Green Broke Woman

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Green Broke Woman Page 16

by Zoey Marcel

  She couldn't think about her Master right now. All she could think about was which of the men had stuck that letter in her purse. Whoever it was had only been a few feet from her while she’d had her back to her purse and was oblivious to the potential harm a mere several feet away.

  She read the rest of the letter.

  Hello, Kayla,

  I know about your Master. When you see him again, you tell him Black Dragon sends him his regards.


  Kayla was baffled, but then she recalled that Master Hugh had mentioned something on his cell phone message recording about being ready for Black Dragon. Apparently the cryptic correspondence had nothing to do with the BDSM club by the same name. Black Dragon, in this case, was a person.

  “Read the letter out loud, Kayla,” Keith ordered.

  Her cheeks flushed with intense heat. “Do I have to?”

  “Well, you don't have to,” Virgil began, “but—”

  “Yes, she does,” Keith butted in. “If you don't, I'll take it from you and then spank you after I read it.”

  Virgil snickered. “You're one of them freaky types, aren't you?”

  “I'm not letting those fuckers take her again.” Keith clenched the steering wheel with white knuckles. “I know it was one of them who wrote it. Now start reading, Kayla.”

  She sighed, feeling her chest sink with depression. “I don't mind if you read it, just please don't make me read it aloud.”

  “Fine, pass it up.”

  She passed the letter to him.


  “Virgil,” Virgil corrected him.

  “Sorry, Virgil, take the wheel for a minute, will you?” Keith asked.


  Keith read the letter quickly and then extended his arm into the back seat, but Virgil took the letter before Kayla could reach for it. When he finished, he passed the paper back to her.

  “It's gonna be all right, Kayla. We'll protect you,” Virgil reassured her.

  “What do you mean 'we'?” Keith sounded annoyed.

  “I came here to keep an eye on Kayla,” Virgil explained, seeming undaunted by the other man's blatant disapproval.

  “She's got me and my two brothers. She doesn't need you.”

  “I beg to differ. Another man would be added protection. I already made the mistake of letting this little honey out of my sight once before. I'm not making the same mistake again.” Virgil glanced at the back seat and smiled back at her, reaching for her hand when she smiled back at him.

  “Honey? What the fuck? Kayla, is this an ex of yours?”

  “No. We're just friends.”

  Virgil snickered. “So do you go down on all your friends, honey?”

  “What?” Keith growled. “Let go of her hand. Kayla Langley, you'd better explain yourself.”

  She swallowed nervously, though his jealousy amused and touched her. “My last name is Sanders.”

  “No, it's gonna be Langley when we make you our wife, and I already see you that way, so you'd better answer my question,” Keith warned. His steely blue glare in the rearview mirror said he wasn't kidding.

  “It was before we were together. Virgil was my closest friend at the time.”

  “So you sucked his cock?”

  “I lo—liked him.” Denying the three words that wanted to spew forth and fill Virgil's ears felt like a lie, but she couldn't hurt Keith like that. On the other hand, if by some strange-ass fluke Virgil still felt something for her, he'd be torn up over the way she held back.

  Yeah, right. The man was probably over her. If anything the tryst had likely been just a fun romp for him.

  Keith's head bobbed up, and his eyes were huge in the rearview mirror. “You started to say love.”

  Butterflies gathered in her stomach, thrilled to make Virgil aware of that fact even as her chest hurt that Keith would be crushed over the knowledge.

  “No, I didn't.” Why had she never learned to lie better? Not that having such a talent would be something to be proud of, but she never wanted to hurt him.

  Keith redirected his attention to the road. He slowed the car down and pulled over to the side of the road, turning to Virgil. “Get out.”

  Virgil sounded surprised, though no less amused. “Well, all righty then.”

  “No!” Kayla protested. “What if they hurt him?”

  “He's a man. He'll be fine,” Keith replied curtly.

  “Men can get hurt, too.”

  “I appreciate the concern, honey, but I'll be fine,” Virgil reassured her. “No one's ever gotten to me yet, not even this man's ill-tempered dad.”

