Pour me a Drink (Tarnation, Texas Book 3)

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Pour me a Drink (Tarnation, Texas Book 3) Page 12

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  What he needed was to sink into a warm, soft body.

  Needed to hear a woman moan his name in pleasure.

  In the bathroom, he dragged off his clothes and stepped under the cold spray, scrubbing his body until his skin ached. He gave his hair a quick wash. Shutting off the water, he climbed out and didn’t bother drying off. In a house full of men, none of them worried about modesty.

  Making his way down the hallway into the bedroom, he didn’t realize he wasn’t alone until he heard the springs in the mattress squeal. He was tired of his brothers invading his space. He didn’t even bother looking. “What the fuck are you doing in my bedroom?”

  “Your brother said it was okay for me to come up here. I-I will leave.”

  At the familiar soft voice, he jerked around and met the gaze of the woman who’d torn him inside out since she arrived in Tarnation. Reaching for the first thing he came to, which happened to be an old towel he dropped over the chair last night, he covered his waist and knotted it. “Alaska? I didn’t know you were here. I thought you were one of my brothers.” It took a lot to embarrass him and, at the moment, he felt like he was going to get sick. In one fell swoop, he’d shown his junk to the one woman he was trying to impress. There was a huge difference between wanting to do it and actually doing it, and by the mortified expression on her face, he’d made a fool of himself.

  “It’s my fault.” She’d almost made it to the doorway now. “I shouldn’t have come upstairs.” She was busily wringing her hands together.

  Why did he feel so damn guilty? He didn’t do anything wrong and yet he felt the need to apologize. “I’m sorry. It’s okay.” If things weren’t bad enough, his dick decided to tent the towel. Holy shit! What the hell was wrong with his body?

  Her eyes dipped, her cheeks flushed, and one corner of her mouth actually played with a smile. “Oh my!” she whimpered.

  He grabbed a pair of jeans from the top drawer of his chest and held them in front of his stiffy. “Listen, stay. I mean, let me get dressed. I’ll meet you downstairs. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She backed out of the room and he could hear her footsteps as she hurried down the stairs.

  He rubbed his eyes and cursed under his breath. Great! He’d remember to punch Baxter later.

  Dressing in jeans and a T-shirt, he shoved his feet into his boots and made his way downstairs, finding Alaska sitting on the edge of the couch, her hands tightly clasped in her lap but thankfully the color of her cheeks had returned to normal. She smiled. “Thank you for the upstanding greeting.”

  Had she actually made a joke?

  “Yeah, some hello, huh?” He sat in the chair, still feeling naked.

  “Don’t worry. We’re all adults here. I’m flattered.”

  He liked this side to her—a mixture of teasing and sassiness. He was glad she had come out of her comfort zone some. “How did you get here?”

  “I walked.”

  Damn, good thing River wasn’t with her. It would have been hard to explain why he was flashing the kid’s mom. There was something different about her, something he couldn’t quite pinpoint, but it was there all the same. “Do you need something?” He didn’t expect her to show up on his doorstep, although he couldn’t deny having her here was a pleasant surprise.

  “While I was painting, I found so many remarkable pieces of antique furniture. I’d love to use them downstairs. It seems like such a waste to have them hidden away.”

  “I can grab some help and move them down for you when I get the chance.”

  “No hurry. There was something else that I found, and I wanted to share it with you.” She reached into her small purse and took out a small leather bound book. “I think you should read this.” She placed the journal on the table in front of him. “It’s only one of several but I think this is the most important one.”

  “What is it?” He picked it up and flipped through the yellowed pages.

  “A diary. It belonged to Fancy Grace, the previous owner of the B&B. I’ve read every single page.”

  He could see the excitement in her expression, but he didn’t see how this had a connection with him. “And you’re wanting me to read it because…?”

  “Fancy and your father were lovers. They were very much in love when they were teens, but her parents forced them to break up. In her diaries she talks about Buzz when he was younger, as young as fifteen. She sheds a whole different light on what he was like, and why he changed. There are so many things about him, like his rough childhood, that explains so much. She also talks about how guilty he was about leaving his family.”

  He set the diary back on the table and stared at the cover for a good three seconds then lifted his gaze to Alaska. “I’m not sure a diary from his lover will help me understand him.”

  “I think you should be more open minded.”

  He chuckled. “Really? About a man who cared less about his family?”

  “I don’t think that’s true.”

  “You saw a drugged-up version,” he growled. The last thing Arc wanted was to have another dead-end conversation about the man.

  “Maybe, but I can tell you that coming from my own tragic childhood I can see how that can change us.”

  He swallowed the growing lump in his throat. “You and Buzz aren’t the same. You are a great mom and Buzz, well, he was a lousy father.”

