Kyler's Justice (Assassins of Gravas Book 3)

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Kyler's Justice (Assassins of Gravas Book 3) Page 13

by N. J. Walters


  Fury bubbled beneath his calm exterior. How had Balthazar found Etta? She was supposed to be safe in all this.

  She was pale, but her gaze was steady, her eyes locked onto him as though she was trying to communicate something. But what?

  “You heard her,” Balthazar yelled. The big man was sweating, his flaming red hair wild around his face. “She was trying to make a run for it in my ship, but I stopped her. She’s all yours. Just let me get to the Rebel and you can have her.”

  Did he really believe Kyler would bargain with him? Balthazar was a dead man the moment he touched Etta. Blood trickled down her cheek from a small cut. If he wasn’t already sanctioned for death, Kyler would have killed him for that insult alone.

  But his mission remained, and as long as his target had hope, she would be safe. She was also too close to her brother for him to be able to move on the man. The stiff way she was holding herself was a clear indication there was a weapon pressed against her. It was up to him to get his target to make a mistake to allow him a clear shot. “Is she the only one involved?”

  Balthazar smiled, his green eyes gleaming. He truly thought he was gaining the upper hand. It was fascinating to watch and gave him a better understanding of how the man’s mind worked. “Helldrick is also involved.”

  Truth. “And you’re the only innocent one in the family?” Skepticism was ripe in his tone.

  Laughter boomed across the space. “I don’t claim to be innocent. Just not as guilty. Go back to the Gravasians. Hand Etta over to them. Tell them about my goodwill gesture and have them call off their assassin.”

  “You don’t know much about Gravasians, do you?”

  “They say they’re badass, but they hide on their own world when the universe is theirs for the taking. Or would be if they were as good as they claim to be.”

  “Maybe they don’t want to control the universe.”

  Balthazar shook his head. “All men want power.”

  Several more of the man’s henchmen were creeping up behind Kyler. They would die as soon as Etta was safe. In the meantime, he might be able to use them to destabilize Balthazar. When her eyes widened, he knew she’d noticed them.

  “Behind you,” she cried.

  So much for using them as a possible distraction. He dropped to his knees, spun around, and fired a blaster three quick times, dropping them all. Movement came from behind him. A laser blast struck him center back. He dropped, pretending to be hurt to draw Balthazar closer.

  Etta cried out. Surely, she knew he was safe from the blast.

  “Not so tough now, is he?” Heavy footsteps were followed by a scuffing sound. He was pulling her behind him.

  “Do you know what you’ve done?”

  “I’m going to finish the bastard off. Make sure he’s dead.”

  He readied himself to move. As soon as his target was close enough, he’d take him down. Just a few more steps.

  “Stop,” Etta cried. “I can get you on his ship. It’s better than yours. Faster.” She was gasping hard, her fear palpable.

  Was she betraying him? Would she let her brother on his ship? Allow him to take her sisters? Balthazar had claimed the entire idea was hers.

  He dismissed it immediately.

  Etta would not betray him any more than she would endanger her sisters. The certainty settled over him, locking into place. He’d never doubt her again. As usual, she was doing the exact opposite. She was trying to protect him. Him. He was the most dangerous assassin in the world and she was a cook. Still, she was putting herself in harm’s way for him.

  Everything inside him stilled to a single moment of clarity. There was no longer any doubt that he loved her. There was no other woman for him. Would never be another. She was his mate, his kismara, his heart.

  “Impossible,” her brother said.

  “It’s not. I have this.” Kyler tilted his head the tiniest fraction, needing to see her. It was worth the risk since the hood of his cloak was lined with the same fabric as the body armor and would protect him.

  She was holding up the coded device he’d given her.

  “What is it?” Balthazar demanded.

  “It’s a key. To his ship.”

  “Give it to me.”

  “No. It’s keyed to my fingerprint.” They moved away from him. His Etta was smart, getting her brother’s attention away from him. Too bad he’d wanted the man closer.

