Souls Entwined

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Souls Entwined Page 28

by Anne B. Cole

  Roxana raised her head as if she read his thoughts. “Thank you, Sam. Your determination and honor are commendable.”

  “I wish I had helped more.” Sam placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  “You’ve given us much information and hope.” Roxana struggled to maintain her usual flawless composure.

  “I know everything,” a muffled voice cried out.

  Sam and Roxana turned to Gretta, who remained in Katarina’s arms. Roxana made her way to a purple velvet chair, opposite the couch. Sam seated himself beside Gretta.

  “Tell us, child,” Katrina encouraged.

  Gretta avoided Sam’s eyes, yet placed her hand above his knee. He immediately seized it and asked, “Do you want me to begin?”

  She shook her head and began describing the details of their flight from the church. She took care in relaying how Lorenzo stopped in shops throughout town, making preparations for their wedding without Anya knowing. Roxana smiled at her brother’s thoughtfulness and charm.

  Gretta continued to reveal Tatiana’s prediction of Lorenzo’s death. She talked at length about the longevity curse that Tatiana had placed on the ring and how Anya had noted three capital ‘L’s’ inscribed on the inside of the thin golden band.

  Sam interjected, “You saw three ‘L’s’ in a row?”

  “Yes. They were very distinct.”

  “There were no letters inside the ring. It was a—”

  “Let the child speak, Sam.” Katarina interrupted.

  Gretta’s face lit up as she spoke of the proposal and wedding. She paused and her eyes lowered to her sneakers when her tale reached the island.

  Sam squeezed her hand. “My turn.” Gretta’s blush deepened. Sam skipped to the next day, relaying their premature return to the Kalliste. He described Kadir, the Ottoman, Matthew, Daniel, and the African in detail. Together they explained Peter’s death, Anya’s capture, and their separation.

  Gretta relayed how Kadir noticed that she was married, rendering her unworthy to be sacrificed. She made light of the trip to Rhodes, explaining that Kadir was so anxious to get to shore he made little notice of her. She revealed how Anya slipped away and was on her own briefly before Berk caught her.

  Sam noted Gretta’s voice rising in pitch, so he explained how Lorenzo regained consciousness just seconds prior to the bomb landing on the deck. He then explained how Theo helped Matthew and Lorenzo to shore. Sam continued with Tatiana’s foresight of the slave sale and commented on the fortunate winds they had had that night.

  Gretta touched Katarina’s hands, which were folded in her lap, thumbs twiddling. Sam went on to describe the slave sale and his purchase of Daniel. He focused on Roxana when he announced the purchase of the three girls.

  “Lorenzo thought about his sisters back home and how Lydia reminded him of you. It was then that I realized I had little influence on Lorenzo’s decisions for I encouraged him to bid low, yet he held up the diamond bracelet, abruptly ending the bidding.” Sam paused when he saw a tear trickle down Roxana’s cheek. Gretta pressed closer to his side, clutching his hand. Katarina’s thumbs twiddled faster.

  Sam briefly described Lorenzo’s reunion with Anya, their return to Milos, and how he said goodbye to Tatiana. Sam paused before relating how he convinced Lorenzo to leave according to Tatiana’s words, ‘Virginia, mountains, Greenview’.

  Katarina squinted then stared at Sam. “Tatiana was not speaking to Lorenzo.” After a long pause, she clarified, “She was speaking to you.”

  Sam stared at Katarina, then at Gretta. Roxana interrupted his thoughts, “Go on. Please finish.”

  He told them how Anya gave him the ring and that he wore it around his neck every day. Attempting to keep his emotions in check, he continued with his return to the Warren, the remainder of his tour, and the trip back to the States.

  “I thought perhaps Gretta was with Roxana, or Elvira, or even little Senantha, but I failed to return when I touched each of them.” Sam paused before revealing how Roxana enabled him to pass to Will. “Immediately after Lorenzo was laid to rest, Will traveled to Milos with the ring and letters. The news of Lorenzo’s death brought on Anya’s labor, resulting in her death.”

