All That and a Bag of Chips

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All That and a Bag of Chips Page 25

by Darrien Lee

  Jarvis was still calling and telling her all kinds of things. He talked phone sex to her a lot and he was good at it; too good. Venice always hung up hot and bothered. Jarvis took advantage of the fact that Craig was on line. That’s why he did it. He just hoped he was the one who got to put out her fire first.

  Venice and Monique were just getting back in from the laundry. They threw their baskets on the floor and began the task of folding. Monique checked the answering machine for messages. The messages started replaying. Venice continued to put her clothes away when there was a knock at the door.

  When she opened it, there stood a dorm mate, Tara, from across the hall. She asked, “What are ya’ll up to?”

  Monique said, “Nothing much. Just trying to get these dang clothes folded. I’m failing my Calculus class. So what else is new?”

  “Bored. That’s why I came over here. Hey, did ya’ll hear about the Tau Nu big brothers getting hoes for the pledges?”

  Venice looked up and said, “What!”

  Monique asked, “What are you talking about?”

  Tara went on to say, “I heard that the big brothers like to make sure none of the pledges are virgins so, before they cross them, they hook them up with hoes and have one big freak fest. Ain’t that nothing! These crazy men around here will do anything.”

  Venice jumped up off the bed and left the room, slamming the door. Monique and their friend were startled and jumped when the door slammed.

  Tara asked, “What the hell is wrong with Venice?”

  “Her man is on the Tau Nu line.”

  Tara threw her hand over her mouth. “Dang! I didn’t know I was cracking on her man. Let me get out of here before I put my foot in my mouth again. I’ll check ya’ll out later.”

  “All right! Don’t worry about Venice. She’ll be straight. Craig wouldn’t do anything like that. Let me go check on her. I’ll see you later.”

  They left the room together and Monique went down the hall to look for Venice.

  Monique figured the only place Venice would run to was Chanelle’s room. As she got on the elevator, she mumbled to herself, “I hope C wouldn’t do that to Venice.”

  When Monique got to Chanelle’s room, Venice was sitting on the bed talking to Chanelle and asking, “Chanelle, have you heard anything about the pledges having to screw before they cross?”

  “I heard some of the frats do that. I don’t believe Craig would follow those fools.”

  Monique said, “Me either.”

  Venice said, “It would be a chance for him to get back at me for what I did.”

  Monique asked, “What did you do to him?”

  Everyone in the room became quiet. Chanelle gave Monique a look to let it go.

  Venice then said, “If he did do it, I don’t think I could blame him.”

  Monique asked again, “What did you do to him?”

  Venice said, “Mind your business, Monique! Damn!”

  Chanelle said, “Monique, chill, okay?

  “Chanelle, I’ll talk to you later.”

  Venice got up from the bed and thanked her for listening, then left.

  Monique said, “I’ll be up later.”

  She thought she was going to get the 411 from Chanelle, but she was wrong. Chanelle never told Venice’s business or betrayed their friendship. Monique was out of luck.

  Venice got on the elevator and made her way back up to the room. When she opened the door, the phone was ringing. She answered it and heard a voice say, “Hey, girl! What’s up?”

  It was Jarvis.

  Venice said, “Not much. What are you up to?”

  “Exams and more exams and missing you.”

  Then he started talking nasty to her. He knew the things he whispered to her always got her blood boiling.

  “Jarvis, you’re so nasty.”

  “You like it.”

  “Are you coming home for Christmas?”

  “Looks like it and I can’t wait to see you.”

  They talked a while longer and Venice told him good luck on the rest of his exams. He wished her the same and told her that he loved her.

  Venice responded, “I love you, Jarvis.”

  The noise level in the hallway increased as the night wore on. Monique found out from Chanelle that a party was being held in the gym sponsored by the student government association.

  Monique said, “Come on, Venice, go with me. You need to get out of here.”

  “I may come over there later. I’m gonna try to call Joshua.”

