. But Kate is great with kids. She’s babysat our two girls lots of times. And you know how fussy Melinda is about who looks after our kids.” Jon pointed a finger at Travis. “That tells you a lot about how she feels about you.”

  “I’m honored you’ve let me take care of your kids.” Travis inclined his head and placed his hand on his heart. “That’s the highest award.”

  Jon thumbed the plethora of awards lined up along a shelf to the side of a large brick fireplace that was set centrally in the old stone walls. The house had been extended over the years and would have originally been a fisherman’s house and the fire the only source of heat. Travis wouldn’t mind living such a simple way of life. “Even more than those?”

  “Yeah. You, Melinda and the girls are like family. And family is more important than any career or any award,” Travis told his friend honestly. “I’d give it all up for Izzy.”

  “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” Jon left the room and Travis followed him to the front door where he hesitated. “Have you thought about just offering to pay Izzy’s jerk of a biological-father off? It might be a cheaper alternative.”

  Travis shook his head. “I can’t. Out of principle. He hurt Annabella. Physically, mentally and emotionally. It’s the reason I’m fighting so hard to keep Izzy.”

  “I just wanted to put it out there.” Jon sighed. “What you need is solid proof of how he treated Annabella. That way he would be the one defending himself and not you.”

  “I’ve tried. Believe me, I’ve tried. But if there is anyone out there, they are too scared to come forward. Izzy’s dad is a piece of work.” He put his hands on his hips as Jon opened the front door and stepped outside into the sunshine.

  Jon looked up at the deep blue cloudless sky before he turned back to Travis. “Sometimes we have to set our principles aside to get the outcome we want.”

  “I’ve thought about it a lot. But I doubt one payment would ever be enough. He’d burn through the money and then be back. Over and over again.” Travis shook his head. “I want him out of our lives.”

  “How is Izzy?” Jon asked, his eyes scanning the outside of the house until they rested on Izzy’s bedroom window.

  “Better. The bad dreams are less. She still cries for Annabella. She’s still scared her dad will take her away.” Travis half-turned and looked up at Izzy’s window. “I promised I’d protect her, Jon. And I never break a promise.”

  “We’ll get through this.” He backed away from Travis. “I’ll be in touch as soon as I’ve spoken to Kate.”

  “Thanks, Jon. You’re a good friend.” Travis lifted his hand and waved as Jon got into his car.

  “And a good accountant,” Jon reminded him.

  Travis chuckled as his friend got into his car and started the engine. As Jon drove his black SUV away from the property, Travis glanced around, checking that there was no sign of the paparazzi. No one but Travis’s closest friends knew about the beach house and he planned to keep it that way for as long as possible.

  This was a time for Izzy to heal. A time for her to feel safe. Goodness knows she deserved it.

  Satisfied his privacy was still intact, Travis went back inside and shut the door firmly behind him. Security cameras were operating in the front and back yard, but he hadn’t brought any of his usual security to the house. With one exception.

  “Did Jon leave?” Henry asked, coming out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand and an apron slung around his hips. Travis often marveled at just how easy Henry found it to switch roles. Since they’d first met over twenty years ago, Henry had been Travis’s security guard, roadie, and driver, turning his hand to whatever was needed as Travis built his career.

  Now Henry took on the role of housekeeper and nanny to Izzy when Travis was busy. He loved the child as much as Travis and would protect her with his life.

  “Yeah. He’s gone.” Travis accepted the cup of coffee. “Thanks.”

  “Did he talk to you?” Henry asked warily. The two men rarely had secrets, but Travis suspected Henry was keeping something from him.

  “No, he sat in the living room and never said a word.” Travis studied Henry as he sipped his coffee. “Was it your idea?”

  Henry glanced toward the stairs. “Jon and I were talking. We kind of came to the same idea.”

  “A fake fiancée. If anyone else suggested it, I’d think they were trying to set me up. But you and Jon…”

  Henry looked sheepish. “You need to look warm and fuzzy.”

  “Instead of like a promiscuous jerk.” Travis hated the way he’d been portrayed by people who didn’t know him. People who were willing to sell their soul for more money or more followers on social media. The world had changed, and he didn’t like it.

  “You need to look like a family man. Someone who can give Izzy a stable home life.” Henry was right. He usually was. But Travis didn’t have to like it.

  “I can give her a stable home life,” Travis insisted.

  You’re pouting, his bear told him.

  “Izzy could do with a mother figure.” Henry held up his hand. “Not someone to replace her mom but someone who…knows girl stuff.”

  Travis gave Henry a lopsided grin. “I understand where you are coming from. But this just makes things more complicated. What happens when this fake fiancée…? What happens when Kate leaves?”

  “Maybe she won’t.” Henry arched an eyebrow and shrugged. “I’m a romantic.”

  “What if I meet my mate?”

  “And what if you don’t?” Henry never was one to sugarcoat the truth.

  “I just don’t want Izzy to get attached to someone else and then have her leave.” Travis took his coffee to the living room and took up his usual position in front of the window. Izzy might like having another female around. “Maybe you’re right. She might open up more to a woman.”

  “She might open up more to someone who isn’t so emotionally attached.” Henry joined Travis by the window. “Are you sure you can’t persuade Izzy to see a therapist?”

  Travis shook her head. “Annabella had a fear of shrinks. It seems she implanted that same fear inside Izzy’s head. Right now, I don’t want to push it.”

  “Understandable.” Henry nodded and changed tack. “Kate seems nice.”

  “You met her?” Travis swung his head around and faced Henry.

  “You don’t think I would’ve agreed to Jon approaching you about this if I hadn’t?” Henry asked.

  “Always looking out for me.” Travis relaxed his shoulders. “What’s she like?”

  “Smart, tough, but soft on the inside. And pretty, if that’s what you are asking.” Henry held out his hand for Travis’s empty cup.

  “You know it’s not the outside that counts for me,” Travis told him firmly. “It’s what’s on the insid
e that matters.”

  “On the inside, Kate is one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever met,” Henry said as he walked out of the room. “Don’t hurt her, Travis.”

  “I don’t intend to.” Travis stared back out across the ocean. But then he’d never meant to hurt anyone.

  It didn’t mean he hadn’t.

  Chapter Two – Kate

  “You’re asking me to be someone’s fake fiancée?” Kate asked Jon.

  “It would help you both out.” Melinda, Jon’s wife and Kate’s employer, stood up and came to her. They had become best friends over the short time they’d worked together, and Melinda was well aware of Kate’s current situation. “It would also help Marl.”

  “How?” Kate swallowed down her objections to the idea of pretending to be someone’s fake fiancée. If she could do anything to help her brother out of the hole he’d dug himself into, she would. She’d raised Marl since their mom passed away, sometimes their relationship was more like mother and son than brother and sister.

  “He is willing to pay for Marl’s legal fees. All of them.” Jon’s words hit her in the solar plexus, leaving her breathless. Reaching out, she grabbed the back of the chair as Melinda reached out and pulled her into her arms.

  “This means we don’t have to publicly raise funds. You can hire the best lawyers and be there for Marl without running yourself into the ground.” Melinda placed her hand on Kate’s cheek. “You look so tired.”

  A tear plopped down onto Kate’s cheek as she hugged Melinda. “I appreciate you both trying to help.”

  “But?” Melinda took a step back and studied Kate’s face. “You’re not going to do it.”

  “I just…” She shrugged. “I don’t like the idea of pretending to be someone’s fiancée.” She clasped her hands together and stared at the floor. “Am I supposed to lie to my brother and everyone else I know? I’d just feel dishonest.”

  Melinda sighed and glanced at Jon. “I suppose we never thought of it like that.”


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