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Viking Page 6

by E. C. Land

  “You remember when your dad bought you your own bike?” he asks, running his fingers along my spine.

  Grinning, I brace myself on an elbow and meet his gaze. “Yes, I remember. You all nearly lost your shit,” I giggle. My dad had bought me my own Harley. He had it custom painted a lilac-blue with a glittery skull on the tank. It’s beautiful and I used to ride it all the time, but it’s been in storage for the past seven years. Probably needs some work done to it. I wonder why Viking’s asking about it. “Why do you ask?”

  “Figure once this mess is over with, you’ll wanna finally pull her out and get her back on the road,” he says, eyeing me closely.

  “I’d love to. I miss riding, but I love being on the back of your bike more,” I admit.

  “Good, ‘cause I want you on the back of my bike all the time. That doesn’t mean you can’t ride your bike as well,” he chuckles and lifts his head off the pillow and pecks my lips gently. “Now, you rest. I’ve gotta get back out there and see what the hell’s going on.”

  And just like that, my smile vanishes as I remember the reason for my earlier freak-out.

  Someone’s watching me, and I don’t know who.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Hitting the throttle, I hit the interstate going as fast as I can. When Ice had called telling me something was up, I didn’t waste any time.

  My Fawn means everything to me. I may have become a Nomad when she’d turned eighteen, but we had a deal. Once she was home, I’d come home as well. Over the past month, I’ve been making my way to Alabama but also doing jobs for the club that were needed.

  I should’ve asked Ice what was going on. Thoughts keep circling my mind of what could be happening to my little girl.

  Unlike her bitch of a mother, Cathay, I’d do anything for Fawn. Her mother, on the other hand, dipped out soon as she’d pushed my daughter out and found that I wouldn’t give in. Evidently, she’d stuck around, because she thought if I saw her with Fawn, I’d change my mind. Nope, that sure as fuck didn’t work.

  Over the years, Cathay had even tried to blackmail me into giving her money. To protect my little girl, I’d handed her some cash to keep her away. Then she went ahead and killed herself by overdosing. Stupid bitch. I’m glad my daughter’s nothing like her skank of a mother, but she had women like Sabrina and Viking’s mom before the divorce.

  Of course, Cathay’s sister had tried a couple times to extort money from me, but I won’t have it. She isn’t getting a dime from me or coming near my daughter.

  Swerving through lanes, I go around a group of cars. It’ll still take me a day in a half to get home, driving straight through only stopping for gas and food.


  Why the hell didn’t I get home sooner?

  I should already be there for my little girl.

  Fawn’s been through enough in her life. She doesn’t need any more heartache. She thinks I don’t know about Reid, but I ain’t stupid. I know about him, and about her and Viking being married. My little girl can’t keep anything from me. I know her all too well. I’d gone with Rock one day to the cemetery when I was in town. Saw my grandson’s stone, the date on it, and put two and two together. The night she’d married Viking, I saw them together and heard him calling her his wife.

  I’ve kept quiet, thinking one day Fawn would come to me, but she hasn’t. I hope when I get home, things would be different, and my daughter could finally be happy.


  Leaving my woman in my room, I stalk down the hall to the main room of the clubhouse. I didn’t intend to fuck Fawn—not with her upset. But I can’t complain. I wasn’t lying to her when I’d said I’m like a starved man when it comes to her luscious body.

  Taking my time with Fawn’s body had helped ease her mind of what was going on. I didn’t wanna bring it back up before leaving her, but she still has a right to know what’s going on. Keeping her safe means not only knowing what’s happening, but Fawn also needs to know as well.

  Spotting Ice standing at the bar with Maverick and a grim look on his face, I catch his eye and nod toward the room we hold church.

  Ice nods and taps Maverick on the shoulder. The both of them follow me into the room and close the door.

  “I’ve already brought the shit in here,” Ice grumbles, picking up a trash bag and dumping the contents on the table.

  Picking up one of the pictures, I look at it. One after another, I peer down at several of them.