  “Open it!”

  Etta placed her thumb on the scanner. She was about to put his ship in full security lockdown. What he hadn’t told her was that would immediately signal Gravasian command.

  Kyler rolled to his feet, knives in hand. He threw both in one fluid motion. One slammed into the back of his target’s neck. The other in his back. The big man lurched forward, making a grab for Etta.

  She cried out and jumped back, coming up hard against the hull of Kyler’s ship.

  Before her brother could touch her, he was there, kicking the man’s legs out from under him. He rolled his target onto his side, knife at his throat. “By order of the king of Gravas, you will face justice.”

  “It was just some weapons.” Blood bubbled up from his throat and dribbled down his neck.

  “The man you abducted, those were his weapons. His name is Ivar el Gravaso, prince of Gravas.” As Balthazar’s eyes widened, Kyler dispatched him.

  Closing his eyes briefly, he took a breath before cleaning and tucking away his knives. Etta was leaning against the ship, her eyes wide, her trembling hand pressed against her mouth. She was as pale as the snows of Killaras. She’d witnessed too much death this evening.

  Methodically, Kyler swept across the docking station deck, gathering all his knives from the downed men before striding to his ship without a backward glance. He placed his hand against the security panel. A quick scan and the hatch slid open. “We need to leave.” He wanted to touch her but wasn’t sure if she’d recoil from his touch. Even now his hands were stained with the blood of her brother.

  When she didn’t move, he motioned her forward. “Etta, get inside. It’s not safe here.”

  With a shaky nod, she stumbled forward.


  Etta couldn’t seem to catch her breath. Was it finally over? The brother who’d terrorized her as a child, who’d controlled her as an adult, was dead. It didn’t seem possible. He was larger than life. Feared throughout the universe.

  Kyler had taken him down with ease.

  When something touched her, she jerked away. Kyler took a step back, his eyes dark and unfathomable. When had he removed his cloak? She shook her head, trying to get her bearings.

  She started to tilt to one side. He reached for her again, but stopped. Was he disgusted with her? Look at the family she’d sprung from. And maybe he thought she’d been trying to betray him.

  “I was trying to distract him. I would never have let him on your ship.” It was important he understood that.

  “I know, kismara.”

  She licked her dry lips. “What does that mean? Kismara?” Praying her legs would hold her, she took a step forward. Her knees buckled.

  He caught her before she hit the floor, lowering them both. “It’s a term of endearment.” Cradling her in his arms, he brushed his fingers over her cheek. “It means heart.”

  She began to tremble. “I’m cold.” Not even his warmth could penetrate the chill surrounding her.

  “It’s shock. We need to leave.” He pushed to his feet with her in his arms and strode across the cargo bay.

  Shock. That made sense. It was like floating on a cold cloud. Had he called her his heart? That was nice. Heat and awareness catapulted through her. Adrenaline surged once again, bringing with it a stunning clarity.

  “Put me down.”

  He stopped immediately and lowered her legs, but kept one arm around her for support.

  “Did you mean it?”

  He didn’t pretend not to understand what she was talking about. “Yes.” Taking her
hand, he pressed it against his chest. Through his clothes and battlesuit, she felt the heavy thud of his heart.

  “I have to go to your world to be judged for my crime.” There was no way around it. And her guilty conscience could allow nothing less.

  “I’ll be beside you.” His promise was stronger than the titansteel blades he carried. He hesitated like he was going to say something but shook his head. “We’ll talk later.” He swooped down and captured her lips in a hard, hot kiss before pulling away.

  Her lips tingled and heat flashed over her. “Right. Security is bound to raise the alarm soon. Where are the girls?”

  She’d no sooner said their names than a door slid open, followed by the patter of feet. Kyler released her and stepped back as the girls pelted forward. “Etta,” Sera cried. The girl threw herself in Etta’s arms a second before Maggs joined her. “You’re safe. You’re safe.”

