Invaders of the Rokujouma!? Volume 9

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Invaders of the Rokujouma!? Volume 9 Page 2

by Takehaya

“That was just a greeting... Granted, it was in pretty bad taste.”

  “I refuse to take that kind of criticism from you of all people.”

  Hearing the words “bad taste” come out of Koutarou’s mouth, Clan adjusted her glasses with a stern frown and gave orders to the bracelet on her right wrist.

  “Cradle, recover my weapon.”

  “As you wish, my princess.”

  The next moment, a black hole appeared next to Clan. It was connected to her spaceship, the Cradle, and after she inserted her rifle into the hole, it vanished. All that was left was the girl in the dress and glasses, now unarmed.

  “Ruth-san, try attacking me like that during our next practice.”


  Koutarou smiled at the puzzled Ruth and left her behind as he approached Clan. He appeared completely defenseless as he casually walked right up to her.

  “I thought I could kill you if you weren’t wearing your armor, but it seems I miscalculated.”

  “If those had been actual bullets, they probably would have gone straight through the sword.”

  “You barefaced liar. You knew it was me from the start.”

  Clan showed no sign of attacking Koutarou despite his defenseless state. She seemed a bit unhappy, but she was mostly just playing around with a close friend.

  “I just automatically assumed that my highly esteemed Princess Clariossa would use real bullets, seeing as how she’s so sly.”

  “Y-You little... Don’t you worry! Next time they will be real bullets! Mark my words!”

  “See? You totally would use actual bullets.”

  “Ugh, you always have some witty remark! You are so detestable!”

  “It is an honor to receive praise directly from Your Highness.”

  “I’m not praising you!”

  As Koutarou and Clan’s lively back and forth continued, Ruth, who was looking on from the sidelines, couldn’t hide her confusion.

  Just... what is going on...?

  She’d heard that Koutarou and Clan had to work together to return after being thrown out of the universe. That said, the two of them had started as bitter enemies. Once they’d returned safely to the world, it seemed only natural that they would return to hostile terms. However, aside from Clan’s initial attack, that didn’t at all seem to be the case. Koutarou was talking to Clan much how he would to Theia. And since it had only been days ago that they were literally trying to kill each other, this was a very confusing sight to Ruth.

  And then there’s Satomi-sama’s skill with the sword... It feels like he’s on a completely different level from before...

  Koutarou’s relationship with Clan wasn’t the only thing that stumped Ruth. There was also Koutarou’s astounding capability with the sword. He had received formal training from Theia for the play, he could see spiritual energy thanks to Sanae, and he was good at fighting to begin with. But even then, he shouldn’t be able to block bullets.

  In reality, on the day he and Clan had fought, Koutarou had only been able to put up a fight because he was wearing Blue Knight’s control armor. But now, mere days later, he was able to block bullets on his own. All he had used was a practice sword. There was clearly a disconnect there. Somehow, in just a few days, he had gotten skilled enough with a sword to make up for not wearing the armor.

  Just what happened to Satomi-sama? No, before that, where did Satomi-sama and Clan-sama end up during those few minutes...?

  Between Koutarou’s new relationship with Clan and his astoundingly improved sword skills, Ruth was quite bemused.

  “More importantly, did you finish that thing I asked for?”

  “‘More importantly’?! If you were anyone else, I’d have thrown you in prison for life a long time ago for lese-majesty!”

  “Don’t get so worked up. You know you’re the only one I can ask for something like this.”

  “...The way you put that is very unfair and I hate it. Honestly...”

  Unaware of Ruth’s befuddlement, the two of them continued their rather casual conversation. They appeared to just be getting to the heart of the matter.

  “Cradle, bring it out.”

  “As you wish, my princess.”

  Clan gave her bracelet a command and summoned a large box from her spaceship. She opened the box in front of Koutarou, and the two of them stood across from each other as they peered into it.

  “Is this it?”