  “Whoever this is has been following Fawn for years. I mean fuckin’ years,” Maverick sneers and tosses something else on the table.

  “What’s this?” I demand, picking it up to see exactly what it is.



  “These pictures are too clear for these cameras to pick up,” Ice mutters and plucks a photo off the table and grimaces. “Besides look at the image, Prez, someone’s taking them through another window. You can see the glare of the flash.”

  Taking the image from Ice, I examine it to see what he’s pointing out. Upon further examination, you can see it. The quality of the picture is good, but there’s still a haze meaning it was taken from the outside—possibly from a distance. Focusing on the picture I’m trying to figure out by just looking at it where it could’ve been captured from. The street? The woods? A car? What about the house across from ours?

  Shit. There’re far too many possibilities.

  “We need to call Sabotage. He’ll wanna know and be here,” I state, tossing the photo on the table.

  “Already talked to him.” Ice shrugs.

  “Good, what do you think of calling Sutherland?” I ask, looking between the two men.

  Sutherland had grown up with us, but where we all joined the club—he became a cop. There’s no hard feelings between us. He still comes to some of the parties every once in a while. He knows the rules when he’s here and doesn’t go against them. Because of him being a part of the local PD, we’ve created somewhat of a truce with them. They leave us the hell alone, and we keep drugs and shit out of the town.

  “Might be a good idea. You know he sees Fawn as family,” Ice says, grinning like a loon when I narrow my eyes.

  We all know he thinks of her as family. Shit, I had punched him in the face a couple times for making comments about Fawn’s body when she was still a teenager. Yeah, the fucker did it to antagonize me, but still.

  “You give him a call see what he can find out. I’m gonna check on Fawn,” I mutter. After seeing these pictures, I need to keep a close eye on her.

  Going in search of Fawn, I don’t have to look far. I follow the smell of something delicious in the kitchen to find my woman in there. Of course, she wouldn’t simply stay in my room and relax.

  “Whatcha makin’, Dollface?” I ask, making her jump at the sound of my voice.

  Spinning on her heel, she faces me. “Give a girl a warning, will ya?”

  Chuckling, I prowl toward her and grab either side of her hips. “Sorry, baby, next time I’ll let you know I’m in here.” I dip down and claim her mouth for a brief kiss. “Now, what are you making in here? It smells delicious.”

  “Lasagna soup,” she murmurs with a smile.

  Hell yes.

  I haven’t had Lasagna soup in years. I love that shit. Fawn’s a damn good cook and it’s my favorite.

  “You makin’ enough for everyone?’ I ask, looking at the two massive pots on the stove.

  “Considering you and Ice will scarf down as much as you can, I made sure there’s enough for everyone,” she smirks.

  Kissing her again, I pull her to me. How the fuck did I get so lucky?

  Chapter Fourteen


  Yesterday with everything going on, I had completely forgot about the club having a cookout. Good thing Sabrina and Apricot were already getting everything ready this morning when I’d walked into the kitchen.

  I’d freaked a bit and chugged two cups of coffee quickly before getting
right to work helping them. The Torpedoes definitely weren’t gonna be of any assistance. Honestly, I didn’t want them around. Not right now. I get they have a purpose, and they’re here willingly, but dammit, if I have to hear Hurricane run her mouth one more time or glare in my direction again—I’m gonna flip my shit.

  Last night during dinner, the guys had all praised me for my soup. The club whores stuck their noses up at it, talking about carbs and it being fatty. I’d stared at the club whores and shrugged while telling them politely to fuck off.

  “Dollface, you good?” Viking asks, bringing me out of my thoughts from last night and this morning. Apricot, Sabrina and I got everything done before lunch time easily. Now we get to relax while the guys cook on the grills. I smile as I tilt my head to the side to peer up at him as he wraps his arms around my waist. “You’ve been quiet.”

  “I’m okay,” I say, leaning into him, pressing my back into his front.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay. Just thinking.” I nod and look over to the gates at the thundering sound of bikes coming in. I squint to see who the three men are and squeal at the sight of my dad.

