Savior Bear (Bear Creek Protectors Book 5)

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Savior Bear (Bear Creek Protectors Book 5) Page 8

by Harmony Raines

  “You liked him?” She swung her head around and locked eyes with Rob. “You liked Joe?”

  She gave a soft smile, there was no point denying it. “He treated me like a regular person. He taught me to protect myself, and he taught me how to be myself. My childhood wasn’t great.” She indicated her body. “I did not always look this good.” She gave him a sardonic smile, just to make sure he knew she was joking.

  “Tough time with the other kids?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I just never fit in. They were all pretty and sporty, driven to achieve more. Not because they wanted to be good people, better people, but because it was a competition. Bragging rights.” She closed off those memories, they were not worth her time.

  “But look at you. Look what you’ve become.” He inclined his head. “You aren’t proud of what you’ve achieved?”

  “I am. I’m trying to be. But some scars run deep.” She looked down at her purse as her phone rang. Pulling it out, she looked at the caller. “Great. My mom.”

  Rob sat back in his seat and watched the road as her mom’s voice came down the phone, shrill and halfway to angry, as usual. “And you didn’t think to call and tell me that they are holding Evan Olsen in custody for your attempted kidnapping? I had to hear it secondhand from the man at Bear Creek Protectors.”

  “Morning, Mom. How are you?” Madison closed her eyes, refusing to let her mom’s tone ruin her day at such an early hour.

  “Don’t use that flippant tone with me. This is serious. Evan?” Mrs. Singer asked, the question open, leaving Madison convinced her mom had not set this up.

  “Yes. Evan. It seems he has some grudge against us. Me. He is under the illusion that his dad got fired because of me. Because you didn’t want me playing with the hired help.”

  “That’s not what happened,” her mom insisted a little too quickly.

  “Then what did happen?” Madison needed to know the truth.

  “Will you come home?” Her mom’s normally firm, verging on hostile voice softened. “Please come home. We should talk.”

  “I can’t, I’m busy.” Madison closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she fought to control the feelings of anger and frustration her mother invoked in her.

  “Then we’ll come to you.”

  “Come here?” Madison’s shock earned her a sharp look from Rob.

  “Everything okay?” he mouthed.

  She nodded. “Yes, Joe and I will be there tomorrow morning.”

  Madison opened and closed her mouth like a goldfish. “Joe and I?”

  “We’ll talk tomorrow.” The call ended just as abruptly as it had begun.

  “You look pale.” Rob’s concern was etched on his face.

  “The bakery is just up here on the left.” Madison pointed. “I think we need to stop. I need caffeine and sugar to get me through today, and likely something stronger to get me through tomorrow.”

  “Bad news?” Rob asked as he slid the car into a parking space with expert precision.

  “In a way.” She turned to face him. “My mom is coming to visit. Which is about as bad as it gets.”

  Chapter Twelve – Rob

  “Here.” Rob handed a cup of coffee to Madison as she fastened her seatbelt once more. They’d stopped at a bakery for coffee and breakfast on the way to the studio. Madison’s mood hadn’t improved but Rob found himself looking forward to meeting Mrs. Singer just so he could see if she truly was a two-headed dragon who breathed fire. Which was the impression Madison gave of her mother.

  “Thanks.” She accepted the coffee cup and grasped the paper bag containing a collection of sweet pastries with her other hand.

  Rob hovered outside the passenger door, one hand on the door, the other on her arm. “Your mom has no power over you.”

  Madison looked at him and then nodded. “I know. She has no power over my life and what I do, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the power to drop a bomb on my life and watch it implode.”

  “You’re frightened of why she’s coming here.” He tilted his head to one side as if tuning into her thoughts. “Because she might tell you something you don’t want to hear.”

  “Exactly.” Madison glanced down at her watch. “I really need to go. I’ll be late and even coffee and pastries might not appease Maurice if he’s in a crabby mood.”

  “Sure.” He closed the door of the SUV and ran around to the driver’s side and climbed in. Pulling out of the parking spot, he drove as fast as traffic allowed onto the highway, before taking the exit that would lead them to Maurice.

