Her Heart Was In Havana_A BWWM Romance

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Her Heart Was In Havana_A BWWM Romance Page 12

by Sherie Keys

  This time he ran a hand down his face. “Because, Catherine, if it is a fed and we do anything to him, I risk the case. Let me make that clear. If he’s a fed, even one overstepping his jurisdiction, and I do a damn thing, my ass is on the line. Simple as that. And then the robotic assist, the upcoming inventions, the funds for the medical facilities, it’s all gone, it evaporates.”

  A moment of silence fell between them while they looked away from one another and let the harsh words that had been exchanged play again in their minds.

  “I need some space,” she whispered softly, as she brushed past him and into the cabin.

  He collapsed in the chair with an exhausted sigh, as he heard her footsteps echo down the stairs and the front door close behind her.


  Catherine pulled out her phone and connected to the satellite. The past twenty-four hours had been a lot to handle, but still, she knew she was angrier at Michael than she needed to be. She just couldn’t help the emotions that welled within her at his choice to run. It felt so wrong and made her feel like she was seeing a side of him she never knew. He had always been there, always led and stuck his neck out for others, but now here he was, selfishly running away to a private island.

  She pulled up Ella’s number, hit the call button, and a moment later heard the sweet voice of her friend.

  “Catherine! How’s paradise treating you?” Her friend could be heard sipping a coffee as she spoke.

  She let out a haggard breath and, in a voice laced with sarcasm, replied, “Oh, wonderful.”

  “Uh-oh, sounds like trouble in the tropics. Lay it on me, girl.”

  She could only tell Ella what the journalists were allowed to know, but she tried to express her upset at him running away from the problem, how it was a complete contradiction to his previous behavior and choices. Her friend listened carefully, but then interrupted her.

  “Did you ask him why he wanted to take you?” Ella asked curiously.

  Catherine paused, not expecting such a question, “No… I mean, the thought didn’t even cross my mind.”

  Her friend tsked at her. “Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. You’re blind sometimes.”

  She let out a laugh. The tension had started to disappear as she vented to her friend.

  “Decrypt it for me, lady,” she asked, as she sat down at the edge of the dock and let her feet fall in the cool, clear water.

  “He has a problem to deal with that you or I could never even imagine dealing with, and he wants to keep his assets protected. That means your ass, too! Why do you think he took you with him? Not his brother or some security?”

  The idea rolled around in her head. “Honestly, I didn’t think he’d thought it through that much,” she replied with embarrassment.

  “A king never reveals his game, but he has a plan and you’re part of it. He wants you there with him, see that for what it is.”

  She hesitated. “And what’s that?”

  Her friend could be heard smacking her head through the phone. “It’s, love, woman!”

  The realization hit her as her friend said the words. She had been seeing Michael’s escape as selfish and cowardly, but Ella was right. He had been here for years, and the people back at the estate and the clinic seemed to know the plan. It was Catherine who was new and out of the loop, and he had been sure to take her with him to keep her safe. He didn’t ask her to leave. He didn’t tell her she had to get away. He wanted her at his side, with him, as he let this guy make his move.


  “You see it now, Ruby? The man loves you.”

  She bit her lip. “In my defense, it’d be nice for him to say it.”

  “Oh, I’m sure he’ll get there. Give him time, but right now, don’t give up on him. I know it’s hard for you to let someone else take charge sometimes, but let him lead and help him when needed.”

  Ella paused to gauge for a response, but Catherine let her continue.

  “Sometimes, you have to trust others. He has got this, so let him take care of you for once.”

  “How’d you get so wise, Ella?” she asked in an exasperated tone.

  Her friend laughed. “A lot of bullshit over the years, you’ll get there.”


  Michael lifted the phone to his ear and heard his brother’s voice answer on the other end. “Hey man, how’s the fort?”

  “It’s good, place has stayed intact nicely during the storm season. How’s the clinic? Heard our stranger is loitering?”

  His brother let out a long sigh. “Yeah, dude was harassing people as they were walking in and out of the clinic like a complete douche.”

  “What’s your take? Rogue federal agent or a crazy after something?” He sipped a glass of tequila he had grabbed before returning to his spot on the balcony.

  He could hear Lucas shuffle as he moved around the warehouse, doing routine checks and getting things in order. “Coin toss, we’ve dealt with worse before.”

  He laughed. “Oh yeah, remember the guy who kept trying to break into the warehouse with nothing but a wrench? Thought he was gonna find a stash and make it big.”

  “Well, people get wind there is a multi-billion dollar company hanging around, they get desperate,” Lucas replied with a huff as he picked up something heavy.

  “That’s the truth, everyone holding up okay over there?” he asked, his concern evident.

