The Moon Rises

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The Moon Rises Page 13

by Angela Horn

  “I’m sorry about Gigi,” Anton said as their food arrived.

  “If it had worked out though, you wouldn’t be able to sniff her anymore.”

  Anton laughed. “Wouldn’t I? Like you could stop me.”

  “I’d order Gigi to stop helping at your office and then she’d stare at me and I’d back down. Those stares of hers are pretty powerful.”

  “Tell me about it. She was staring at Chad today and he almost started crying. That saddest part was I don’t think she was even looking at him, but behind him at a spot on the wall. It was probably the most interesting spot on the wall in history.”

  Finn laughed. “She’s not dumb.”

  “I’m sure she’s not. I haven’t spoken to her except for the one time, so I don’t really know.”

  Nodding, Finn was relieved to see John Moore leaving the restaurant. Anton showed no reaction, but he had to know his father was gone.

  “What happens now?” Anton asked. “With you and Gigi? Ella said Gigi’s back on the market. Does that mean Declan will make his move especially after he made himself look like an idiot at the gym?”

  “Hell, is there anything Ella didn’t announce to the world?”

  Anton grinned. “She nearly peed herself telling the part where Gigi thought you tried to eat her. I felt like you did the males of the Circle a favor though. Now Gigi knows licking doesn’t equal being eaten. The next guy won’t have to worry about rattling her.”

  “And you’re sure you don’t want to be that next guy?”

  Anton eased back into the chair and stretched out his long legs away from the table.

  “If I did want Gigi, it would end badly. You have to want more for her than that.”

  “Anton, you don’t have to end up alone. None of the Alphas really do. It’s a choice.”

  Anton’s eyes darkened. “You think Gigi would be the first good woman I’ve dated? There have been many of them and I can’t let them too close. You know that. Your mom and Declan think I can just be with Ella and get married and the only thing stopping me is the rule about Alphas. You know that’s not true for me. Even if I wanted to be with someone, I wouldn’t know how.”

  Finn nodded, but he wished Anton wasn’t alone. Maybe Finn grew up with too easy a life, but he didn’t understand why Anton wouldn’t at least try to be close to someone. On the other hand, if Anton truly was incapable of loving someone, Finn hoped he stayed away from Gigi.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Gigi didn’t like Vamps. While Simon hadn’t noticed this fact during her first shift on the Vamp floor, it was quite obvious the moment she left the elevator.

  Her eyes showed not a hint of emotion and her face displayed even less, but Simon knew she wasn’t a fan of the fanged ones. She saw him then and a smile lifted one corner of her mouth. Simon didn’t mind if she hated every Vamp in the world as long as she swooned for him.

  Sara and Dahlia were both on the floor and tried to direct Gigi to certain tables, but Simon told Dahlia to send the blonde to him. Sara frowned darkly at Simon who grinned at her in return. He liked Sara, even if she didn’t like him anymore. Dahlia was another matter, but right then Simon only had eyes for Gigi.

  “I think I’m supposed to work.”

  “We’ve covered this, Gigi. Entertaining me is work.”

  Gigi didn’t smile, but her eyes lit up with amusement. Simon patted the booth and she slid in next to him, her hands on the tabletop where he could see them.

  Simon inhaled her scent and sighed. Just lovely. Sara always smelled good, but no one smelled like Gigi. If he didn’t know better, Simon would think Gigi was filled with magic. No human should smell so good without great effort. Based on her lack of makeup and simple hairstyle, Simon doubted Gigi put enough effort into her appearance to create such a wonderful scent on purpose.

  “Sara doesn’t want me to be over here with you.”

  “She’s just jealous.”

  “No, I think she’s worried about me. She’s my friend.”

  “Yes and you want friends.”

  “And you want minions.”

  Smiling, Simon slid a bit closer. Gigi glanced at his sudden proximity and her dark eyes searched his face. Then she smiled.

  “You wanted to make Sara a Vamp.”



  “She’s lovely.”

  “Yes, she is,” Gigi said without a hint of jealousy.

