Can't Make This Up

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Can't Make This Up Page 2

by C. Morgan

  “Good thinking,” I said. “I’ll take one as well.”

  “Do not tell your mother I did this,” he warned. “She will have my head on a stick if she finds out.”

  “Another piece of blackmail to add to my growing vault,” I said with a laugh.

  He looked at me and sighed. “You can joke about this, but Ryan will soon understand what it means to keep secrets from your wife.”

  Ryan took the shot and blew out a breath. “I’m good. I’m ready.”

  I grinned and slapped him on the shoulder. “Give me ten minutes to finish getting dressed. Dad, don’t give him another shot. If he goes out there shitfaced, it’s going to be on our heads, and I don’t want Mom and Naya mad at me.”

  “I’ve got it under control.”

  I grabbed my tux off the garment rack and went into the other room to change. It didn’t take me long. “Let’s do this,” I said, adjusting the sleeves.

  “I can do this,” Ryan whispered under his breath. “Yes, I can.”

  I led him around, taking him through the side door where he would stand at the altar and wait for his bride. “You good?” I asked him and gave him a good shoulder squeeze.

  He nodded. “I’m so good. I don’t know why I doubted it. I can’t wait to make her my bride. I know she is going to make me very happy. I’m happy just thinking about her coming down that aisle. We’ve been working toward this day for so long. I can’t wait for it to finally happen.”

  I smiled and nodded. “Good. I’ll see you in a few. Hopefully your bride doesn’t keep everyone waiting.”

  “She can take as long as she wants,” he replied with a slightly dreamy tone.

  I shook my head as I walked back out the side entrance. He was going to be fine.

  I made my way to the back of the church where I would be meeting the bridesmaids. I would be glad to get this over and done. I had a date with a stiff drink.

  The other groomsmen and I waited outside the ladies’ changing room. I wasn’t surprised they were running late. I just hoped she didn’t change her mind. I did not want to see my brother get his heart crushed.

  There was a small commotion and a moment later, the area was filled with beautiful ladies wearing classic beige dresses. I liked that Naya wasn’t crazy with the wedding colors. She kept it classy and pretty and not pink. I loathed pink.

  For me, seeing all the ladies dressed up with perfect makeup and hair, it was like a kid in a candy shop. So many choices, so little time.

  My eyes settled on Trinity, who had her back to me. She was adjusting something on Naya’s gown. Her ass kind of danced under the satin slip-style dress. I was intrigued.

  I waited for her to turn around. If her dressed matched the other ladies with the loose V in the front, I was in for a treat. The woman had curves for days. I liked a woman I could grab onto without grabbing bone.

  When she turned, I was a little disappointed to discover her dress was a slightly different design. The V in the front was bejeweled and more of a scoop. Her eyes met mine. Hazel with little gold flecks that seemed to bring out the gold highlights in her sandy brown hair.

  Damn, she was a good-looking woman. I wondered why Ryan never offered to introduce me personally or suggest a double date with all four of us. I was going to bitch at him about that later.

  “You ready to go in?” I asked her.

  She nodded. “Ready. Ladies, grab your man and get in line.” Trinity was running the show and she gave me the impression she didn’t mess around. What she said went.

  I stood to the side. I wasn’t about to get in her way. Once everyone was in line and the bride was left in the care of her father, Trinity approached me. “Ready?” she asked.

  “Do I look ready?”

  She gave me a onceover. “Yes. You’ll do.”

  I smirked. “Thanks.

  I popped out my arm for her to hold on to. I could feel the heat from her fingers seeping through my jacket. She was clearly nervous, judging by the force in which she was gripping my arm. We waited until she gave me the cue to start down the aisle behind the others.

  I took my place next to Ryan and managed to stay standing upright and awake the entire length of the ceremony that felt about twenty minutes too long. I was bored and found my eyes drifting around the church. I often found myself watching her. She was smiling like she was afraid to stop. She looked genuinely happy, but damn, her face was going to freeze like that.

  I studied her frozen face, taking in the skin that was just a little tan. Given the weather in Vancouver, I doubted it was natural. She had a youthful look about her, but those eyes looked like they belonged in an old woman.

  I was going to guess she was a little high strung. After running into her in the hall and judging her demeanor last night at rehearsal and again today, she was one of those people that liked things her way.

  “You may kiss the bride,” I heard the officiant say. That single sentence had yanked me out of my daydream and right back to reality.

  I damn near whooped for joy. It was finally over. I anxiously waited for the final exchanges to be made before we got to leave the church. Out in the foyer, everyone kind of went their own way. I was officially off best-man duty for at least the next thirty minutes. That was the agreed-upon amount of time before everyone had to be back at the hotel for the reception.

  I was going to skip the limo and walk my ass back to the hotel and grab me a drink before I had to do the speech and what not. I wished I could change out of the tux, but it was forbidden until later in the night apparently.

  I thought there were way too many rules.

  I walked into the hotel bar instead of going to the reception. I needed a minute away from the wedding chaos. I couldn’t believe my brother willingly did this to himself. I had decided at some point during that long ceremony I was going to elope. I would not put my friends and family through one of those things. No way.

