Blaze: A Firefighter Romance

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Blaze: A Firefighter Romance Page 11

by Lisa Lace

  “Are you ready?”


  Nate thrust into me, and I gasped. I felt my body cry out as he filled me again and again, and warmth ran through my body. He pressed the weight of one hand down on my shoulder as he built speed and moved deeper within me. My breaths tore from me hot and fast, my fingers curling and uncurling around the edge of the pillows as I withheld a scream of pleasure that might wake the whole building.

  “Faster, Nate…faster!”

  All the restrained passion that we’d been holding back was now unleashed, and Nate fucked me like there was no tomorrow. I felt my body melt into his and my mind disappear as I was overcome with the sensation of his body drawing pleasure from mine.

  Then Nate drew away. He lay back on the mattress beside me and pulled me by the arm to sit up. When I lifted my body, he pulled me onto him. I straddled him and slowly lowered myself onto him. I let out a soft sigh of pleasure as he filled me again.

  It was a great view from on top. Nate’s body spread out before me like a masterpiece of masculinity. My hands ran over the ridges of his six-pack, and I leaned down to kiss him, my hair fanning over his face. When I did, Nate placed a hand on the base of my spine and pushed my pelvis down so that he was deeper inside me. I gasped but began to rock against him.

  New pleasure quickly began to mount deep down inside me. I wanted to ride him slow, but I was so close. I began to grind against him quickly. When I arched backward just slightly, Nate let out a low sound of pleasure, so I stayed there, grinding and building speed. He placed a hand on either hip and kept pulling my body down, making sure that each thrust was as deep as I could take him. I felt myself grow dizzy with pleasure and breathless.

  I was growing headier with each deep, full thrust. Suddenly, the wave crashed, and I exploded into an orgasm that filled my whole body. I cried out. I went to stop, but Nate grinned wickedly at me, his hands still on my hips, and he pushed me down onto him again. He wasn’t finished.

  We rolled over again so that I was lying on my back and Nate was on top of me. I was still in the throes of my last orgasm when Nate took over and began to pound into me, deep, hard, fast. Each time he slammed into me, another wave of pleasure cascaded. As Nate got close to finishing, he started moving even faster, until I was quivering from the feeling of him.

  At last, he came. He lowered his body over mine, and I wrapped my arms around him, feeling the sweat on his back. He raised his head, and his eyes met mine. There was that fire. He kissed me again and then lay by my side.

  “That was…amazing,” I said breathlessly.

  He smiled. “I knew it would be. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”

  “And tomorrow?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What happens then?”

  Nate moved closer to me and pulled me into his arms so that I was nestled safely against his chest. “Tomorrow, we get to do it all over again.”

  First my body, and now my heart, filled with sweet sensations. I looked over at Nate, and my heart surged with affection. He was sexy and masculine and admirable in so many ways, but Nate was more than just a god on a pedestal. He was a good man, and I trusted him.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Strolling along by the river with Jenna, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her.

  She was wearing a cute little floral sundress and a pink cardigan. Her hair was loose and flowing. She looked perfect.

  My mind flashed back to the night before when Jenna’s appearance hadn’t been so modest. When I shut my eyes, I could still picture her laid out on the bed, her eyes inviting me in.

  Jenna was incredible and had all the qualities I looked for in a woman—smart, funny, beautiful, and with the kind of sex appeal that was subtle during the day, but overwhelming behind closed doors. Last night, Jenna had been a bombshell in the bedroom.

  She noticed me staring, and gave a little giggle. She blushed, and bit down on her lip, as she did so often. “What?”

  “Nothing. I’m just thinking what a lucky guy I am.”

  I held out my hand to Jenna, and she eagerly clasped her fingers around mine and beamed up at me as we continued to take our time, walking on the path along the river.

  There was a joy about Jenna today. She couldn’t keep the smile off her face and seemed as though she was walking on air. I was also feeling in high spirits; seeing that beautiful smile every time I glanced in Jenna’s direction made me want to smile as well.

