Souls Entwined

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Souls Entwined Page 26

by Anne B. Cole

  “Who are you?”

  He again bowed his head, pushing his full glass aside. “I apologize. I should have introduced myself. I am Will. William Taylor, Lorenzo’s brother.”

  Instantly, the Greek giant offered his hand. “I’m Alec. Your brother, where is he?”

  Will reached for his glass, avoiding Alec’s gaze as a man with dark curly hair entered the store.

  “Tomorrow, Demitrios will come back for—”

  Will stared into his drink. When he finally looked up, Alec was reaching for a third glass to pour the newcomer a drink.

  “Theo, this is Will Taylor, Lorenzo’s brother. Will, this is Theodore DeMascala, Lorenzo’s friend.”

  Will nodded and shook Theo’s outstretched hand. A fatherly hand gripped Will’s shoulder. He turned to Alec, feeling the man’s pain, pain as strong as his own. The door opened once again.

  Anya gasped. She stood, frozen in the doorway as his eyes met hers. Her heart plummeted, making it impossible to breathe. The man, whom she thought was Lorenzo, turned to Alec, who nodded ever so slightly as Theo stumbled toward her.

  “Anya, I’m finished here. Come with me to the house.” Theo took her roughly by the arm, guiding her out the door.

  “Anya?” The voice, sounding so much like her husband’s, crushed her entire being.

  “Who is that man?” her own voice trembled. Theo blocked her view.

  “You need to rest.” Theo’s grip on her arm tightened.

  “I’m not tired.” She scrutinized the stranger and was filled with hope. “You’re American. Do you know my husband, Lorenzo Taylor?”

  The man sighed and removed his hat. She felt blood drain from her face. His blonde hair and blue eyes matched Lorenzo’s perfectly. He reached into his pocket.

  “I am Will. Lorenzo wanted you to have these.” He held out the familiar pouch and a few folded papers. Their edges were tattered, but the fine parchment remained intact.

  “Thank you.” The words barely escaped her quivering lips. She accepted the letters, somehow made it to a chair, and sat down.

  He had taken another step toward her before Theo pushed him roughly against the counter. “What are you doing? She’s in no condition.” Theo’s tone scared her.

  “I must go to her,” Will growled back.

  Theo held him firmly. “What do those letters say?”

  “I don’t know. I never read them.”

  Theo rushed over, reaching for the letters.

  “No, Theo,” Alec stated firmly. “No,” he repeated more softly.

  The men watched in silence as Anya unfolded three pages. The first was penned in English, in Lorenzo’s hand.

  January 1, 1830

  Taylor Plantation, Virginia

  My Dearest Anya,

  I hope this letter finds you and our baby well. I reached the States a week ago. Tired from the long journey, I decided to go home for a short visit with my family. I brought them much happiness for it was Christmas.

  My family listened to all of my adventures, taking the most interest in you and our baby. I cannot describe how much I wanted to leave at that moment and sail back to you. Mother begged me to stay the night for I developed a fever. Even though I insisted I was up for travel, Mother was firm. I was sent to bed where I slept for over twenty hours.

  It has been a week. I would have been on my way back to you if I had not become ill. The doctor came two days ago. There is an infection in one of my lungs. I promise to rest and heal so I can travel. I miss you dearly and long for your touch. Knowing we’ll be together soon gives me great comfort.

  With all my love,


  “Anya, please come with me,” Theo encouraged.

  She handed him the first letter then read the second.

  January 2, 1830

  Taylor Plantation, Virginia

  My Dearest Anya,

  I love you. I’m angry with myself, for my illness is keeping me from you. The doctor returned this morning. The infection has spread to my other lung.

  I draw my strength from you, Anya. I know you are safe, waiting for me with our child within. I pray I will heal in time to be with you for the birth of our baby. I cannot explain the love I have for our child already. It is unlike anything I’ve ever known.

  The weather is warmer today. I asked for the drapes to be drawn. The sun is radiant. I feel you, your warmth and tender touch on my face. I must rest now so that I can be with you as soon as possible. Give my love to all, especially to Tatiana.