  “Thank you.” I nodded at the server and took the first sip of the strong scotch. I gulped it down in less than a minute.

  I left the glass on the bar, straightened my bowtie, and felt fortified enough to handle what was to come next. About an hour after my snuck scotch, I was wishing I had made it a double.

  My mother had been crying for the last hour. There had been toast after toast, more tears, and the official cake cutting. I watched like the dutiful brother as my twin danced with his bride. I did it all and smiled all the way through it, but now it was time for a little me-time.

  I got another drink from the open bar and made a break for it. I escaped onto the patio softly lit with pretty solar lamps that lined a pathway out to a nice little garden area. I inhaled a deep breath of clean, fresh air. Inside, the smell of cologne, perfume, and alcohol with a little twinge of sweat was making me ill.

  I made my way down the path to check out the water feature. And then I saw her.

  It was the back of Trinity’s head. She was sitting on the bench facing the trickling water fountain. She was about the last person I expected to see out here. Maybe the festivities were a little too much for her as well.

  I was glad I wasn’t the only one.

  Chapter 3


  It figured. The guy had a knack for finding me at my worst.

  I cleared my throat and put my phone back in my purse. It was my own fault for checking my email while at a wedding. I should have waited.

  I glanced over at him. He wasn’t talking and he looked uninterested in me. That was a good thing. I didn’t want to talk to him. I didn’t want to talk to anyone.

  I took a deep breath to try and push away the feelings of despair. I would deal with the drama later. Tonight, was about Naya.

  Although the wedding was over and the reception was well on the way to being finished, I couldn’t officially resign from my duties as maid of honor until she left with her new husband. Then I needed to make sure all the gifts were taken to my place.

  I sipped on my glass of champagne and
waited a few minutes before I got up and walked away without saying a word to Ryker. He looked like he wanted to be alone with his thoughts. I understood that feeling. I would allow him his privacy.

  And I didn’t want to be alone with him.

  I didn’t want to put myself in danger of falling under his spell. I had seen those blue eyes and knew they could very easily put me in a trance. With my state of mind, I was way too vulnerable to the charms of a man like him. I needed to keep my distance.

  “There you are!” Naya exclaimed. “We’re going to be leaving soon. We’re anxious to get started on our honeymoon.”

  I grinned. “I bet you are. You are one lucky lady. You have a very handsome husband.”

  “Husband! Can you believe it? He’s my husband. I’m a wife. We are going to live in an amazing house, and I am going to have everything I could ever dream of. I cannot believe this is happening.”

  “It is and you deserve it.”

  “Do you need me to do anything?” she asked.

  Her cheeks were flushed and there was a buzz about her that made me happy. “I only need you to be happy. Go. Get out of here. Everyone has been paid. I’ll make sure your gifts are sent to my apartment. When you guys get back, I’ll bring them over.”

  She hugged me. “Thank you so much for everything. You have been patient and so, so nice to me when I know I was a bit crazy at times. When it is your turn, I promise I will be your willing servant. Anything you want, I will be at your service.”

  I laughed. “Trust me, I do not want to go through this. Once was enough for me.”

  “Don’t say that. I bet you are going to find a man and fall in love and you are going to want to celebrate in grand fashion. You’ll want the big white dress and the flowers.”

  I patted her shoulder. “Yeah, we’ll see. Get out of here and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  She giggled. “I’m married. I get to do all the naughty things.”

  “Do you want me to cancel the brunch tomorrow?”

  “No, no, we want to thank everyone for coming tonight. We’ll leave after brunch. I just really want to get to the honeymoon suite.”

  “You little horndog. Get out of here.”

  She was still giggling as she walked away. I did envy her. Her life was about to get so much easier. I needed a drink. A real drink. I made my way to the open bar that seemed to be popular at the moment. I got in line and waited.

  Then he was there.

  “You’ll never get a drink if you stay huddled in the back,” Ryker said.

  “I don’t want to be pushy.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “What’s your poison?”

  “Oh, um, whiskey.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “That’s a strong drink.”

  “I’m in a mood.”

  He grinned and winked and used his size to push his way to the front of the crowd. He returned a few seconds later with two drinks in hand. “You know, watered-down whiskey is not going to get you drunk unless you can down ten of these.”

  I took the drink and sipped it. It was watered down but it still burned all the way down. “I can’t date you,” I told him.

  He looked surprised. “Okay.”

  “I’m serious. You look exactly like my best friend’s husband. That would be too weird.”

  “Good to know, but why do you assume I would want to date you or anyone?”

  That was just a little bit of a slap in the face. “By the way you are looking at me.”

  “Honey, I look at every woman the same way.”

  “I just bet you do.”

  I took another drink of the whiskey. I was not looking forward to gagging down several more of these in order to get the buzz I craved.

  “I know where the good stuff is,” he said.

  “The good stuff?”

  He held up his glass. “I’ve got a sweet bottle in my room. The good stuff.”

  I knew what the invitation was. I should tell him not a chance in hell. I should tell him I couldn’t go back to his room with him. That was what I would normally do. I always chose to be responsible and do the right thing.

