Sessions got rid of the right: Katie Benner and Caitlin Dickerson, “Sessions Says Domestic and Gang Violence Are Not Grounds for Asylum,” New York Times, June 11, 2018,
“I don’t know every task”: Kamala D. Harris, U.S. Senator for California, “At Hearing on Family Separations, Harris Blasts Immoral Separations and Inhumane Detention of Pregnant Women,” press release, July 31, 2018,
resort to DNA tests: Caitlin Dickerson, “Trump Administration in Chaotic Scramble to Reunify Migrant Families,” New York Times, July 5, 2018,
“These mothers have given”: “Sen. Kamala Harris Visits Otay Mesa Detention Center,” NBC 7 San Diego, June 22, 2018,
“At night, Andriy sometimes”: Brittny Mejia, “A 3-Year-Old Was Separated from His Father at the Border. Now His Parents Are Dealing with His Trauma,” Los Angeles Times, July 3, 2018,
Jefferson was stiff: Esmeralda Bermudez, “‘I’m Here. I’m Here.’ Father Reunited with Son amid Tears, Relief and Fear of What’s Next,” Los Angeles Times, July 15, 2018,
a fourteen-month-old who was returned: Lisa Desjardins, Joshua Barajas, and Daniel Bush, “‘My Son Is Not the Same’: New Testimony Paints Bleak Picture of Family Separation,” PBS NewsHour, July 5, 2018 (updated July 6, 2018),
A pregnant woman fainted: Desjardins, Barajas, and Bush, “My Son.”
The children were demeaned: Desjardins, Barajas, and Bush, “My Son.”
Most Americans are appalled: Eleanor O’Neil, “Immigration Issues: Public Opinion on Family Separation, DACA, and a Border Wall,” AEIdeas (blog), American Enterprise Institute, June 21, 2018,
the United States is one of only: Linda Villarosa, “Why America’s Black Mothers and Babies Are in Life-or-Death Crisis,” New York Times Magazine, April 11, 2018.
a ten-year gap in life expectancy: Dave A. Chokshi, “Income, Poverty, and Health Inequality,” Journal of the American Medical Association 319, no. 13 (2018): 1312–13,
the Senate leader openly declared: Jillian Rayfield, “McConnell at CPAC: Repeal Obamacare ‘Root and Branch,’” Salon, March 15, 2013,
comparing the Affordable Care Act: Jack Gurdon, “Rand Paul: The Republican Frontrunner in Seven Quotes,” Telegraph, October 2, 2014,
suggesting that the president might: “25 Unforgettable Obamacare Quotes,” Politico, July 16, 2013,
Repealing the ACA would result: “H.R. 1628, Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act of 2017,” cost estimate and analysis, Congressional Budget Office, July 19, 2017,
It would allow insurance companies: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Health Policy, Health Insurance Coverage for Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions: The Impact of the Affordable Care Act (Washington, DC, January 5, 2017),
Compared with people in other: “How Prescription Drug Prices Compare Internationally,” Wall Street Journal, December 1, 2015,
the same dose of Crestor: Rachel Bluth, “Should the U.S. Make It Easier to Import Prescription Drugs?” PBS NewsHour, March 22, 2017,
Fifty-eight percent of Americans take: “Public Opinion on Prescription Drugs and Their Prices,” Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation,
One of my very first votes: Zack Struver, “Klobuchar Drug Importation Amendment Sees Votes Crossing the Aisle,” Knowledge Ecology International, January 13, 2017,
found 153 companies: John Morgan, A Bitter Pill: How Big Pharma Lobbies to Keep Prescription Drug Prices High (Washington, DC: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, 2018),
increased its membership dues: Morgan, A Bitter Pill.
about $2.5 billion on lobbying: Morgan, A Bitter Pill.
increased the price of Pravastatin: Morgan, A Bitter Pill.
jacked the price of Albuterol: Morgan, A Bitter Pill.
owed the hospital nearly $19,000: Jenny Gold and Sarah Kliff, “A Baby Was Treated with a Nap and a Bottle of Formula. His Parents Received an $18,000 Bill,” Vox, July 20, 2018,
passed $31,250 in fees: Gold and Kliff, “Nap and a Bottle.”
he was expected to pay $7,294: Sarah Kliff, “He Went to an In-Network Emergency Room. He Still Ended Up with a $7,924 Bill,” Vox, May 23, 2018,
Depression is increasing: “Depression Is on the Rise in the US, Especially Among Young Teens,” Science Daily, October 30, 2017,
Alabama has only 1: “Mental Health in America, Access to Care Data,” Mental Health America,
roughly 60 percent of America’s counties: New American Economy, “New Study Shows 60 Percent of U.S. Counties Without a Single Psychiatrist,” press release, October 23, 2017,
only 590 psychiatrists: New American Economy, “New Study Shows.”