  Forever yours,


  Anya’s eyes brimmed with tears. “He’s coming, Theo. He will come when he is well.” Her hands shook as she turned to the final page. It was not in Lorenzo’s hand. The letters were larger, formed with great care. Anya wiped her eyes and began to read silently.

  January 3, 1830

  Taylor Plantation, Virginia

  My Dearest Anya,

  I love you. I love our baby. My sister, Roxana, is writing for me. My strength is failing. I am sending my brother, William, to you. He promised he would stay in Milos with you as long as you wish.

  I am sorry, Anya. Mother, Roxana, Elvira, and Senantha are constantly at my side. Clouds cover the sun today. Elvira drew a picture of the sun and held it up to me. I felt you. I am always with you.

  Please tell our child to think of me each time the sun shines and touches his face. Tell her to feel the warmth of my love. You are here with me, Anya. I feel your strength in my heart. It is all I have left.

  This is not goodbye, for I can never say that to you. I will be waiting for you, praying for you and our child each and every day. I love you, Anya.

  Take care, my love. I am waiting.


  He had signed his initial. She recognized the slant of his hand, the elongated end of the letter. Silent tears streamed down her face. Theo quickly read over her shoulder. Anya looked at Will who closed his eyes, avoiding hers. Paths of tears etched his cheeks.

  Anya turned to Theo. “There must be another.” She grabbed the letters from him, flipping through.

  Theo placed his hands over hers.

  “I’m sorry.”

  She pulled away, shaking her head. “He’s alive, I know he is. I can feel him. I feel him.” She searched the eyes of each of the men. “We have to go. We must go now.”

  “I’m sorry, Anya.” Alec’s tender words didn’t matter. Shaking her head, she watched Theo remove the letters from her hands.

  “The baby, Anya. You must think about the child. Please, let me take you to the house. I will stay with you.” His hands raised her shoulders, lifting her to her feet.

  Will’s head snapped up. “I’ll stay with her.”

  Theo turned to him. “It’s not your place.”

  “My place?” Will’s anger surfaced with a fury, so much like Lorenzo. “I’m the baby’s uncle. That makes it my place.” The two began arguing.

  “Theo,” Anya called softly. “Will is my brother. He should stay. Lorenzo will be here as soon as he can travel.” Theo gazed at her incredulously.

  She watched the three men exchange glances. Alec approached her side, taking her hands. “Anya, Lorenzo is not coming,” his words pierced like daggers. “He’s with your mother.” Pain sliced through her, but it didn’t make sense.

  “Mama said Lorenzo and I would soon be together. Her visions were never wrong.” Anya spotted the unopened pouch on the table. “It was supposed to keep him safe.”

  Alec remained, holding her hands while Theo and Will continued to argue. “Anya, your mother told me things as well. She said you would have a son whom I would help raise. I promised her that I would.”

  Anya heard his words but would not accept them as s
he slowly rocked back and forth, holding her abdomen, which suddenly became rigid. Alec loosened his hold on her when she grew very still.

  “Mama said you would raise my baby?” she asked, barely audible.

  “Yes, your son and many, many more children,” Alec replied gently. He turned to Will and Theo who were nearing the point of exchanging punches. Alec shook his head, “Lorenzo would not want this.” Anya buried her face in Alec’s shirt. “I’m taking Anya to the house. When you two come to some agreement, you may join us.”

  Theo quickly stepped to Anya’s side. “I apologize. Will is welcome to stay, but I will provide for Anya.” His words were sincere, yet she only wanted Lorenzo.

  Will pursed his lips. “It’s Anya’s choice, not ours, to make.”

  Theo glared at him. “You’re only hurting her by being here.”

  “I will honor my brother’s request to—”

  A small cry interrupted him. Anya hunched over, clutching her sides.

  “Look at me,” Theo commanded, placing a hand on her abdomen. Her eyes met his, too terrified to speak. “The pain will pass.” In less than a minute, Anya let go of the breath she held.