  “Of course, we know the drill when the weirdos come out of the woodwork or the case is under threat. Same shit, different day. How’s everything going there? You two enjoying the complete isolation on a gorgeous, private island?” Lucas inquired impishly.

  He chuckled dryly. “I wish, but not exactly.”

  “No? What happened?”

  “Catherine’s mad at me. She thinks running off to an island is cowardly.”

  Lucas made a hiss. “Ouch, sorry man… I mean, from her perspective, I can see where she’s coming from. Did you explain the risks of sticking around?”

  “I tried, she didn’t want to listen.”

  “Well, that will happen sometimes,” His brother responded.

  “I just don’t know what to do. I understand the frustration she has to feel, being yanked from our routine over one guy showing up…” The thought trailed off.

  “Have you told her how you feel yet?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Michael asked cautiously. For the second time that day, he was being asked about his feelings.

  “C’mon dude, you love the woman. She loves you. It’s clear as day to everyone else but you two, who continue to just dance around saying the damn thing.”

  “I mean, yeah. I do, I just thought…”

  “What, she could read your mind?”

  He paused. “... I mean, kinda…’

  “Michael, brother, don’t be stupid. Tell the woman you love her, explain this is the usual, and if she still wants to return, you guys come back and we’ll figure it out. Simple as that.”

  “Not sure it’s that simple with her,” he joked, making Lucas laugh.

  “You’re both too bullheaded to see each other sometimes. Just talk it out calmly and you’ll get there. It’s your first fight, isn’t it?” Lucas teased boyishly.

  “Shut up, touch base with you later tonight.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Stay safe out there, man.”

  “Will do, you do the same,” Michael replied as he sipped his drink.

  With that, he hung up the phone, looked out to the beach, and saw Catherine sitting on the dock in the distance, her legs hanging over and her feet in the clear blue water. The white sand shimmered through the light waves, and she leaned back in the afternoon sun, basking in the warm rays as they fluttered over her mocha skin. He let out a deep breath. Lucas was right—he loved her, and he needed to tell her. He wasn’t ready to give this up based on one fight. Couples fought. That was that. He stood up and headed down to the beach, the sand hot beneath his toes, but soft as silk. The scent of the ocean washed over him, the pal
m trees rustled in the breeze, and a faint clacking of coconuts could be heard from above. He found himself relaxing as he grew closer to the dock, a half smile resting on his lips as he watched her lazily stir the waters with her toes. She heard him approach, turned around, and gave him an apologetic expression.

  “Hey.” Her words were a hushed whisper. “Hey, can we try that talk again?”


  Catherine watched Michael as he sat down beside her on the dock and clasped her hand in his.

  “I’m sorry,” he said simply.

  She nodded. “I’m sorry too.”

  The sound of the waves filled the air as they awkwardly paused, not sure how to continue their conversation. Both opened their mouths to speak at the same time, then let out a nervous laugh.

  Catherine gestured for him to talk. “You first.”

  He swallowed hard, looked her in the eyes, and sincerely stated, “I love you.”

  She coughed in surprise and almost fell back. “Well, I wasn’t quite expecting that.” She squeezed his hand and leaned in for a kiss, which he returned with unrestrained lust. They held one another for a few moments as they were flooded with emotion.

  “I love you, too.” Her words were a whisper in his ear, causing goose bumps to spread along his spine.

  He took her hands and brought them to his chest. “I know this all doesn’t seem to make sense right now, and if you want to go back, I’ll be happy to do so. But this routine, is somewhat normal for me and my bunch, we’re used to the wackiness.”

  She let the words sink in, let the sound of the lapping water fill the moment as her mind churned. Brown eyes peered out at the vastness of the ocean, the shadows of the sprawling wooded jungle, and the sand lazily stirring in the quiet wind. He peered at her curiously as he waited for a reaction, but she simply leaned into him and let him wrap his arms around her.

  “I get it, handsome. I’m in it with you, I trust you.”

  The words were simple, but he felt their weight. He pulled her close and kissed her head. “Thank you.”

  They stayed on the dock for a while, letting the day slowly slip by and the sun pass overhead. The island was a thing of beauty. The white sand was in stark contrast to the rich, deep green forest that surrounded the cabin. Soft moss dangled from tree limbs and covered the ground in a royal carpet. Blossoms of every color enriched the coast with vibrant colors, and song birds sang out lively tunes. They watched the occasional bird dive at tiny crabs darting across the beach. As late afternoon began to settle around them, Michael reached over and squeezed her shoulder, then stood up with a stretch.

  “You ready for some dinner?” he asked as he offered a hand.

  She clasped it and gave a nod. “Fresh catch of the day?” she smiled.

  He laughed loudly. “I wish! Not in my skill set, sadly.”

  “Fair enough…” she paused and looked at him quizzically, “Do you actually know how to cook? I’ve not once seen you in the kitchen.”