  “Yes. I made them just like you asked.”

  Inside the box were five metallic balls of different sizes and weights. The largest was about as big as a watermelon while the smallest was about the size of a baseball. They were all heavy, however, and even the smallest felt quite substantial when picked up.

  Clan had come to deliver these balls to Koutarou. They were something he’d asked her to make as his training with Ruth progressed. Despite their appearance, they were aids for practicing sword fighting. The balls would produce holograms as they moved around in the air. They would serve as targets, and sometimes counterattack. The size of the ball determined the size of the hologram it produced and the speed at which it could move.

  Clan had plenty of detailed combat data from studying soldiers, and she had created these devices after analyzing that data. Of course, Flair’s combat data was included as well. And if all went according to plan, Ruth would eventually match that level of skill.

  On top of that, the devices had been designed to help Koutarou practice too. Peaceful Japan was lacking in opportunities to put sword skills to good use, so in order to practice fighting, Koutarou would need clever ways to train.

  Koutarou was already plenty strong since he was borrowing the powers of the invading girls, but that didn’t mean it was okay for he himself to remain weak. He didn’t see a need to become overwhelmingly powerful, but he at least wanted to be strong enough that he could lend the others his strength in return.

  And so Koutarou had asked Clan to create these training devices. She had agreed to the task, and her appearance today was to deliver the finished product.

  “So, how do you use them?”

  “I made it so you can control them using your bracelet. Just order them like you would your armor.”

  “Gotcha. I’ll try it out later and contact you if there’s something I don’t understand.”

  “...Seriously, you’re probably the only person in the universe who would treat a princess of Forthorthe as a handyman.”

  After finishing her explanation on how to use the devices, Clan folded her arms, puffed out her cheeks, and pouted in an expression of her dissatisfaction. It was because of things like this that she had no problem greeting Koutarou with sniper rounds.

  “What else could I do? I don’t know any scientists more amazing than you.”

  “Well, I don’t feel as bad when you put it like that...”

  “Anyways, you’ve been a big help, Clan.”

  “Can’t you at least be a bit more respectful when you talk to me?”

  “I would like to express my utmost gratitude for your cooperation, Princess Clariossa.”

  “Ohoho, it was nothing.”

  Her pouting didn’t seem to last long. She began smiling as soon as Koutarou gave her an honest thank-you.

  “Now you owe me a favor.”

  “I know, I know.”

  “That face tells me you don’t... Well, anyway...”

  With her business here finished, Clan glanced behind Koutarou. And after revealing a mischievous smile, she turned her back to Koutarou.

  “Since Pardomshiha is glaring at me with such a scary face, I think I’ll take my leave.”

  Upon hearing Clan’s comment, Koutarou looked behind him. Ruth was indeed glaring at Clan with a serious expression.

  Of course. Though it’s been months for me, it’s only been a few days since the attack for Ruth-san...

  Koutarou and Clan had spent a lot of time together, but it didn’t seem that way to anyone else. It would take a lot longer than jus
t a few days for Ruth to change her mind about Clan too. So Koutarou chose not to stop Clan, and instead just bid her farewell as she turned to go.

  “Bye, Clan. I’ll call you later.”

  “Just as long as you don’t call with more work. You got that?”

  Clan threw a glance Koutarou’s way and lightly kicked off the ground. As she did, her body floated up into the air. In her beautiful, fluttering dress, she looked like a fairy as she rose skyward.

  “Of course it won’t be anything like that, stupid.”

  “Heh, then that’s fine. Well then, goodbye for now.”

  Departing with a smile, Clan disappeared into the blue morning sky. She had activated another one of her inventions, a device that made her invisible. Even though there weren’t many people out early in the morning, a girl flying through the sky would still stick out like a sore thumb. And so Clan had activated her device to stealthily return to her spaceship.