  “It’s too early. I have a full month remaining.” Terrified eyes searched his.

  “Has this happened before?” Theo guided her back to the chair.

  “A few minutes ago, when I was talking to Alec, but not as strong.”

  “That was the only time?”

  Anya nodded. Theo placed his hands on her again. Her body became less rigid, more relaxed. “This may pass. She must rest.” He looked hard at Will and continued, “I will take her to the house.” Theo helped her to her feet.

  Anya glanced at Will. “Please stay.”

  Will’s eyes met hers sadly. “As long as you wish.”

  Theo picked up the letters and pouch, handing them to her, then turned to Alec. “I will stay the night to make sure she is alright.”

  Theo instructed the men while Anya placed the letters in her pocket. With shaky but determined hands, she took the ring out and put it on her finger.

  All three men turned. Theo and Alec’s eyes riveted upon her. Will’s eyes stared at her finger.

  ‘No!’ her mind screamed. Anya dropped the pouch in an attempt to remove the ring. The empty pouch hit the dirt floor where water pooled at her feet.

  “Mio Dio!” Theo picked her up and carried her swiftly to the door. “Find Katarina,” he called over his shoulder.

  “Get blankets. Take them to the house. Put water on the fire,” Alec commanded before running out, leaving Will alone.

  Will gathered several blankets then hurried back to where Anya had been standing. He bent down and picked up the empty pouch. He promised Lorenzo he would comfort Anya, support her, even love her. He had done nothing but bring her pain and, now, if anything happened to her baby, Lorenzo’s baby...

  Shoving the pouch inside his pocket, he hurried outside with the blankets. Tucked behind the store, the house door stood ajar. The large room was warm, tidy, simple. He stoked the fire, filled the iron kettle with water, and placed it on the hook near the growing flame.

  Anya cried out from a nearby room. Theo’s deep reassuring voice followed, fueling Will’s anger. It was his place. Anya was his brother’s wife, his sister-in-law. He had promised to take care of her and the baby. Will fell to his knees. Staring into the fire, he prayed for direction like never before.

  Chapter 26


  “Where’s Katarina?” Theo muttered.

  Anya watched Theo’s fingers shake as he began to remove one of her shoes. “She left with Henry when I came to the store.” Her pain had disappeared as quickly as it had come on. “Your leg, I can tell it pains you.”

  Theo sighed, shaking his head. He tossed one shoe to the floor. “My leg is fine.”

  She knew better than to argue with him. His large fingers fumbled with the lace of her other shoe when a wave of pain tore across her lower back. She reached for Theo but found her fingers clutching a gold pocket watch instead of his hand.

  This pain seemed to last much longer, but Theo’s reassuring voice guided her. “Breathe. The baby needs air.” It hurt to breathe, but she obeyed. Slowly the pain diminished. When she opened her eyes, she saw Theo pulling a chair up beside her bed.

  Anya felt the ticking of the gold pocket watch in her palm. She handed Theo the timepiece.

  “Hold on to it. It will give you something to concentrate on when the pain strengthens.” Theo reached behind her neck and began unfastening the buttons of her dress. “How long has it been since the beginning of the last pain?” He finished unfastening her dress but didn’t face her. An unsteady hand rested on her shoulder.

  Anya glanced at the watch. “Three minutes.”

  Theo’s touch steadied, falling to her hand. His eyes met hers and, in that instant, Anya knew his fear.

  On the night of her mother’s funeral, she had confided to Theo her uncertainty of what happened when Kadir attacked her and the possibility her baby could have been fathered by him. Theo agreed to take the child to Italy, to an orphanage, if the baby had the Barbary pirate’s dark features.

  Theo promised to protect her from possible shame and ridicule. No one would ever know. He agreed to be with her during the birth and tell the others the child was stillborn if it was not Lorenzo’s. Despite his hatred of Kadir, he said he would never harm the child. She believed Theo and trusted him. Knowing Lorenzo was gone, Anya couldn’t bear to lose the tiny life within her, too.

