by Conrad Black
I am grateful to Barbara for putting up with this distraction in our lives; to Robert Jennings for his early encouragement, and to Doug Pepper of Random House Canada, Roger Kimball of Encounter Books and The New Criterion, and Morton Janklow, for their encouragement at various stages, to Henry Kissinger for his generous Introductory Note and his sage advice as the work was in progress, to Stan Freedman, Ron Genini, George Jonas, John Lukacs, Andrew Roberts, Brian Stewart, the incomparable Bill Whitworth and Ezra Zilkha for their comments on the manuscript, to Joan Maida for greatly helping to organize the material, and to Heather Ohle, Lesley Rock, Lauren Miklos, and Jenny Bradshaw for their invaluable work in getting it ready for publication. They all deserve credit (if any is to be had), and no blame, for the resulting book, and I profusely thank them all.
—Conrad Black, Toronto, March 2013
Abbess of Crewe, The (Spark)
Abercromby, James
Abrams, Creighton W.
Acheson, Dean G.; on China; and Cuban missile crisis; insubordination; and Korean War; and MacArthur; and Nixon; on Roosevelt; wit of
Adams, Charles Francis
Adams, Charles Francis, Jr.
Adams, Charles Francis
Adams, John; administrative skill; Alien & Sedition Acts; and Declaration of Independence; death of; and Federalist dispute; in France; Fries pardon; vs. Hamilton; integrity of; and maritime impressments; on militia; monarchist slant; Naturalization Act; at Paris peace talks; presidency of; as vice president; and Washington
Adams, John Quincy; as abolitionist; gag-rule repeal; intellect of; and Monroe Doctrine; presidency of; as secretary of state; and Texas; and War of 1812; and Whig Party
Adams, Samuel; as anti-federalist
Adams, Thomas
Adams, William
Adenauer, Konrad
Afghanistan: and Reagan; Soviet invasion; Soviet withdrawal; U.S. war in
African Americans: civil rights for; and desegregation; and G.I. Bill; Martin Luther King; and New Deal workfare; northern migration; and Obama campaign; poll taxes; and segregation; voting rights
Aga Khan
Age of Reason, The (Paine)
Agnew, Spiro
Aguinaldo, Emilio
Aiken, George
Alabama, CSS
Alaska: and Canada border; purchase of
Albany Congress
Albany Regency
Albert, Prince Consort
Albright, Madeleine K.
Aldrich, Nelson W.
Aldrich, Winthrop
Aldrich-Vreeland Act
Alexander, Harold
Alexander I, Czar
Alexander the Great
Alien and Sedition Acts
Allende, Salvador
Alliance for Progress in Latin America
Alsop, Joseph
Alsop, Stewart
Alverstone, Richard Webster, Lord
Ambrister, Robert
Ambrose, Stephen
American Party (Know-Nothings)
American Revolution; antecedents; Arnold’s betrayal; Boston siege; Brandywine; Bunker Hill; Camden; Charleston; Germantown; guerrilla warfare in; Guilford Court House; King’s Mountain; Lexington and Concord; Long Island; and loyalists; Monmouth; New York retreat; Philadelphia defense; Princeton & Trenton; Saratoga; Treaty of Paris; Yorktown
American Tobacco Company
Amherst, Jeffery, Lord
Amnesty International
Ampudia, Pedro de
Anderson, John
Anderson, Robert
Andrássy, Julius, Count
Andropov, Yuri
Anglo-French Entente
Anglo-Japanese Alliance
Anglo-Persian Oil Company
Anglo-Prussian Convention
Anglo-Russian Treaty (1825)
Annunzio, Gabriele d’
Anson, George, Lord
Anti-Masonic Party
Arafat, Yasser; and Second Intifada; and Sept. 11 attacks
Arbenz, Jacobo
Arbuthnot, Alexander
Arbuthnot, Mariot (Admiral)
Argentina; and Falklands; Germans in
Armstrong, John
Arnold, Benedict
Arthur, Chester A.
Articles of Confederation
Arvey, Jake
Ashburton, Alexander Baring, Lord
Asquith, H.H.
Assad, Hafez al-
Astor, John Jacob
Atlantic Charter
atomic bomb. See nuclear weapons
Atomic Energy Commission
Attlee, Clement
Atwater, Lee
Austin, Moses
Austin, Stephen E.
