Reed's Reckoning

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Reed's Reckoning Page 17

by Ahren Sanders

  “Clue the fuck in, guys don’t talk about that stuff, and I especially didn’t talk about my love life with my little sister! Just so you know, I would have shouted it from the fucking rooftops but I was trying to be sensitive about your breakup with Mitch!” She flinches and her eyes fill with tears again.

  “Another thing, I’m not listening to this shit as you babble through it. Buck the fuck up and tell me what possessed you to interfere and chase Ari away?”

  “Can we do this privately? I’m not sure if you noticed but I was assaulted by a woman when I walked in the door. Maybe when your guests leave we can talk.”

  “Jesus Christ! No! No one’s leaving except for you. I can’t believe this shit.” I run my hands through my hair and eye the bottle of Jack Daniels on the bar. What I would do for a shot of that right now.

  “How did you even know who she was, Cara? Mom met her but you didn’t.”

  “I saw pictures on your phone. Also, Alex sent me pictures.”

  “Is Alex behind this? Why? I never did anything to her? I was always nice to her. Now I get she’s a nut job but how did she convince you to do what you did?”

  “I had to!”


  “Because it was the only way she’d support my bid into the sorority. She was like the most popular girl in it. She used to tell me all about the parties and the guys and how much fun she had. When I decided to transfer, she explained to me what was happening with you and how worried she was. She promised to get me into her sorority if I helped her get the trash out of your life.”

  The room starts spinning as I listen to what she is saying. Jack reaches over to steady me and my mom jumps up to help. Luke comes back in and tells me Ari is asleep and Katy and Sophie will sit with her until I can get there.

  “So, sorting this out in my head, you impersonated being my girlfriend and threatened Ari so you could join the popular crowd? You saw me; you knew how hurt I was. For five days, you watched me suffer and go crazy trying to find her. Did that seem like the actions of a carefree relationship?”

  “Reed, I didn’t think it was serious. I thought she was with the other guy. She didn’t fight for you. She walked away with her head held high.”

  “It’s called fucking pride! After what you told her about me having an open relationship with you and threatening to have her scholarship pulled. When she did try to come to me, twice she was stopped. Did you tell the Dean of her school she was stalking me too?”

  “No, I didn’t. I was told she was stalking you.”

  “By who? Alex fucking Moore? She’s such a reliable source of information. Now I’ll give you one more chance to tell me what happened—exactly.”

  Jack, Luke, and my mom surround me, and Cara looks like she may bolt before she slumps down and puts her head in her hands.

  “Around Christmas that year, Alex called and told me you had been dating someone for a while and wanted to know if it was serious. I told her yes because mom had met her and I knew you were taking her to the Sugar Bowl with you. You actually had visited her here over the holiday break. Alex asked me to meet her for drinks because she wanted to tell me some stuff face to face.

  “When we met, she told me about Ari having a very close male friend that seemed like more than a platonic relationship. She had me convinced she was worried for you because of your upcoming NFL status. Over the next few months, she kept me up to date on your relationship and started to send me pictures of Ari with another man. Then she convinced me that I should transfer. I had just found out Mitch was cheating on me so it was a great idea. The two weeks leading up to my trip in March for Spring Break, she said things were bad and came up with the plan to approach Ari and tell her to get away from you. She told me Ari came from a poor area and was purposely going to trap you by getting pregnant. She overheard Ari telling her best friend. I was so mad, Reed, I wanted to approach her alone and tell her what a shitty person she was, but Alex gathered a few friends and told me where to meet her. I wasn’t exactly sure what we were going to say, but I played along. Then when you couldn’t find her, I knew she was with her other boyfriend so I tried to comfort you.”

  “Fucking bitch.” Luke hisses beside me.

  “Who are you? How dare you say that about me!”

  “His name is Luke Adams and he’s Ari’s best friend. He has been since they were kids. He’s also the guy in the pictures you supposedly received. Don’t you recognize him?”

  “No, I never saw his face fully,” she whispers. “But still are you going to let him call me a bitch?”