  Monique put on her jeans, a sweater, and some boots. She put on some makeup and styled her hair. She opened the door and went across the hall to see if Tara and her roommate were going. They were already set to go. Monique came back over to the room and let Venice know they were leaving.

  Venice sat up on the bed and turned off the TV. She put in one of her favorite CDs and laid back down trying to mellow out. She heard a commotion outside the room and she opened the door to see what was up. Another sorority was crossing their pledges. Venice slammed the door because this only reminded her of what her she was dealing with. The phone rang and it was Bryan.

  “Hey, girl! What’s up?

  “Not much. Just sitting here debating if I’m going to this party.”

  “Is something on your mind?”

  “No, I just wanted to talk to you. I haven’t heard from you in a while. Jarvis called me a little while ago.”

  “How’s he doing?”

  “He’s doing fine. Exams just like me.”

  “Uh-huh…ya’ll still kicking it?”

  “When we get a chance.”

  “It not fair to string Craig along. You need to tell him the truth.”

  “I care for him, Bryan. I love him, too.”

  “Has his line crossed yet?”


  Venice explained the rumors to Bryan about the required sex.

  Bryan replied, “It’ll be fine and don’t pay any attention to the rumors. Okay?”

  “I’ll try. I’ll call you in a few days. Love you.”

  “Venice, it’ll work out.”

  “I hope so. Tell everybody hello and I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”

  Venice got her pager, got dressed, and decided to go to the party. She joined her partners and seemed to be having a good time. It wasn’t long before Tim spotted her. He joined them and seemed to pick up on the fact that Venice wasn’t herself. A slow song began to play and Tim held Venice differently that night. She also laid upon his shoulder differently. Tim rubbed her back and pulled her closer. Venice didn’t even notice the difference. All she could think about was how much she missed Craig and how she couldn’t hurt him.

  After the song was over, Tim pulled her by the hand and they found a seat. Tim said, “What’s up with you tonight?”

  “Don’t ask. I want to just chill.”

  Tim moved his seat closer. “Fine with me.”

  Venice looked at Tim and said, “You’d better scoot your seat back over there before your crazy girlfriend catches you.”

  “She doesn’t own me.”

  About that time, Tim’s girlfriend came from out of nowhere and kicked the bottom of Venice’s chair. “Bitch, I told you to…”

  Those were the last words she got out of her mouth. Venice jumped up and grabbed her by the throat. Tim also jumped up and tried to break the two women up. Neither of them were hitting each other. Just holding on. Venice somehow got the other girl down and was squeezing her neck.

  Venice angrily said, “I’m sick of your silly ass!”

  Spoonie ran over to get Venice off the girl. Venice had a lot of anger and was, unfortunately, releasing it on Tim’s girl. The crowd in the gym ran over to see what was happening. Spoonie and Tim got the two separated and out of the building before security could intervene.

  Spoonie, Monique, and Chanelle got Venice outside. Spoonie said, “Damn, Venice! What are you trying to do, kill her!”

  “Forget ya’ll! I’m sick of

  Venice started walking alone back toward the dorm. Spoonie told Monique and Chanelle that he’d walk with her and make sure she made it back to the room okay. As they walked, Venice didn’t say a word.

  Spoonie said, “If you’re not going to talk, then listen. Chanelle told me that you had some stuff on your mind tonight. Craig’s my boy and I have all the confidence in the world that he’s being cool. You should know Craig better than that by now. But maybe I was wrong about you. You need to quit letting these chickenhead girls around here fill your head with all that trash. I’m not taking up for the frats because some do some messed up shit.”

  They reached the fountain in front of her dorm where Spoonie told her to sit down. She sat down and Spoonie said, “I know it’s been a long, hard five weeks not seeing him, Venice. But you’re gonna have to trust him.”

  Solemnly, she asked, “Spoonie, I snapped, didn’t I?”

  “I was shocked to see you jump on that girl like that. You could get kicked out of school for stuff like that. Don’t do that again! It’s not worth it. I know you were defending yourself, but be careful.”