  Her gaze instead found Sara who was across the dance floor. Based on the look in Gigi’s eyes, she was very fond of Sara which wasn’t such good news for Simon.

  “Sara is teaching me things.”

  “What types of things?” Simon asked, feeling a bit concerned by the idea of his new toy being stolen away by a vengeful ex-lover.

  “How to drive. She also taught me what to wear and say and how to shop. She’s my big sis.”

  “Have you discussed me?”

  Gigi said nothing, her dark eyes pools of emptiness. Simon knew this was her way of not saying anything at all, if she had nothing good to say.

  “Sara is complicated and I suspect she views me the same way. I am not complicated though. I wanted her. She said no. I let her go. No harm. No foul.”

  “I like your eyes,” Gigi said, as if they weren’t just discussing something else. “Why do they change?”

  “The shade of green depends on my mood. It’s one way to know if a Vamp is enthralling you.”

  “They’re pretty. I wish my eye color was something pretty. Sara has pretty eyes too.”

  “Yes, she does, but I like your eyes better. With Sara, I look in her eyes and know exactly what she’s thinking. I never know what you’re thinking.”

  “I’ll save you time and just tell you I’m not thinking anything.”

  Laughing, Simon grazed her smiling face with his fingers. He wished to take her somewhere private, but doubted she would say yes with Sara nearby.

  “Have you spoken with the witches yet?”

  “No. I’m scared to know the truth. I like my pretty lies.”

  “I don’t blame you. The witches might find something which makes you too irresistible. I don’t want my sweet Gigi to be harvested.”

  “I don’t have magic though.”

  “No, you don’t, but witches are devious. It’s why I like them. It’s also why I hate them.”

  “I thought you said you weren’t complicated?”

  Smiling again, Simon ran his fingers through her thick blonde hair. He could feel Sara’s eyes on them, but he avoided looking her direction because Gigi might follow suit. Gigi studied his face with her rich brown eyes. He could swim in those eyes for an eternity and never learn all her secrets.

  “I heard you did well on the ghoul floor. What foolishness made you do that?”

  “It was a mistake. I wanted to do badly, but the little kids wanted me to like them. I couldn’t disappoint them. What if they cried?”

  “Horrid little monsters probably cry blood or some nasty liquid. Good thinking to keep them from bawling all over you.”

  Gigi frowned at him, disliking how he made fun of the ghoul children. Simon adored how she saw something worth caring for in the little monstrosities. This quality would make her easy prey though. Simon’s mind returned to Were suitors.

  “Dating yet, Gigi?” he asked, sipping his Vodka.

  “I went on a date,” she said, her face now dark with unhappiness. “It was good until I freaked out.”

  “Freaked out about what? Did the doggy try to sniff you?”

  Gigi smiled brightly. “Doggy.”

  Simon ran his fingers through her hair again and this time she sighed from his affection.

  “Tell me why you freaked out on your date.”

  “You’ll laugh. Everyone laughs.”

  “I swear upon the lives of my many useless minions I will not laugh, no matter how wonderfully funny your answer might be.”

  Gigi didn’t answer, instead leaning into his affections. Simon
’s fingers slid into her hair, grazing her scalp, then her neck. Simon considered snatching her away for a while and hiding Gigi in a room meant for trysts. He instead pulled his hand away, so she could focus long enough to answer.

  “He licked me.”

  Simon couldn’t help smiling. It was the deliciously grave tone Gigi used. A male licked her and it was all very serious business. Poor bastard just wanted a taste and the pretty dumb girl freaked out. Served the dog right.

  “I don’t know that I would want a dog to lick me either,” Simon said with a grin.

  “It felt good though. That’s the weird part. I got scared because I thought he would eat me. When he licked me though, it felt good. I really like being touched.”

  Simon wanted Gigi before, but at that moment, he decided he would have her. Any female so unassuming as to announce to a vampire how she liked being touched was too good for the slobbering of dogs or tinkering of witches. Gigi was Simon’s - she just didn’t know it yet.