  They were all here and safe, thanks to Kyler. She ran her hands over their hair and precious faces. “I’m fine. But we need to get strapped in for takeoff.” She hated how their features pinched and the color washed from their small faces.

  Then Maggs nodded. “We’re going home.”

  Etta’s stomach clenched. How could she make the girl understand? “We can’t ever go back to Mortis,” she began.

  “I know. We’re going home,” she insisted. Etta looked at Sera, who shrugged.

  Did she think they were going to her mother’s home world? “Sweetie, we’re not going to Darkata.” The girls might end up there eventually, but not until they’d gone to Gravas.

  Maggs shook her head, her red curls dancing, her green eyes filled with confusion. “We’re going home,” she insisted. Then she went over to Kyler, curled her fingers into his pant leg, and stared up at him. She didn’t seem to notice his fierce glare or be put off by his remote demeanor, nor the blood staining his clothing.

  And the most dangerous man in the universe nodded. “Yes, Maggs, we’re going home. Get the girls strapped in. Takeoff is in thirty seconds.” He strode away, leaving two of them perplexed while Maggs danced in a circle.

  “Come on. We need to get strapped in.” Taking each girl by the hand, she hurried after him. He was already in his command chair, snapping out orders to the computer.

  Hands shaking, she managed to get the girls buckled in before taking the seat beside them and doing the same. The ship lifted off and headed toward the port door, which opened as they approached.

  Within seconds, they blasted out into space.

  “Computer, set course for Gravas.”

  Maggs kicked her feet with delight, but dread filled Etta. Sera patted her leg, and she offered the girl what she hoped was a reassuring smile. Fate was coming for her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  They were cruising toward Gravas and would be there within two planetary weeks. They could arrive sooner if he employed boosters, but Kyler was in no hurry. He’d already filed his report with Gravasian command and gone dark with communications.

  That would anger the king, but he needed time alone with Etta. If he was going to lose her when they reached their destination, he wanted this time with her. He was owed that much for his years of unwavering service.

  He was going home. Little Maggs had spoken the truth. He hadn’t been there in over a decade. He lived on his ship, going from mission to mission. If there was any downtime, he spent it on whatever planet he happened to be near.

  He swiveled in his command chair when Etta entered the control room. “How are the girls?”

  She dragged her fingers through her hair and offered him a strained smile. “Better than I am. This is all one grand adventure to them. They finally went to sleep.” Rather than coming closer, she leaned against the wall. “Will they be safe?”

  “Yes.” He could give her that now. “Gravasians protect children.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “That’s good. Thank you.”

  He gripped the arms of his chair and pushed upright. “Don’t thank me. I don’t want gratitude.” It was a bitter pill to swallow.

  Her chin shot up, her blue eyes on fire. “Then what do you want?”

  That was a loaded question. He prowled his way toward her. She stood her ground, magnificent in her anger.

  “You.” Words escaped him. Not that he was eloquent at the best of times. No, he was more a doer than a talker. Placing one hand on the wall above her head, he leaned down. “You,” he repeated.

  He’d planned to go slow, but she had a way of stripping away his control, peeling it back layer by layer until it no longer existed. When he took her lips, he tasted her desperation. She was slipping away from him.

  He’d been on his own since he was a child, working, learning, training, becoming a killing machine without equal. Now he wanted more. Not only wanted, but needed it in a way he couldn’t truly comprehend. All he knew was that without her, he’d have to be put down. She soothed the savage parts of him, filled the lonely places, and gave his heart peace.

  Her lips were warm and soft, yielding to him as he took and took, tasting, devouring. There was no way he could get enough. At first, she remained unmoved, apart from him. The coldness in him began to spread. Then her hand crept up his chest and around his neck. Relief spilled through him. It wasn’t too late for them.

  “Let me have you.” He barely dared to breathe as he awaited his fate to be decided.

  “I don’t understand you.” She shook her head and his heart sank. He straightened away and swallowed heavily. There was nothing he could think to say or do to change her mind. “But I want you,” she continued.