  “Craig hates me, doesn’t he?”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “You know…because of my past and my ex-husband.”

  “Look, that’s none of my business. But I do know that man loves the hell out of you in spite of your past.”

  “I don’t want to hurt him, Spoonie.”

  “He knows you love him and he knows you’re torn.”

  “It’s not fair for me to do him like this.”

  “He’s aware of the risks.”

  “I really love him.”

  “I know…let’s go.”

  Venice hugged him and said, “Thanks, Spoonie.”

  “You’re welcome. Now come on so I can make sure you get to your room.”

  They walked into the dorm and up to her floor. As they walked down the hall, some of the girls looked at Venice strangely. Most of the girls knew Spoonie was Chanelle’s man. Venice figured they assumed she was gonna try to disrespect her best friend and hook up with him.

  She invited him into the room and Spoonie said, “Remember what I said. Don’t listen to these fools around here. They’ll probably have some rumors out on you and me before I leave the dorm.”

  Venice walked over to Spoonie, gave him and hug and a kiss, and said, “Thanks for giving me a shoulder to cry on.”

  “No problem. That’s what I’m here for. Now…let me get out of here. I’ll see you later.”


  Saturday morning came in with a bang. Monique and Venice were sound asleep when they heard from outside, “Good morning, beautiful ladies of Edwards Hall! Coming to you from the men of Tau Nu Fraternity Inc.!”

  When Monique rose to look out the window, she could she Craig’s line outside giving the morning wake up call. Venice turned over and looked at the clock and saw it was 6:30 a.m.

  Monique said, “I wish I had some hot water to throw out there on those fools. Don’t they know it’s Saturday?”

  Venice got out of bed and walked over to look out. She saw Craig in the middle of the line. They had their sweatsuits on and the hoods over their heads.

  Venice opened the window and hollered out, “Take that noise away from here!” She angrily closed the window and crawled back into bed. Craig smiled because he knew that fiery voice anywhere.

  Within a few seconds, they jogged away singing some type of frat song.

  Venice said, “Fools!” Then jumped up and went into the bathroom. When she came out, she crawled back into bed and went back to sleep.

  A few hours later, the two got up and discussed their plans for the day. Monique had a hair appointment and Venice was going to spend the day with Sidney. As they dressed, Monique said, “Venice, I’m going to get a “B” in Calculus.”

  “How did you manage that?”

  “I broke the professor off a little something something.”

  “Tell me you didn’t!”

  “Don’t holler, Venice. Damn!”

  “So what if he doesn’t give you the grade?”

  Monique went over to her closet and pulled out a videotape. She had two tapes: one setting up their rendezvous and the other recording their rendezvous.

  Monique said, “He doesn’t know I have insurance.”

  “Girl, you’re crazy. You’d better watch yourself.”

  They dressed and went their separate ways.

  When Venice arrived at Sidney’s house, she spotted Galen’s car. She knocked on the door and he let her in. He was on his way out to meet some of the fellas for a game of basketball. He kissed Venice on the cheek on the way out while eating some type of sandwich.

  Venice closed the door as she came inside. “Sidney!”

  From the back room, Sidney answered, “Hey, girl! Come on back!”

  Venice put her purse down on the chair and found Sidney in the bedroom making the bed

  Venice sat down in the chair and said, “I guess you’re changing the sheets, huh!”

  “Don’t go there!”

  Venice went over to put on some of Sidney’s perfume. “I don’t see what you see in my triflin’ brother. He could’ve stayed here and helped you.”

  “No! I wanted him to go on. He’s really different with me. You guys don’t see it. Most of the time, he does the housework around here.”

  “Are we talking about the same person?”

  Sidney laughed. “Yes, I’m talking about Galen. He’s very sensitive and sweet.”

  Venice burst out laughing and continued to smell Sidney’s different perfumes and lotions. Sidney moaned and grabbed her head.

