All That and a Bag of Chips

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All That and a Bag of Chips Page 37

by Darrien Lee

  “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Just nerves.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She leaned back in the seat, closed her eyes, and said, “I’ll be all right.”

  He backed out of the driveway and headed to the mall. As he drove, he asked, “Are you going to stay with me tonight?”


  He laughed. “Oh, you’re going to make me wait?”

  “You’d better know it.”

  After shopping, they took the items over to Bryan’s house to wrap them in private. Joshua came by and offered to help. Before they could finish wrapping, Jarvis had to leave and run some errands for his mom. Joshua told Bryan that he would take Venice home. Before Bryan left, he gave Venice a kiss and said, “I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “No rush. I’ll probably be over here for a while.”

  After he left, Joshua said, “You look terrible. What’s going on with you?”

  She sat down next to him and said, “Joshua, my nerves are so shaken, it’s making me sick. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, and I’m tripping.”

  He patted her on the leg and said, “You don’t have anything to be nervous about. What’s wrong? Are you thinking about Craig again?”

  She got up and picked up some ribbon. “Sometimes, but not like I used to.”

  “Well, you should be cool then.”

  She got unusually quiet as she wrapped another gift. “Joshua, I’m late.”

  He was switching channels with the remote. He looked at his watch and said, “Late for what? Where you got to go?”

  She looked at him seriously and said, “Not that kind of late!”

  “I know you’re not talking about what I think you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, and I don’t want to know the truth right now.”

  Joshua looked her in the eyes and asked, “Does Jarvis know?”

  “Oh no!”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t want to upset him right now. He’s getting curious because I’ve been sick.”

  Joshua fell back on the sofa and said, “That’s messed up, Niecy. What are you going to do?”

  “Nothing and you keep your damn mouth shut.”

  “How could something like this happen?”

  “I don’t know. The last time this happened, my doctor increased the dosage of my birth control pills and said one of us is unusually fertile.”

  Joshua stared at her. “For your sake, I hope you’re not pregnant. Talking about deja vu. Your family will go off. Venice, you need to get a pregnancy test.”

  “I can’t handle that right now.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t try to help you.” There was no response. “Niecy?”


  “If you’re really pregnant, could it be Craig’s?”

  Startled by his comment, she looked up and said, “We always used protection.”

  “Just checking.”

  She held his hand and said, “I know. I appreciate your help, Joshua. I may decide to take a test. I just don’t want to right now. Look, I don’t want to talk about it any longer. Okay?”

  He agreed and helped her finish wrapping the gifts.


  It was the day before the wedding and the rehearsal was scheduled for that evening. Venice hadn’t been sick all day, but she did let Joshua pick up a pregnancy test for her. At least if she got up the nerve to take the test, it would be available. She still hadn’t heard from Craig. She hoped that he was on his way. Sinclair was running rehearsals smoothly as Venice sat up front to watch Jarvis and the others get their instructions. Crimson was bopping around having a good time. She told everyone that she was going to look like a princess the next day. Venice sat there and stared at Sidney, who was now six months pregnant. She was glowing and Galen was a changed man. Jarvis was visibly excited and occasionally looked over at Venice winking or blowing her kisses. Venice checked her watch and saw that things were running on schedule. Sinclair was touching up the decorations in the church. She wanted to make sure every “t” was crossed and every “i” was dotted.

  After about thirty more minutes, the rehearsal was over. They had the rehearsal dinner at a local restaurant arranged by Jarvis’ parents. As they ate, Mr. Taylor became emotional as he told everyone about his feelings to finally get to walk his baby down the aisle. He praised Jarvis for being who he was and for taking care of his daughter. Once he sat down, each person stood up and said nice things about the two. Joshua made it a point to be the last one. He told the story about his relationship with Venice over the years. He explained he wasn’t blessed to have a sister, but she was the best sister anyone could ever wish for.