  “No, Sam,” Katarina said with intensity. “You may be right about bringing on the labor, but Anya’s death was not Will’s fault. Neither was it Theo’s. Many women died in childbirth from hemorrhaging. It was no one’s fault.” She gazed down at her hands, which were unusually still.

  “There’s more,” Gretta added. The grip on Sam’s hand tightened as she continued with her side of the story. “I returned to Mama’s side after working in the store the day Lorenzo left with the Warren. She was very ill, so I went back to the store to get medicine. Victor appeared in a drunken rage. He asked for the ring, accused me of stealing it, and trapped me in the back room.”

  Katarina’s head snapped up, her hands pressed firmly against her knees.

  “Victor’s anger peaked when I told him Tatiana had given me the ring to give to Lorenzo. He took his belt to me three times. He damned me and damned Lorenzo. Before he could strike me again, he—”

  “Victor struck Anya? Where was the pirate? This is not what was relayed to me,” Katarina nearly shouted. Sam felt Gretta cringe to his side.

  “You don’t need to relive this.” Sam reached around her, pulling her close. She instantly withdrew from his arms with a fierce look of determination and continued.

  “Victor was slain by the pirate’s sword. Before he died, he said this to me, ‘Mors ad vos. Quem amas mortem. Damnaret qui indutus est maledicta anulus.’ I have no idea how I remember the words because I don’t understand Latin. Somehow they burned into my mind, into my soul.”

  Katarina’s almond-shaped eyes rounded. “Maledicta.”

  “Please, translate,” Roxana’s smooth voice faltered considerably.

  The old woman turned her focus on Gretta. “Maledicta means cursed. My dear, you speak as if Victor said this to you. Separate yourself from Anya, for his curse was intended for her, not you.” Sam slipped a supportive arm around Gretta. She didn’t pull away.

  “I apologize if I have offended you,” Gretta whispered.

  Katarina appeared distraught as she gazed at Roxana, who nodded sternly. “Victor cursed Anya, Lorenzo, and the ring. His words were: ‘Death to you. Death to the one you love. Damn the one wearing the cursed ring.’”

  No one spoke. Gretta trembled. Roxana blinked back tears. Katarina regained speech first. “What did Victor do after he said this?”

  No response.

  “Did he die?” Katarina pressed. Gretta nodded very slightly. “What about the pirate?”

  Sam felt Gretta flinch in his arms.

  “It is important we know everything.” Katarina’s eyes burned.

  “Stop.” Sam shouted, pressing Gretta’s head against his chest in an attempt to shield her from the interrogation. “Anya was attacked by Kadir. Theo claimed he killed him before—”

  Gretta gazed up to him. Horror filled her eyes. “How do you know?”

  Sam’s hands clung to her shoulders. “Will saw Theo’s love for Anya and accused him of fathering the child. The thought of the baby not being mine—I mean Lorenzo’s. That someone else had been with you—I mean Anya.” He looked to Roxana when Gretta buried her face in her hands. “Theo stated that Anya never broke her vows to Lorenzo.” Gretta nodded as Sam eased her head to his shoulder. More silence filled the motionless air.

  “Gretta,” Roxana began softly, “I would never have sent you if I had known.”

  “I wore the ring, Roxana. I tried to keep Anya from putting it on, but then I figured it was a way to get back to you. If Anya went to the PIT, I would be with her and I would find you.”

  Katarina said in a grandmotherly tone, “You must d
istance yourself from Anya.” Gretta trembled in Sam’s hold as Katarina continued, “You both must distance yourselves.” She then stood, leading Roxanna down the path, allowing Sam and Gretta some space.

  After several minutes, Gretta raised her head to Sam. “I don’t know if I can separate myself from her.”

  “I feel the same way about Lorenzo.” Sam pulled her closer.

  Gretta squeezed her eyes shut and leaned back into Sam’s hold. “I loved you so much.”

  The words pierced him with pain worse than any dagger. “Me, too, but not loved, Gretta. I love you.” He tightened his hold.

  “I love you, too.”

  He felt her take a shaky breath, then relax. Roxana and Katarina returned after a lengthy discussion. Sam nodded to the women as they took their chairs. Roxana appeared nervous. Sam brushed away hair that was matted to Gretta’s damp face with his fingers, tucking it gently behind her ear, the same way Lorenzo had done in the past.

