Souls Entwined

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Souls Entwined Page 22

by Anne B. Cole

  Daniel stood third from the end, flanked by an Ottoman, who hit him hard into obedience. Lorenzo made his way through the crowd, getting closer. Daniel was bound but not gagged. His bare back revealed swollen welts from a fresh lashing. Lorenzo cocked his gun, darting toward him.

  Suddenly, Theo’s warning repeated through his head. Lorenzo slowed and replaced the gun in his belt. He shook his head at Daniel and inconspicuously placed a finger to his lips. Lorenzo approached and tipped his hat to the Ottoman, who snorted in return.

  Lorenzo studied him. This was the pirate who had stayed on the ship. Daniel’s eyes widened as Lorenzo felt his biceps, then calves. Showing disapproval, Lorenzo turned and continued on.

  The sun warmed the air as Lorenzo waited for the sale to begin. He sat a safe distance from Daniel but kept a close watch. Twice Lorenzo had to stop himself from attempting to free Daniel by force. He figured it wouldn’t be hard to knock out the Ottoman, but he also knew that Theo’s words were true. There were no other Americans present. Lorenzo was certain that if he released Daniel the other Ottomans would side with the pirate, making escape impossible.

  The sale was about to start. Daniel was the third male up. The bidding crowd was as diverse as the slaves. Social status varied from filthy pirates to well-dressed men and women with guards. Lorenzo became sickened by the total disregard of the slaves’ dignity. No one questioned how the slaves were acquired. Back home, livestock were treated better.

  Lorenzo noted the bidding process with the first two men. The highest bidder paid the owner directly then dragged the slave off as the crowd cheered and moved on. Daniel was up. Several men bid low. Lorenzo joined. A woman entered the bidding, too high for the other men. Daniel stared at the ground. Lorenzo became impatient and doubled her bid. The crowd grew quiet. The woman studied Daniel, stared at Lorenzo, and left.

  Relief swept over Lorenzo as he silently paid the Ottoman. Taking a length of rope he slid it through Daniel’s bound wrists. Lorenzo dragged him into the back room of a small taverna where two men laid passed out from either drinking or fighting. Lorenzo untied Daniel, grabbed a hat from one drunk, and placed it on Daniel’s head. He looked around to be certain no one was watching.

  “Take his shirt,” he said, nodding at one of the drunk men. “Where’s Anya?”

  “Lubber has her, wants to keep her. They were selling me to get money to purchase two young slaves,” Daniel whispered. “For sacrifice.”

  Lorenzo’s mind flew back to the children he saw at the sale. ‘Focus on Anya,’ a voice screamed inside his head. “Where’s the other Ottoman?” Lorenzo asked, taking the hat off the other drunken man, replacing it with his own.

  “The one called Berk is at the sale looking over the children. Cenk was the one you paid. They were to report back to Lubber after my sale. Once they buy two slaves for sacrifice, they will leave the island.”

  Dressed and ready, they stood.

  Lorenzo paused, torn between searching town for Anya or heading back to the sale. Daniel noticed the hesitation. “Cenk is loyal, but Berk does not like Lubber. He seems greedy. It’s possible we could turn him.”

  “Let’s find the Ottoman. They will lead us to Lubber. His real name is Kadir Hatay. Let’s go.”

  Making their way through the crowd, Daniel pulled his hat down low. His elbow caught Lorenzo’s side. “There’s Cenk.” The pirate watched the bidding of a boy who was no more than ten years old, naked and beaten into obedience. Cenk passed on this child, purchasing the next.

  Lorenzo swallowed hard to control his anger. He had to remain calm and on the lookout for Anya and Kadir. With any luck, they would find Berk first and bribe him. If they could turn him against Kadir, the numbers would be in their favor. An elbow was suddenly thrust hard into Lorenzo’s ribs.

  Daniel nodded toward the women to be sold. “Berk,” he uttered through clenched teeth. Lorenzo’s eyes fell upon the man who was holding a struggling slave.

  “My God, Anya.” Lorenzo grabbed his gun. Daniel held him back.

  “Kadir must be near.” They scanned the crowd, no Kadir Hatay. Daniel faced Lorenzo. “Berk is selling her.”

