Hoagland, Mahlon
Hodgkin, Alan
Holley, Robert
Homopolar bonds
Hopkins, Gowland
Hotchkiss, Rollin
Howard, Alan
Hoyle, Frederick
Hubel, David
Hughes, Arthur
Huxley, Andrew
Hydrogen bond
Induction, gene
Infection, bacterial
Ingram, Vernon
Inheritance: blending; genetic basis of; Mendelian; particulate
Insects, gradients in cuticle of
Institut Pasteur
Integer axes, α helix and
Integer screw, α helix and
International Congress of Biochemistry, First
Interpeak distances, in electron density map
Ions: exchange columns; movement of in giant axon of squid; sodium
Isomorphous replacement
Isotope separation
Itano, Harvey
Jackson, Mick
Jacob, François
Jenkin, Fleeming
Judson, Horace Freeland
Karle, Jerome
Keller, Walter
Kendrew, John; α helix and; myoglobin and
Keratin, X-ray diagrams of
Keynes, Richard
Khorana, Gobind
Kieckhefer Foundation
King's College, London
Klug, Aaron
Kornberg, Arthur
Kornberg, Roger
Kornberg enzyme
Kreisel, Georg
La Jolla, California
Lattice, crystal
Lawrence, Peter
Lea, D. A.
Lederberg, Joshua
Lennox, Edward
Lerman, Leonard
LeVay, Simon
Levine, Phoebus
Life Itself (Crick)
Life Story (movie)
Light: microscopy; ultraviolet; wavelength of visible
Linguistics, modern
Linking number
Linnean Society
Lipmann, Fritz
Locke, Michael
Luria, Salva
Luzzati, Vittorio
Lysozymes: chick; egg white; guinea fowl; phage; tear drop
McCarty, Maclyn
McClelland, Jay
MacLeod, Colin
MacLeod, Donald
Maddox, John
Magnetic ore, phagocytosis of by chick fibroblasts
Magnification, genetic
Mandler, George
Mapping, gene
Mark, Herman
Markham, Roy
Marr, David
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massey, H. S. W.
Maxwell, James Clerk
Maxwell's equations
Medawar, Peter
Medical Research Council (MRC)
Medicine, Nobel Prize for
Mee, Arthur
Mellanby, Sir Edward
Mendel, Gregor. see also Genetics Mercury
Meselson, Matt
Metabolism, cellular
Methyl (CH3) groups
Mind into Matter (Delbrück)
Mines, noncontact
Minton, John
Mirsky, Alfred
Mr. Tompkins Explores the Atom (Gamow)
Mitchell, Peter
Mitchison, Graeme
Mitchison, Murdoch
Models: Astbury's keratin; behavioral; Bragg's, Kendrew's, and Perutz's α helix; brain; of chemical molecules; of DNA structure; giant axon potential in squid; good biological; neural net; Pauling's α helix; Penroses's gene replication; polypeptide backbone; side-by-side DNA structure; three-chain DNA; Watson and Crick's DNA structure
Molecular biology; and borderline between living and nonliving; brief outline of classical; chemical structure of gene as central problem of; theory in
Molecular psychology
Molecules: adaptor; approximate size of; chemical; handedness of; King's College biophysics research and; as parasites; tRNA
Molteno Institute
Monkeys, visual system in
Monoclonal antibodies
Monod, Jacques
Monomers; see also specific monomers
Montefiore, Hugh
Moore, Ruth
Morse code
Mott, Professor Neville
Muller, Hermann
Muscle, biophysics of
Mutations: acridine; amino acids and; amino acid string alterations; beneficial; deleterious; deletions; distributions; double; gene; genetic diversity and; leaky; multiple; nonleaky; nonsense; phenotype; point; proflavin; quadruple; random; rate; during replication; revertant; single; suppressors; triple; viral; wild-type; see also Gene(s), Genetic code, Genetics
Myoglobin; heavy atoms added to; structure of; three-dimensional structure of
Natural selection: appearance of planned design due to; biological replication and; brain as product of; contemporary acceptance of; contemporary understanding of; as cumulative process; fair criticisms of; evolution and; genetic diversity and; power of; randomness of; rate of; remarkable structures built by; role of environment in; selective pressures and; selfish DNA and; sex and; theory of; unplanned nature of
Natural Theology (Paley)
Nauta, Walle
Nerve cells
Neural nets
Neurophilosophy (Churchland)
Neurospora crassa
Neutron, discovery of
Newtonian mechanics
Nicholson, William
Nirenberg, Marshall
Nitrogen; atomic
NMDA, receptor for glutamate
Nobel Prize
Noninteger screw, α helix and
Nucleic acids: molecular structures of; tetranucleotide hypothesis and; ultraviolet light absorption by; see also DNA; RNA
Nucleotides; acridines between; DNA; looped out; number of in human cell; order of; RNA; sequences of; tautomeric nature of; triplets; see also . Base pairs; specific nucleotides
Nucleus, cellular
Occam's razor
"Ode on a Grecian Urn" (Keats)
Olby, Robert
"On Degenerate Templates and the Adaptor Hypothesis" (Crick)
One gene-one enzyme hypothesis
