Green Broke Woman

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Green Broke Woman Page 14

by Zoey Marcel

  On the left end of the great room was what she surmised to be a play area—a very open and rather public play area. Spanking horses and benches taunted her with mental images of bondage and well-deserved spankings while St. Andrew's crosses and stockades rubbed the clit of her curiosity with its stroking suggestions.

  There were all sorts of instruments for impact play and bondage placed here and there and a varied assortment of other goodies to tempt anyone who walked within these walls.

  “Can anyone come here?” she asked.

  “No. It's members only.”

  “What's down that hall?”

  “The dungeon.”

  She pointed to the other hall on the opposite side of the bar. “What about that one?”

  “There's another play area at the far end of that hall and a balcony where people can watch from. There are also some rooms down there with different themes to them.”

  A spark ignited its virgin heat in the pit of her stomach, slowly growing stronger the more she witnessed and listened. They were the only ones here right now, aside from Jason being upstairs. She could just imagine how sexually charged the place must be when it was open—all those members sweating and panting in ecstasy, all the moans and screams of hunger and pain.

  She squeezed her thighs together, trying to get her damned panties out of her drenched slit. Her pussy seemed intent on gobbling them up to make up for the cock that wasn't currently shoved up there.

  “You feeling all right, Kayla?” Keith teased, throwing her a saucy wink.

  The smug twit.

  “I'm just fine. How are you?”


  Her pussy gushed a fresh coat of cream, coating her panties in more uncomfortable moisture. A feeble noise came from her as she tried to rid herself of the evidence saturating her cunt and panties and, she hoped, find some way to stave off the sharp stab of lust that ached in her pussy.

  “Well, that's honest of you,” she teased, offering him a friendly wink of her own.

  “A might bit more honest than you're being with me. You soaked your panties for me, didn't you, baby?”

  Fire burned through her cheeks. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

  A cocky grin turned up his sexy lips and caused nervous tremors of excitement to undulate through her.

  “You don't mind if I check, do you?”

  Her heart nearly stopped before slamming into her violently. “You want to stick your hand in my...”

  “In your panties, in your pussy, in your mouth, and your ass.” He strode toward her with lazy, confident steps. “There's no place on your body that I don't want to touch or stick something in.”

  Her stomach clenched with arousal. “You want to stick your fingers in my ears, huh?”

  His eyes narrowed at her sarcasm, but he played the hand he'd been dealt well. “I was thinking my tongue.”

  Her nipples tightened, and the areolas crinkled with unabashed interest. “I see. What's down that hall?”

  “That fifties cinema room I told you about.” He stepped closer and murmured against the skin behind her ear. “Would you like that, Kayla—my breath blowing in your ear all hot and aroused?”

  She shivered at the sublime heat that seared through her ear canal when he breathed gently into it. He moved his hands around to cup her full breasts.

  “Do you want to feel me breathe hot air all over these tits after I suck them good and stiff until they ache almost as much as your damp little pussy?”

  “Yeah,” she breathed.

  Her breasts felt hot and heavy as they quickly got on board with his explicit suggestion. Her slit moistened considerably, hurting even more when his right hand journeyed south to see what was up in her pants. His fingers deftly loosening the button on her jeans gave her chills before the erotic shivers gave way to a fever pitch. She touched his hand, and just like that he stopped.

  The temptation battling like a crazed warrior for dominion over her raged ever onward. The feel of his hand, bigger than hers, the flesh tone slightly darker, and the contours completely masculine, stoked the fires of lust even hotter than before.

  “Travis and Jake wouldn't want me to show you everything without them, but I can show you one of the theme rooms if you like,” he murmured softly into her hair.


  A blanket of warmth and security covered her when he breathed a kiss into her hair. His hand slid up under her top to caress her pudge. Bleh. What was wrong with the horny bastard? Why did he want to run his hands over her there?