  Keith's head snapped over toward Virgil who wore a sly half smile as he got out of the car. “What the hell do you know about my father?”

  Virgil's lips quirked up into a crooked grin, and he shrugged innocently. “I'd tell you, but some ornery twit kicked me to the curb without giving me a chance to prove I'm an okay guy and a damned fine one for Kayla.”

  “You shut up about her and tell me what you know about my father,” Keith snapped. “Have you seen him?”

  “Am I invited to dinner?” Virgil threw at him.

  Kayla tugged on Keith's arm. “Please, Keith. He's my friend.”

  Keith snorted. “Yeah, I'll bet he is. Fine, get your Southern ass back in here and tell me where my father is.”

  Virgil got back into the car, taking his precious time to shut and lock the door before satisfying the other man's curiosity. “I know his reasons for leaving had nothing to do with why you thought he left.”

  “How do you know my father?” Keith demanded.

  “You should probably drive, partner,” Virgil said.

  “I'll drive when I'm good and ready, partner. Now, tell me how you know my father.”

  “I worked with him. He couldn't tell you why he left, but he loves you and your brothers.”

  “How do you know him?”

  “We’re friends. We worked together before he retired.”

  “What’s his middle name?” Keith asked.

  “Earl. He walks with a cane and has the disposition of a lobster. Any more questions?”


  “You, Travis, and Jake he raised, and he was married to Julianne. He used to belong to a covert government division and go on missions to rescue people, among other things.”

  “What was the name of the division?

  Virgil looked over at him. “Black Lightning.”

  “Damn, I was hoping you were a fraud.” Keith looked concerned and frustrated. “Where is he?”

  “I'm not at liberty to say.”

  “The fuck does that mean?”

  “I have a feeling you'll see him again,” Virgil said as he gazed through the windshield at the lowering sun. “You'll see him real soon.”


  Travis helped his brothers clear the table while Kayla and Virgil talked in the living room.

  “So what do you guys make of him?” Keith asked, sneaking glances at the pair in the other room.

  “I don't like him,” Jake said. “He keeps looking at Kayla like he wants to kiss her. Makes me crabby.”

  Trust Jake to get all fired up over some man who happened to look at his woman.

  Travis rinsed a plate off. “He seems like a nice guy to me. I like him.”

  Keith snorted, still spying on the couple in the living room. “Well, apparently he and Kayla were pretty chummy back in California. She sucked his dick.”

  “What?” Jake growled.

  Travis frowned. “Now I hate him.”

  “Are you shitting me? What the hell did you leave them alone for?” Jake scolded.

  Travis took the dirty dish Jake abandoned and rinsed it off before loading the plate into the dishwasher. “It's not like anything can happen unless she allows it.”

  Jake's jaw clenched. “She'd better not or I'll paddle her ass.”

  Travis felt a wave of longing come over him when he thought of paddling Kayla's curva
ceous bottom. An even keener yearning heated his loins at the thought of playing doctor with her.

  Keith observed them from the doorway, shaking his head. “The guy said he knows our father.”

  Jake stiffened. “How?”

  “He said he worked with him,” Keith answered, turning to face his brothers.

  “Doing what?” Travis asked.

  “Virgil didn't say, but he did say that we'd probably see our father again real soon,” Keith said.

  Travis noted the internal war and silent screams in Keith's eyes and the hostile anger in Jake's stance. He'd helped their mother play father to his two younger brothers after their dad left. When Keith turned eighteen, their mother had moved away. He and his brothers were adults, but their sister, Miranda had still been a teenager at the time.

  “It's been years. Why the fuck would he show up now?” Jake asked through a bitter growl.

  Keith shrugged. “I don't know, but I'm kind of glad he is. I need answers.”

  “I don't want to see his abusive ass ever again,” Jake spat.

  Travis put his hand on Jake's shoulder. “He was drunk, Jake.”

  “That don't make it right,” Jake bit out.

  “No, it doesn't,” Travis agreed. He always felt guilty that his brothers had experienced a single incident of abuse, but he and Miranda never had. He was glad she hadn't, but it should have been him and not his poor brothers.