  They made their way closer. Anya’s hands were bound. She wore a red dress similar to those the slaves wore who were being sold as mistresses. A nasty bruise swelled on her cheek. A golden sash covered her eyes. Anya stood proud, even in the pirate’s grip. Berk appeared nervous, his eyes darting.

  The sale continued. The three young girls were up for purchase. Lorenzo tore his eyes away from Anya. When the bidding slowed, he was sickened by the look in the highest bidder’s eyes. His hand thrust a diamond bracelet into the air. For the second time, the crowd silenced.

  Daniel grimaced. “Fool, you’re attracting attention.”

  The other bidder dropped out. Lorenzo handed the bracelet to the owner who quickly pocketed it and ran. The crowd murmured, slowly moving on. Lorenzo opened the cage. The Greek girls were terrified and cowered from him. “Tell them they are free. Take them to the dock and wait for me.” Daniel regarded Lorenzo as if he were insane. “Do it.”

  Daniel spoke gently to the girls then wound a rope around their wrists. “This is a mistake. You cannot fight them alone.”

  Lorenzo handed him the remaining necklace from his bag. “Take this. If I do not return to the dock by sundown, sell it in town. Get the girls and yourself back to Milos. Matthew is at the house of Tatiana.” Lorenzo slipped into the crowd.

  Kadir remained unseen as Cenk completed the purchase of a young Egyptian girl. He tied her hands then secured her rope to the boy. The women were beginning to be auctioned. Lorenzo counted his gold and recounted it, eight times as much as the highest price of the male slaves. He watched Cenk make his way back toward town with the two young slaves then scanned the crowd again. No sign of Kadir. Theo must have taken care of him. Lorenzo made his way in front of Anya. Berk raised an eyebrow in his direction.

  The auctioneer approached Berk, announcing the starting bid. Several agreed. Lorenzo’s heart pounded. The bidding grew rapidly. Lorenzo nodded to the auctioneer. After several minutes, it was down to two other men and Lorenzo. Confidence filled him; he was nearly there. The next increment was too much for the men. Lorenzo smiled as the auctioneer nodded his way.

  “Four escudos,” A voice shouted above the crowd from a distance. The auctioneer turned to Lorenzo for a counter. A drunken Kadir Hatay stumbled his way through the crowd. Lorenzo adjusted his hat and raised the bid to six.

  He saw Anya stiffen as Berk’s hold tightened. The pirate shrank behind her. Kadir knocked people out of his way to see who was bidding against him. “Ten escudos,” he shouted.

  The crowd hushed.

  “Eleven.” Lorenzo’s voice rang out.

  Beneath the blindfold, Anya froze then shook her head. Her breathing was now coming in uneven gasps. Berk held her like a shield against his furious captain.

  Kadir spun on his heel and scanned the crowd.

  “Twelve,” Kadir shouted, daring anyone to outbid him.

  Lorenzo stepped forward, directly in front of him. “Fourteen.”

  The crowd cheered then silenced, awaiting the counter.

  Kadir sneered in recognition. “Is this a ghost I see?” He tore off Lorenzo’s hat.

  Lorenzo stood his ground, pulled his gun, and aimed it directly at Kadir’s heart. The auctioneer backed away, nervously stating, “Fourteen is the bid.”

  The Lubber glared. An ugly grin appeared on his face. “She’s not worth fourteen. I had her this morning.” The crowd tittered then silenced at the click of Lorenzo’s gun, cocked and ready to fire.

  “Sold for fourteen escudos,” the auctioneer exclaimed.

  Lorenzo tossed the bag of gold to the auctioneer, grabbing Anya away from Berk. The auctioneer counted the gold, handed two coins back
to Lorenzo, and then gave the bag to the pirate.

  “Berk!” Kadir roared.

  Lorenzo drew Anya behind him as Berk took off running.

  ‘Kill him!’ The voice inside Lorenzo’s head demanded. Anya struggled out of Lorenzo’s grip. She ran blindly a few steps before falling to the ground. Lorenzo held the gun on Kadir but heard Anya cry out in frustration.

  Lorenzo leveled Kadir with a left blow to the eye then pocketed the gun and tore off Anya’s blindfold. She stared at him in disbelief. He stood her up, and together they ran, not stopping until they reached the harbor.

  At the dock, Daniel waved them over. Lorenzo scanned Theo’s ship; it was empty. The three girls stepped out from behind a stack of crates in front of a merchant ship.