Australia; British dissenters in; refugees in; and SEATO; in World War II
Austria: and Bismarck; and Congress of Vienna; and French war; and Hitler; and Seven Years’ War
Austria-Hungary; vs. Serbs; trade with; and Wilson; World War I casualties
Ayub Khan, Mohammad
Babcock, O.E.
Bacon, Robert
Badoglio, Pietro
Baghdad Pact
Baker, Howard
Baker, James A.; and Bush v. Gore; and German reunification; and Gulf War; and Iraq War
Baker, Newton D.
Balfour, James
Ballinger, Richard
Bancroft, George
Bank of the United States; and Jackson; and Madison
Barak, Ehud
Barbary pirates
Barkley, Alben W
Bates, Edward
Bath, William Pulteney, Earl of
Batista, Fulgencio
“Battle Hymn of the Republic,”
Bayard, James A.
Bayard, Thomas F.
Bayard-Chamberlain Treaty
Beauregard, Pierre G.T.
Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, Lord
Beckford, William
Bedell Smith, Walter
Bedford, Gunning
Begin, Menachem
Belgium; and Congo; secession by; and World War I
Belknap, WW
Bell, John
Belmont, August
Benedict XV, Pope
Ben Gurion, David
Benson, Allan
Benton, Thomas Hart
Bentsen, Lloyd
Bergamini, Carlo
Beria, Lavrenti
Beria, Sergio
Berkman, Alexander
Bernstorff, Johann-Heinrich, Count von
Bevin, Ernest
Biddle, Nicholas
Biden, Joseph
Bigot, François
bin Laden, Osama
Bishop, Maurice
Bismarck, Otto von; on American rise; anti-Catholicism of; and Austria-Hungary; on Balkans; dismissal of; and Samoa; and social insurance
Black, Eugene
Black, Jeremiah S.
Black Hawk War
Blaine, James G.
Blair, Francis
Blair, John
Bland-Allison Act
Blount, James
Blount, William
Blunt, Anthony
Bogart, Humphrey
Bohlen, Charles E.
Bolivar, Simón
Bonaparte, Napoleon I. See Napoleon I (Bonaparte)
Bonvouloir, Julien Alexander Achard, Chevalier de
Borah, William E.
Borden, Sir Robert L.
Bork, Robert
Boscawen, Edward
Boston Tea Party
Bowers, Claude
Bowles, Chester
Braddock, Edward
Bradley, Joseph P.
Bradley, Omar N.; in Korean War; vs. MacArthur; at Potsdam; and Vietnam
Bradley, William
radstreet, John
Bragg, Braxton
Brandt, Willy
Braun, Eva
Breckinridge, Henry
Breckinridge, John C.
Bremer, Paul
Brereton, Lewis H.
Brezhnev, Leonid; and Afghanistan; at arms-control talks; death of; and Nixon; on Vietnam; and Yom Kippur War
Brezhnev Doctrine
Briand, Aristide
Bricker, John W
British Commonwealth; and Churchill; and World War II
British Guyana
Brock, Isaac
Brooke, Sir Alan; at Cairo Conference; vs. Marshall; at Quebec Conference; at Tehran Conference
Brooks, Preston
Brown, B. Gratz
Brown, Edmund G.
Brown, Jerry
Brown, John
Brown v. Board of Education
Brunswick, Ferdinand, Duke of
Brunswick, Louis, Duke of
Bryan, Charles
Bryan, William Jennings; and Darwinism; on Philippines; popularity of; as presidential candidate; as secretary of state; as Wilson backer; and World War I
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Buchanan, James; and Fort Sumter; presidency of; as presidential candidate; on secession; as secretary of state; on slavery issue
Buchanan, Pat
Buckley, James
Budget Act of 1921
Buell, Don Carlos
Bulganin, Nikolai
Bulwer, Sir Henry Lytton
Bundy, McGeorge
Bunau-Varilla, Philippe
Bunker, Ellsworth
Burchard, Samuel D.
Burgess, Guy
Burgoyne, John
Burke, Edmund; sympathy for Americans
Burma; Nixon in; in World War II
Burnside, Ambrose E.
Burr, Aaron; duel & murder charge; and Jefferson; and Tammany Hall; treason trial
Bush, George H.W.; election campaigns; and German reunification; and Gorbachev; and Gulf War (1991); and Iraq Study Group; Japan visit; and Noriega; qualifications of; and Somalia; as vice president
Bush, George W; and Afghanistan; and banking crisis; democracy agenda; election of; and India agreement; and Iraq War; reelection of; and Sept. 11 attacks; War on Terror
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of
Butler, Andrew
Butler, Benjamin
Butler, Pierce
Butler, Rab
Butler, Smedley
Butler, William O.