  “Well I wouldn’t worry over offending a dog. They usually have multiple girlfriends all over town. Wives, mistresses, baby mamas. It’s a mess with them really.”

  Gigi frowned which made Simon smile. “Is that true? He said he didn’t date much.”

  Simon laughed. “Charming. Did he feign virginity too?”

  Gigi’s frown dissolved, leaving a slight pout. Her eyes seemed confused and maybe a bit dejected. Did she think he was mocking her?

  “You must understand,” Simon said quietly. “Weres are misogynistic and it’s in their DNA to misuse females. You can’t take it personally.”

  “I forget how people lie.”

  Gigi’s eyes flashed to Sara and Simon wondered what the girls talked about when discussing him.

  “I never lied to Sara,” Simon said as his hand relaxed over Gigi’s. “I know she would like to think I did because she was very tempted. It bothers her to have been tempted, but I never lied and I never forced her in any way. Never enthralled her and always let her choose. She chose to reject me and I hold no grudge.”

  Gigi stared at his hand then glanced up at his face. “Is it possible for two people to tell different stories and for them both to be telling the truth?”

  “Of course. Truth is subjective. People lie to themselves more than they ever lie to others.”

  “Do you lie to yourself?”



  “I’m not people,” Simon answered with a smile. “How often do you lie?”

  “I rarely do, but I plan to lie more when I need to.”

  Grinning, Simon squeezed her hand. “Your honesty makes me feel like a boy.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I know, but one day I hope you will.”

  Gigi watched him with those dark mysterious eyes and Simon loved the warm feeling they gave him. People bored him and often life bored him, but Gigi never would. He sensed they could spend a thousand years together and she would still say and do things which surprised him. He missed being surprised or curious.

  No matter all the drooling from the Weres, Gigi wasn’t for them. She belonged to Simon now and he planned to keep her for a very long time.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Sara followed Gigi towards Michael’s office, looking uneasy being there. Most of the Circle was scared of the enforcer, but Gigi figured they just hadn’t seen him freak out over something stupid.

  Earlier in the week, Gigi watched him lose his mind over a piece of candy that fell into the garbage disposal, even though there was a full bag of candy on the counter. Gigi did love when Michael freaked out though. Mainly because Finn would laugh so hard and she loved his laugh.

  The women found Michael sitting on a desk, watching a tennis game. Or maybe he was sleeping. His eyes were closed and they didn’t open when the women entered.

  “What’s she doing here?” Michael asked while keeping his eyes closed.

  “Finn said I could bring her.”

  “This isn’t his place, is it?”

  “Where is Finn?” Gigi asked.

  “Fixing my car out back. Go tell him to rescind his offer.”

  Gigi took Sara’s hand and walked out the door and around the building.

  “What’s his problem?”

  “I don’t think he likes tennis,” Gigi replied then stopped when she noticed long legs sticking out from under Michael’s Ford Explorer. “Why is he under the car?”

  Gigi felt a hint of alarm even though Sara didn’t look worried.

  “He’s fixing the car, Gigi.”

  Nodding, Gigi felt relieved because a part of her brain thought the car had fallen on Finn and he was trapped underneath.

  The only things keeping her from freaking out were Sara’s lack of panic and how Finn’s feet were swaying to the music playing from a radio in the nearby garage. Finn was a calm guy, but even he would get agitated if a car fell on him.

  “Finn?” Gigi said, even though she knew it was him. She was still worried about the possibility that the car fell on him.

  A moment later, Finn appeared from under the SUV, slightly dirty with his hair a bit messy. Gigi didn’t notice anything except his shirtless chest though.

  “Hey,” he said with a warm smile. “I’m almost done. Oh good, you brought Sara.”

  “Michael says I can’t play,” Sara muttered in her grumpy voice.

  Finn smiled wider, choosing to ignore Sara’s uneasiness with Weres. “Mike’s full of shit. Ignore him.”

  “Are you okay under there?” Gigi asked, walking closer.

  She didn’t really care anymore about why he was under the car as much as she wanted a better look at his bare chest. Where Declan was thick with muscles, Finn’s muscles were long and lean. Gigi had such an incredible urge to run her hands over his chest and feel the muscles under her fingertips. Maybe Sara noticed her friend’s horniness because she took Gigi’s hand and pulled her back.

