Be My Bride_BWWM Romance

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Be My Bride_BWWM Romance Page 23

by Shanade White

  “I love this,” Kimone said with a sigh, leaning back against her husband as they left the group and wandered into the yard. She had seen the gardener, a Japanese gentleman whom Peter had told her had been with the family for a number of years, pruning and weeding and tending to the many flowers and vegetables there.

  “What do you love?” Peter asked her, resting his head on top of her head.

  “Being with you like this,” she bent her head back to look up at him. He had put on a light blue short sleeved shirt and dark blue pants and she had chosen to wear a long electric blue dress that exposed her shoulders and back.

  “So do I,” he murmured, bending his head to kiss her small upturned nose.

  “I think your friend Donald likes Dawn,” she said with a smile, inhaling the scent of petunias that were to their right. There was a lovely gazebo further in the yard that Kimone was considering having a cook out there in the summer and invite the many staff her husband had. She had not run it by her husband yet but she was sure it would be no problem.

  “Playing matchmaker?” his voice was amused as he nuzzled her neck. “Why don’t we get rid of our guests and try out the other rooms in the house?”

  “Sounds like a good plan,” she murmured, putting her arms up around his neck and sighing in pleasure as his mouth traveled down her neck to her throat.

  They went back to the party to find Donald and Dawn still in conversation and Sandra talking to her mother. Kimone sat across from her friend and watched as her friend laughed at something the guy said. She did not care what her husband said; it looked like it was the start of something good.


  They were in her bathroom where Dawn was freshening up before leaving when Kimone asked her casually, “So I noticed that you have been talking to Donald for the entire evening.”

  “I think he is interesting,” her friend said equally casually as she applied the lip gloss on her lips. “Okay fine! I can’t be casual about it! Kimmy I like him so much but I am afraid of it not turning out good, what with my record and all that and I think he likes me too.”

  “Honey I am so happy for you and stop doubting it is going to work out,” Kimone clasped her hands in hers. “Just go with your heart and let your head lead you. So when are you guys going out?”

  “We are going out tomorrow for dinner and we have so much in common. We talked about anything and everything, he is so easy to communicate with; I have a good feeling about this.”

  “Oh honey I am so happy that you are getting back on your feet and the light has come back into your eyes.”

  “Thanks to you,” Dawn said gratefully giving her friend a tight hug. “Even though I messed up as a friend you were still there for me and for that I will always be grateful.”

  “You’re welcome sweetie, that’s what friends are for.”

  “And speaking of friends, I really like Sandra. We should have lunch one day this week.”

  Kimone gave a pleased smile as she linked her hand with her friend’s as they went back to the hallway to join the others. “Most definitely.”

  Chapter 11

  “Here’s to girlfriends’ power!” Sandra raised her glass with a smile on her lips. She had invited Kimone and Dawn to lunch with her because as she put it ‘she needed some girl time’.

  Kimone and Dawn clinked their glasses with hers. They were in a restaurant downtown and Sandra had insisted they had a bottle of champagne even though it was only noon and both Kimone and Dawn had to get back to work.

  The weather was sunny and beautiful as it was near the ending of spring and the ending of May was proving to be spectacular.

  Dawn and Donald had become a twosome and the girl was positively radiating with happiness. Sandra was still with her husband but now she was concentrating with working with underprivileged children and helping Kimone’s mother do volunteer work at the residential home.

  “And a big thanks for our wonderful Kimone who had a huge part in our happiness,” Dawn added, leaning over to kiss her friend’s cheek.

  “Hear hear,” Sandra said raising her glass again.

  “Guys, you are going to make me blush,” Kimone said with a big grin; glad to see that her friends were happy for a change. Sandra had stopped wearing so much make-up and her face looked softer and more serene and she had confessed to her the other day that her husband had been paying more attention to her because she wasn't sitting around doing nothing and she refused to be put down by him anymore. “I was just doing my duty as the best friend you girls could ever have, no biggie,” she added with an impish smile, showing the delightful gap between her teeth.

  “And humble too,” Dawn said dryly. “For the first time in my number of years, I think I have finally discovered what love is, and I mean true love.”

  “That’s news worth celebrating,” Sandra told her. Kimone reached over and gave her friend’s hand a squeeze. She had called her a few days ago and told her that she and Donald had finally made love and it was like she was floating on a cloud, even long after they were finished.

  “We do everything together and you know how we often dish about black guys being the worst possible guys to fall in love with and how they are nothing but players? He is the exception and I don’t think, I know I am in love with him.”

  “That is really great news girl!” Kimone told her with a huge smile. “So very soon we will be hearing wedding bells!”

  “I really hope so,” Dawn said softly. “He has been hurt before and he is taking it slow too but I know he feels the same way.”


  “Okay how about this dress honey?” Kimone held the dress up against the doll’s naked waxed figure for the little girl to tell her.