  Keith sighed. “It was just one time, Jake.”

  “I don't give a shit!” Jake raised his voice. “If I had a son, I sure as hell wouldn't abuse him, not even once. It makes me sick to think that Kayla got hit before, too. When I find those sons of bitches who hurt her, I'm gonna kill them.”

  Travis turned the dishwasher on. “Jake—”

  “Travis, if you try and stop me with your damned moral code, I'll duct-tape your mouth,” Jake said. “I want those nasty varmints dead, and I don't want to see our fucking dad ever again.”

  “It was just when we were little,” Keith reminded him. “Remember when he came back from that last trip and he was different? He was more cynical, but he was better to us. Yeah, he was a sarcastic smartass and he hated people, but he loved us and was good to us. Hell, it was almost like none of that shit had ever happened. We never even talked about it with him after he changed.”

  “Maybe you should have,” Travis suggested.

  Jake scowled. “Fuck talking. Our mom was right to throw the son of a bitch out.”

  Kayla walked into the kitchen with Virgil following. “What's going on in here?”

  “You, get out, you dick-offering bastard,” Jake spat.

  Virgil smirked. “You talking about that incident in my truck a year ago? I didn't offer. She pulled Willy boy out.”

  “Oh, she did, did she?” Jake's eyes narrowed when they fell on her. “Young lady, do you know what that means?”

  Kayla licked her lips, looking nervous yet eager. “I have the experience to please you?”

  Travis grinned. The sassy little thing, she said it so cute and innocent, too. If she agreed to explore BDSM with them, how could they ever discipline such an adorable little thing? Whenever he looked at Kayla he just wanted to cuddle with her and gobble her up in bed. Punishing her wouldn't be easy, though spanking her sure was a whole lot of fun.

  Jake's lips twitched like he wanted to chuckle over her remark. “No. It means you're in trouble for being a little sleaze.”

  She snickered. “I'm the sleaze? You've been with more people than me.”

  “Maybe,” Jake admitted, “but you see I didn't bring any of my exes into this house to piss you off.”

  She looked guilty. “I'm sorry. Virgil and I never went out, though.”

  Travis raised an eyebrow at her, jealous but still bemused over how cute she was. “That's even worse, cricket.”

  “I can leave if it's gonna be a problem,” Virgil offered, “but I was sent here to protect Kayla.”

  Kayla seemed as surprised by this as they were. “Who sent you?”

  “Someone you know,” Virgil said.

  “Start talking, happy dick,” Jake ordered.

  Travis snickered. “Happy dick, Jake, really?”

  “Well, with Kayla sucking him I'm sure he was,” Jake muttered in irritation. “Who sent you?”

  “Hugh Randall,” Virgil said, staring at Kayla.

  Her mouth fell open, and her eyes got huge.

  “He loves you, Kayla,” Virgil said. “He never meant to hurt you, but he had to leave to protect you. That's all he'll let me say. He said he'll explain the rest to you when he sees you.”

  “What a load of bull,” Keith muttered with a casual roll of his eyes.

  “Fuck that. No asshole is coming for her,” Jake argued. “Kayla is ours, and we're not letting her go with you or this Randall jackass.”

  “He's not coming to take her away,” Virgil explained, “just to give her closure and explain everything to her.”

  Kayla was still struck speechless, and she appeared as though she might cry.

  “Over my dead fucking body,” Jake said.

  Travis watched Kayla closely. Whoever this Hugh Randall person was, she obviously cared for him very much. “Who was he to you, Kayla?”

  “He was her Dom,” Virgil said.

  “What?” Jake and Keith exclaimed at once.

  Travis just listened, unsure of whether to be depressed that Kayla had had a Dom before him, or to be glad she had experience with BDSM.

  She made a face, seeming uncomfortable. “Thank you for volunteering that information, Virgil.”

  Virgil pursed his lips. “Sorry. Was I not supposed to say anything?”

  “No, it's fine. I guess it doesn't matter one way or the other.”

