Her Heart Was In Havana_A BWWM Romance

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Her Heart Was In Havana_A BWWM Romance Page 4

by Sherie Keys

“I mean it!”

  “Mhmmm,” Ella joked, and Catherine could almost she her rolling her big, dark brown eyes as she twirled her chocolate hair.

  “Well, I do have to be getting back to work, but just wanted to let you know that so far Cuba is pretty fabulous, and I’d give it a ten out of ten. I’ll bring you here sometime soon, sweetie,”she joked with her friend.

  Ella gave her a sarcastic response, “Oh, I’m sure you will. Take care lady, love ya.”

  “Love you too.”

  They hung up, and Catherine leaned back as she adjusted her sunglasses. Havana was turning out to be more than she could have ever imagined.


  The day went by quickly as the sun seemed to race across the sky. Before she knew it, evening had settled in over the estate, and Catherine watched the stars begin to poke through the fading sky. The sound of the waves lapping at the shore had washed away any doubts she had about the surgery. She had a plan, and she knew in her gut this was going to save Lucas. Other surgeons often told her that she was overconfident, reckless even, but that’s how she got the impossible done—she trusted her gut and knew when to dig deep.

  Michael had arrived home a short while ago. She listened as the echo of his footsteps strode down the stone halls. Each stride was long; his athletic frame that seemed to tower over hers filled up more of the large hall than most. Listening to his movements, she couldn’t help thinking about those eyes that peered right into her soul, those powerful hands that had clutched her thighs as he nursed from her pulsing body. She felt herself shake the memory away as the thought of him made her grow wet, but it was hard to focus on anything else with Michael walking around the estate.

  Catherine heard a scratch at her door. She walked over and turned the handle, and Rascal pushed his way inside. He gave her an excited bark and sat at her feet, then stood up on his hind legs asking for attention.

  “Did you and Alberto have a fun day?” she asked as she knelt down and pulled him close, massaging his silky soft ears and then giving him a kiss on the forehead.

  She opened the door further and saw Michael standing at the end of the hall talking to Alberto in Spanish. His frame swayed slightly as he stood with his hands in his pockets. He looked like he was straight out of a fashion magazine. Those dark grey dress pants seemed to cling to every curve of his muscular thighs and ass.

  In his white button down with the sleeves rolled up, his muscled forearms seemed to gleam in the low lights and the veins lay powerfully over the muscles. His hair was swept back, those thick, black locks that shimmered in the light. His eyes flicked up to meet hers, and he gave a hint of a smile. He had caught her checking him out.

  She fumbled for a moment and gave a small wave then shut the door. She slid her hand over her face in embarrassment as she returned to the bed and sat down. Rascal jumped up beside her and pawed at her.

  “So suave, just… so very smooth.” She laughed at herself before she stood and began to get ready for dinner.


  Alberto gave Michael a thumbs up. “She has my approval, sir. She likes dogs, enough said.”

  Michael laughed in response. “I like your criteria, Alberto.”

  The two of them slowly made their way to the dining area where Alberto's dinner was already waiting. Alberto had spent the day running errands and taking care of Rascal while Michael and Catherine were away. Michael was sure to not only give Alberto payment, but a good meal and dessert before he sent him home for the day.

  Along with his dog, Alberto’s wife had passed away last year. Michael couldn’t imagine being in the older man’s shoes, but he carried on with more sense of purpose and worth than most. It seemed to help him get through the pain of such a loss, and having Rascal around this week lifted his spirits too.

  “It says a lot about a woman, sir. When they’re compassionate, that’s already more than most.”

  He nodded in agreement. “You have a point.”

  The older man smiled. “If I can say one thing I’ve learned, it’s not to let a good thing pass.” He sat down at the table, and Michael took a seat next to him. “You won’t have any regrets if you don’t.”

  He let the words sink in, thinking of his brother and the uncertainty that loomed over him. He thought of Catherine, still stunned such a woman had walked into his life. His days had been nothing but a constant state of chaos for the past few years, and his breath caught as he realized he still had to talk to her about the exile. He felt himself shift nervously; it was a sore topic, and he had to wait until the time was right. He knew he was innocent, but it wasn’t always that simple to explain it to others.

  He heard the click of heels and looked to the hall. A smile spread across his face as their eyes met, and he felt himself twitch in desire. He couldn't help his seemingly teenage boy reactions that happened as soon as she walked through the door.

  “Smells good in here, what’s for dinner?” She stopped and stood between Alberto and Michael, then rested a hand on the back of his chair.

  He looked to the kitchen and then back to her, as an idea came to mind. He stood up and leaned into her presence, their eyes unable to look away from one another.

  “How do you feel about going out instead?”

  Her face faltered for a moment. “What about Lucas?”

  “Unfortunately, he’s feeling pretty terrible after his chemo session, said he was just going to sleep tonight.” His hand reached up to rest on her shoulder, and the contact brought an immediate sense of heat. “So, I was thinking I could take you out to dinner instead?”