  “What do you think of the river?”

  It was a mild day; not too hot, not too cold. There was a slight breeze in the air, which caused the skirt of Jenna’s dress to flutter about her knees. I thought it was cute the way she modestly held it down.

  The river had a gentle current; almost still. Everything was quiet, apart from the sound of birds singing, hidden somewhere in the trees.

  “It’s so pretty! And it’s such a gorgeous day. This was a great idea, Nate.”

  I wanted to do something a bit different for our next date. A day trip. The nighttime electricity between us was vivid and enticing, but I also wanted to get to know Jenna and to give her a chance to get me. I thought a walk by the river was the perfect chance to spend some time together with no distractions.

  “Harriet loves it down here,” I told Jenna. “She always comes back with an armful of flowers. They’re wildflowers, the kind that are too small for vases. I always end up putting them in mugs or glasses around the house. She loves them.”

  “She’s adorable. So inquisitive. She’s a very curious girl; always asking questions. That means she’s smart.”

  “You think so?”

  “I sure do. You’ve got one clever little girl on your hands there.”

  I smiled, and Jenna smiled back.

  A short while later, we came to a bench along the path. I’d packed a picnic for us which I set down on the bench. Jenna and I sat down, and I handed her a sandwich. She unwrapped the foil slowly and carefully and began to nibble on the bread delicately. As she ate, her eyes wandered over the wildflowers, and I saw the appreciation in her smile. I enjoyed watching her.

  Jenna looked over at me and smiled. “The flowers are so pretty. You know, we had the most amazing lake in the town where I grew up.”


  “Charlotte and I used to take picnics down there all the time and swim in the water. Mom would have been so mad if she’d known. She always told us it was too dangerous.”

  “She was probably right.”

  Jenna looked up at me and grinned mischievously. “Well, I never listened. I liked to swim. We used to spend hours at the lakeside, racing around and playing games. Charlotte grew out of it long before I did. She met Dave when she was pretty young and didn’t have time for picnics by the lake.”

  “That’s a shame. What did you do, then?”

  She laughed. “Well, I just kept going on my own!”

  “You seem to do a lot on your own.” I realized that the words could have sounded like an insult when I didn’t mean them to be, so I went on. “What I mean is that a lot of women seem to be afraid to get out there on their own. You just get out there and do it.”

  Jenna looked down at the ground and shook her head a little. “I’ve not always stood on my own two feet.”

  The way that Jenna said that made me think that there was a story behind those words, but she didn’t say any more about it. Instead, she changed the subject. “You know, I’ve found a college in Fort Wayne that’ll accept my existing credits. I can transfer what I’ve done so far and finally finish my degree.”

  “You’re kidding!” I exclaimed. “That’s great news! Are you going back to school full-time?”

  “No. I’ve got bills to pay. They do a night school. That’s what I’m going to do.”

  “Wow. That’s really great to hear. You’re gonna be so great as a preschool teacher. I know that Harriet adores you.”

  “I adore her! I adore all those kid

  “How long will it take you to finish the degree?”

  “They said four semesters.”

  “That’s not too long.”

  “No, not really.” She looked up and smiled at me with bright eyes. “It actually feels like it’s within reach.”

  “Of course, it is! When do you start?”

  Jenna gave a little shrug. “I’m not sure yet. I haven’t put in a formal application. There are still a few things left to figure out, but my parents have been really kind. They said they’ll lend me the money I need for any costs I can’t afford alone. I’ll pay them back as soon as I’m teaching.”

  “That’s really great. I’m pleased for you. I bet Mrs. Gatsby will be retiring soon. You’ll be ready in time to step right up!”

  Jenna laughed lightly. “It would be nice to think it would be that easy. If there’s no place for me where I’m at, there’s always that other preschool.”

  “Things will fall into place. Life has a funny way of getting you where you’re meant to be.”