  Launching myself out of Viking’s arms, I dart across the parking lot and run straight to the man who raised me. “Daddy,” I yell excitedly, throwing myself into his chest soon as I’m close enough to wrap my arms around his neck.

  “Hey, baby girl,” he murmurs, wrapping me up just as tightly. “Fuckin’ missed my girl.”

  “I missed you too, Daddy.” God, I’ve missed him.

  “What are we chop liver over here?” Rock huffs, coming up next to my dad.

  I giggle and look from my dad over to Uncle Rock and Hydra. “No, you’ll get your turn.”

  “Well, it’s damn good seeing you, sweetheart,” he says, pulling me from my dad’s grasp. I smile up at him as he gives me one of his bear hugs. “That’s more like it. Always good to get off the road to a pretty girl throwing herself at me.”

  “Whatever, Uncle Rock,” I snicker, step over to Hydra and wrap my arms around his waist. “Hey, Hydra.”

  “It’s good to have you home, Fawny. Take care of him,” he murmurs quietly.

  I nod, knowing what he means. “I will. I promise.”

  Viking pulls me back into his arms and presses a kiss to the top of my head.

  “Prez, you wanna tell me why the hell you’re holding my daughter like she’s yours?” My dad asks, quirking a brow in annoyance.

  “Sabotage, you know she’s mine. Has been for years,” Viking retorts gruffly. “Told you the day she turned eighteen, I was gonna make her mine.”

  “Yeah, guess you did. But did you work your shit out?” Dad questions.

  “No offense, brother, what Fawn and I talk about or not is between us. I’ll tell you this, though, she’s not got a damn thing to worry about. I’m not about to have her hurting another minute,” Viking murmurs, tightening his arms around my waist.

  “Good, now can we move on to what the fuck’s going on and why Ice called to tell me I needed to get back, because something’s up?” Just like my dad, he’d easily change the subject once he’s satisfied with the answer given.

  “It’s okay, Daddy,” I say softly, hoping to appease him. I don’t like him being upset.

  “No offense, baby girl, but this isn’t something you can keep me out of. I’m gonna know what’s going on with my daughter,” Dad says, his eyes never leaving Viking.

  “Let’s take this inside,” Viking states and turns me in his arms. “Dollface, why don’t you go hang out with Sabrina and Apricot while I fill them in?”

  Normally, I’d be pissed right now. He’s trying to keep me in the dark, but he’d already told me everything about what Ice and Maverick found at the house. I don’t need to hear it again.

  “Okay.” I nod and turn to my dad. “Your home for good, right?”

  “Yeah, baby girl, not leaving you alone again,” Dad says, giving me one of his bright smiles.

  Nodding, I hug Viking before giving my dad another one and heading off to hang with Sabrina and her daughter. They’re talking about what’s going on with Apricot’s sister CJ’s upcoming wedding.

  I tune them out and stare off into space, my mind churning with questions and theories of who could be behind all of this. I personally don’t understand. Who could get close enough to take all those pictures?


  Seeing the way my woman lit up at the sight of her dad makes me wonder when was the last time she actually saw him.

  I stare at her ass while she walks back over to where Scorpion’s ol’ lady and daughter are sitting. My cock twitches as I envision bending her over and plowing into her pussy from behind.

  Fuck, I can’t get enough of her delectable body.

  Inwardly shaking my head clear, I motion for my dad, Rock, and Sabotage to follow me into the clubhouse.

  Inside, I don’t bother going to the room where we hold church—everyone’s outside. “Fawn’s being stalked,” I say, jumping straight to the point. “Whoever it is, is watching her closely.”

  “How do you figure that?” Rock asks, frowning in concern.

  “Yesterday, she received something in the mail. She didn’t waste time coming straight here and handing it to me. I sent Ice over to the house, and in the time frame of maybe an hour, someone went in and scattered hundreds of pictures on the dining room table. I mean hundreds of them. We’re talking from Fawn being in middle school to recently taken photos,” I explain, my anger starting to pick up once again at the mere thought of her being in danger.