  “I’m a good mother but I’ve closed myself off to too many people.” She blinked which told him she’d divulged enough about herself in one sitting. “I hope you’ll think about it. Not so much for Buzz but for you.” She stood. “I should be getting back. I have a lot of painting to do and I have a guest I need to worry about.”

  Arc stood then realized what she’d said. “A guest?”

  “Lowe James. He came in yesterday evening from San Antonio. He’s here for the festival. The Inn in town was full and someone mentioned the B&B.”

  “I didn’t think you were open for business yet.”

  “I wasn’t but I couldn’t very well let him sleep in his truck. The truth is, I could certainly use the money too. I do have a B&B and the sooner I can get it up and running the better.”

  He liked that she was committed to making it work here in Tarnation. “Let me grab my hat and I’ll take you home.”

  “Arc, I’m sure you’re busy. I don’t mind walking.”

  “And I don’t mind giving you a lift.” He didn’t have any more chores until that evening, and that was to collect the rent from the shops. Right now, he was interested in seeing more of Alaska, and maybe meet the new guest at the B&B. Not that Alaska needed his protection but at the same time he wanted to make sure she and River were safe.


  AFTER MEETING ARC’S brother, Alaska had made her way upstairs to the last bedroom.

  The door was open, so she peeked in. “Arc?”

  No answer.

  The room was empty.

  Stepping across the threshold, she scanned the interior. So, this was Arc’s bedroom. A king size bed sat in the center covered in a masculine gray comforter. The dresser top held a belt buckle, a pile of coins, a stack of bills, and a cap that read, “A longneck beer never broke my heart.”

  She smiled.

  The room smelled like him.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, she waited a few minutes, hearing a door down the hall open then close. Soft footsteps sounded on the cinnamon wood flooring, and then he strolled through the doorway. He wasn’t wearing clothes. Her mouth fell open and her breath caught somewhere between interest and shock. His hair was damp, dripping droplets of water onto his broad, bare shoulders. She couldn’t control the trajectory of her gaze that followed the smooth plane of his six-pack to the trail of crisps hair to…


  She wasn’t an expert in the different sizes of men, but, if she had to guess, Arc would be the envy in a community shower.

  Alaska knew she should make him aware that he wasn’t alone. Her tongue wouldn’t work. He shifted
and she trailed her gaze over his firm bottom. A rider’s bottom. She could flick a quarter off his buns.

  Then he saw her.

  His eyes widened and the next events were quick. He grabbed something to cover himself but not before his body reacted strongly. Yeah, she’d been right. He certainly wasn’t lacking in masculinity.

  Then reality burned through her.

  She was in Arc’s bedroom, he was half dressed, and he had a hard on.

  Why didn’t any of those things humiliate her? Instead, she felt excited.

  She jumped up from the bed, her feet frozen to the floor. Seconds floated by. A few simple words were exchanged, and she found herself moving toward the door for an escape. She registered her feet moving down the stairs, her body on fire. Thankfully, she didn’t come face to face with any of his brothers.

  Laughter bubbled up her throat. She saw Arc completely naked. Not just the front, but also the back. She covered her mouth and looked up the stairs. She wasn’t laughing because any of this was funny, at least not right now. Her laughter came because she felt desire flood between her legs. That was a feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time.

  Alaska had never seen a mam broader or more masculine.

  She dropped to the couch, overcome with…what? Desire. Pleasure. Excitement. She hadn’t felt any of these sensations in so long that she’d forgotten how wonderful they could be. Guilt bombarded her. But why? Why did she feel like she didn’t deserve to have these things in her life? To have someone who found her attractive and to whom she found attractive.

  Hearing Arc’s footsteps on the stairs she looked up and watched him descend. He was dressed, but, in her mind, he was still naked. She didn’t realize she was smiling until her cheeks ached. She had no control over the expression.

  The next few minutes as she explained the diary, explained what she wanted from Arc, sped by in a blur. It wasn’t until they stepped outside and walked toward his truck that her brain started functioning again.

  He opened the door for her and, as she passed him, she brushed against him. An electrical jolt scurried up her veins and she met his gaze, remembering the kiss they’d shared on Lover’s Cliff. His fingers wrapped around her wrist, their gazes held, and she waited. Hoping he’d kiss her again, but it didn’t come. Instead he took a step back so she could climb into the truck.

  Once he was inside, he clicked on the AC, and she was grateful for the cold air that circulated from the vents, cooling her skin. How much longer could she contain the sensations inside? She and Arc didn’t know each other. What spiraled between them could only be described as lust—a normal lust between two people. But then why did she feel emotions she’d never felt before.

  The drive to the B&B was short, and she climbed out, meeting Arc at the front of the truck. “Thank you for bringing me home. Would you like to come in? I plan on making pizza for dinner and you’re welcome to stay and eat.”

  Alaska saw the hesitation, but in the end, he decided to take her up on her offer. Inside the house, she placed her keys and purse on the table, and he followed her into the kitchen.

