Scott, Walter, 70
Secure Elections Act, 238–39
security, see national security
segregation, 2, 11, 21, 40–41, 115, 116
Senate, U.S., 159
Harris in, 63, 65, 157–58
Harris elected to, xiii–xiv, 24, 143–44, 148–50
Harris on committees in, 150, 157, 231–33, 235, 236, 238
Harris’s campaign for, xi, xiii, xiv, 141–43
Harris’s first speech to, 159–61
Homeland Security Committee, 150, 157, 170–72, 233, 238
Intelligence Committee, 149, 231–33, 235, 236, 238, 243
Judiciary Committee, 268–70
Service Employees International Union (SEIU), 155, 220
Sessions, Jeff, 162, 163, 171, 174
sexual exploitation, assault, and violence, 30–33, 35–36, 53, 169, 264, 275–76, 278
Kavanaugh and, 268–74
#MeToo movement and, 267
in prisons, 68
Shelton, Arthur, 11–13, 97, 219–20
Shelton, Regina, 11–13, 16, 20, 88, 219–20
Sherman, Uncle, 15–16, 21
“show the math” approach, 265–66
Silard, Tim, 55–56, 58
Silbert, Mimi, 82
Silicon Valley, 147
Simon, Lateefah, 53–55, 57–58
Simone, Nina, 14, 18
60 Minutes, 89, 206
Smith, Ace, 82–83, 85, 143
Social Science Research Council, 107
Social Security, 159
Sony, 241
Sotomayor, Sonia, 115
Statue of Liberty, 165
Stearns, Jim, 44
Steele, Andrea Dew, 42
Steinberg, Darrell, 106
Stier, Sandy, 112–13, 117–19, 121
stocks, 225
Stockton, CA, 256
Strauss, Levi, 146
stress, 196
Studio Museum in Harlem, 75
SunTrust Mortgage, 106
Supreme Court, U.S., 2, 110, 116, 158, 164, 229
Kavanaugh’s nomination to, 268–74
same-sex marriage and, 110–16, 120
Supreme Court Building, 24, 109–10
Suvor, Daniel, 59, 138
Syrian refugees, 260–61
taxes, 222, 225, 229
LIFT the Middle Class Tax Act, 219
Teach for America, 201
telomeres, 196
terrorism, 233, 244
Texas Tribune, 175
Thomas, Clarence, 276
Thousand Oaks Elementary School, 2, 11
torture, 248–50
transgender rights, 120, 138
travel ban, 156–58, 160
Treasury Department, U.S., 92
Troncoso, Michael, 89, 95, 100
truancy, 121–25, 138, 263
Trump, Donald, xiv–xv, 68, 271
elected president, xii–xiv, 143
inauguration of, 154–55
Muslim travel ban of, 156–58, 160
trust, xv, 71
truth, xv–xvi, 265, 280
Tsai, Jeff, 59
Tubbs, Michael, 256
Twain, Mark, 188, 264
unemployment, 78, 107, 220
United Farm Workers, 266
United Nations, 46
Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, 167
United Way, 225
University of Alabama, 118
University of California:
at Berkeley, 4–5, 8, 155
DACA and, 163–64
Hastings College of the Law, 11, 24, 26
San Francisco, 198
University of Michigan, 196
University of Southern California, 258
Vogue, 197
voting, 115, 236–39, 274
Voting Rights Act, 116, 159
Vox, 191
Walker, Alice, 18
Walker, Vaughn, 113
Wallace, Larry, 69
Wall Street Journal, 108
Warren, Earl, 2, 115
Warren, Elizabeth, 92–93
Washington, George, 12
Washington Post, 172–73, 202–3, 206
water security, 244, 245–46
Weinstein, Harvey, 275
Wells Fargo, 80, 98
West, Tony, 87, 210, 284
Whitehouse, Sheldon, 271
Widener, Warren, 18
Williams, Malissa, 71
Williams, Serena, 197
Wilson, Frances, 11, 20
Wilson, Woodrow, 146
Wire, The, 195
women, 141, 142, 156, 281
cost of living and, 221
Democratic, 276
domestic violence victims seeking asylum, 174, 176–77
health care and, 185, 187–88, 195
#MeToo movement and, 267
in Northern Triangle, 167
in prison, 67–68
Women’s March, 155–56
words, importance of, 263–65
work, jobs, 216, 221, 225
automation and, 226–27
college and, 223, 224, 227–28
jobs guarantee program, 256–57
organized labor and, 104–5, 222, 226, 229, 266
sanitation workers, 214–16
unemployment, 78, 107, 220
wages and salaries in, 216–22, 226
World War II, 40, 221
Worldwide Threat Assessment, 240
Yahoo!, 146
Yang, Jerry, 146
Year of the Woman, 141
Young, Shelley, 23
Zarrillo, Jeff, 112–13
Kamala D. Harris is a lifelong public safety and civil rights leader, and is currently serving as a U.S. Senator from California. She began her career in the Alameda County District Attorney's Office, then was elected District Attorney of San Francisco. As California's Attorney General, Kamala prosecuted transnational gangs, big banks, Big Oil, for-profit colleges and fought against attacks on the Affordable Care Act. Harris also fought to reduce elementary school truancy and pioneered the nation's first open data initiative to expose racial disparities in the criminal justice system and implemented implicit bias training for police officers. The second black woman ever elected to the U.S. Senate, Kamala has worked to reform our criminal justice system, raise the minimum wage, make higher education tuition-free for the majority of Americans, and protect the legal rights of refugees and immigrants.
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