Orgel, Leslie; error-correcting device in DNA replication and; extraterrestrial intelligence interests of; genetic code work of; paper on comma-free code; paper on triplet code
Origin of Species, The (Darwin)
Overlapping, see Triplets
Oxford University; see also specific colleges
PaJaMo experiment
Paley, William
Pancreas, function of
Panspermia, directed
Parallel distributed processing (PDP)
Parallel Distributed Processing (Rumelhart and McClelland)
Parasitic DNA
Pardee, Arthur
Particulate inheritance
Path to the Double Helix, The (Olby)
Patterson, Lindo
/> Patterson density map
Pauling, Linus; and α helix; and hemoglobin; hydrogen bond and; importance of to molecular biology; and sickle-cell anemia; and vitamin C
Pauling, Peter
Penrose, Lionel
Penrose, Roger
Peptide bonds, planar in α helix
Perception: scientific study of; utilitarian theory of
Periodic table
Perutz, Max; and α helix; and hemoglobin; movie characterization of; and protein structure
Peterhouse College
Phage Group
Phages; DNA; genetics; lysozyme; see also Bacteriophages
Phagocytosis, of magnetic ore by chick fibroblasts
Phase sequence
Phase shift
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
Phosphate groups
Physical chemistry; α helix and
Physics; difference of from biology; entry of into biology
Physiology; Nobel Prize for
Pigott-Smith, Tim
Plane groups
Plants: extant species; viruses
Plaques: bacterial; mutants; picking of; wild-type
Pneumococcus, transforming factor of
Poggio, Tomaso
Pohl, William
Poisson distributions
Polymers; see also specific polymers
Polypeptide chains; backbone of; basic chemical formula for; chemistry of synthesis; cutting of by trypsin; folding; NH group donors; nonsense sites; repeats; side-chains; synthesis; see also Polypeptides; Proteins
Polypeptides; see also Polypeptide chains; Proteins
Polysaccharide coat, of gene
Princeton University
Probability of God, The (Montefiore)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Proceedings of the Royal Society
Proteins: amino acid residues in; amino acid sequences in; collagen; denatured; distinct types of; DNA coding for; enzymes as; fibrous; fingerprinting; folding; function dependent on three-dimensional structure; gene determination of; as genetic material in; transforming factor; globular; as nucleoprotein constituent; RNA coding for; shape; sizes; structure; symmetry elements; synthesis; three-dimensional structure; X- ray diffraction patterns of; see also specific proteins
Psychology; behaviorism and; molecular; parallel distributed processing and; of vision
Psychophysics; of vision
Putnam, Frank
Quantum electrodynamics
Quantum mechanics
rII gene
Radar, military applications of
Ramachandran, V. S.
Randall, John
Reagan, Ronald
Recombinant DNA
Red blood cells
Religion, incompatibility with some scientific beliefs
REM sleep
Replication: cellular; DNA; error rate per step of; exact; gene; geometrical nature of; mutation and; RNA; semiconservative model of; template concept of
Repression, gene
Ribonucleic acid, see RNA
Ribosomes: gene production of after transfer; protein synthesis on; RNA in
Rich, Alex; Biochemical Congress at Moscow (1961) and; collagen work by; DNA structure work by; genetic code work by; RNA Tie Club and
Riley, Monica
RNA: bacterial cell; base pairs; bases; base sequences; coding for proteins; cytoplasmic; export to cytoplasm; our-letter language of; fractionation of tRNA; intermediate in protein synthesis; length of presence on Earth of; messenger (mRNA); mutation rate per effective base pair; as nucleoprotein constituent; replication; retroviruses; ribosomal (rRNA); shape; single-stranded; sizes of; structure; synthesis; as template; transfer (tRNA); viruses; Volkin-Astrachan
RNA Tie Club
Rock crystals
Rockefeller Institute
Rosenberg, Charles
Rotation: angles of; axes
Rothschild, Lord Victor
Royal Institution
Royal Society
Rumelhart, David
Russian Atomic Energy Research establishment
Rutherford, Ernest; and α helix
Salk, Jonas
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Sanger, Frederick
Schroedinger, Erwin
Scientific American
Screw axis, α helix
Search, The (Snow)
Sejnowski, Terry
Selfish DNA
Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins)
Semiconservative model of DNA replication
Sequence hypothesis
Sequences: amino acid; base; complementary; DNA; phase of
Sexual reproduction, natural selection and
Shaw, Gordon
Shrinkage states
Sickle-cell anemia, as molecular disease
Side-by-side hypothesis of DNA structure
Side-chains; charges on; DNA and RNA as templates for; hydrogen atom; methyl group; total number known
Silicon chips
Slow viruses
Snow, C. P.