  Everyone’s Chocolate Circumstances

  Monday, February 8th

  Even after Clan left, Ruth couldn’t get past the mystery of what had happened to Koutarou and Clan. She was distracted enough that she was unable to focus on her training and ended up making lots of mistakes. It stayed on her mind as she walked to Kisshouharukaze High School, and well into class as she ignored the lecture to simply follow Koutarou with her eyes.

  Koutarou remained unaware of Ruth’s gaze, and when lunchtime rolled around, he spent it carefreely chatting away with some classmates.

  “So, Satomi, how many do you think you’ll get?”

  “I’m in the same boat you guys are. Even if I get some, it’ll only be one or two obligatory valentines.”

  It was now the second week of February, and Valentine’s Day happened to fall on a weekend this year. Since the 14th was a Sunday, students would be handing out their valentines on the last day of school that week, Friday the 12th. Today was only Monday, but the entire school was abuzz with talk of chocolates and love.

  “You’re still sitting pretty, Satomi. Even your obligatory valentines are exceptional.”

  “Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Don’t play stupid! An obligatory valentine from Princess Alaia is a big freaking deal! It might as well be a real valentine!”

  “Sakuraba-senpai, huh? Well, it’s true that she’s awfully kind, but it’ll still just be an obligatory valentine. I can’t go into details, but she’s pretty popular.”

  “Duh. We’re talking about Princess Alaia here. Of course there’s a lot of competition for her.”

  “It’s but a fleeting dream...”

  The members of the unpopular boys alliance—including Koutarou—were grieving their situation. They had no girlfriends and no particular skills or assets that would make them popular with girls. To them, Valentine’s Day was just a miserable reminder of that. And so around this time of the year, they would huddle together in the corner of the classroom and complain to each other. There were eight of them in total, each one currently sulking.

  “And... How do I put this? I want Sakuraba-senpai to focus on the person she actually likes.”

  “Ah, I know what you mean. Of course the princess has her one true love!”

  “So everyone’s going to end up getting one or two obligatory valentines... We’re all in this together, I’d say.”

  “That traitor is the one stealing all the valentines that could be ours.”

  “Feh... Mackenzie, that bastard...”

  “Everything is his fault!”

  “Did you hear? He was walking around with a new girl the other day.”


  “Are you for real, Satomi?!”

  The alliance usually ended their meetings by complaining about Kenji. He was attractive, athletic, fashionable, considerate, kind to girls, and even a model student. He was also active in the drama club now, so it seemed like he might get even more valentines than usual this year. And that was exactly why the unpopular boys alliance regarded him with such contempt. He was their natural rival. An enemy. Of course, that envious behavior was a major reason they weren’t popular with girls, but they were too young and immature to realize that.

  “Hey, Kou! I don’t want to hear you making up random crap again!”

  Hearing all this, Kenji finally put his foot down and fiercely protested what Koutarou had said about him. This was a constant issue, and nothing but trouble for him.

  “Don’t be like that, Mackenzie-kun. It’s unbecoming.”

  Koutarou leaned over and put his hand on Kenji’s shoulder as a wicked grin crept across his lips.

  “Wh-What are you talking about?”

  “I saw you coming out of a cafe by the station with a girl the day before yesterday, you see. What happened with that drama club girl you were so close to?”

  Kenji’s face turned pale as Koutarou whispered into his ear. Kenji normally had a smart look to him, but now he looked nothing short of desperate as he scrambled for an excuse.

  “That was just a classmate from middle school. I was just talking with her since it had been a while since we’d seen each other. It’s not like something suspicious happened or—”

  “Of course, of course. Let’s just leave it at that, Mackenzie. I know how hard this time of year is for you, after all...”

  Koutarou smiled and patted the panicking Kenji on the shoulder repeatedly. It was like he was saying that he truly understood him.

  “So, how many have you fooled with that trick, Mackenzie?”

  “I said it’s not anything like that!”

  “You’re a disgrace to all men!”

  “Just how many valentines are you planning on scooping up for yourself, you traitor?!”