  Next, Joshua told the story about how he almost died in December and could’ve missed the event. This brought tears to everyone’s eyes in the room. He went on to tell of his closeness with Jarvis and how they’d had their brotherly ups and downs. He ended with, “No two people deserve to be together as much as Jarvis and Venice. I believed they were destined for this day the moment they were born. You two are my closest friends. I wish you nothing but love and happiness and a couple of little Venices and Jarvis’ running around one day.” Everyone laughed, then Joshua finished with, “Seriously, I love you two very much and I’ll always be there for you.” Venice, with tears flowing, got up and hugged Joshua tightly. “Thank you!”

  He said, “You’re welcome.”

  She laughed, kissed him, and said, “I love you, Joshua.”

  He took a sip of his drink and said, “I know.”

  After everyone had finished eating, Jarvis and Venice gave out their gifts. Jarvis went out with his friends, but Venice didn’t feel well, so she went home.

  Before Venice knew it, the sun had come up. She had an early hair appointment so she had to get moving. Venice hid the pregnancy test in her suitcase and dressed. Before she could finish combing her hair, the sickness hit her hard. She tried her best to hide this from her mother, who was downstairs waiting on her to go to the beauty shop.

  Venice needed more time to get herself together. She hollered for her mom to go ahead. She told her that she’d meet her there in a few minutes. The wedding was six hours away. Venice had no idea whether she’d be well enough to walk down the aisle, but she had no choice. As she held a cool towel to her head, the doorbell rang.

  Who could this be?

  When Venice got to the door, a delivery person was standing there with a large flower arrangement. She told him to put it inside the den. She was wondering who could’ve sent them. When the delivery person left, she read the card:

  “To the most beautiful bride in the world. I just wish you were going to be standing next to me instead. I wish you much happiness. With eternal love, Craig.”

  Venice stood there and held the card to her heart, then grabbed her purse and headed out the door. She read the card again as she drove to the beauty shop. She stuck it in her purse for safekeeping.

  Venice was quiet at the beauty shop. The beautician had closed her shop for the day to fix all the ladies’ hair. Venice was still a little sick so she drank another 7-up. She was afraid to put anything in her stomach besides crackers.

  Her mom asked, “Venice, are you ill?”

  “I’m just nervous, Momma. That’s all.”

  Mrs. Taylor pushed the issue and said, “You don’t look well at all. Patricia, how soon will you be ready for Venice?”

  “About an hour.”

  Mrs. Taylor asked, “Would it be all right if Venice went home and laid down? She’s not feeling well. We can call her when you’re about ready for her.”

  Patricia told Venice it would be fine. Venice only lived five minutes away, so she took her up on the offer.

  When Venice walked back inside her room, she had a message on the answering machine. She pushed the button and heard, “Hey, Niecy. I know I’m not allowed to see you before the wedding, but I had to call. I want you to know that I love you more than you could ever
know. I’m going to do everything in my power to make you happy. I also want you to know that I don’t care about the football, the money, any of it. I’d rather be poor and have you in my life, than be rich and without you any day. I can’t wait to see you come down that aisle to me. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you at the altar, sweetheart.”

  Venice smiled, removed the tape, and locked it away in her hope chest. She laid down on the bed and waited for her call from the beauty shop.

  The countdown had started. Venice was at the church, dressed and ready to have her pictures made. The men weren’t scheduled to be there for another fifteen minutes. The wedding was in less than an one hour. Venice was hoping she could make it without getting sick. Her makeup was flawless and she looked like she’d stepped right out of Bride’s Magazine. Her mother cried when she saw the finished product of her baby girl. Mrs. Anderson cried also, which started a chain reaction from Sidney to Chanelle on down to Sinclair.

  After all the pictures were taken, Venice took off her dress and laid down on the sofa to relax before the ceremony started. It was Joshua’s job to keep her company while she waited.

  They sat there in silence for awhile, then Joshua looked over at Venice and said, “You clean up really good.”