  “What’s wrong with his truck?” Sara asked, trying to distract Gigi who had no interest in being distracted.

  “Nothing. He’s just whiny. If I don’t check it out, he’ll drive me crazy though.”

  Finn was talking to Sara, but his eyes were on Gigi. For a second, it was just the two of them and Gigi wished once again how she might have another date with Finn. No brain farts and lots and lots of kissing and licking and…

  “Gigi, let’s go inside and wait.”

  Startled from her lustful daydreaming, Gigi smiled at Finn. “You’re not wearing a shirt.”

  Finn laughed, but she thought he looked flattered by the attention. Gigi never understood why Finn wasn’t more confident, considering he was gorgeous. Of course Sara was beautiful, yet downplayed her looks whenever not at the club.

  Vanity was a strange quality, Gigi noticed. Some people were very vain even though they weren’t very pretty. Other people were very pretty and not vain at all. Gigi figured she was both pretty and vain.

  Gigi let Sara pull her away from Finn who was still smiling at her.

  “You might need a bib,” Sara said with a grin.

  “How come?”

  “For the drooling.”

  Gigi didn’t get it at first then smiled. “Yes, because Finn is so handsome and he isn’t wearing a shirt.”

  “I thought you wanted Anton. Or was it Simon?”

  “Any of them would be nice.”

  Sara smiled. “We need to get you a vibrator.”

  Picturing Gigi with a vibrator sent Sara into hysterics. Gigi wanted to know what a vibrator was, but Sara rarely laughed so loudly and she didn’t want to interrupt her fun.

  Sara finally stopped laughing and wiped her eyes. “Okay, maybe not a vibrator. Just a nice boyfriend who can help you with your lust problem.”

  Gigi glanced back to where Finn was under the SUV. “I wish Finn could be my boyfriend.”

  “I sensed that, but if he says someone’s made threats then take his word for it. That guy wouldn’t tell you no, unle
ss he was genuinely worried. Hell, for a minute, I thought you two were going to go at it right there in the alley.”

  “Go at what?”

  “Did you read that sex book I got for you yet?”

  Gigi shook her head. “I’ve been reading the dictionary.”

  Sara stopped Gigi before they entered Michael’s office. Her bright blue eyes were soft as she pulled Gigi into a hug. When she let her go, Sara was smiling.

  “You’re reading a dictionary. How damn adorable are you?”

  Gigi shrugged because she still loved the gesture. Besides she wasn’t sure what was so adorable about reading. Gigi wanted Sara to be happy and her friend was beaming when they entered the office.

  “You leaving?” Michael asked as he stood on his head.

  “What are you doing?” Sara asked.

  “Standing on my head.”


  “I would think that’d be obvious.”

  “I did hear somewhere how you were nuts,” Sara said, now sneering at Michael.

  Letting his legs fall forward, Michael stood up. “Big mouth for a little bitch.”

  “You won’t hurt me.”

  “How you figure?”

  “I hear you hate when chicks cry. Just remember if you lay a hand this direction, Gigi and I will bawl our eyes out. Even chase you around and wipe snot on your… Man doesn’t anyone wear shirts around here?”

  Michael grinned. “Fine, you can stay, but you better let me win. This bitch refuses to.”

  Gigi grinned because she never ever intended to let Michael win, even if she had to cheat.

  “What’s it like?” Sara asked Michael as the females followed him upstairs.


  “Watching Gigi and Finn drool over each other.”

  “The floor gets wet, so you have to watch your step. Otherwise, I don’t mind it. Finding out Finn wasn’t gay shocked me a little, but at least now I don’t have to worry about turning my back on him.”

  Sara laughed, but Gigi didn’t get it. She knew everyone kept saying Finn was gay because he never dated. Except he had dated her and she wasn’t male.

  Once in the apartment, Sara frowned at Michael’s lack of furnishings. He glared at her, waiting for the comment.


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