  “She said Joe and I are coming to town,” Madison blurted out as he guided the SUV into the parking lot of a large photography studio.

  “And that’s a bad thing? I thought you liked Joe?” Rob asked as he switched off the engine and took a look around to check for danger.

  “I do.” She half turned toward him. “But she spoke as if they were a couple.”

  “And that’s a problem for you? If your mom is with her bodyguard, as a couple?”

  “Oh, no. Not in the way you might think.” Madison’s expression showed her hurt at this news.

  “Because no one told you.” He nodded slowly.

  “I don’t begrudge them happiness. I think that’s what my mom has missed all her life, someone to make her happy. But I also wonder if they kept this from me, what else they kept from me.” She shrugged. “Let’s go.”

  “Hey.” Rob placed his hand on her arm to stop her from getting out of the car. “She might just be bringing him because she knows you care for him.”

  “She might.” Madison arched her eyebrows and nodded. “And that would be even worse, it would mean she was bringing Joe to soften the blow of whatever it is she has to tell me.”

  Rob let her go and got out of the SUV, immediately alert to their surroundings. He wanted to protect her from harm, but he couldn’t protect her from life. He’d be by her side through whatever it was her mom was coming here for, but he couldn’t shield Madison from the world. Not if he wanted to keep her. Life was for living and only by experiencing pain could you truly know love and happiness.

  But he hoped whatever Mrs. Singer had to tell Madison would not be as devastating as his sister losing her mate.

  “It has to be about Evan,” Madison stated as they reached the glass doors leading into the foyer of the ultra-modern building that housed the photography studios. “Have you spoken to your boss? Perhaps he knows something more.”

  “I called Guy last night and updated him.” Rob paused. “It’s my job to keep them apprised of everything.”

  “Everything?” Madison asked, her eyes twinkling.

  “Everything.” He chuckled. “Nothing happened between us. Sure, I carried you to bed, but you went to bed alone.” He leaned in close, his breath caressing her neck, sending a shiver through her body. “I didn’t even kiss you.”

  “But you wanted to.” Her full lips were just asking to be kissed right now, but instead, he pushed the door open and entered the building. “I’m working, which means I can’t discuss it right now.”

  “You are a tease!”

  “But not as big a tease as me, I hope.” A man came sauntering over to meet them, his eyes fixed on Rob. “You brought a friend.”

  “This is Rob, he’s my bodyguard,” Madison introduced the two men to each other.

  “Oh, and what a body she has to guard,” Maurice said, a wicked smile on his face. “I never took you for the kind of diva who would hire a bodyguard, Madison.”

  “Well, until yesterday I didn’t need one, but someone attempted to kidnap me. Twice.” Madison watched Maurice’s expression as it changed from teasing to mortification.

  “Kidnap. You?” He put his hand over his mouth. “Why?”

  “That, I don’t know. The person was someone from my childhood.” Madison was open and relaxed with Maurice, and Rob let himself relax a little.

  “With a grudge against your mother?” Maurice asked.r />
  “Why would you say that?” Rob asked sharply.

  “Because Madison’s mother is not the most likable person on the planet,” Maurice replied evenly.

  “Rob has not had the pleasure of meeting my mom yet.” Madison sighed and waved her hands in the air dismissively. “We’re not here to talk about my mom.”

  “No.” Maurice clapped his hands together. “We are here to look at the fabulous photographs I took of you yesterday.” He linked arms with Madison and led her toward the elevator situated to the left of the foyer. “They are fabulous, even if I do say so myself.”

  Rob walked a couple of steps behind Maurice and Madison, reminding himself that they had each resumed their professional roles. He was in charge of her security, and she was supposed to go about her life as if he wasn’t there.

  As they got out of the elevator on the third floor and walked along the corridor to Maurice’s office, Rob extended his senses, checking for strange behavior behind the closed doors they passed. He wasn’t ready to let his guard down, despite Evan’s arrest. After the phone call Madison had received from her mother, he was concerned that there was more to all these kidnapping attempts than a disgruntled employee’s son.