  Venice laughed and said, “You’re silly. Thanks for always being there for me. I couldn’t have made it without you. I love you.”

  He looked lovingly into her eyes. “Thanks for being the sister I never had and you know I love you to death.”

  Venice hugged him, laid back down, and continued to try and relax. “Joshua, I’m going to rest my eyes for a moment. I’m a little tired.”

  “Okay, I’m going to dim the lights for you.”

  Being really tired from the past few days, Venice closed her eyes and smiled. “Thanks, Josh.”


  About fifteen more minutes passed, Venice was awakened by Joshua softly saying, “Niecy, Craig’s here.”

  She sat up and asked, “For real? Oh, Joshua, please go get him. I want to talk to him before I do this.”

  “Have you lost your mind? Jarvis ain’t gonna kick my tail.”

  She grabbed his hand and said, “Please!”

  He had never been able to tell her no, so he did as he was told. As soon as Joshua left the room, Venice put her wedding dress back on. A few minutes later, Craig entered the room looking as handsome as expected. He was wearing a black suit with all the matching accessories.

  When he laid eyes on Venice, he leaned against the door and said, “Well, Taylor, I knew you were going to be gorgeous, but I didn’t know you going to be breathtaking.”

  She just smiled, walked over to him, and laid her head against his chest. His heart was racing inside his chest. He paused for a moment, then finally closed his eyes and embraced her lovingly.

  She looked up into his warm brown eyes and said, “Craig, I want you to know that I never lied to you. I do love you.”

  He tilted her chin upwards and said, “I’m glad to hear you still love me, but witnessing this is pure hell, baby.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I know Taylor. So am I.”

  “Can I have a kiss?”

  “Do you think that would be proper?”

  She leaned against his broad chest and pressed her lips to his tenderly. A soft moan escaped her mouth before Craig broke free of her lips.

  Still holding her, he asked, “Are you feeling okay? You look a little flushed.”

  “I’m a little nervous and I’ve had a nagging sinus headache for a few days.”

  “Maybe you should take something.”

  “No, I’m afraid it might upset my stomach.”

  Looking up into his misty eyes, she said, “Craig…you’re so special to me and I’ll never ever forget you.”

  “Venice, I really believe you’re my soul mate, and I’ll never forget you for the rest of my life.”

  Her eyes filled with tears and they continued to embrace each other for what seemed like hours.

  Venice said, “Thank you so much for coming. I really needed you to be here.” He kissed her tears away as they ran down her cheek and said, “I had to come.” She leaned up and they gave each other the most sensual and loving kisses.

  A minute later, Joshua came in and said, “Craig, you’d better go. Venice’s dad will be here to get her in a few minutes.”

  “I’ll be right out.”

  Joshua looked at Venice, then closed the door as he left the room again.

  “Venice, I want you to know that I would never want to hurt you or embarrass you or your family. My heart is telling me to do one thing and my mind is telling me to do another. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to sit back and let you go through with this. Especially after I’ve held you in my arms again.”

  Venice didn’t blink an eye. She knew he was hinting about stopping her wedding. He pulled her to him tightly. “I’d better go. I guess I’ll see you upstairs. I’ll always love you, Taylor.”

  “I’ll love you too, Bennett. Goodbye.”

  It was difficult to release Venice from his embrace. Craig knew it would probably be the last time.

  After Craig closed the door, Venice felt nauseated again and started massaging her forehead. She said, “Lord, please help me get rid of this headache and help me get through this day.”

  Joshua and Craig chatted for a minute in the hallway. They shook hands and Craig said, “I’ll see you guys upstairs.”

  Joshua agreed, then reentered the dressing room and found Venice unconscious on the floor.