41.4 percent of adults with mental illness: “The State of Mental Health in America,” Mental Health America, October 7, 2018,
“there was a continuing disparity”: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Report of the Secretary’s Task Force on Black and Minority Health, vol. 1, by Margaret M. Heckler (Washington, DC, 1985),
black Americans have higher mortality rates: Robin L. Kelly, 2015 Kelly Report: Health Disparities in America (Washington, DC: Office of Congresswoman Robin L. Kelly, IL-02, 2015), 11,
“A baby born in Cheswolde”: Olga Khazan, “Being Black in America Can Be Hazardous to Your Health,” The Atlantic, July/August 2018,
Black babies are twice as likely: Villarosa, “Why America’s Black Mothers and Babies.”
black infants are less likely: From the Heckler Report: “Moreover, in 1981, Blacks suffered 20 infant deaths per 1,000 live births, still twice the White level of 10.5, but similar to the White rate of 1960.” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Black and Minority Health, 2; “Infant Mortality,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
at least three times as likely: Villarosa, “America’s Black Mothers and Babies.”
A major five-year study: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Severe Maternal Morbidity in New York City, 2008–2012 (New York, 2017),; and Nina Martin and Renee Montagne, “Black Mothers Keep Dying After Giving Birth. Shalon Irving’s Story Explains Why,” All Things Considered, NPR, December 7, 2017,
“child adversity literally”: David Bornstein, “Treating the Lifelong Harm of Childhood Trauma,” New York Times, January 30, 2018,
could see their life expectancy reduced: Khazan, “Being Black in America.”
telomere length in hundreds of women: Khazan, “Being Black in America.”
White patients are 10 percent more likely: Robert Pearl, “Why Health Care Is Different if You’re Black, Latino or Poor,” Forbes, March 5, 2015,
Black patients are also less likely: Quinn Capers IV, “To Reduce Health-Care Disparities We Must Address Biases in Medical School Admissions,” The Hill, April 14, 2018,
more likely to get breast cancer screenings: Pearl, “Why Health Care Is Different.”
regardless of their economic status: Villarosa, “America’s Black Mothers and Babies.”
Rather than give her the CT scan: Rob Haskell, “Serena Williams on Motherhood, Marriage, and Making Her Comeback,” Vogue, January 10, 2018,
If someone like Serena Williams: Haskell, “Serena Williams,” Vogue.
Research has found that 75 percent: April Dembosky, “Training Doctors to Spot Their Own Racial Biases,” CNN, September 7, 2015,
As of 2013, only about 9 percent: “Diversity in the Physician Workforce: Facts & Figures 2014,” Association of American Medical Colleges, 2014,
the ninth leading cause of death: “End Stage Renal Disease in the United States,” National Kidney Foundation, updated January 2016,
develop kidney failure at 3.5 times: “Low Income Linked to Higher Levels of Kidney Disease Among African Americans,” National Kidney Foundation, November 5, 2012,
“Fresenius’s own medical office”: Andrew Pollack, “Dialysis Equipment Maker Settles Lawsuit for $250 Million,” New York Times, February 18, 2016,
DaVita agreed to pay $350 million: U.S. Department of Justice, “DaVita to Pay $350 Million to Resolve Allegations of Illegal Kickbacks,” press release, October 22, 2014,
doctors in the county prescribed 1.6 million: Melanie Saltzman, “Ohio Sues Big Pharma over Increase in Opioid-Related Deaths,” PBS NewsHour, October 7, 2017,
thirty-eight people died from accidental overdose: Joel Achenbach, “No Longer ‘Mayberry’: A Small Ohio City Fights an Epidemic of Self-Destruction,” Washington Post, December 29, 2016,
another forty lost their lives: “Fentanyl and Related Drugs like Carfentanil as Well as Cocaine Drove Increase in Overdose Deaths,” in Ohio Department of Health, 2016 Ohio Drug Overdose Data: General Findings (Columbus, 2016), [inactive].