  “I cannot speak for Gretta, but I do not regret helping you. If there is anything more that I can do, please, do not hesitate to ask.” Sam felt her tense in his arms and then take a deep breath.

  Gretta turned to Katarina. “I’m sorry. Your pain must have been great losing Anya so quickly after Tatiana’s passing.”

  “Theo took Anya’s death the hardest. Anya wore the ring briefly before her death. The second curse confirms Theo’s sudden intense love for her. He prayed at Anya’s grave every day. That is how he met Cynthia. She told me years later that before Lorenzo left he paid her to give Anya a flower each day there was one to pick. Cynthia had done this all summer and fall in person. I believe this was what got Anya through the months before Theo arrived.” Gretta nodded, confirming Katarina’s words.

  “Cynthia placed two flowers on Anya’s grave each day once the spring flowers began to bloom. She met Theo there, and the two became friends. He shared with her that his first wife, Anastasia, was six months along with their first child when she was killed in Malta, five years before Anya’s death. A single bullet went through both her and the unborn child. The bullet came from a gun held by a pirate named Kadir. His target had been Theo, not Anastasia.

  “Cynthia helped Theo with his grief and encouraged him to study. The boy poured himself into his medical books. He blamed himself for Anya’s death and searched for an answer to what he could have done. Eventually, Theo became the island’s doctor, and he fell in love with Cynthia. He delivered all eight of their children safely.”

  Sam remembered Cynthia being a few years older than Anya. She seemed sweet, kind, and caring. Perfect for Theo. He squeezed Gretta’s hand. “A happy ending.”

  “What about the three girls?” Gretta blurted.

  Katarina’s smile grew. She peered at Sam before answering. “Four years after we buried Anya, Michalis stopped in the store with an invitation to Matthew and Kaiti’s wedding. Alec insisted that Theo, Cynthia, and little Frederick, their son, join John, Henry, and me. The seven of us sailed to Athens. Frederick was two, and Cynthia was a few months along with their second child. Anna and Daniel had twin boys, a year younger than John. Lydia was about eight and took to John immediately. Theo invited her to Milos to help Cynthia with Frederick and John. She readily accepted. It was a full, happy house, one brimming with the love and laughter of children.”

  Gretta suddenly gasped, “Katarina, did Alec ever tell you what Tatiana’s last vision was before she died?”

  “No, he did not.”

  Gretta touched the old woman’s hand. “She was right. Tatiana had told Alec that he would help raise Anya’s son and many other children.”

  Katarina straightened herself in her chair proudly, too moved to continue.

  Sam was curious. “What about Will?”

  Roxana’s face clouded. “After John’s baptism in Milos, he returned to Virginia that spring and gave me the ring. Two weeks later, he died in a dreadful house fire. They said it was struck by lightning.” Roxana bowed her head.

  After a moment of silence, Gretta questioned shyly, “John?”

  Katarina’s face lit at the sound of his name. “John grew into a fine man. He helped Theo and wanted to become a doctor. I gave up trying to keep him away from Lydia. Those two loved each other from the day they met. I finally consented, and they wed the summer after John turned seventeen. Lydia insisted the ceremony be performed on Michalis’ ship. The year I died, John and Lydia talked about going to America.”

  “They did.” Roxana stated. “We visited only a few times, for they settled in Pennsylvania. Lydia and I exchanged letters over the years. John finished formal schooling and became a doctor. They had three boys named Lorenzo, Theo, and Alec.” Roxana was about to continue, but Gretta interrupted.

  “The sacrifice. Lorenzo and Anya died. The curse should have broken. Where are they?”

  A horrified expression crossed Roxana’s face. Katarina nodded in painful comprehension. Roxana composed herself before speaking, “Victor’s curse upon Anya and Lorenzo sent them to what you call ‘hell’ or Tartarus. That is why Anya didn’t enter the PIT upon her death. People who wore the ring after Anya were cursed indirectly and sent to the PIT.”