  She tugged her shirt back down and followed him down a hall lined with the strategic door here and there. An oak plaque hung near the door he opened into a darkened room. The plaque read “That One Room”.

  She giggled. “That One Room? Couldn't think of a name for this one, huh?”

  He grinned and stood with his back to the open door. “We never gave it an official name, and we just called it that so it stuck. Go on in.”

  She froze sure the color had likely drained from her face. “It's dark.”

  “I'll turn the light on. Just get in there. I want you to be surrounded when the light comes on.”

  A cold spike of fear impaled her stomach. “Surrounded?”

  Bless his sweet, kinky, stupid heart. Did he actually arrange a surprise orgy for her, thinking it would be the thrill of the century on her part?

  “It's not completely dark. There's a big skylight.”

  Keith extended his well-meaning hand that wanted to lead her into the evil darkness. A sweet, damaging prince. She'd bet he didn't realize how badly it would hurt her.

  “Take my hand, Kayla,” he murmured in a tone that was as much an order as it was a gentle hush.

  She felt small and helpless again before a sense of being loved and protected chased it away. He had the steely blue eyes of a lover and the commanding tone of a Dominant. He wanted her to obey him even though she was afraid. He wanted her to trust him more than she feared the darkness. Could she do that? Trust him, yes, but face the suffocating blackness with its disgusting sounds of stolen satisfaction and its unseen hands violating her?

  She gulped and reluctantly took his hand, locking her knees and rooting her feet in place when he took a step into the room.

  He stopped and looked at her for a moment. “It’s gonna be okay. I’m with you.”

  Something in his words propelled her forward, led by his hand into the enveloping darkness.

  She probably only stood in the dark for a second, but it felt like a life sentence. The skylight permitted traces of light to shine through, but the moonlight was scant tonight, casting shadows in the center of the room and letting darkness reign supreme everywhere else. She squeezed Keith's hand lightly.

  Her neck crawled with anxiety as he led her out of the filtered light that seemed to be getting swallowed whole by the unforgiving blackness. They stepped into the shadows together, but she trusted him.

  “Lean against this, baby.”

  Her breasts compressed against a hard surface that felt strangely like a mirror. The front of him smashed against her backside, and she felt his hot erection nestling into the small of her back, separated only by their clothes.

  Palms ran soft strokes over her bare arms. Firm lips imprinted a kiss on her head.

  “Shh. It's okay.” His voice lulled her. “I'm going to touch you. Are you okay?”


  Keith's hand slipped under her top to fondle her belly. His fingers trespassed the lacy cups to grope her breasts and tweak her nipples.

  “Trust me,” he whispered as his fingers loosened her fly for his will.

  Kayla gasped and flinched when his hand slid down into her panties and caressed her bare pussy.

  “You're so soft and warm.” His finger wedged in her slit, and his timbre became husky. “You're wet, Kayla. I knew you wanted me.”

  “So much.”

  Building pressure bore down on her. Her cunt heated, and her groin
perspired as he manipulated her swollen clit to his liking.

  He nuzzled her, and she found herself leaning into his cuddling. “I can feel you starting to shake. Come for me, baby.”

  One hand kneaded her breast and the other massaged her hard little pearl until she convulsed helplessly in his arms. A fresh coat of cream emitted from her fluttering cunt, coating his finger and soaking her panties all the more.

  He held her as she succumbed to the violent tremors racking her body, and her channel pulsed and oozed in response. Fingers directed her chin to the side, and his lips met hers in the dark. His tongue penetrated her slowly, sliding past her teeth and feeling her tongue with his, making her know him. The kiss was sensual and romantic.

  “Tell me why you’re afraid of the dark,” he said after turning on the light.

  She hesitated before answering. “Whenever Beck or Slade would touch me, I would slip away mentally and think about other things, anything but them. One of Beck’s friends, Bruce … was different. He wouldn’t let me withdraw.”

  “Did he make you come?”

  Tears slipped down her cheeks. “I didn't want to.”

