Endangered: A Delecoeur Mystery #1

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Endangered: A Delecoeur Mystery #1 Page 1

by Harte, Jenna

  ISBN: 978-0-9881770-0-0

  Endangered: A Delecoeur Mystery

  Copyright 2012 Moxie Vie

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or Moxie Vie except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are product of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Moxie Vie

  265 Turkeysag Trail

  Suite 102, 104

  Palmyra, VA 22963

  Acknowledgments: I'd like to thank the Stef girls especially beta readers Tammy and Sarah for supporting my writing. A big thank you to Rachel Young for believing that I could write something others might want to read. Thanks to my writing group for enduring mushy romantic dialogue and sex scenes, and helping me tweak the book. Finally, thank you to my husband and children for being my cheerleaders!

  To contact Jenna or learn more about other books and upcoming releases visit JennaHarte.com.

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Excerpt from Deadly Valentine, A Valentine Mystery Book One

  About Jenna Harte and Upcoming Works

  Chapter One

  Madeleine paced impatiently in front her husband's desk as he looked over the ledgers of the Delecoeur Wildlife Foundation.

  She stopped abruptly when he looked up. “Well?”

  “Over $25,000 is missing from the foundation.”

  “You see it too? I didn’t miscalculate?” She leaned over his desk to look at the books despite the impossibility of reading them upside down.

  “It’s not noticeable at first, but as far as I can tell money is missing.”

  “How can that be?” It was bad enough to feel violated by the embezzlement of funds, but once the news got out, it would damage the reputation of the foundation. Her heart broke at the thought of the animals that wouldn't get the care and protection they deserved.

  Max closed the ledger and rose from his chair. “There’s really only one explanation,” he said as he sat on the end of his desk, took her hand and pulled her to him.

  “Alan?” she said referring to the foundation's treasurer.

  “Alan,” he agreed.

  “What lousy timing,” she said.

  “Because of your conference?”


  He drew her closer and as always it gave her strength. “It’s clear that money is missing, but we don’t know why or how."

  “But even you think its Alan.”

  “Yes, but we’ve only just discovered it. I don’t think anyone at the conference will know. And since I can’t go with you tomorrow, I’ll arrange for one of the company accountants to look over the books and then I'll talk with Alan.”

  “I can’t ask you do to that,” Madeleine said.

  “You didn’t. I volunteered.”

  She knew it would be a waste of time to argue. Max was as invested in the foundation as she was. He'd want to know what was going on and put a stop to it as much as she did.

  “I’m a lucky girl.” She ran her hands up his chest. “How shall I ever repay you?”

  “I can think of at least one way,” he said waggling his eyebrows.

  “Hmm, let me guess.” She leaned in pressing her lips against his and as always his kiss curled her toes.

  “That’s a start.” He continued to hold her close. “What do you have for the rest of the day?"

  Madeleine gave him a knowing smile. Was he considering a little love in the afternoon? It wouldn't the first time they'd used his desk for something other than work. "I have an article I need to finish up and my editor called and asked for some changes on the Kenya piece."

  "Are you packed for tomorrow?”


  “I’m sorry I can’t go with you. At least not tomorrow. I might be able to make it up on Thursday.”

  She pushed a piece of jet black hair peppered with silver away from his brow and looked into his brilliant blue eyes. “I’m sorry you can’t go too, but it’s only three days. Besides, you know what they say about absence making the heart grow fonder.”

  “My heart doesn’t need absence to be fond of you beyond reason.” His hands slid up and down her back, each stroke pulling her a little bit closer.

  “I love you," she said.

  “You do?”

  “Yes, I do.” She leaned in, kissed him again.

  “Mr. Delecoeur?” His name came over the phone's intercom. Max ignored his secretary, choosing instead to continue to kiss his wife. “Mr. Delecoeur?”

  “I think you better take that,” Madeleine said.

  Max kept one arm around her to keep her from escaping. With his other hand he pressed the intercom. “Yes Marie?”

  “There is a Ms. Julia Devlin here. She doesn’t have an appointment, but insists that you’ll see her.”

  “Really?” Surprise shone in his eyes.

  Madeleine looked at him questioningly until realization dawned. “Ah, old girl friend."

  "I can tell her to make an appointment.”

  “Max.” Madeleine chastised. “You can’t do that. Let her in.”

  He grinned. “Well if you insist.”


  "Max," said the tall, slender, well-dressed woman who entered his office.

  “Julia.” He gave her a friendly embrace. "My God, it’s been-"

  "Don't say it. We don't really want to reveal our ages do we?"

  He laughed. “Madeleine, this is Julia Devlin. Julia this is my wife Madeleine.”

  "It's wonderful to meet you. I've heard so much about you," Madeleine said shaking Julia’s hand.

  "Really?" Julia asked with genuine surprise.

  "Yes, I understand you and Max had a few teenage adventures."