  Katarina pursed her quivering lips. “For the curse of luck to be broken, worthy sacrifices must be made. Until then, bad luck will follow the wearer of the ring.” She glanced at Gretta, then focused on Sam.

  Sam grew protective. “We must end this. We have to help Lorenzo and Anya.” When the older women did not speak, he stared hard at Katarina. “We know the ring’s three curses: Luck, Love and Longevity.”

  “The letters I saw inside the band,” Gretta declared.

  “No, Gretta. Lorenzo held that ring every night. There were not three L’s, but there was a mark inside.” Sam picked up a stick and cleared dead leaves, exposing soft dirt at their feet. He drew a symbol in the ground. “This is what the mark looks like.”

  They stared at it for a long time before Katarina said, “A triad, very strong.”

  Roxana nodded in agreement.

  “Triad means three. Victor’s curse on the ring would make four,” Gretta stated and pulled away from Sam in frustration.

  “Yes, child. His curse strengthened the others, sealed them within his, for it was issued upon his death,” Katarina frowned.

  Roxana continued to stare at the symbol. “Three L’s. Gretta, you saw them correctly. Victor’s curse rearranged them.” Roxana traced three distinct L’s in the strange symbol.

  A look of comprehension crossed Katarina’s face. She pressed her lips together and nodded.

  Sam eased his arm back around Gretta. “Can you break it?”

  “A curse placed at the moment of death is strong, a triad of curses. I don’t know of one like it.” Roxana became visibly disturbed.

  “There are many we can consult,” Katarina mused.

  “I would like to speak with Gretta now.” Roxanna stood, walking past the couch.

  Sam held onto Gretta’s hand as she began to follow.

  Katarina remained seated, resuming her rough tone. “Let her go.” Sam reluctantly released Gretta’s hand. Roxana led her a short distance away, but remained within his eyesight.

  “I’m proud of you,” the raspy voice held a touch of tenderness. Sam nodded respectfully then turned his gaze to Gretta. “Sarah would be proud of your commitment and persistence in helping us.” At the sound of his mother’s name, Sam faced the old woman with full attention.

  “I recognized your mother when we connected.” Katarina’s eyes danced with excitement. “Sarah released me from the PIT. She is my great-great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter.” She paused in thought. “I’m not certain how many greats, but she is definitely my—”

  “You’re my m-mom’s, you’re m-my,” Sam stammered in disbelief.

“There’s no doubt,” Katarina confirmed. “You descend from John and Lydia.”

  Sam’s thoughts raced to Lydia at the slave sale, to the night John was born, then back to Lydia. Her eyes had intrigued him because they were identical to his mother’s.

  “I promised Roxana that I would wipe your memory upon your return. I won’t keep my word. I want you to remember your time with your mother and your love for Gretta. Remember the events you lived through with Lorenzo and Will in case we need more information. I need your help to ensure Gretta won’t end up in the PIT.”

  Sam remembered how Gretta and Roxana emerged from the PIT—cold and terrified. “Why did you go to the PIT?”

  Katarina bristled. “I wore the ring when I took it to Luda for the distance spell. It doesn’t matter how long a person wears it. Gretta is destined to go there unless we break the curses.” She took his hand. “It’s important to remember the ring is cursed with bad luck. My life and Roxana’s life proved this to be true. There is a history of tragedy and untimely deaths of loved ones. Distance yourself from Gretta. You’re not safe.”

  Sam looked over his shoulder. Roxana and Gretta were holding hands with their heads bowed. “Is Roxana clearing Gretta’s memory?”

  “No. It will be done upon her return. Roxana wanted to apologize to her.”

  Sam asked his next question without taking his eyes off Gretta. “Can she keep the good memories?”

  Katarina squeezed then released his hand. “I’m sorry. We cannot take that chance. If we left even one, she would find a way to piece things together and remember.”

  Sam considered this for a minute, then agreed.

  Katarina continued, “When I’m supposed to wipe your memories, I’ll give you the ability to foresee danger. Use it wisely to protect yourself and Gretta from the curse of bad luck.” Their eyes drifted toward Gretta and Roxana. “Let’s go. Roxana is becoming nervous. She has not mastered time here and wants to avoid a hurried farewell.”


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