  “I have no intention of doing any of that!”

  The unpopular boys alliance unleashed a barrage of attacks on Kenji. Doing so would only earn them more scorn from the girls, but again, not realizing such things was exactly what had landed them in the unpopular boys alliance.

  “...Serves you right.”

  Koutarou had a satisfied look on his face as the other boys tore into Kenji, and he popped a potato chip into his mouth as he watched it happen. The taste was just as satisfying as the sight unfolding in front of him.

  Man, junk food really is the best...

  After going so long without junk food, Koutarou had spent the last several days really savoring the taste of his potato chips and cola. As he did so now, however, a slender arm reached over and casually grabbed a few of the potato chips from the bag.

  “Satomi-kun, I can make some bona fide Valentine’s Day chocolate for you if you’d like,” said the thief.

  She then shoved the stolen potato chips into her mouth. After chewing and swallowing, she smiled at Koutarou.

  “That is, if you pay for the cost of the materials and labor.”

  “No thank you. More importantly, don’t just steal my chips, Aika-san.”

  “My, they’re delicious... Are these the winter limited edition consommé flavor ones? Maybe I’ll buy some too.”

  The potato chip thief was none other than Aika Maki. She was a classmate that had gotten friendly with Koutarou recently. So much so, in fact, that she paid no heed to his protests and reached out towards the potato chip bag once more.

  “Ah— Hey!”


  Maki snatched up a whole handful of chips this time, but when Koutarou went to protest, Maki shoved several of them in his mouth. Instead of words, there was only a crunch.

  “There’s no need to be so stubborn. I’ll make you splendid chocolate well worth the cost.”

  Since Maki had fed Koutarou most of the chips she’d taken, she’d really only ended up stealing the same amount she had the first time. Next, she reached out for his bottle of cola.


  Koutarou started to say something, but he was so surprised at the sight that he got a piece of potato chip stuck in his throat. Unable to breathe properly, he repeat
edly pounded his chest.

  “Here you go, Satomi-kun.”


  Maki handed the bottle over to Koutarou, and he took a good swig to wash down the troublesome chip.

  “Phew, I’m saved...”

  “You’re like a child, Satomi-kun.”

  “Leave me be.”


  After Koutarou had some of the cola, Maki grabbed it from him and took a sip like it was her prerogative to do so. Koutarou wanted to complain, but since she’d just helped save him from choking, he let her do as she pleased.

  “Hey, Kou...”

  Turning to the side, Koutarou saw Kenji looking at him half amazed, half angry.


  Koutarou wasn’t sure what that look meant, so he cocked his head to the side. He then opened his mouth to accept some more chips that had been presented to him. As he did, Maki pushed the chips into his mouth.

  “...No, it’s nothing.”

  “Ish that sho? Wheirdho.”

  In the end, Kenji said nothing. Koutarou still didn’t get it, so he continued chewing on his chips with his head tilted to the side. Kenji ignored him, so Maki took the opportunity to strike up a conversation again.

  “So about that chocolate, Satomi-kun...”

  “You really don’t get it, Aika-san.”

  Koutarou swallowed the chips he was chewing and waggled his index finger at Maki.

  “What we want isn’t the taste of chocolate or a pretty package! The chocolate itself isn’t what matters! Isn’t that right, everyone?!”

  Koutarou firmly asserted himself and looked to the rest of the unpopular boys alliance for support. What he wanted was a real valentine, not just an imitation.

  “Aika-san, make one for me!”

  “Me too! Me too!”

  However, the other boys seemed to feel differently. They leaped at the chance and ordered chocolates from Maki one after another.

  “Of course, of course! I take cash up front.”

  Maki put on her business smile and used the back of the printout she had on her desk to record her orders.

  “Ah, you idiots! Have you really fallen this low?!”

  “I’d rather have chocolate than my pride! Aika-san, please make one for me too!”


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