  He cocked a brow at her, and she chewed her lip as she thought about it. “Are you sure we can’t do anything for him? I feel bad that I didn’t get much time to get to know him today.”

  “Well, tomorrow you’ll be able to talk to him more, all day in fact. Tonight, we should relax and have some fun.” He gave her a coy smile, and she returned it with smoky eyes.

  “I do like fun.”


  Michael drove the 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air he had purchased upon moving to Havana. He liked to blend in and a classic car was a must. The open rooftop was perfect for sunny days spent cruising the beach, and he couldn’t help but appreciate the surreal nature of Cuba’s affiliation with these antique beauties.

  Catherine laughed as the wind whipped around and fluttered her hair. Her smile was contagious, and he felt his lips turn in pleasure as the made their way into town, to the Cuban restaurant, La Guardia. The journey there could be slightly unsettling; the section of the city seemed a bit rough with older buildings and shantytowns. However, it was well worth the moment of uneasiness, as it was unlike any other place in the world.

  He parked the car, and Catherine stepped out onto the old street. People laughed and talked as they made their way down the sidewalks and past the shops and restaurants. Lights hung from the stone buildings and were being turned on to chase away the coming darkness.

  She beamed as she looked around at the Spanish buildings that rose from the streets. The restaurant itself was stone and composed of arches, columns, and giant windows standing tall to reveal the beauty inside. A glance to the third story revealed a gorgeous balcony where patrons sat and watched the sunset, drinks in hand as their voices filtered down. She looked back at him with a bright smile, her eyes gleaming with exuberance.

  “This is amazing!” she gushed.

  He returned her look of delight, glad to see her excitement matched his own enthusiasm.

  “Isn’t it neat? Wait until you see the inside.”

  He came up beside her and opened his arm for her. She glanced at the gesture then back up at him, smiling, and looped her arm through his. They made their way through the entrance where a gentleman was seating guests. Michael told him the name on the reservation, and they went up the broad, white stone staircase to the third-floor balcony. The glass doors were propped open, and she felt the warm breeze from the city night tickle her skin. The scent of the entrees fil
tered up from the kitchen; seafood, steaks, roasted veggies, and sweet baked goods that made her mouth water.

  They were seated at a table right on the overlook. The stone railing was carved with intricate details, and the massive arches made Catherine feel tiny. She had never been to a place so gorgeous and old world; it deepened her need to explore the city and see what other beautiful secrets hid here. The thought made her turn to Michael with curious eyes.

  “We have a lot of work to do, but one of these days we’ll need to slip in a tour around the city. I’m just blown away by the beauty here. I never realized what an absolute gem this place is!”

  “I agree, being able to live here has been a hell of an opportunity. It’s a shame more people don’t get to visit this place, it really is such a treasure. Now, for tonight, I absolutely recommend the red snapper.”

  The two of them began to chat. Then their appetizers arrived, and they munched away as they talked about their fields of work, their ideas and futures, and what life was like down here in Cuba. Michael had a dry sense of humor that made Catherine laugh, and as her head fell back in jovial spirits, he couldn’t help but smile. The tone changed as dinner arrived; she looked down at her meal and picked up her fork, but then looked at him with a stoic face.

  “I’m going to go ahead and use your new machine on Lucas. I reviewed his scan more closely today, looked over my options for the operation, and I think if any case were appropriate to test it on, this would be it. It’s so deep and intertwined that we need the tiniest of tools to get it out.”

  She took a deep breath and glanced down at her steaming plate of fish, then back at him with serious eyes.

  “I can’t guarantee anything. I really wish I could, Michael. But it’s risky any way we go at it. There is a lot of brain in the way of that tumor. It’s likely he’s not going to be back to a hundred percent after the surgery, that’s if he recovers… and if he survives the operation.”

  Michael looked into her eyes. His face was sullen, but his eyes glistened in the evening light. He gave a nod. “I understand. I’ve known since day one that this wasn’t going to be easy and he was a high-risk case, but I feel just a bit better knowing you’ll be the one performing the operation.”

  She responded to his words with sincerity, “I appreciate that.”

  “Well, that’s enough of the serious news for tonight. Please, dig in and enjoy this amazing dish. I guarantee there isn’t anything better on the whole island.”

  They carried on with their dinner. As the night grew late, they ordered dessert and wine and continued to chat. They were so absorbed in one another that both felt a sense of surprise when the waiter arrived and told them they would be closing shortly.

  “I guess we’ll head back, thank you for your service tonight, sir. A pleasure as always.” Michael stood and handed the waiter a large sum of cash, then held Catherine’s coat as she slipped it on. Then they headed toward the car.

  She felt her heart race as he drove them home, going just a bit faster down the moonlit road. The cool midnight air whipped through her hair and tousled thick curls. She put her hands up as the feeling of absolute freedom overtook her. A lighthearted laugh erupted from her lips, and she leaned into Michael with a flirtatious nudge as she yelled out in joy. He shook his head and smiled at her antics, appreciating that she was taking full advantage of the late-night ride. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arm around her and feel the warmth of her skin against his.