  “He wasn’t talking about you, he was referring to Alex. He has more respect for me and mom to call you out like that. But I don’t—you are a bitch. A spoiled, selfish, conniving bitch just like Alex Moore. Let me tell you a few things. Ari wasn’t some fly by night college hook-up. She was so much more to me. Our lives were practically planned out as soon as I got signed. She was coming with me. You had no fucking right to listen to anything anyone told you about my relationship. If you were so concerned, why didn’t you talk to Jack or mom—or I don’t know—ME? I told you for years to be careful of being manipulated. You were always soft and we tried to support you at every turn.

  “Were you even upset about Mitch? That’s how you convinced me to let you visit in the first place. Was that a lie too?”

  She sucks in a breath and nods her head.

  “Oh, Cara, what’s the matter with you? How did you get so turned around that you would hurt your own brother? Don’t you know what you’ve done? There’s a little boy down the hall that just met his dad six weeks ago partly because of you.” My mom cries.

  “One more thing, did you put the note in my gym bag that day?”

  “What note?”

  “The note that was signed by Ari stating we were breaking up?”

  “No, I swear, I didn’t know anything about a note. I just knew that I was supposed to help scare her off and then try to get your mind off her. “

  For some reason, I believe her.

  “Reed, I am so sorry, I had no idea she was pregnant nor that she was so important to you. I would have never kept your baby from you.”

  “Fucking funny to hear seeing as you did.”

  “What happens now?”

  “What happens is you get your ass out of my place. Don’t know where you spend the night; maybe call your good friend Alex to see if she can get you. I’m going to Ari and hold her close until she stops trembling, thinking my fucking college girlfriend just showed up. Then when she’ll listen to me, I explain my own flesh and blood is responsible for the last four years of pain for both of us.”

  “You can’t just put me out, where will I go?”

  “Right now, don’t care. Just get the fuck out.” I don’t look at her again but go straight to Ari.

  “This is terrible, Reed. How could this happen?” Ari asks me through her tears.

  “I’m not sure, babe. I feel like there are pieces of the story missing, but I was too upset to stand around and drag the shit out of her. I am so, so sorry, Ari. You have to know how bad I feel.”

  “I don’t blame you. I can’t understand it, but I don’t blame you.”

  “I need you to believe in us, Ari. Don’t shut down now. When we get to the bottom of this, we do it together. There’s no turning back.”

  “Okay, Reed, but are you okay?” She hugs my side tightly with her head on my chest.

  “Fuck no. I’m more pissed than I have ever been in my life. I feel betrayed and heartbroken at the same time. That girl sitting on my sofa tonight used to have a personality that lit up a room. I’m not sure when she turned so insecure that she sold out her own brother for a place in a fucking sorority with a bunch of bitches.”

  “I can’t even imagine. But I do know she had her reasons.”

  “Ari, don’t you dare take up for her. This isn’t something we can fix by having her over for dinner, like Jack.”

  “Oh no, I have no intention of having her
over for dinner or anything else for that matter. I just know people do things for their own reasons.”

  “I love you, babe, and from the look on my mom’s face tonight, she loves you too. Davis and you are my family. Cara can kiss my ass for a really long time, maybe forever.”

  Ari yawns against me and I hold her tight. When I walked into the room tonight and saw Sophie, Katy and her all asleep on the bed, I sighed with relief. A part of me was sure they would be packing her bag to go home and leave me. I woke Katy and Sophie up gently and they left after I gave them a brief run down. Then I lay in bed with Ari, stroking her hair until she woke up. She asked about Davis first and when I assured her he was okay and missed most of the drama, I told her the story. She cried through the whole thing and held onto me. Her tears soaked through to my skin and my anger grew. She finally calmed down and asked what was going to happen now.

  I was confused at first until I realized she was talking about us. It’s so easy for me to forget she has no idea about my ‘grand plan’ so I assured her nothing changes. She is still very much mine and we move forward as a family. My sister’s betrayal is a huge shock to me, but I have a feeling it’s bigger to Ari.