Byng, John
Byrd, Harry F.
Byrnes, James F.
Cadogan, Sir Alexander
Cadore, Jean-Baptiste Nompère de Champagny, Duke de
Cairncross, John
Calhoun, John C.; and Bank of the U.S.; and Clay; Disquisition on Government; as secretary of state; sidelining of; and slavery issue; on states’ rights; and Tariff of Abominations; as vice president; as war hawk; vs. Webster; and Whig Party; as “Young Demosthenes,”
Callender, James Thomson
Calles, Plutarco
Cambodia; and France; Khmer Rouge in; Mayaguez incident; and Vietnam War
Cambon, Jules
Cambon, Paul
Cameron, Simon
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry
Canada; American venture in; banking prudence; and Bering Strait; border settlement; and de Gaulle; Fenian invasion; and fishing rights; and France; Franklin on; natives in; Quebec Act; rebels from; and Suez crisis; trade with; and Treaty of Paris; unification of; and War of 1812
Canadian Reciprocity Treaty
Canning, George
Carleton, Sir Guy (Lord Dorchester)
Carnegie, Andrew
Carnegie Steel
Carranza, Venustiano
Carroll, Daniel
Carter, Jimmy; Camp David Accords; on civil rights; defense cuts; on human rights; and Iran; on neutron bomb; and Panama Canal; reelection campaign; and SALT II; and Sandinistas ; stagflation under
Casablanca (film)
Casaroli, Agostino Cardinal
Casey, William
Cass, Lewis; and Indian wars; as presidential candidate; as secretary of state
Castillo Armas, Carlos
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Lord; and Congress of Vienna
Castro, Fidel; and Bay of Pigs; in Central America; and Eisenhower
Catherine II (the Great), Empress
Catholicism; and Cleveland election; and FDR coalition; Ferraro; hostility to; and Kennedy;in Quebec; Smith candidacy; Taney; and Washington
Cavour, Camillo Benso, Conte di
Ceausescu, Nikolai
Cecil, Robert (Marquess of Salisbury)
Central America: canal plan; Castro in; CIA in; Clayton-Bulwer Treaty; Panama Canal; peacemaking in; and Reagan; see also Guatemala; Nicaragua
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); on Castro & Cuba; and Eisenhower; in Guatemala; and Iran-Contra; in Italy; on Korea; in Middle East; and Mossadegh; and Noriega; and Portugal; and USSR
Chafin, Eugene W.
Chamberlain, Joseph
Chamberlain, Neville
Chambers, Whittaker
Chamoun, Camille
Chase, Salmon P.; as chief justice; as presidential candidate; and Republicans; as Treasury secretary
Chase, Samuel
Chatham, Earl of. See Pitt, William (Earl of Chatham)
Chehab, Fouad
Cheney, Dick
Chennault, Anna
Chernenko, Konstantin
Chiang Kai-shek; at Cairo Conference; and MacArthur; and Nixon; on Quemoy & Matsu
Childs, Marquis
Chile; Allende in; Pinochet in
China; and atom-bomb calls; Boxer Rebellion; Civil War in; Cultural Revolution; and de Gaulle; demographic challenge; Dollar Diplomacy; economy of; and Eisenhower; and Formosa; Great Leap Forward; immigration from; vs. Japan; and Korean War; Manchuria disputes; and Nixon; Olympic Games in; Open Door policy in; People’s Republic declared; potential power of; on Quemoy & Matsu; Root-Takahira Agreement; Tiananmen Square massacre; and Vietnam; see also Taiwan
Choiseul, Étienne-François, Duke de
Chou En-lai; death of; and Dulles; and Eisenhower; and Formosa Strait; and Kissinger; and Nixon
Christopher, Warren
Churchill, Winston; on American power; on Asia; and Balkans division; at Cairo Conference; at Casablanca Conference; and D-Day; and de Gaulle; and European Defense Community; and FDR; on “finest hour,” and Gandhi; on German occupation zones; on Habsburg Empire; “iron curtain” speech; on Lend-Lease; magnanimity of; and Mossadegh; on Munich Agreement; political challenge of; at Potsdam; return to power; as “romantic,” and Truman; and Stalin; at U.S. Congress