  He cocked his brow and caught her eyes; she gave an intrigued look back and scooted closer. He watched as she bent down and ran delicate hands ran over his groin, he felt himself perk up at the mere touch. Her seductive eyes met his, and he felt himself grow even harder. His heart began to pound in his chest as he anticipated her next touch. She licked her top lip slowly, then bent down and worked to undo his button and zipper, his throbbing dick buried beneath the rough fabric.

  With a gasp, he felt her hand pull away his briefs and reveal his cock, before she stroked the warm, pulsing shaft. She smiled at him as he drove. He was trying as hard as he could to focus on the road, but she was making it incredibly difficult. She lowered her head, and he hissed in pure pleasure as her silky lips gently wrapped around him and slid down to the base. He wanted to roll his head back as the satisfaction rippled through his body, but his glazed eyes stayed locked on the winding, beachside road.

  Catherine felt the warmth grow in her middle. She had been craving him all night. More than her own desires, she had been thinking about how she could repay him for the gratifying experience the night before. As soon as they were in the car and the roads thinned to desolate oceanfront in the dead of night, she knew exactly what she wanted. She felt him rock as her lips grazed his head, his body responding to her every brush of skin. She kissed his impressive piece, her tongue lingered at the tip with tantalizing licks and sucks. He let out a moan as she took him deep once again.

  She felt the car come to a stop and his hand reach up to put the vehicle in park, but she continued to work on pleasing him. He whispered to her quietly, the hush of the ocean waves a backdrop to his voice as he spoke to her.

  “That feels so fucking good.” He groaned as his hand reached around and squeezed her ass.

  Only a hum of a response escaped her, his body bucking more at the sensation. She quickened her tempo to keep with his beat, her tongue using every thrust to fondle his sensitive head. She took her hand and wrapped it around his base, and the applied pressure only made him squirm more, his cock stiffening and the veins bulging in excitement.

  She fought away her own wet desire—she wanted to please him tonight. Her mind focused on his every euphoric twinge—she was getting off at giving him such pleasure. His powerful hands squeezed her body in desperation. She heard him grunt and could picture him biting his perfect lips as he worked to starve off the orgasm and ride out the thrills. She so badly wanted to feel his hard cock inside of her, but she fought off the thought and plunged deeper to make him release himself for her.

  He let out a cry of bliss, and she felt him coil beneath her. With a final swipe of her tongue, he came. He shook in sexual ecstasy. She felt his warmth and slowed her rhythm as he let himself go and enjoy the orgasm. After a moment, his body collapsed in sexual exhaustion, and he looked at her with dazed eyes, a leering look on his face as he gave a big sigh.

  He reached up and caressed her face, mesmerized by her beauty in the silvery moonlight, as his body relaxed in post orgasmic bliss.

  “Thank you.”

  She smiled and pecked him on the cheek, then reached her hands around his neck and pulled him close for another kiss. His lips met hers, and he felt her tongue explore his, the motions quick and excited. They released one another, and he stared at her, a coy smirk curled on his lips.

  “You’re horny now, aren’t you?”

  She looked up with an innocent bite of her lips. “I am.”

  He looked her up and down. “Anything I can do…” he reached down and grazed her crotch with his big hands, “to help?”

  A whimper of desire escaped her, but she gently wrapped a hand around his and leaned into him with a sigh.

  “All for you tonight,” she whispered.

  “Mmm, what about tomorrow night?” he asked, his Cheshire grin seeming to light up the night.

  Soft, shimmering brown eyes met his with a nod.

  “I like that idea.”

  They both chuckled, then Catherine looked around and realized they were sitting outside the grounds at his gate. The white, rocky orb that hung in the sky lit up the estate in an entirely new and beautiful way. The palm trees swayed in the breeze, towering black shadows that were silhouetted in the iconic tropical form. The house glowed softly; most of the lights were off and only a few flickered in the distance. The ocean and sky seemed to be an eternal image, not knowing where one ended and the other began. Twinkling stars danced in the clear sky, the city lights of Havana only a glimmer from the distance.

  “This is unbelievable,” she murmured as she leaned into his shoulder, her eyes bright and shining with wonder.

  He smiled and kissed her forehead. “I’d have to agree.”


  Over the next few weeks, Michael took Catherine to the workshop where the new surgical robot was stored. His team had worked on the technology and built the machine over the last three years, yet it had only been approved for use six months prior. The arms were sleek, chrome and white. Tiny robotic hands were able to swap out for an array of surgical tools. An advanced lens allowed the viewer to see down to microscopic levels, and everything was fed to a screen that they would work behind.

  Catherine took a nervous breath as she stared at the machine. She had never performed a surgery behind the screen of a robotic assist, although the practice was becoming more popular. She was accustomed to working with her hands, and the thought of having to mimic those motions in the imitation gloves that were attached to the screen and fed to the three arms was intimidating. But she knew she’d have to overcome that fear, practice with the device, and hope that she could make it work for Lucas.


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