  "Ah yes, a few," Julia admitted with an unabashed glance to Max. Madeleine didn't miss the look of pleasure on Julia’s face that she had warranted mention by Max. She hadn't been forgotten after all.

  "What are you doing here?" Max asked.

  "I live here now."

  "Last I heard from you, you wanted to get as far away from California as you could."

  "Yes, well, that was a long time ago."

  "How's William?" Max asked of her husband.

  "He passed away last year."

  "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn’t know."

  "That's okay. That's why I decided to come back. That and my son lives here."

  “Son?” Max asked.

  “Yes, Chas Newcomb. You may have run into him. He works in high tech.”

  Max thought a moment. “No, I don’t think I have.”

  “Oh, well I’m sure you will. He’s got quite a head for business and technology. Just like you.”

  “I’ll have to meet him.”

  “Why don’t you two come to dinner?” Julia asked placing a hand on Max’s arm and shaking her full head of faux blonde curls.

  Madeleine smiled inwardly. How many other women had she seen touch and flaunt in front of Max? Like she did with the other former girlfriends she’d met over the years, Madeleine studied Julia. She was aging well although she overdid it with the make-up, wh
ich gave her a shiny appearance.

  “Well, Madeleine and I-”

  “That would be lovely,” Madeleine interrupted.

  Max looked to Madeleine, his eyes conveying the message that he had other plans for the night. Madeleine simply smiled.

  Understanding crossed Max’s face. “What time and where?”

  “How about seven? Let me write the address down.” She leaned over Max's desk to write. Madeleine didn’t miss the seductive stance Julia displayed for Max.

  “I thought we would be alone tonight,” he whispered oblivious to Julia's assets.

  “We will. After dinner.”

  “Here it is,” Julia said handing the paper to Max. “I’m on the beach, although I may move. I thought the beach would be soothing. Who knew the ocean could be so loud?”


  “Whew.” Madeleine said as she plopped herself on the bed at home.

  “Tough day?” Max asked. He sat on the end of the bed pulling one of her feet to his lap and massaging it.

  “I forgot how exhausting preparing for conferences can be.” She closed her eyes and let Max’s skilled hands caress the fatigue away.

  “You’ll be terrific,” he said.

  “Ah, but you are biased.”

  Oscar, their medium-sized dog of unknown breed jumped up on the bed. Madeleine pulled him to her.

  “True, but I’m sure others will be equally impressed.”

  “How about Julia, will she be impressed?”

  “With you or me?” he asked.

  “Oh! Did you hear what he said?” she asked Oscar. The dog gave a short bark as if he were equally as offended. Turning back to Max she said. “I've met many of your former girlfriends, and I have to say, Julia doesn’t seem your type.”

  “You don’t think so?”

  “She’s too… I don’t know….shallow?”

  He laughed. “That’s about right. You have to remember when I dated her I was a teenager. My requirements were…ah...different.”

  “Hmmm I bet. I guess she was well-endowed even then.”

  “That she was,” he said with a dreamy smile on his face.

  “Max!” She gave him a light kick.

  “Sorry." He grinned and of course she forgave him. "Actually,” he said massaging her other foot, “I met Julia when I was eight years old. She was a friend first. We helped each other through some tough times. She wasn’t a foster kids like me, but her home life was still tough. The romance came later mostly because we spent so much time together. And hormones.”

  “I see.”

  “She wouldn’t be someone I’d pursue now,” he stated letting his hand caress her toned calf.

  “That’s good to know. Perhaps you should let her know. I have a feeling she wouldn’t mind a reunion.”

  “I think you’re right.” He grinned again. “Jealous?”

  Her relationship with Max had all sorts of nuances. One she particularly enjoyed was the playful banter they exchanged. It was fun and very much a turn on.

  “Jealous? Me? Of her?”

  “Well she was my first. Women sometimes put a lot of stock in that.”

  “I knew when I met you that you’d had a first and a second … what number am I anyway?”

  He leaned over, covering her body with his. “Number one.”

  “Good answer,” she said as she looped her arms around his neck.

  He responded with a kiss. It started out light and playful just like their banter, but then he took it deeper.

  “Time to go Oscar,” he said as he gently pushed the dog off the bed.

  Turning back to Madeleine, he traced her lips with his tongue until her lips parted and she let him in. With long, slow sweeps he explored her mouth. His hand slid under her blouse to caress her skin and her body softened beneath him.

  She sighed. “We’ll be late if we make love.”

  “Yes, we will,” he agreed. He unsnapped the front clasp of her bra.

  “That would be rude.” She arched as his fingers brushed over her sensitive skin.

  “She’ll live.” Max began to unbutton her blouse, his lips skimming the her skin as it was exposed.

  “Max?” she said as she pulled his head up to look at her. “She’ll know.”

  “So? She must know I make love to my wife.”

  Madeleine rolled her eyes.

  “Okay, okay.” He shifted. “Do you want to take a shower?

  “Yes. A quick one if we have time.”