  “Daniel, tell the captain of that ship I will pay him two escudos if he takes us to Milos immediately.”

  “Aye,” Daniel replied. A minute later, a burly Greek man stared at Lorenzo from the deck of his ship. Lorenzo held up the two gold pieces. The man replied to Daniel then commanded his crew to finish unloading the goods. Daniel ran back. “He agreed. We will depart in a few minutes.”

  Lorenzo guided Anya and the girls onto the ship. Tipping his hat to the captain, he escorted the women to the stern. “Stay low. Tell them to sit with you.” He kissed the top of Anya’s head. She touched his face with her bound hands, but he remained tense, scanning the shore and dock. Three of the crew boarded with their captain. The other four members stayed behind, taking the goods to town. Lorenzo told Daniel to have the crew relay their departure to Theo. He prayed Theo was safe but could not chance staying longer.

  Within minutes they had set sail, passing the anchored pirate ship. The ship Peter had called his own. Lorenzo bowed his head, allowing himself a moment to mourn his friend.

  A soft whimper caught Lorenzo’s attention. Anya held the youngest girl. The other two clung to each side of her, fearful but silent.

  Lorenzo touched Anya’s bruised cheek tenderly. He pulled a knife to free her hands. The three girls scrambled away in fear. Anya moved to console them, but he held her face in his hands.

  “They’re safe, my love.”

  “Enzo, alive?” she gasped as tears filled her eyes. Lorenzo cut the binds from her hands then crushed her against his chest.

  “I will kill him for what he did to you.” Lorenzo rocked her in his arms, hating Kadir as much as he loved Anya.

  Anya gazed up at him. “He lied.”

  “But he said—”

  “He not touch me.” Anya’s eyes were filled with honesty.

  Tears of relief flowed, and exhaustion caused Lorenzo’s legs to buckle, taking them both to the deck. He had her back. By some miracle, he was able to get her back. A child’s giggle sounded, bringing him to his senses.

  Lorenzo tugged Anya’s hand out from under his shirt and placed it within his. As she leaned into his embrace, he propped himself up against the side of the ship, and noticed her bound wrist.

  “You’re hurt.”

  She ignored his concern, nuzzling his whiskered cheek. Tucking a stray hair behind her ear, he held her tight, wanting to never let go.

  Lorenzo kissed her forehead then crushed his lips against hers, needing her, wanting her. Their kiss extended as he felt her hand slide back under his shirt. A button came undone, then another. His hands ran down her sides, roaming over the contours of her waist as he swung her onto his lap. Anya curled against him, resting her cheek against his bare chest. Her body relaxed. With the next kiss, Anya let out a tiny sigh and fell asleep.

  Daniel’s footsteps caused Lorenzo to start. He approached with the three girls in tow. Lorenzo held a finger to his lips and nodded to Anya.

  The oldest girl stepped up to him and whispered in perfect English, “Thank you, sir.” She stood proud, brave.

  The middle child sat down on his other side, silent. The youngest remained in front of him, staring with wide brown eyes. Lorenzo somehow knew those eyes. Intense emotions swelled inside of him. Tiny fingers reached out and wiped away a tear that trailed down his cheek.

  “Safe,” Lorenzo assured her.

  Daniel took the girl’s hand and talked softly to her. He sat beside Lorenzo and allowed the young one to crawl into his lap. Staring at Lorenzo, she answered in Greek. Daniel held her little body close as her older sister nodded in confirmation.

  Lorenzo watched Daniel tense as the girl continued. When she finished, he placed a hand to her head and rocked her. The brown eyes held Lorenzo’s until her lids closed.

  “Pirates killed their parents and two brothers. We must go after them.” Hatred filled Daniel’s face.

  Lorenzo felt the middle girl shrink to his side, eyes filling with unshed tears. He placed a hand on Daniel’s shoulder. “The girls don’t need revenge. They need a family.”

  Daniel searched Lorenzo’s face then turned to the oldest girl and spoke quietly to her. She nodded then sat beside him on the deck. The little girl’s eyes flickered, yet she held still. As Daniel continued to speak, a smile appeared on her face. Tiny fingers grazed Lorenzo’s shoulder. He took her hand into his then allowed himself to sleep.