  “You had a Dom before us?” Keith asked, seeming just as put out as Jake.

  Travis glanced over at his other brother. Nope. Jake looked way more ticked off than Keith was.

  “Why didn't you tell us?” Jake demanded, grabbing her forearm and pulling her to him.

  Virgil looked uneasy. “Whoa, whoa. Easy there. Are all you fellas so touchy, grabby when you're irritated?”

  “They're just possessive of her,” Travis explained. “They would never hurt her.”

  “Well, that's fine I reckon,” Virgil said reluctantly, “just so long as nobody slaps her face in the name of possessiveness.”

  “Excuse me?” Keith growled. “We would never hurt her.”

  “Why the hell is this clown still here?” Jake asked, throwing Virgil an exasperated glance before looking back down at Kayla.

  “This clown was sent to protect her.” Virgil crossed his arms over his chest, holding his ground.

  “She doesn't need your protection. She has us,” Keith told him. “If this Dom was worth anything, he wouldn't have let her go.”

  “Hugh did it against his will to protect her,” Virgil explained. “And he never really got over her, which is why he intends to come explain himself to her.”

  “He's not getting her back,” Travis stated, folding his arms. “She's ours now.”

  “I think that's for Kayla to decide,” Virgil said, turning his attention to her. “Who do you want to be with, Kayla?”

  Her lips parted, and she truly looked shocked ... and torn. “Please don't put me on the spot.”

  “She wants us,” Jake growled. “Right, Kayla?”

  She nodded. “I do.”

  “So you don't feel anything for Hugh anymore?” Virgil asked. “Or for me?”

  Her eyes fell. “I guess I'll go pack my things. Goodbye.”

  “Excuse me?” Jake clutched her arm tighter.

  “Where do you think you're going?” Travis asked.

  “I should have known I'd lose you guys someday.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I won't hurt any of you. I'll just go, and you guys can each find yourselves a submissive skinny girl, or athletic, or whatever you guys want.”

  “We want you, little bird,” Keith ran his f
ingers up her nape through her hair. “You're not going anywhere.”

  “You expect me to be honest, but—”

  “Damned straight,” Jake blurted.

  Travis smiled. “Jake, you gun-jumper, I don't think she was finished.”

  “If I'm honest, everybody gets hurt, and then none of you will want me anymore,” she said with sadness in her sweet voice.

  “We'll always want you, girl,” Travis reassured her. “Now just tell us how you feel.”

  Her eyes closed, and her tone lowered to a grieved hush. “I love all of you, including Virgil, and I'm not over Ma—Mr. Randall. Goodbye now.”

  Jake gripped both her arms. “You're still not leaving.”

  “We appreciate your honesty,” Travis said though frankly it hurt like hell and made him fiercely jealous to think of her with another Dom—loving him no less.

  “Truth bites,” Keith complained, “but it's good that you were honest.”

  “What the Sam Hill does everybody keep saying that for?” Jake sounded annoyed. “She wasn't honest. We had to confront her about the truth and coax it out of her.”

  “She doesn't have to tell you everything,” Virgil said.

  “Yes, she does,” Keith argued.

  “What the hell is this clown still doing here?” Jake glared at Virgil.

  “As long as she's with you I'm sure Randall won't mind me leaving her for tonight,” Virgil said. He kissed the top of Kayla's head, seeming humored over Jake's glare of death. “I'll see you tomorrow, honey.”

  “Like hell you will,” Jake spat.

  “Actually I will.” Virgil headed out.

  “Keith, will you show our guest out?” Travis gave a sideways nod with his head.

  “Gladly.” Keith followed the cowboy out of the kitchen.

  Jake glowered down at Kayla. “We're gonna talk about this, pet. You're gonna tell us everything.”

  “I had a Dom once,” she said meekly with a shrug. “What's the big deal? You've had subs before.”

  “The big deal is that you loved him,” Travis said gently, “and it sounds like you still do. That's what you said.”

  Her face became gloomy with sorrow. “I can't help how I feel. We never really had any closure.”


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