  Theo turned to her with uncharacteristic anxiety. “I have assisted in four births. Each one was very different. It could take as long as a day or as quickly as a few hours. The pains will be much closer as your time draws near.” He abruptly stood and opened the wardrobe, pulling out her nightdress. “Put this on. You need to be dry and comfortable. I’ll be right outside.”

  Gripping the dress, Anya watched Theo leave the room. He left the door cracked open, closed enough to give her privacy, yet she heard his voice, and Will’s. Anya stripped out of her day dress and wriggled into the other. Scrambling off the bed, she found Lorenzo’s letters.

  A knock sounded before Theo entered. “What are you doing?” he demanded. Anya stood at the wardrobe with the letters clutched to her chest. The ring felt cool against her finger. She could not stand the anger in his voice.

  “The pain is gone. The baby’s not ready. The child, Theo. I cannot bear to lose him.”

  Theo sighed. He ran a hand through his black curls then approached her slowly. “Anya, your water has broken. The baby will not survive more than a day or two without its protective surroundings.” He guided her back to the bed. “The pains can be quite irregular at first.” Theo tucked her in then scooted the chair closer. He sank into it, fussing with the blanket in what appeared to be a desperate attempt to remain calm.

  Anya held the edge of the blanket in one hand, the letters in the other. Her fingers ran over the smooth paper of the first two pages. The third was rough in places as if it had been wet, tear stained. Her eyes welled as she reread every word. Lorenzo was gone. She gasped as a wave of pain enveloped her.

  Theo clutched her hand, picking up the watch. The pain swelled, grew with intensity, and then gradually ended.

  “Good,” Theo declared, noting the time. “They are getting closer. That’s good.”

  Frustration flowed within her. “How can you say that? Lorenzo is gone. The baby’s too early. What if he is—? I cannot give my baby away.” Tears formed, but she held them back. “Nothing is good. I have nothing.” Anya turned away, unable to look at him. She focused on the deep red stone on her finger.

  Theo’s silence confirmed her words. Buried memories of being attacked became vivid, yet she still didn’t know for certain what happened when she
had blacked out. Alec said that Mama’s vision showed him raising her child. This baby has to be Lorenzo’s, but what if he isn’t?

  The next pain hit so hard she cried out. A strong, warm arm wrapped around her, supported her, and then let go.

  Theo placed the watch down on the bed before walking over to the bowl and pitcher. She watched his shoulders rise with a deep breath, and then he leaned both hands against the table, hanging his head.

  They had never discussed what he would do after he delivered the child to Italy. Anya didn’t know if he would return to Milos. She didn’t want to lose his friendship.

  “I’m sorry. Please don’t be angry with me.” Future possibilities raced through her head. She held her breath as he slowly turned around.

  “It’s all right to be angry and scared. I would be beside myself if you were not.” Theo took her hand. “You’re strong, Anya. You have your strength.”

  Anya shook her head, feeling like a coward. He gently lifted her face. He leaned so close that she could smell the salty air on his skin from loading a ship at the dock all afternoon. Memories of her father and Lorenzo filled her heart with pain.

  “Don’t doubt yourself, but if you must, know that you have my strength.” Theo kissed her forehead.

  Anya shrank back, noticing Theo’s compassion, commitment, and love. It was not obligation. She shook her head, remembering how Lorenzo described the difference between care and love. She cared for Theo. She didn’t love him. But deep inside, something encouraged her to reach out to him.

  Theo brushed a wisp of hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear. Anya jerked away in an emotional struggle between losing Lorenzo and needing Theo’s friendship.

  “It will be all right.” A single drop escaped from the corner of his left eye.

  Anya reached out, wiping Theo’s cheek with her fingers as her own tears began to flow. His arms around her gave her hope, hope that some good would come out of all of this. She clung to him, remembering the first time he held her. He had left her that day to search for Lorenzo. She held tighter, hoping Theo would not leave again.


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