  She looked up at me with eyes full of affection. “It sure does.”

  “You know, I was so glad you changed your mind about this.”

  “You mean us?”


  Jenna nodded. “Me, too.”

  “What was holding you back?”

  “Oh, you know. New town, new job. You were a guy I didn’t know that well, and I was still finding my way. I just wanted to get settled and take things slow.”

  “I was starting to get worried that I’d been outshone by Jason Hasting.”

  Jenna bust out laughing. “What? No! I’m not interested in him.”

  “Ah, but Carla tells me he’s a very eligible bachelor.”

  “You talk about me with Carla?” Jenna’s eyes were sparkling with mischief. She was onto me, and I had to laugh.

  “Maybe sometimes.”

  “And what do you say about me with Carla when I’m not there?”

  “It’s a well-known fact that Carla knows everything about everyone. If you want to find out more about a beautiful woman, you go to Carla.”

  “Mm-hmm. Well, I hope Carla had only the best things to say about me.”

  “She spoke very highly of you.”

  Jenna laughed. “Funny! She spoke very highly of you, too!”

  “For once, I’m not even annoyed at her match-making. I think this time she got it pretty spot-on.”

  Jenna’s smile widened and, she pulled me down onto the grass with her. We sat side-by-side, facing the river, and opened the picnic basket. I poured some soda for Jenna, and she took the cup from me with a smile and then nestled up against me. I put my arm around her.

  It felt right to have her close to me, and I was smitten. Jenna was an incredibly sexy woman, and her beauty had attracted me to her at first, but she was so much more than that, too. When she told me about all her hopes and dreams, and when we laughed together and walked hand in hand, she felt like a friend. Something about this woman was magnetic, and I was looking forward to spending a lot more time with her.

  Chapter Sixteen


  It had been a wonderful afternoon; slow, easy, pleasant. Nate had been casting me glances all day long, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off him, either. Finally, that little bit of magic between us had been allowed to take wing, and I think we were both on cloud nine.

  After the picnic, we went back to Nate’s. It was the first time I had been in his house, and I slowly wandered down his hall, casting my gaze around his living room to get a sense of him.

  The townhouse was minimalistic, but there was a sense of style in the sparseness. Photographs of Nate, Marie, and Harriet were on the walls in the hall. It was the first time I saw her—Marie. She was beautiful. Blonde, beaming, vibrant. I could sense the life she had exuded just from her picture. And there was Nate—younger, fresher, happy. I wondered if he would find happiness with me too.

  The living room didn’t have much furniture apart from a TV unit and television, a gray sofa with a multicolor throw tossed over the back and a few scattered pillows, and a copper coffee table. In place of furniture were toys; mountains of toys.

  For how little furniture was in the place, it still looked lived in and homey. The toys and photographs painted a picture of a family life going on between these four walls.

  Inside I could hear Kacey talking to Harriet. When the door clicked shut behind us, both of them came into the hall; Harriet dashing like a puppy, and Kacey a few steps behind, smiling knowingly. I caught her eye when I entered, and we exchanged a friendly smile.

  Nate didn’t know that I had been going to Kacey’s support group. At least, I trusted that Kacey hadn’t let on. Nate hadn’t mentioned it, and I didn’t get the sense that he knew anything, so I believed that my secret was safe.

  “Miss Dawson!”

  Harriet had stumbled in front of me and was looking up at me with wide, disbelieving eyes. She looked from me to her Daddy with excited confusion.

  “Hello, Harriet! How are you today?”

  Instead of a reply, Harriet gave a nervous little giggle and dashed back into the living room.

  Nate smiled with amusement and turned to his sister. “How was she? Did she behave?”

  “No more trouble than usual.” Kacey grinned and turned to me. “Nice to see you, Jenna! Did you guys have a fun picnic?”

  “It was great,” I said, looking up at Nate and beaming. “I had a wonderful time.”

  “Not too hot, not too cold,” Nate added. “It was nice.”