  “Angel, I have a lot to work out in my head and I promise to try and share with you, but give me a little time. I need to go downstairs and make sure my mom is okay. Then I’ll lock up the house and be back in a bit, okay. You need to sleep.”

  “Okay, Reed.” The vulnerability in her voice breaks my heart and I lean down and kiss her as gently as possible.

  When I get to the kitchen, my bottle of Jack Daniels is missing. I lock the front door and notice my mom’s room is empty but her stuff is still there. There’s a red glare on my patio and I realize Jack is outside smoking a cigar. I look in on Davis and then go outside.

  Luke and Jack are sitting on the Adirondack chairs with the bottle of liquor between them. I motion for it and Luke hands it over.

  “That was some seriously fucked up shit. Never thought I’d see the day Cara Matthews was laid out by her own brother.” Jack says between puffs.

  “I was fucking there, no need to relive it.”

  “Man, you were there but what I saw tonight was a fucking testament to your feelings for Ari. I am so fucking sorry for what I did. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but shit, I want it. Tonight, before all the drama, was what we dreamed about as kids. I made a stupid fucking decision and I will never forgive myself. You, Amy, Ari—the whole thing was it. You found it man. Your forever. I’ll work like hell to be a part of this. Davis is cool, like really cool. Not a bratty little boy, but a little man. You’re a lucky guy.”

  “Yeah, well thank Ari, Luke, Katy, and Sophie. I haven’t had much to do with it.”

  “If this motherfucker thanks me or apologizes again, I will pull his fucking man card and buy him tampons. Enough!” Luke points to Jack. “I did what anyone in my situation would do. I’ve never considered it a burden. Now we need to talk about the serious stuff before Amy gets back. She took your sister to a hotel and it’s only a matter of time.”

  “Ari’s okay for now. She’s hurt, sad, and confused but she didn’t run out. As much as I think I need to slow things down, I want to speed up. She needs to know how serious I am.”

  “I swore I’d never do this, but I think there’s something you need to know.” Luke looks between Jack and me. “Reed, sit down. We need to talk.”

  Chapter 20


  I got out of bed with Davis this morning and got him breakfast, trying to be quiet. Jack was on one sofa and Luke on the other sleeping. The snores coming from them led me to believe they drank more last night. Once I got Davis set up in his designated room with cartoons, I made coffee and checked my phone. Katy and Sophie sent me encouraging messages but only one stood out.

  G’ma- I told you, the obstacles are worth it. Don’t give up.

  I was pouring my coffee when Reed ran into the kitchen looking scared. When he saw me, he visibly relaxed but pulled me to him and held me tight. He kissed every inch of my head and whispered how sorry he was.

  “Go back to bed! I’m fine.” I tell Reed as he continues to hover over me.

  “Not without you in it. I need this right now. I need to feel you close.”

  “What’s wrong?” I look at him with worry noticing the bags under his eyes.

  He lifts his eyebrow at me.

  “I mean besides the obvious drama? Why are you acting like this?”

  “Like what? Like the woman of my dreams was not in bed when I woke up after a night full of shitty revelations? Like I’m scared you may have bolted? Like I need to feel your soft skin on mine to sleep?”

  “Are you kidding me? That’s the most fucking pussy whipped pass I ever heard.” Jack groans from one of the couches and my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

  Reed pours a cup of coffee and leads me to the patio. We sit and watch the early morning walkers and I enjoy the view. I realize he is only in his boxers and run inside to get him some shorts.

  As he slips them on, I remember the tattoo I’ve wanted to ask about.

  “Reed, tell me about the tattoo on your leg.”

  “It’s for my dad. I had the artist draw outline and then inked the number of touchdowns and running yards I made prior to going pro. It seems weird to put a tattoo on your thigh, but he always believed in me, and my ability to run, sprint, avoid situations, and be quick on my feet. I know you don’t know this, but there aren’t a lot of white wide receivers with the speed I have. I’m not being racist, but truthful. My dad always gave me encouragement when it came to my dreams of being a receiver. When I was drafted, I got the tattoo as a tribute to him.”

  “That’s really beautiful.”

  “Not really the way I look at it, but whatever.” He squints at me.