  Sally shook he blond pigtails quickly, a small frown on her forehead. They were having a big fashion show with all the dolls and they were making preparations. The store was quite different from the way it was before and even though Kimone had overseen the renovations she still could not believe how the changes had made the store look different. There was a large dollhouse in the corner complete with tiny furniture that looked so real you had to look closely to tell that they were just toys. She had them custom made because with the money Peter had given her plus now she had access to his account because he had added her name to it. Three days a week she had tea parties in the afternoon which brought in a number of children and their parents. She had also started a reading program where the children would read to their dolls; it had been a roaring success.

  Today was Friday and there was a big fashion show planned for three o’clock and she had invited Dawn and Sandra as well as her mother. She had casually mentioned it to her husband not really expecting him to be there because of his busy schedule. She was aware that he was a very busy and important name in the business world but had not fully appreciated it until she had seen his pictures in the paper several times and had gone to his offices one day after work to keep him company as he tried to finish up a business deal and realized that his job and what he did was a big deal and yet still this same man would bend over backwards to make sure she had everything she needed; she had been properly humbled.

  “This one I think,” Sally picked up a beautiful summery dress with thin straps that Kimone would wear herself. The girl had changed from being a shy retiring girl to one who displayed confidence. The girl’s mother had been effusive in her thanks because of what Kimone had brought out in the child.

  “I think you are right.” She took the dress and they started dressing the doll together.


  Peter gave the spreadsheet another look; his forehead creasing into a heavy frown. The figures said one thing but the sales said another and he knew with a sinking of the pit of his stomach that what he had been thinking was right all along. Someone was stealing from him and he had a very good idea who it was.

  Peter had grown up with parents’ who did not believe in judging others and also who did not believe in solving anything with violenc
e, even though he had been taught Japanese martial arts since the age of five; he had not used it on anyone except a boy at his school when he was fifteen years old and he had almost beat him to a pulp. His father, instead of punishing him, had sat him down and told him that walking away from a fight showed more courage than being involved in one and that he had been at an advantage because he had been trained to fight so his opponent had been at a distinct disadvantage. He had never raised his fists in a fight again. Instead he had learned to go through life with a calm that had sustained him throughout the years.

  But now he felt the anger boiling through his body and the rage building up inside him and he knew he had to remain calm no matter what.

  “Amy please tell Bradley that I need to see him right away,” he told his secretary, his voice very calm.

  “Right away Peter.”

  It was a matter of minutes before Bradley Matthews came strolling into the office. He considered himself to be a ladies’ man and he could probably pull it off with his brown hair streak with blond, dark blue eyes and tanned skin. He had been with the company for the past three years and had come highly qualified with an MBA from Harvard. He was always dressed as if he wanted to make an impression or show the world that he was something he was not. He was a little older than Peter and had a way of talking as if he wanted to say that he had a business degree so he should rule the world.

  “Ah I see you have the spreadsheet right in front of you, Peter so I won’t have to explain anything to you. I have been telling my team that we need to do something to get the figures up a little bit more.” His white capped teeth flashed in a smile that was supposed to be charming but fell short and Peter realized that he had never liked the guy. He had done some checks on him and had found that he had a pent house apartment and he drove a brand new Rover. He liked fast women who in turn, liked expensive jewelry and as much as he was very well paid, there was no way he could afford all that; unless he was supplementing his income.

  “Have a seat,” Peter told him indicating one of the chairs in front of his desk. “And for the record it is ‘my team’ not yours.”

  For the first time since he came inside the office he felt his confidence slipping and with a quick smile he held up his hands. “Did not mean to offend boss, just trying to be a team player.”

  “But you are not are you?” Peter asked softly, leaning back against his chair staring at the man coolly.

  “I am sure I don’t know what you mean,” Bradley blustered; his heart hammering inside his chest.

  “I do not have a business degree but I am a very good businessman. As a matter of fact one of the best and I can see from looking at these spreadsheets that something is drastically wrong when compared to the sales that have been recorded for the quarter, now tell me ‘Mr. MBA’ why is that?”

  “Are you accusing me of something?” The man sprang from the seat as if a hot iron had poked him.

  “Sit down,” Peter said mildly. “Have you done something I should be accusing you of?” he asked as soon as the man had taken his seat.

  “I have given a lot of time and effort to this company as if it is my own,” Bradley shifted on the seat, his eyes not quite meeting Peter’s. “I have worked tirelessly to make sure that profits are shown and this is the thanks I get?”

  “It is not your company, it is mine,” Peter corrected him, his voice like flint. “I have had you investigated,” he saw when the man blanched and his suspicions were confirmed. “You are in over your head and although I do not fully understand why someone would spend what they do not earn; I would have respected you more if you had come to me and told me you were in a plight instead of stealing from me.”