  Maybe it was time to do the wrong thing.

  “The good stuff, huh?”

  He smirked like he knew he was winning. I should be pissed at the look on his face, but damn if it didn’t turn me on and make me want to jump his bones.

  “I want to get drunk, but I don’t care for the taste,” I said. “Good whiskey sounds like a good plan.”

  He only looked moderately surprised. He took my glass from me and put it on a table with his. “Then good whiskey we will have.”

  I followed him out of the ballroom. We both knew we weren’t going to his room to drink whiskey. Although it would be good to have a drink before this party got started.

  His room was just a few doors down from his parents’ room. It was a basic room, still opulent but not quite as nice as the parents. He opened the bottle of whiskey and poured us each a glass.

  The whiskey, combined with the champagne I’d been sipping all night, finally lowered my inhibitions just enough. He was watching me like a tiger watched its prey. I stared back at him, challenging him to make his move.

  He dropped his glass on the floor and lunged for me. I gasped and reached up, dropping my own glass in the process. His mouth slammed against mine.

  My arms went around his neck and held him close as I ground my pelvis against his. His body was hard and unmoving. I knew it was going to be good and I didn’t want to wait. There was no point in a lot of foreplay.

  “Now,” I whispered against his lips and reached between us to grab his cock.

  He jerked and sucked in a breath. “So impatient.”

  “I’m here. You know why I came here. Give it to me.”

  He pushed me back, and for a moment, I thought he was going to kick me out of the room.

  “Take off that fucking dress,” he ordered and began to furiously strip out of his own clothes.

  My dress was simple enough to take off. I pulled down my own zipper and let the gown drop to the floor. The strapless bra quickly joined the pile. I stood in front of him in the beige lace thong I’d worn under my dress. He didn’t stop at his briefs. He stepped out of them, and for a brief flash, I got a glimpse of his naked body, and damn was it fine.

  I thought I heard a growl a second before he lunged at me. I yelped when he grabbed me, lifted me with his hands squeezing my ass, and carried me to the massive bed in the room. He dropped me on the bed and followed with his body covering mine.

  His mouth slammed against mine while his hand slipped under the thin lace of my panties. “You’re wet,” he said with a smile against my lips. “I knew you wanted me.”

  “Don’t be arrogant,” I said and pushed him off me. He fell to my side. I quickly jumped up and straddled him. I held his hands down on either side of his head. My breasts hung low, scraping over his chest as I looked him in the eye.

  His nostrils flared. “Either kiss me or fuck me,” he hissed.

  “Ah, I knew you wanted me,” I said and slid my wet pussy against his hard cock.

  He flinched and reared up his hips. “Take off those fucking panties. You can pull them off or I’m going to rip them off. With my teeth.”

  Just hearing him say it made me hot. I kissed him instead of doing what he asked. I kissed him and rubbed my body against his. My nipples hardened, scraping over his hard chest as I mimicked the act of sex. He ripped his hands away from mine and bucked me off him. I squealed as he rolled me underneath him.

  He was fast and skilled as he pushed my panties down my legs. When he rose over me, I opened my legs to him. I was hot and wet and on the verge of an orgasm. “Hurry up with the condom,” I gasped.

  He snatched a foil out of his pants pocket and proceeded to plunge inside me a breath later. I cried out as my back arched and my head went back. He was so much bigger than he looked. He filled me completely

  When I was able to catch my breath, I began to move under him. My hands slid down his back, over the hard muscles of his ass, and back up again.

  “Better?” he asked as he moved inside me.

  I groaned and wrapped my legs around his waist. He fucked harder, his body slamming against mine over and over. He leaned back just enough to give him space to suck on my breasts while he fucked me. The pleasure running through my body was intense. It was too much pleasure. I didn’t know how to process it all. It was like I was bubbling over with ecstasy.

  “Oh god,” I groaned when the orgasm bloomed inside me.

  “Damn. Come on. More.”

  I let out a keening sound as the hot streaks of pleasure raced through my body. “Yes!”

  “Yes! All of it! Squeeze me.”

  My arms wrapped around him and held him close to me while my pussy muscles spasmed around the thick cock inside me. His mouth closed over mine. Our tongues dueled as he rode me until his mouth jerked away from mine. He shouted through his orgasm. His cock pulsated inside me. The orgasm I just had was sparked to life once again with his own release.

  “Holy shit,” I breathed when he collapsed on top of me. The full weight of him pressed me into the mattress. I welcomed his weight.

  “Better?” he said with a cocky laugh.

  “Don’t get too full of yourself,” I told him. “One orgasm isn’t anything to be proud of.”

  “You going somewhere?” he asked with one dark brow raised.

  I should.

  I should have enjoyed the one and done and got the hell out of there, but I was already in it. The sin was committed. It wasn’t like my moral crime could get worse. I may as well enjoy my crime, and tomorrow I would deal with the guilt.

  Chapter 4


  The sound of breathing that was not my own startled me and then I remembered it was her. I opened one eye. I expected to see a beautiful woman sleeping. I expected to see an angelic face. That was not what I saw.


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