  Heart racing like a fighter ship at top speed, he tilted his head to one side, not certain he’d heard her correctly. “You want me?”

  When her eyes clouded and she nibbled on her bottom lip, he lowered his head and dragged his tongue over the abused area, soothing it. Her breath caught in her throat and was followed by a moan.

  That was all he needed. He scooped her into his arms and carried her to his room. She initially stiffened but then relaxed, becoming pliant in his arms. She fit perfectly, substantial enough to give him something, someone to hold on to. “Computer, maintain course and alert to any threats.”

  “Maintaining course. Full security,” the computer answered.

  Unless they were under attack, he wasn’t needed. Usually, he remained in the control room to monitor things, read briefing reports, worked out, or slept. Not this trip. This time he planned on making love to Etta as many times as she’d let him.

  When the door shut behind him, he lowered her to her feet. “The girls?” she reminded him.

  He had to adjust his thinking going forward. He wasn’t alone any longer. His throat tightened, making it more difficult to speak. “Computer, send an alert if girls wake.”

  “Monitoring,” came the reply.

  With more haste than finesse, he dragged her shirt over her head. She was wearing another of those plain bras beneath, this one made prettier with a sea of pastel blooms that had been embroidered all across the cups holding her magnificent breasts.

  Her glorious golden hair caught in the material and then cascaded around her shoulders. He ran his fingers through it, shoving the heavy mass away from her face. “You are so beautiful.” She truly was a vision. But it was more than her looks. It was her spirit, the purity of her love for her sisters, which shone through. That part of her would always remain luminous, no matter how many years passed.

  A pink flush spread up her chest and over her face. “Thank you.”

  Fascinated, he followed the path with his fingers. Her skin was normally so pale. There were dark circles beneath her eyes. Tiny lines fanned out from the corners. He was being greedy and inconsiderate, thinking only about what he wanted and not what she needed.

  “You’re tired.” He rubbed the spot between her eyes. “You should rest.”

  She frowned and took a step away, crossing her arms over her chest. Fury bubbled up around the lid he kept locked
over his emotions. She’d gone from willing to self-conscious. By trying to do the right thing, he was making a muck of it.

  “I want you. But more than that, I want to take care of you, put you first.” He feathered his fingers over her cheek, his thumb grazing the tiny nick Balthazar had given her. It wasn’t deep and likely wouldn’t scar, but it should never have happened. “You deserve to be put first.”

  Her hand rose and covered his. “No one ever has.”

  He lowered his head and nodded, consigning himself to live with the lust burning inside him and the ache in his body. Calling on all his discipline, he pulled his hand away. “Take my bed and rest.” There’d be other opportunities in the trip ahead. But time was waning fast, each moment precious. He could hear each tick of the clock in his brain counting down. Feel each grain of sand trickling through the hourglass ancient cultures had used to tell time.

  She glanced at his large bed. “I’ll take your bed.” Then she touched his face, her fingers soft and gentle. “But only if you share it with me.”

  He swallowed hard and reminded himself he’d lived through years of training, endured conditions and situations that would have killed any other man. He would survive lying next to her while not making love to her.

  “Thank you. I’d be honored.” Her trust was more important than sex, although he would have preferred both.

  “Why don’t you get cleaned up?” He pointed to another doorway. “The bathing chamber is fully equipped.” It included an oversize gel cleansing unit, one of the few luxuries he allowed himself, along with his large bed.

  Giving him a nod, she headed toward the doorway. “You’ll be here when I get back?”

  He nodded, ignoring the way his battlesuit was strangling his erection. Sweat broke out on his brow. “If you’d like.”

  Her hands went around the front closure of her bra and twisted. It fell open, the cups peeling back. She gave a little shake of her shoulders and the garment fell to the floor, leaving her naked from the waist up. He got the briefest glimpse of a full mound and a hint of nipple before he was presented with the long, slender line of her back.


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