  His eyes gleamed. “I need a shower too. We’ll save time if we take it together.”

  Madeleine laughed. “That’s true in theory.”

  “Let's test it out.” He stood and helped her up from the bed.

  Max was already in the shower when Madeleine finished disrobing. She thought about keeping the shower to its intended purpose, but when she looked into Max’s eyes and saw the love and desire, she couldn’t refuse him. She'd never been able to refuse him.

  “Hey,” he said softly. One hand caressed her face; the other pulled her to him by her waist. His lips were on hers before she could respond. Her hands slid up his firm, wet chest and over his shoulders. She gave herself over to his kiss, over to him.

  “Madeleine.” Her name rolled off his lips in a whisper as he kissed her jaw, her neck, her shoulder. She responded by trailing her fingers and her lips down his neck to his chest. She loved the way his body responded to her touch; the shiver, the quick intake of breath.

  Despite all the years together, they savored every touch, every taste as if it were new. There was nothing routine or expected in their lovemaking. The desire, the sensations were just as intense and nearly as devastating as they had been the first time.

  Max gently pressed her against the shower wall. He slid his hand down her thigh pulling it over his hip. The cool tiles were a stark contrast to the warm water and hot body assailing her. Her hips pressed forward as her leg clung to his body. His lips captured hers and he pressed into her.

  “Madeleine,” he whispered. “You’re the first…the only.”

  Chapter Two

  “I was beginning to think you got lost,” Julia said when she opened the door for Max and Madeleine.

  "Just a little delay,” Max said giving Madeleine a discreet squeeze. He maintained a straight face although the look on Julia’s face told him that she knew just what sort of delay they’d encountered.

  “Well, you’re here now. Please come in.”

  “Your home is lovely,” Madeleine said. Julia’s taste ran towards the pristine and stark; nearly everything was white. It looked like a showroom, more than a home. Max remembered that Julia had always put more emphasis on appearances. It was a reminder of how fortunate he was to have found Madeleine. She'd came from the rich upper class that Julia had always lusted after, but cared more about people than material things.

  “Thank you. I've got some wine chilling. Would you like a glass?”

  “That sounds good,” Max said.

  “Madeleine, how about you?”

  “Wine would be wonderful.”

  “Coming right up.” Julia moved to the bar on the other end of the room. “Make yourselves comfortable. Chas should be here shortly.”

  “Whatever you’re cooking smells delicious,” Max said as he took a seat next to Madeleine on the couch. He was doing his best to sound interested in visiting with Julia, when in fact he'd much rather be home alone with Madeleine, especially since she was going away for three days. He couldn't understand a woman's curiosity about her man's former lovers. Madeleine was like no woman he'd ever met, and yet even she suffered from the insecurities that seemed to go with the X chromosome. It was ridiculous. He was sure that the phrase 'in a class alone' was conceived with Madeleine in mind. She had all the characteristics a man could want; beauty, intelligence, humor and a great body, but that wasn't what set her apart. Madeleine had the greatest capacity to love of anyone he'd ever met. And she lived life full throttle, taking everything in, the good and the bad,
and making sure it counted. Max had known in the first five minutes of meeting her that he wanted to spend his life with her. She had needed a little convincing, but fortunately she'd seen something in him and had given her heart and soul to him. It awed him every time he thought about it. So if her curiosity had her wanting to spend an evening with Julia, he would indulge her.

  “Thank you. It's nothing much really.”

  “I didn't know you could cook,” he said remembering that Julia's goal in life was to have a servant for every unpleasant task possible.

  Julia laughed. “Yes, I never wanted to do a damn thing for myself did I? Who’d of thought that cooking would calm me?”

  Julia brought the drinks and handed them to Max and Madeleine. “How about you Madeleine? Do you enjoy cooking?” Julia asked as she took a seat across from them.

  Max looked at Madeleine and grinned giving a tendril of auburn hair a light tug with the hand he'd draped around shoulder.

  “Ah… no…” Madeleine said making a face at Max. “I’m afraid I’m not very good in the kitchen despite my best attempts.”

  “But she makes up for it elsewhere.”

  Madeleine gaped at him.

  “What? You're one hell of a home decorator.” His eyes were playful as they looked at her over the brim of his glass.

  “Really? I could use some interior design help. Sometimes I feel like I’m in a blizzard it's so white in here.”

  “It’s a hobby really,” Madeleine said. “I don’t have any training.”

  “She's terrific,” Max said. “You’ll have to come by our place sometime. Actually she did my office as well.”

  “Your office? It seems to me that if your writing career doesn’t pan out you have a future in design.”

  Max was surprised that Julia knew of Madeleine's career. Had she been researching him before she made contact today?

  “Thank you," Madeleine said.

  There was a quick knock at the door and then it opened. “Mother?”

  “Chas, you’re here.” Julia stood up to greet her son. “This is Max and Madeleine Delecoeur, the couple I told you about. This is my son Chas.”


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