  Keith gently brushed a strand of hair back from her face. “It's not your fault.”

  She moved in and clung to him, vaguely feeling bad for soaking his shirt with her bitter tears. “He always wore a mask or took me in the dark so I couldn't see his face. He said that when the time was right, he would help me escape or try to talk Beck into letting me go.”

  “If Bruce was legit, he wouldn’t have taken advantage of you.”

  “I know. I didn’t believe him at first, but he was so nice to me, I almost believed him. One time when I did something to make Beck mad, he had Bruce punish me instead of Slade.” Her throat tightened and ached at the memory. “I was so torn and confused when Bruce hurt me. It wasn't like when Slade hurt me. It didn't feel like abuse. It felt like betrayal. Bruce was the closest thing I had to a friend, and he turned on me.”

  Her eyes burned, but she felt safe when Keith hugged her tighter.

  “I couldn't handle it, so I convinced myself that I deserved to be beaten. That way I was in the wrong and Bruce was just disciplining me, and I could still pretend he wasn’t as bad as them.” The floodgates opened. “Afterward when he took advantage of me, I felt … so stupid for having believed that he was somehow different, that he had a soul. He spoke so tenderly whenever he touched me, but that time he kept calling me a slut. He said it almost in a caring way, but his eyes...”

  She cried harder and melted deeper into Keith’s comforting embrace.

  “He knew exactly what he was doing to me. I wish so much that he had just been rough and cruel to me like the others, but he…” She coughed, trying to fend off hysteria. “He always kissed me and made me co…” She shut her mouth in shame. “With the others I went numb, but with Bruce I hurt so badly inside because he made me feel, and I didn’t want to. His voice said he cared, but his eyes said he knew he was ruining intimacy for me. I really think that’s why he did it. He wanted to control me from the inside out. He didn’t just get inside my body. He got inside my head.”

  Keith held her tighter and kissed the top of her head like she was a precious, misused treasure.

  “That’s why I’m afraid of the dark,” she whispered.

  “I’m so sorry.” His strained hush in her hair sounded like he might break. “You’re home now, baby. No one is ever gonna hurt you again. I swear it.”

  Kayla slowly pulled back and sniffled. “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for telling me.”

  She nodded and dabbed her cheeks with the tissue he gave her. When her eyes were no longer blurred with moisture, she noticed the room they were in. The walls consisted entirely of mirrors in an all-encompassing circle. There were vines and tree branches separating the different mirrors, probably fake, but they looked real. The stone floor was littered with pink rose petals. No wonder she'd smelled roses when she walked into the room.

  A bed with a white canopy over it was in the center of the room, adorned with a black satin comforter and several silver decorative pillows.

  “This is beautiful.”

  Keith sounded pleased. “I'm glad you like it. We put different things on the floor in here during the different seasons. In spring and summer it's various types of flowers. In the fall we throw fallen leaves in here, and in winter sometimes we'll dump a bunch of snow in here and pine boughs.”

  She raised an eyebrow, grinning at this. “Snow indoors?”

  His charming smile made her belly flip flop. “Yeah, that's why there's a drain for when it melts.”

  “This room is exquisite. I love it. I see what you meant by surrounded.”

  His expression turned serious, though he remained tender. “I wanted all the mirrors so you could see me if we had sex tonight.”

  Her heart stuttered in her chest.

  “But we don't have to if—”

  “Please.” She grappled for his hands, feeling somehow bold despite her anxiety. “I want to feel again. I want to feel something besides pain and fear. I need you to heal me. Please. I'll try not to freak out.”

  His countenance glowed with satisfaction. “Walk up to the mirror and press the front of your body against it. I'm going to fuck you ... from behind.”

  She gulped nervously and nodded. “Okay.”

  He took hold of her chin and scolded her gently with his penetrating blue eyes. “How should you respond to a Dom in his club, Kayla?”