  Venice turned around and said, “Sidney, are you okay?”

  Sidney sat down on the bed and said, “I’m okay. I just got a little dizzy.”

  “Are you sure? You’re sweating.”

  Venice made Sidney lay down on the bed while she went to get her some water. When she came back into the room, she asked, “Do you want me to page Galen?”

  “No, I’ll be fine. Just give me a minute.”

  Venice sat on the bed next to her and said, “I think I need to get you to a doctor, Sidney.”

  Sidney sat up in the bed and replied, “There’s no need, Venice. I’m fine. I’m just a little pregnant.”

  “You’re lying!”

  “In a way, I wish I was.”

  “Does Galen know?”

  “Yes, he’s known for a few weeks now.”

  “How far along are you?”

  Sidney sat the glass of water down on the nightstand and said, “About ten weeks. Don’t say anything to Galen. I think he wants to break the news to you and your family himself.”

  Venice laid back on the bed and said, “So what are you guys going to do?”

  “I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to hide it.”

  “I’m happy for you guys. I’m going to be an Auntie again. I hope it’s a boy!”

  “So do I. Galen said it didn’t matter to him.”

  They continued to talk about the blessed news. Venice decided Sidney should take it easy so she left to go by Craig’s church. As she walked across the parking lot, she could still hear his voice and realized how much she missed him. No matter what was happening between her and Jarvis, she still cared for Craig.

  As usual, the Sunday services got off to a great start. They went through the regulars: announcements, collections, etc. The choir sang several songs throughout the morning. Venice could see Craig sitting in the back row. They had a large choir membership, estimated to be about a hundred members. Before the minister began his sermon, the choir stood up for the song of preparation. Craig stepped out to the microphone and began the song. Venice’s heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest. The congregation was on their feet. When he reached the second verse, he spotted Venice in the crowd. He smiled and never skipped a beat. Several members of the church had the spirit take over them. It was a very mov
ing scene. When church finally let out, they waited outside hoping for a chance to talk to Craig. They greeted several members they’d met since coming there.

  Finally, Craig exited the church talking to some other church members. Venice looked behind him to see if he had his frat brother escort. Luckily, he didn’t.

  Chanelle ran up to him and hugged him. “Man, you tore that song up! You really have some pipes on you, boy! That was beautiful!”

  Craig was staring at Venice as he threw his choir robe over his shoulder. He smiled and hugged Chanelle, not breaking his gaze from Venice.

  “How are you, Ms. Taylor?”

  Before she could reply, he pulled her to him and gave her an unexpected kiss, right there in front of everyone.

  Venice was a little surprised and embarrassed. “I missed you, too.”

  Craig partially released his hold on her and said, “You two will be happy to know that we crossed over about three o’clock this morning.”

  Chanelle shouted, “That’s great!”

  Venice stood back and asked, “Why didn’t you call me?”

  “Baby, it was too late. I didn’t want to wake you. I’ve been up almost twenty- four hours and I’m dead on my feet. Please just be happy it’s over. Okay?”

  Venice opened the door to his truck for him so he could put his robe inside.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I am glad it’s over. Five weeks was a long time, if you know what I mean.”

  Chanelle walked off to talk to some of the church members to give them some privacy.

  Craig said, “Was Bernice inside?”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  Staring at her with his seductive eyes, he asked, “Do you mind driving me home? I feel like I might fall asleep at the wheel.”

  “I don’t mind. Let me ask Chanelle if she would drive my car back to campus.”

  Chanelle had no problem with it so they went their separate ways. She barely got out of the parking lot before Craig was snoring. When they reached the house, she woke him up and let him know they were home. Venice took off her jacket and before she had a chance, Craig was behind her unzipping her skirt. He turned her around and started unbuttoning her blouse. Flames immediately ran from her toes to her head as her breath left her body. She stood there as he undressed her slowly and erotically. After removing her blouse, he gently kissed her for several minutes on her shoulders, face, and neck. Immediately, she felt his desire come to life.


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