  Chapter 21


  Lorenzo’s eyes remained closed with his lips slightly parted. Anya could not take her eyes off him as he slept. She laid her head on his shoulder and thought back to their escape.

  It had taken three days to sail to Milos. As it turned out, Michalis, the merchant ship captain, had served with her father in the navy.

  The girls slowly became less fearful. The oldest, Anna, was small for her age of fourteen. She was very protective of her sisters and never strayed far from Daniel. Kaiti was the same height as Anna but two years younger, quiet, but physically stronger. Lydia was not quite five. She simply adored Lorenzo, grabbing his hand anytime it became available. He carried her around on his shoulders with her laughter filling the ship with happiness. Twice Lorenzo mistakenly called her Roxana.

  Michalis sailed into the harbor of Milos Sunday morning. Mama had foreseen their return, so Matthew and Thomas were on shore watching for them. Thomas greeted them warmly then warned Lorenzo that Captain Kearny was with Mama and Alec.

  Everyone gathered in the store where they shared their stories. Lorenzo informed them that Lubber’s real name was Kadir Hatay and that a man named Theo, from Malta, saved him and Matthew. He proudly continued, telling the others how Mama’s visions led them to Rhodes and that none of them would have returned if it weren’t for her foresight.

  Captain Kearny had raised his glass to Mama. Everyone cheered except Lydia. Her sisters had explained to her that Lorenzo was American and would soon return to the navy. Tears trickled from her eyes. She climbed up on Lorenzo’s lap, clinging to him. Captain Kearny shifted uncomfortably in his chair. Daniel and Lorenzo had concluded with a brief description of Rhodes, jumping to the happy trip back to Milos.

  Alec announced to everyone that he and Mama were retiring for the evening. They said their goodbyes, departing to the house. Daniel suddenly reached deep into his pocket. Lorenzo placed a firm hand on him. “Keep it. Promise me you will take good care of them while I’m gone.” Daniel nodded, taking his hand out of his pocket and placing it protectively on Anna’s.

  Lorenzo grinned as Matthew placed his good arm around Kaiti, who gave him a surprised look before deciding she didn’t mind. “Take care of each other. After I return in January, I will bring Anya to Athens, to visit.”

  Sleep had escaped Anya with her need to make the most of every last minute. She wiped a tear from her cheek and realized that only a few hours remained. She hadn’t left Lorenzo’s side since he found her in Rhodes. The first rays of dawn were beginning to light the room. She stretched up and kissed him ever so softly. His grin returned.

  “How long have you been awake?” he
asked, pulling her closer.

  “All night.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me?” Lorenzo’s fingers caressed her cheek.

  “I did,” Anya confessed. “No talk.” She pressed a finger to his lips then kissed them. Lorenzo returned her kiss with one of his own. Neither wasted any time.

  Thomas’ impatient knocks shook the door. Lorenzo pulled on his trousers before cracking it open. “Kearny denied your request for early release. You have to be on the ship at nine. We depart then for Italy. I’m truly sorry.” His voice turned stern. “I’ve been ordered to promptly take you to the Warren by gunpoint if necessary.” He thrust something into Lorenzo’s hands and whispered, “I’ll be in the store. Take your time.”

  “Thank you, Thomas.” Lorenzo closed the door and slowly turned around. Anya felt her heart rip in two when she saw a folded uniform in his hands. She pushed loose hair away from her face, attempting to hide her despair. He took out his pocket watch, studied it, and set it on the bed.

  Lorenzo’s full lips had become a thin line before he swallowed hard. She watched as he removed his trousers, replacing them with flared-leg uniform pants. He sighed as he picked up the shirt, which was too big, and placed his arms into the sleeves. Before he could begin buttoning, Anya pressed herself against his chest.

  “No tears. I want to remember your beautiful smile.” Lorenzo held her as she quickly rubbed her face dry then displayed the best smile she could. He reached around her with the sides of his shirt in his hands. “I’ll button you in and take you with me.”

  Anya pressed even tighter to him as he fastened the shirt. Lorenzo kissed her forehead then placed his chin on top of her head, holding her tight.

  Another knock.

  “Anya,” Yia Yia’s raspy voice called.

  “Yes?” Anya barely got the word out before the door flew open. Lorenzo quickly turned his back to the door. Within the confines of his shirt, Anya attempted to pull away but quickly gave up, burrowing her cheek to his chest.


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