  Her heart pounded with excitement and thrilling nervousness when she realized the magnitude of her situation. She was alone in a BDSM club with a Dom. Her pussy flooded with molten heat, and her breasts swelled, beckoning for his expert touch.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Give me your glasses so they don't break against the mirror.”

  She took them off and handed them to him, wondering why he folded his arms expectantly. Then she figured it out. “Yes, Sir.”

  The words sent heat pooling in her stomach as she walked on jelly legs over to one of the mirrors and pressed her body up against it. He came up behind her and ran a steady hand over her back. If she peeked up or over at another mirror, she could see that it was him behind her.

  “I'll win your trust, little bird, and you'll never fly away again,” he murmured as he undid her pants.

  She swallowed, trembling with anticipation as he lowered the jeans and underwear down her legs until they puddled around her ankles. The sound of ripping foil filled her ears. She peeked up to verify his reflection in the mirror when she heard the sound of a zipper dividing.

  His jeans and underwear came down, and the squeak of rubber alerted her to the condom being sheathed on his shaft. A second later a firm hand pressed onto her back, smashing her against the cold, hard mirror as he moved into place. The rubber crown rooted through her moist folds until it sank into her hot pussy slowly.


  Keith inched into her, resisting the urge to go banzai in there. Her hot, soft flesh parted for his aching cock as he slowly forged into her sopping cunt. Man, she was tight. Her titillated whimper made him feel good. She might be nervous, but she wanted this, wanted him.

  He nudged farther, caressing her belly to distract her from the deep tunneling of his generous length. Inch by inch he pushed until he bottomed out inside of her. She cried out softly, struggling to adjust.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, you're just really long.”

  “I can start shallow if you need me to.”

  She reached behind her to touch his hip, making his heart thump with pleasure. “I'll be fine.”

  He slowly began to piston in her warm, snug pussy. She felt tight and slippery as her tender flesh stretched around him, accepting his primal intentions. The condom dulled the sensations to a degree, but her cunt fit him so well he almost didn't notice. She felt like a glove made just for him.

  Then he remembered the thinner condoms in his wa
llet. She would probably get a big kick out of those glow-in-the-dark ones.

  He stopped thrusting and massaged the tension out of her shoulders. She seemed aroused, though a little uncertain. Would she really be capable of trusting him with the lights off when she was nervous about him taking her from behind? The fun condoms might be a good incentive, but the plan was only worth it if the attempt didn't traumatize her.

  “Baby, I want to try something with you.”

  “What is it?” She endeavored to steal a glance at him as best as she could while being pinned between the mirror and his body.

  “I have some glow-in-the-dark condoms in my wallet. I think you'd like them, but we'd have to turn off the lights.” He felt her muscles tense beneath his kneading fingers. “I won't touch you.”

  Keith pulled out of her and then discarded the slick condom in the wastebasket. He walked over to the bureau and pulled out some silken ties.

  “You can bind my wrists with these while you ride me.”

  She turned to watch him, and her pretty lips bulged while her tongue ran amok in her mouth with a look of consideration. “You're a strong man, Keith. You could break those. What if they come off?”

  “I won't touch you,” he promised. “Do you trust me?”

  Her lips eased into a fond smile. “Yeah, I trust you.”

  He whipped his shirt off over his head and tossed it aside, pleased by the slight flush in her cheeks. She resembled a love-struck teenager waiting for the autograph of the lead singer in her favorite band.

  “Take your clothes off and get into bed.” How many times had he fantasized about saying that to her?

  Her eyes glazed with desire, though she hesitated. Ordinarily he wouldn't allow for a long, defiant pause like that, but she was new to this and understandably nervous.

  “Why do you want me naked if you won't be able to see me or touch me?”

  “Just knowing you won't be wearing anything will make me hotter.”

  She offered him a coy smile. “Can you turn off the light first?”

  “No, Kayla. Take your top and bra off like I told you to.” His tone was gentle, but he added a trace of jurisdiction he knew she'd recognize.


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