  He looked up as he seemed to think about the question. “I mean, I used to.”

  She laughed. “Oh man, we’re in for a treat tonight.”

  He gave her a playful shove. “Hey, kitchen is all yours if you think you can do better.”

  She put her hands up in defeat. “Never said better, just asked a genuine question.”

  “Mhmmm.” He pulled her hips close as they walked across the sand toward the house.

  Catherine quickly found herself helping Michael navigate the kitchen to prepare the burgers and fries he had hurriedly grabbed. The area was expansive with plenty of white cabinets, black marble countertops, and a stormy grey tile backsplash. The appliances were all shining stainless steel, and the gas stove had six burners.

  An island adorned in matching black marble sat in the middle of the hardwood floor, with a sleek, metal pot hanger overhead, and the window above the sink looked out to the beach. Had she not been locked away hiding, she would have loved to spend time cooking in this beautiful setting.

  As she stood at the island slicing tomatoes for dinner, his hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her ass close to his hard groin. His beard tickled her neck and he gently kissed the nape of her neck. She giggled softly at the sensation, then put down the utensil and turned to face him with hungry, inviting eyes.

  “Can I help you?” she asked with sarcasm.

  He flashed a flirtatious grin. “I certainly hope so.”

  He pressed his body closer, sliding a hand under her tight, powder blue top and caressing her breasts, his fingers squeezing until she let out a soft hiss of desire. Her lips slowly worked from his collar bone, up the soft curves of his neck, until she reached that strong jawline where she nipped at him playfully. A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest, and his other hand reached for her thick, round ass and traced the curves so lightly that it tickled her sensitive skin. She giggled, and he buried his lips deeper into her neck and chest, the act only encouraging her laughter.

  In a swift motion, he spun her around again and placed a hand against her back, pushing her forward onto the island. The table came up just to her waist. As she folded forward, her ass stuck out, and he slapped it with a loud smack. She let out a gasp of surprise, her eyes widening as those powerful hands worked over her curves and clutched at her hips. She bit her lip seductively as she realized what he was getting at.

  With an exaggerated motion, she leaned all her weight onto the slick, cool marble and let him enjoy the full view of her behind. He flashed her a look of ardor, pupils blown out in heated need. He hooked his fingers inside her yoga pants and gave a yank to reveal her naked ass, accented by a lacy, bright red thong. The sight made him smirk. He slapped her again, and she moaned in pleasure at the sensation of his bare hand against her soft skin. Without hesitation, he reached down, undid his pants, and let them fall to his knees. His hand immediately went to rub his shaft, which was hard and full, and she grew wet as he pressed it against her in a teasing motion.

  He leaned his weight against her back, his dick pressed against her ass as she let out a moan of desire. Silky lips brushed her earlobe, the sensation sending an exhilarated chill down her spine and throughout her limbs. His warm breath heated the base of her skull and his breathing grew quicker with the slight, tantalizing motion of her rubbing against him. She let herself sway to a slow rhythm, each stroke making them tremble in need as they relished the pleasure of it.

  He reached down and roughly grabbed her hips, then let his head tease her soaked, throbbing pussy. She sucked in a deep breath. The feeling of him being so close to her, without pushing inside the warmth that awaited him, drove her crazy. He let out a heavy breath as he restrained himself, his hands squeezing her hips so tight now that she felt his fingers dig deep into her skin.

  She looked back at him and saw his lips pulled back in a growl, white teeth showing in animalistic want. She pushed back against his restraint, trying to press his member deeper into her slick lips, but he pulled away with a small laugh. He leaned down again as he whispered in her ear.

  “Not til I say so.” His words, like fire, shook her to the core.

  She glared back, a sneer on her own lips, and pushed again to feel him inside of her, but he only stroked her with his tip. She let out a frustrated whimper, and he reached up and brushed the hair from her eyes, his seductive smile getting the best of her.

  “What’s the rush?” he asked in a hushed tone.

  She growled. “I need you inside of me.”

  “Mmm, I might have to think about it,” he teased her as another push put him that much closer to her aching clit.

  “Please, Michael…” she begged.

  He bit his lip and looked at her with dazed eyes.

  “Say it again,” he told her.

  “Please, I need you inside of me… Now.” Her voice was low and desperate, breathless from the endless teasing.

  With a sudden surge, he pushed himself inside her. She screamed in release. Completely drenched and work
ed up beyond measure, she felt as if she could orgasm right then. But she held it back. He slowly began to thrust his hips, and each smack made the boiling sensation of sexual energy grow more and more within her.

  “Harder.” Her growl echoed against the cold marble of the counter beneath her chest.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he breathed out the tease.

  “Fuck, you know I would,” she replied as she pushed herself against his rocking motion.


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