  He ran over to her and tried to wake her up. When he was unsuccessful, he ran to get help. Immediately, Jarvis’ mom, who was a nurse, ran to Venice’s side. Joshua went to get Jarvis, along with Venice’s family. Mrs. Anderson attended to Venice as worried family stood close by. Bernice had gone to the restroom and when she saw Sinclair looking upset, she asked what was wrong. Sinclair quietly told Bernice that Venice was unconscious and that they were calling paramedics. Bernice hurried into the church and told Craig, who sprung up from his seat and ran downstairs.

  When he got to the room, it was full of family and the wedding party. Bryan asked everyone to move out into the hallway except for those who were seeing about Venice. Bernice, also being a nurse, joined Mrs. Anderson who was still trying to revive Venice. Jarvis stayed by her side and looked like he was going to become hysterical at any minute.

  Joshua pulled Craig to the side and asked, “What happened in there with you two?”

  “Nothing! We just talked and I kissed her and I told her I’d see her upstairs.”

  “Did she give you any indication that she didn’t feel well?”

  “She just said that she wished she could get rid of her sinus headache.”

  Joshua put his hand on Craig’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry. She’ll be fine.” For some reason, Craig didn’t believe him. Joshua told Mrs. Anderson that Venice had been complaining about a headache. Jarvis added that Venice had been sick to her stomach for several weeks. The paramedics arrived, started working on her, and discovered that Venice’s blood pressure had skyrocketed to almost stroke level. They immediately readied her for transport to the hospital. Jarvis was holding her hand and was visibly upset. Joshua whispered to the paramedics that there was a possibility that Venice could be pregnant.

  Jarvis was shocked at the news and gave Joshua a pissed off glance.

  Craig also heard the news and looked at Joshua in total surprise.

  The family knew they had to let Pastor Green make some type of announcement to everyone in the church. While he tried to collect his emotions and thoughts, the rest of the family followed the ambulance to the hospital. Pastor Green announced that Venice had taken ill and was being taken to the hospital. He told them to proceed to the reception hall for dinner and they would be updated as soon as they could.

  Everyone seemed stunned and before the minister dismissed the church, Pastor Green held them for a short pray
er for Venice’s recovery. At the hospital, everyone paced the hallway. Jarvis sat on the sofa with his face buried in his hands. He didn’t hide the fact that he was scared to death. He was worried that he was going to lose her. Craig and Joshua stood together in silence as everyone waited for some type of word on Venice’s condition. Jarvis and Craig’s eyes met several times. They knew they were both in love with the same woman and were now faced with possibility of losing her.

  Finally, the doctor came out and told the family they were able to get Venice’s blood pressure to start declining. He went on to tell them that she was conscious, but that she was very weak.

  Jarvis jumped up and asked, “Was there a baby?”

  The doctor sadly nodded. “I’m sorry. We weren’t able to save it.”

  Jarvis sank back into his seat and covered his face in pain. His mother tried to comfort him, but he requested to be left alone. Craig dropped his head also, because he secretly knew there was a slim possibility that he could’ve been the father. The doctor told the family that she would have to stay a few days until her blood pressure was back to normal.

  Mrs. Taylor asked, “Can we see her?”

  The doctor gave instructions that she could have two visitors at a time for only ten minutes.

  Jarvis looked at the Taylors and asked, “Can I please see her first?”

  The Taylors agreed and Jarvis entered the room. When he reached her, he practically collapsed on the bed in tears. He couldn’t hold them back any longer.

  Venice was weak, but was able to caress his head and softly said, “Hey, stop that. I’m fine.”

  Jarvis continued to cry, which also made her tear up.

  She said, “I’m so sorry I messed everything up today.”

  He continued to lie across her body. “I’m not worried about any of that, Venice. I was worried that I was going to lose you.”

  “You’re not going to get rid of me that easy.”

  Jarvis smiled and said, “Baby, it’s all my fault. I’m sorry I put so much pressure on you about getting married. We don’t have to get married right now, if you don’t want to. Maybe we should stick to our original agreement and wait for graduation.”


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