  “Do we have any suspects as to who it could be?” Sabotage demands, his nostrils flaring. I’m sure he’s just as pissed as I am over this situation.

  “I’ve got Pirate and Wrath looking. They’ll let me know soon as they find something.” I nod, confirming my brothers are doing what they could.

  “Right, then it’s a waiting game to see what they do next,” Hydra grumbles, nodding.

  “Exactly, for now, Fawn’s staying here at the clubhouse until this is all handled,” I declare, crossing my arms.

  “Hopefully, this shit gets done quickly. You know she’s gonna go stir-crazy about being stuck at the clubhouse,” Sabotage chuckles, making me grin.

  Fawn isn’t one for being stuck in lockdown mode. She used to drive everyone up the wall when she was a kid and had to stay at the clubhouse. We had all learned quickly to make sure there was something we could task her with doing to keep her focused and not trying to leave.

  Yeah, I know just what to do from here on out to keep her from wanting to go out. My cock jerks in agreement.

  Grinning, I nod to Sabotage, not sharing my thoughts on how to keep his daughter occupied. “Come on, let’s get back out there. Enjoy the party.”


  “Fawn, are you okay?” Sabrina asks, getting my attention.

  Blinking, I focus on her and smile. “Yep, I’m fine.”

  “Good, just remember you can trust the club to handle what’s going on,” she murmurs, sliding me a few lemon drops. “For now, let’s push all of that away and enjoy the night. Show these boys us ol’ ladies know how to have fun.”

  “It’s not fair you two are going to drink, and I can’t,” Apricot huffs.

  Laughing, I pick up a lemon drop, bring it to my lips, and throw it back. I love the taste of these. “Don’t worry, Apricot, I’ll drink enough for you as well.”

  Giggling Apricot pouts. “So not fair. I think I might go home.”

  “Oh, hush, sweetheart,” Sabrina laughs, waving a finger in her daughter’s face, “don’t think I don’t know you and your friends were drinking last night while at their house.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Apricot grins and leans back in her chair, but the moment she looks behind me, she stiffens.

  Glancing behind me, I notice the Torpedoes are coming out. One of them is all over Grimm—tongue down his throat. Turning back to Apricot, I take note of the
hurt look crossing her face. Hmm, I wonder what’s going on with them. I didn’t even think she liked any of the members of the club.

  “I’m out of here,” she mutters. “I’ll see you later, Mom.”

  As she leaves, I feel bad. Does Grimm know Apricot has feelings for him?

  Damn men and their insufferable ways of not seeing it or ignoring what’s right in front of them.

  It’s all I can do to keep from going after Apricot. One day things will work out for her.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Viking coming out of the clubhouse with my dad, Hydra, and Rock.

  “Go ahead and go to your man Fawn. I’m gonna follow Apricot, make sure she’s okay,” Sabrina murmurs. She must’ve felt the same as me. As a mom, she doesn’t miss a thing.

  Nodding, I start toward Viking, only to have Hurricane and Toots step in my way. “You think you’re so special, don’t you?” Hurricane snarks. “I don’t see what they all see in you. You’re nothing but a pathetic attention whore.”

  “Excuse me?” I snap, narrowing my gaze.

  “What’s going on over here?” Viking demands, but I shake my head, stopping him. This is my fight. Viking gives me a smirk and crosses his arms. “Have at it Dollface.”

  Turning my attention back to Hurricane and Toots, I hold myself with my head high and sneer. “You think I’m some pathetic attention whore. Go right ahead. At least when I fuck my man, he doesn’t kick me out right after. He just keeps going.”

  “I do not need to hear this shit,” my dad growls.

  “Sorry, Daddy,” I say, not taking my eyes off either bitch.

  “He’ll get tired of your ass soon enough and come back to us,” Toots smirks.

  “Think that all you want, but you’ll never give him what I can. Think about it did he fuck any of you? No. He used your mouths. To him, you were nothing but a mobile pocket pussy he didn’t have to hold on to while jerking off,” I snap.


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