  If Mrs. Singer was halting her hectic schedule to meet Madison face to face, he believed there was something bigger at stake here than Evan’s dad’s medical bills. Although, Rob also acknowledged he was too close to Madison to look at events unfolding with an unbiased eye.

  “Come sit. Coffee?” Maurice asked.

  “Yes, please. And we brought some sweet pastries to make up for being late.” Madison put the paper bag containing the pastries on Maurice’s desk as the photographer went to pour the coffee.

  “Did we?” he asked, eying Rob with some interest.

  “We did.” Madison opened the bag. “Do you have any plates?”

  “Yes, second cupboard on the left.” Maurice cast a glance toward Madison. “You are not going to answer my question?”

  “Was it a question?” Madison asked. “I thought you were digging for information.”

  “I was.” Maurice inclined his head toward Rob who stood by the door, his hands crossed in front of him.

  “It was a slip of the tongue since we both went into the bakery to get the pastries.” Madison flashed Rob a grateful smile. “He doesn’t let me out of his sight.”

  “I can see his eyes are drawn to you,” Maurice said in a hushed tone to Madison, not knowing that Rob’s outstanding hearing could pick up his every word.

  “Of course his eyes are drawn to me, he gets paid to watch me,” Madison countered.

  “Lucky him,” Maurice grinned and cast a long, lingering look in Madison’s direction. “You are a gem, Madison, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.”

  “You are so sweet.” Madison hugged Maurice. “Now, we’re here for business, not to talk about my private life.”

  “Look at these.” He handed Madison a collection of photographs. Unfortunately, Rob’s super senses did not help him at being able to see the photos of his mate.

  She does have her clothes on in them, doesn’t she? his bear asked.

  Rob smiled, I don’t think Madison is the kind of girl who would take her clothes off for the camera.

  His bear grumbled to himself but settled down. This guy is all over her.

  He is not a threat, Rob calmed his bear. She is not attracted to Maurice.

  Are you certain? his bear asked.

  Absolutely. There is no spark, no chemistry. I don’t think Maurice is interested in Madison in that way either. It’s his job to bring out the best in his subjects, and I think he flirts to put them at ease.

  A tease, his bear said with distaste.

  A tease, Rob agreed. But not in a bad way.

  You like him? his bear asked.

  Madison likes him and I trust her judgment, Rob answered.

  “These are incredible.” Madison’s face lit up with excitement. “I’ve never looked so good.”

  “I didn’t work magic, Madison, this is all you. The camera loves you.” Maurice picked up one of the shots and held it up. “This one is my favorite.”

  “Is this the one Holly and Jones are going to use?” Madison asked, looking over his shoulder.

  “It’s the one I’m recommending. The light captures you perfectly.” He shuffled through the others and then handed them to her. “Here, these are for you to keep. I’ve already sent the others over to Holly, she’s looking at them this morning.”

  “Thank you.” Madison leafed through them. “I’m so lucky you agreed to the photo shoot. I don’t think anyone else would have made me look so good.”

  “Don’t underestimate yourself, Madison. You are a beautiful woman, and one day you will realize that. One day you will feel that way about yourself.” Maurice hugged her. “You are my favorite model.”

  “I bet you say that to all the women you photograph,” Madison blushed as she placed the photographs in her purse.

  “No, believe me, beauty is as much what’s on the inside as the outside.” Maurice half turned and spoke to Rob. “Don’t you agree, bodyguard Rob?”

  “I do.” Rob locked eyes with Maurice for a moment, and a look of recognition passed between them.

  His bear lifted his head in the air and sniffed. He’s a shifter. How did we miss that?

  We weren’t looking. We were too busy being jealous.

  Rob’s bear huffed in reply.

  “Listen, if you need to get away from it all, I have a nice private island you can borrow.” Maurice winked at Rob as he escorted Madison to the door. “You and your bodyguard could go there and lay low for a week.”