  “What are you guys doing for the rest of the night?”

  Nate and I exchanged glances and then smiled in unison. I laughed and bowed my head, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear shyly. “I think maybe I’ll stay a while. If that’s all right with Nate.”


  Kacey’s grin grew, and she grabbed her jacket from a coat hook by the door. “Well, I guess I’ll leave you two to it, then.” She threw me another smile. “See you on Wednesday.”

  For a moment I panicked, thinking Kacey had given away the fact that I’d be at her support group.

  She must have seen the panic flash across my face because she caught my eye and said meaningfully, “To pick up Harriet.”

  “Oh, sure. See you then.”

  Kacey waved goodbye and headed to her car outside. Once she had left, Nate took a step closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Alone at last.”

  “Daddy, daddy!”

  Harriet came barreling back around the doorframe with a messy drawing in her hands and then stopped still again when she saw Nate with his arms around me. She cocked her head to one side as her little mind tried to process this new information. “Are you staying for dinner?”

  I laughed. “I think so if your Daddy will let me.”

  “Sure, Miss Dawson can stay for dinner! Miss Dawson’s new to our dinners, though. You better tell her the bad news. What happens at our dinners?”

  Harriet made a face. “Vegetables.”

  “What kind?”

  “Good question, Miss Dawson.” Nate turned to Harriet and crossed his arms across his chest. “Which vegetables would we like, Harri?”

  She thought about it for a moment. “Peas.”

  “Excellent choice. Now, why don’t you go and finish the DVD we started yesterday while Miss Dawson and I make dinner, hmm?”

  Harriet dithered a moment but then decided that a DVD sounded more exciting than peas and headed back into the living room. I followed Nate into the kitchen.

  The kitchen was larger than mine, with cupboards along two walls and an island in the middle. Nate opened his fridge door and pulled out a fresh pack of chicken. “Chicken, mashed potatoes, and peas?”

  “Sounds perfect. Can I help?”

  “Not at all. You’re my guest. You can sit down right there on the stool.”

  I did as I was told and crossed my arms over the counter as I watched Nate peel potatoes.
“I thought you were a frozen dinner man? This all looks fresh to me.”

  “It’s all part of my resolution to become a master-chef super-dad.”

  Nate peeled and chopped the potatoes and set them to boil, and put the chicken in a roasting pan in the cooker. Soon, dinner was ready, and we ate with Harriet at the table. She soon got over her initial shock at seeing Miss Dawson in her house and came to life, telling stories in her little chatter while Nate and I smiled at one another.

  After dinner, Nate got Harriet ready for sleep and put her to bed. Afterward, he joined me in his living room, pressing a glass of wine into my hand. “Sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be sorry! That’s what dads do. You’re great with her.”

  Nate smiled. “I try to be.”

  I felt myself relaxing as I took the first sip of wine and settled back into Nate’s sofa. He placed his arm around me, and we just sat a while enjoying the silence.

  “Mmm. This is nice.”

  “It is nice,” Nate agreed. “I’m so glad you moved to this town.”

  “Me too. I never believed I could be this happy.”

  Nate turned and fixed me with a serious expression. He paused a moment before he spoke next, letting an unspoken question linger before he said it out loud. “What happened back in Pennsylvania?”

  I turned my gaze away and placed my glass down on the coffee table. “What do you mean?”

  “Just a feeling I have. When you first came, you were totally different than the way you are now. Unsure. Unsettled. Like you were looking over your shoulder.”

  “I didn’t realize I came off that way.” I sighed heavily and looked over at Nate. His eyes were intense and full of concern. “I did leave Pennsylvania for a reason. My ex.”

  “Looking for a fresh start?”

  I let out a long breath, wondering how much of my heart I wanted to lay out, and how much of my story I was ready to tell. I tucked a foot up under me to get more comfortable and twisted to face Nate more squarely, resting my head on my hand, my elbow on the back of the sofa.


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