Society for Experimental Biology (London)
Sodium chloride
Sodium ion
Space groups
Spatial repeat unit
Speciation, genetics of
Splicing, gene
Squid, ion movement in giant axon of
Stanford University
Stars; evolution of
Stent, Gunther
Stevenson, Juliet
Stokes, A. R.
STOP codon
Strangeways Laboratory
Streisinger, George
Sumner, James
Suppressors: FC series; internal; mutants; P series
Sutherland, Stuart
Synge, Dick
Szent-Györgyi, Albert
Szent-Györgyi, Andrew
Szilard, Leo
Tamm, Igor
Tatum, Edward; bacterial genetics work by
Tautomeric forms
Tears, human, lysozyme in
Temin, Howard
Template concept of DNA replication
Tetranucleotide hypothesis
Thermal energy
Thermal motion
Thom, René
Thomson, J. J.
Tissue culture techniques
Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)
Topoisomerase II
Triplet code
Triplets, nucleotide; chain terminator; nonoverlapping; nonsense; overlapping; sense
Ultraviolet microscopy
"Uncles and aunts" (rII gene mutants)
Unit cell
Universe, age of
University College, London
University of California: Berkeley; Irvine; San Diego
University of Vienna
Vand, Vladimir
van der Waal's forces
Variation: genetic; preservation of
Villa Serbelloni
Viruses: AIDS; bacteriophages; DNA; flu; mating of; mutants; plant; polio; RNA; size of; slow; pherical; structure of<
br />
Viscosity, of water
Vision: color; psychology of; psychophysics of
Vitamin C
Volkin, Elliot
Volkin-Astrachan RNA
Waddington, Conrad
Walden, Leonard
Wallace, Alfred
Wang, James
Watson, Elizabeth
Watson, James; α helix work by; bacterial genetics and; bird- watching interests of; Cold Spring Harbor Symposium talk at; DNA double helix discovery and; DNA structure and; The Double Helix; experiences with books and movies about DNA; feelings on discovery of double helix; genetic code work by; mRNA work by; nature of genes and; Nobel Prize awarded to; papers on DNA structure; Phage Group and; protein synthesis and; RNA Tie Club and; viral structure and; X-ray crystallography and
Wave mechanics
Welch, Lloyd
What Is Life? (Schroedinger)
Whose Life is It, Anyway? (movie)
Wiesel, Torsten
Wilcox, Michael
Wilkins, Ethel
Wilkins, Maurice; DNA structure work by; personal interests of; movie characterization of; Nobel Prize awarded to; paper on DNA structure; ultraviolet microscopy by; X-ray crystallography work on DNA fibers
Wilson, H. R.
Wood's Hole
World War I
World War II; rise in influence of science due to; weapons research during
X-ray crystallography; of A form DNA; of α helix; of B form DNA; Bragg's law for; diffraction pattern; of DNA fibers; of DNA structure; of hemoglobin; major problem of; of myoglobin; of proteins; of synthetic peptides; theory of; of three-dimensional structure of proteins; of Z-DNA
X-ray spots
Yeas, Martynas
Zeeman, Christopher
Zipser, David
Table of Contents
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Preface to the Series
What Mad Pursuit
1: Prologue: My Early Years
2: The Gossip Test
3: The Baffling Problem
4: Rocking the Boat
5: The α Helix
6: How to Live with a Golden Helix
7: Books and Movies About DNA
8: The Genetic Code
9: Fingerprinting Proteins
10: Theory in Molecular Biology
11: The Missing Messenger
12: Triplets
13: Conclusions
14: Epilogue: My Later Years
APPENDIX A: A Brief Outline of Classical Molecular Biology
APPENDIX B: The Genetic Code
What Mad Pursuit Page 22