  “I have never been the hiding type and I don’t intend to start now,” Madison insisted.

  “Well, if you change your mind, or you two just need a vacation, let me know,” Maurice said easily.

  “Us two?” Madison asked, her eyes narrowing as she looked at Maurice.

  “Come on, you might be trying to hide it, but I can see you two are mates.” Maurice looked from Madison to Rob, who shook his head imperceptibly.

  “Mates.” Madison glanced at Rob. “We’re friends, yes.”

  “And there is no reason two friends can’t go on a vacation together,” Maurice said, trying to cover himself.

  “That’s a generous offer,” Rob included himself in the conversation. “But Madison’s mom is coming to town tomorrow…”

  Maurice reeled at this news. It seemed even a shifter was a little scared of Mrs. Singer. “Your mom is coming to town?” He pointed his finger at Rob. “You’d better be on your best behavior.”

  “So I gather.” Rob glanced sideways at Madison. “Is everyone scared of your mom?”

  “Pretty much.” Madison hitched her purse higher on her shoulder. “We should go, I have a meeting with Holly.” She kissed Maurice on the cheek. “Thank you for these. And I’ll keep the private island in my mind when I meet my mom tomorrow. If we need a quick getaway, I might take you up on the offer.”

  They left Maurice’s office and went down to the foyer in the elevator. “The photos are good?”

  “Very good.” Madison didn’t offer to show them to him. Instead, she turned and faced Rob. “What was that back there?”

  “What back where?” Rob asked, his senses on edge as they arrived in the foyer.

  “You and Maurice. He’s usually reserved with people he doesn’t know. And why did he call us mates?” Madison asked.

  “Because that’s what we are.” Rob led her to the door leading out onto the street. “I told you we are meant to be together forever.”

  She frowned. “And Maurice knows that?”

  “It would seem so. He’s perceptive.” Rob kept the explanation simple. But he needed to tell Madison about shifters and the mating bond soon. Preferably before her mom arrived in town.

  She glanced back at the building. “Or he has a crystal ball and can see the future.”

  “Or maybe he has a m
agical camera lens,” Rob suggested.

  “Except my photo shoot was before we met,” she reminded him.

  “Perhaps he saw a snapshot of you before and after and saw the change in you.” Rob held his hands out. “What? Are you saying you never noticed a change in someone because they were happier for some reason? It doesn’t have to be the love of their life. It could be a new puppy or a new job they’ve always wanted.”

  “You’re right.” She turned around and surveyed her reflection in the glass window. “Do I look different?”

  “I don’t know,” he murmured. “Since this was love at first sight, that’s how you’ve always looked to me.”

  Chapter Thirteen – Madison

  Madison tried to put everything about her private life to one side as she entered the building of Holly and Jones, one of the leading fashion houses in the country.

  But that was impossible since Rob was by her side. She was acutely aware of his presence every step of the way as she crossed the foyer, where only yesterday she’d been on the floor, legs too weak to support her after the attempted kidnapping.

  “I like this building.” Rob looked up at the high ceilings and then glanced approvingly at the solid wooden doors.

  “You are a more traditional man?” Madison asked as they waited for the elevator.

  “I am, in many ways.” Rob nodded, his eyes scanning the area for any threat. “I like traditions, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a modern man.”

  “So you don’t intend to chain me to the kitchen sink?” she asked lightly as they stepped into the elevator.

  “Now, that conjures up all kinds of images.” He stood behind her as she pressed the button for the third floor.

  “Images you are not allowed to think about now since we are in professional mode.” She gave him a mischievous look.

  “Ahh, then I’ve failed. I can keep my exterior professional, but I cannot shut off what I feel for you inside.” He placed his hand on his heart as the doors opened and he stepped out into the corridor. “All clear.”

  He followed her along the corridor to an open plan area where Janine, the receptionist, waited for them. “Hello, Madison. Holly is waiting for you, take a seat and I’ll tell her you are here.” The receptionist’s eyes glanced off Madison and drank in the tall, handsome figure of Rob.


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