  “What? It is beautiful.”

  “Babe, you really need to get some masculine terms in your vocabulary. Beautiful, lovely? Can’t you say something like badass?”

  “I like my terms.”

  “Well, in that case, why don’t you like your terms and scoot over here? You’re too far away.”

  I take my coffee and sit in his lap, where he folds me into his arms.

  “Nothing changes, Angel, nothing. I have a few things I need to look into this week, but nothing between us changes. I love you, you love me. We move forward with us. Today, we go back to the beach with our friends. Tonight, I grill again and we introduce Davis to s’more’s. Tomorrow we take Mom to brunch. Nothing changes, promise me.”

  “I promise. But what about your sister?”

  “Right now, she doesn’t exist to us. Mom will tell me what happened last night and I’ll share, but she made bad decisions and doesn’t get to ruin our weekend.”

  “What about the two lumps on the couches? What do we do about them?”

  “Unfortunately, they’re a fixture too. We had some type of bonding ritual last night, and I guess we’re stuck with them.”

  I giggle thinking about the three guys, and what could have happened when I fell asleep. “Okay, honey, but I think tonight we should offer them a bed.”

  “I’ll think about it,” he says before kissing me so sweetly I think I may melt.

  “Mommy! I need to go potty and there’s no tissue.” Davis interrupts us dancing nervously.

  “Alright, little man, I’ll take care of it. Meet you in the bathroom.” Reed tells him and wiggles against me. He scoots me off his lap and heads inside to help.

  I go inside to refill my coffee and find Jack in the kitchen looking through the refrigerator. He glances back and grins slyly.

  “I owe you a huge apology and I think my famous French toast will help with your forgiveness.” When he stands, he is almost a foot taller than me. I notice one of his nipples is pierced and the man is seriously built. Not as lean and muscular as Reed but still hot. He catches me checking him out and chuckles.

  “Woman, you’re as good as taken to the chapel, but I apprec
iate the sentiment.”

  Oh my God! How embarrassing! “I-I-I-I wasn’t , I mean your good looking, but—”

  “Don’t worry, honey. I’m just messing with you.”

  “Jack! Put on some clothes! You ass, should I kick you out again?” Reed walks up and turns me into him.

  “Nah, man, I can’t help I gave your woman a good sight. Maybe you should take better care of her.”

  Reed growls and I feel his chest vibrate. I can’t help but start to giggle. Before I can stop it, I am in an outright laughter fit. Both men look at me crazy but I enjoy the tears running down my cheeks.

  “God, I missed you two! Listen to you! I was just admiring his nipple ring and you went all caveman. It reminds me of college.”

  They laugh with me for a second but Reed leaves and comes back with a shirt for Jack to put on.

  I try to help with breakfast, but it is evident I’m not in tune with Jack in the kitchen. He shoos me away and I go to get ready for the soccer game. Davis finally can’t stand the quiet and jumps on Luke on the couch. They wrestle until breakfast is ready. Amy comes out of her room in a robe and looks exhausted. She gives me a sympathetic look and squeezes my hands before going to pour her coffee.

  Jack’s French toast is delicious and I groan when I finally push my plate away. Luke reaches over, takes the uneaten portion, and continues to stuff his face. Amy relaxes and tells us she still plans to go to lunch with Katy after the game. Then she offers to watch Davis while he naps so the adults can have time on the beach. I know she wants to talk about what happened last night but no one brings it up.

  We invite Jack to go to the fields with us and he happily accepts. He packed a bag to stay the weekend, even if he had to get a hotel. Then he gives Reed a hard time about our son playing soccer. Reed defends himself and Luke jumps in explaining the Pop Warner age rules. Reed’s phone rings while I clean up the kitchen and I hear him talking to his agent. When he hangs up, he smiles at me.

  “Word is out. An online article on some fan site today is about Reed Matthews being a father. Connor said the article is vague, but mentions me spending the summer in Fernandina to bond with my son. There was no mention of you by name, just the ‘boy’s mother’. There’s details about seeing us around town the last few weeks and being involved with the summer soccer league for the under four boys.”


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