“Now you can get heroin quicker”: Achenbach, “No Longer ‘Mayberry.’”
“One day in September”: Achenbach, “No Longer ‘Mayberry.’”
the violent crime rate has gone up: Achenbach, “No Longer ‘Mayberry.’”
two hundred children were placed: Paula Seligson and Tim Reid, “Unbudgeted: How the Opioid Crisis Is Blowing a Hole in Small-Town America’s Finances,” Reuters, September 27, 2017,
The surge has required: Seligson and Reid, “Unbudgeted.”
“It’s like having the flu”: Achenbach, “No Longer ‘Mayberry.’”
Between 2007 and 2012: Julia Lurie, “A Brief, Blood-Boiling History of the Opioid Epidemic,” Mother Jones, January/February 2017,
the United States was consuming: Lurie, “History of the Opioid Epidemic.”
259 million prescriptions for opioids: Lurie, “History of the Opioid Epidemic.”
roughly 80 percent of Americans: Keith Humphries, “How Legal Drug Companies Helped Revive the Heroin Trade,” Wonkblog, Washington Post, June 15, 2018,
opioid deaths are still rising: Karen Kaplan, “Opioid Overdose Deaths Are Still Rising in Nearly Every Segment of the Country, CDC Says,” Los Angeles Times, March 29, 2018,
“effectively stripped the DEA”: Scott Higham and Lenny Bernstein, “The Drug Industry’s Triumph Over the DEA,” Washington Post, October 15, 2017,
Many insurance companies will cover: German Lopez, “She Paid Nothing for Opioid Painkillers. Her Addiction Treatment Costs More Than $200 a Month,” Vox, June 4, 2018,
“Most of the tubs”: Steven Ross, Allison Graham, and David Appleby, At the River I Stand (San Francisco: California Newsreel, 1993), documentary film, 56 min.,
“So often we overlook”: Martin Luther King Jr., “All Labor Has Dignity,” King Series, ed. Michael K. Honey (Boston: Beacon Press, 2011).
“We are tired,” King said: King, “All Labor Has Dignity.”
a year of child care for a baby: Tanza Loudenback, “In 33 US States It Costs More to Send Your Kid to Childcare Than College,” Business Insider, October 12, 2016,
more than three times faster: Michelle Jamrisko and Ilan Kolet, “College Costs Surge 500% in U.S. Since 1985: Chart of the Day,” Bloomberg, August 26, 2013,
less than 1 percent of the homes: Jenny Luna, “Buying a Home Is Nearly Impossible for Teachers in These Cities,” Mother Jones, February 4, 2017,
1.2 million by 2026: U.S. De
partment of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Fastest Growing Occupations,” Occupational Outlook Handbook, April 13, 2018,
more than $21,000 behind: Brandie Temple and Jasmine Tucker, Equal Pay for Black Women (Washington, DC: National Women’s Law Center, July 2017),
worker wages grew 90 percent: Lawrence Mishel, Elise Gould, and Josh Bivens, Wage Stagnation in Nine Charts (Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute, 2015),
worker compensation rose just 9 percent: Mishel, Gould, and Bivens, Wage Stagnation.
CEOs making more than three hundred: Diana Hembree, “CEO Pay Skyrockets to 361 Times That of the Average Worker,” Forbes, May 22, 2018,
40 percent of the nation’s wealth: Christopher Ingraham, “The Richest 1 Percent Now Owns More of the Country’s Wealth Than at Any Time in the Past 50 Years,” Wonkblog, Washington Post, December 6, 2017.
adds up to roughly $40 trillion: Harriet Torrey, “Americans’ Wealth Surpasses $100 Trillion,” Wall Street Journal, June 7, 2018,
43 percent of households can’t afford: Quentin Fottrell, “50 Million American Households Can’t Even Afford Basic Living Expenses,” MarketWatch, June 9, 2018,
375 million people worldwide: Daniela Hernandez, “Seven Jobs Robots Will Create—or Expand,” Wall Street Journal,
23 percent of current working hours: James Manyika et al., Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce Transitions in a Time of Automation (Washington, DC: McKinsey Global Institute, 2017),
The Truths We Hold Page 29