  “You are calling me a thief-“

  “Shut your mouth!” Peter’s voice had not raised one octave but Bradley felt the fear shimmering through his body as he saw the expression on the other man’s face. He had thought he was dealing with a schmuck. A Japanese man who had inherited his parents’ company and who had no idea what was going on even though he had been in meetings. He'd wheeled and dealed with some of the richest businessmen in the country but he just figured that he would not be smart enough to know what was going on in his company. He had been wrong.

  “Look Peter,” he leaned forward, trying to practice the charm he used on most people but Peter held up a hand to stop him.

  Just then his buzzer sounded and with an impatient movement he depressed the key. “Not now Amy-“

  “Sorry Peter but it’s your wife on the line she said she was calling your cell phone but you did not pick up.”

  “Put her through.”

  “I think I will make a great mother don’t you?” her beautiful husky voice came over the line; the voice that had the power to turn him into a puddle.

  “Are you trying to tell me something?” he asked her; his heart slowing down.

  “Of course I am darling,” she teased. “I am trying to tell you that I want us to start a family soon.”

  “And you choose now to tell me when we are miles apart?” he asked her huskily, acutely aware of the situation he had in his office to deal with but it did not stop him from feeling the heat rise inside him.

  “I can always come over or you can,” she said suggestively. “Oh crap! I have this fashion show and all that so it will have to wait until later.”

  “You are driving me crazy,” he told her softly, his heart beating hard inside his chest. He had all but forgotten about the man in his office but she had always had the power to distract him.

  “I know,” she told him huskily. “I love you darling.”

  “Kimone,” he all but groaned. “You are going to pay for this later.”

  “Looking forward to it.” She told him impishly before disconnecting the call.

  “My wife saved you from doing time in prison,” Peter put away the phone and his indulgent smile disappeared rapidly as he turned to face the man in front of him.

  “You can’t prove anything,” he said defiantly, his palms sweating.

  “Oh, yes I can,” Peter held up a report he had gotten from the P.I. firm he had on retainer. “It’s all documented here and I want you to be smart for the first time in your lousy life and back away without a fight. My wife saved you from getting a prison sentence but unfortunately for you she did not save you from losing your job. Now get out of my sight before I change my mind.”

  Bradley Matthews scurried out of the office without another word and when he reached the door Peter’s voice stopped him. “I have advised security to escort you out the building. Don't even think of taking anything with you.” The man left without a backward glance.

  With a sudden decision he picked up his suit jacket and headed towards the door. “Amy cancel my four o’clock meeting; I will be over my wife’s store.”


  The place was full of children and mothers and to Peter’s amusement he saw a few fathers there as well. Samantha greeted him as soon as he came in as apparently she was the official ‘greeter’ stationed at the door. He glimpsed his wife somewhere in one corner of the room where an impromptu stage had been set up. He also saw his mother in law, Sandra and Dawn at the refreshment table piling up finger foods onto paper plates. He could hardly find room to squeeze in. He had been here since the place had been renovated but he found himself admiring what his wife had done with colors and the theme she had created; she was a true artist.

  He found a seat beside one of the father’s whose attention was intent on the stage where a little girl was helping Kimone to display the dolls. There was music playing and the atmosphere was lively.


  Kimone saw him the minute he walked in and even though she was busy with what she was doing, she took the time to give him a quick peek when he was not looking. She had not expected him to be here and she felt her heart race in pride and appreciation for her smart handsome husband as he took a seat beside Sally’s dad. He looked so out of place in the little store and Kimone no
ticed him watching and applauding like the rest of them.

  When she had called him earlier she had wanted to remind him that her big event was today but she had not bothered; because although she knew they were at a stage in their relationship where they supported each other, she knew his work load was heavy and he had a lot on his plate so she refrain from saying anything.

  But he was here. And she felt as if she had been handed the greatest gift in the world. With a bright smile she moved aside to display the work of art she had spent most of the morning creating along with her little helper Sally. By the time they were finished at about six; most of the fashionable dolls were gone and she and Samantha were kept busy ringing up sales at the cash register. Her mother, Sandra and Dawn were milling around handing out refreshments and chatting up the parents; her own P.R. team; Kimone thought in amusement. It was almost seven p.m. when the last person left and Kimone felt as if her feet were on fire and her body ached but it was a good ache and she felt as if they had made quite a success.

  Samantha left shortly, along with Dawn, her mother and Sandra. Dawn had a date with Donald and Sandra and her mom had a meeting at the residential home.

  “Thanks a million guys, I owe you,” she told them as walked towards the door.

  “You owe us nothing,” her mother said firmly going over to kiss Peter on the cheek. “Just dinner at my house on Sunday.”

  “We will be there,” Peter told her giving her a hug.

  “We will call you tomorrow honey,” Dawn said with a wave as they left.

  “My wife the businesswoman,” Peter teased as soon as she locked the doors behind them.

  “Are you making fun of me?” she looked at him with a narrowed gaze. She had taken off the sandals she had been wearing and the dress she had worn swung against her bare legs gently. Her hair was pinned haphazardly on top of her head with several curls escaping around her face and the back of her neck.


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