  “Can I get you a drink? I have iced tea. Lemonade. Bottled water.”

  “Iced tea sounds good.”

  She felt his gaze on her as she poured ice and tea into two glasses and placed one in front of him. “Here you go.”

  “It’s starting to look different in here. How’s the faucet holding up?”

  “It’s holding. I’m glad you convinced me to keep the old one.” She reached into the cabinet and took down the ingredients she needed for dinner.

  “What’s it like to have a man living under your roof?”

  “He’s only been here a short time. I think he likes to keep to himself.” When he slid off the stool and went to the sink to wash his hands, she asked, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m helping you make dinner. What can I do?”

  “Can you slice a pepper?”

  “I don’t think I ever have, but I can try.”

  She handed the vegetable over while she went about preparing the crusts. As she kneaded the dough, her gaze skirted to where he used the knife, clumsily slicing the pepper. She giggled.

  “Is this okay?” He held up a slice of pepper that looked a lot like a curly fry.

  “No worries. It won’t take away from the taste.”

  “Come on, don’t let me off the hook. I want to learn how to slice a pepper.” He smiled and she felt it all the way into the center of her bones.

  “Okay. I’ll show you.” She stepped over, feeling like the large space shrunk by double. She’d always wanted this…wanted to have someone who liked to cook with her.

  He handed her the knife and their fingers brushed. She swore she heard his breath come out in a quick hiss. The handle was still warm from his hand, which made her fingers tremble some. If she wasn’t careful, she’d cut herself. Reaching for another pepper, she easily, and cleanly, cut and cored it. “You should turn it skin down and make even slices. It’s really about letting the knife do most of the work.”

  “Like this?” He came behind her, reached for the knife that she was still holding and laid his large hand over hers. Together, they cut.

  “Yes, just like that.” Fully aware that her voice came out winded, she also couldn’t ignore how his strong, powerful body pressed against hers. Feeling him swell against her bottom, she forgot about breathing…forgot about everything except for the feel of him.

  “You’re pretty good at this cooking thing,” he whispered next to her ear.

  “I enjoy it.” There was a noticeable teetering in her voice that matched the tottering inside of her. “Do you like anchovies on your pizza?”

  “I’ve never eaten one before.”

  “You’ve never eaten an anchovy? Honestly?”

  She felt him shrug. “Pizza to me means sauce, cheese, and pepperoni.”

  “Of course, but it’s important to try new things. There’s definitely a first for everything.” She popped the lid to the jar and used a fork to spear one of the fish then she turned, facing him. Lifting the fork to show him her offering he wrinkled his nose which made her laugh. “Come on. It’s not too bad.”

  “It looks bad.”

  “You can’t judge this poor little fish for its looks. Here, try half of it.” She pulled the anchovy off the fork, securing it between her fingers. “Just a bite. You never know, you might love it.”

  “Oh, no doubt I’d love it.” There was a sensual tone to his voice that shot fireworks into her veins. He wrapped his fingers around her wrist while still holding her gaze. He brought the tips of her fingers into his mouth. “Delicious.”

  She trembled all the way into her core. “See, anchovies aren’t bad.”

  “Not the anchovy, sweetheart.” He lifted a tendril of her hair, rolled it around his fingers and brought it to his nose. “My God, how is it you smell like a slice of Heaven?”

  “I-I don’t know.”

  He still held her wrist and he turned it so that her palm faced up. He kissed the tender skin, right where her pulse beat heavily, then left a warm trail on the inside of her arm. At the inside of her elbow he nibbled playfully, sampling her. The gentle sensation sent waves of pleasure through her and over her. She lost herself in the cobalt puddles of his amazing eyes.

  Before she knew what was happening, his mouth was on her neck, his whiskered jaw scraping her delicate flesh as he caressed her with his tongue. She dropped her cheek to her shoulder, giving him ample access, reveling in the pleasure he offered with his lips. She wanted his kiss on her breasts, her stomach, between her thighs. She needed him.

  He scooted the items over on the island and enveloped her waist with his large hands, lifting her up. Hypnotized by the erotic feeling rushing through her, she didn’t realize what he was doing until his fingers were on her, spreading her legs wide.

  “Arc…,” she protested.

  “Let me taste you.”

  A whimper fell off her lips as he
slipped her shorts and panties down her legs. Twisting the satin material around his hand, he lowered them to her ankles then focused on the apex of her body. She heard him inhale deeply and she quivered, anticipating his kiss on her most precious part.

  Then it came and all hell broke loose inside her body. With each lap, each suckle, and sinful blow of his breath on her moist body, she trembled until she thought she’d fly right off the island. She couldn’t go anywhere because he restrained her with his hand wrapped in her panties bound around her ankles.

  Warmth started at her toes, quickly erupting into tingles that shattered every wall, every strap of resistance. She cried out, pulling his hair as he rocked her world.

  A sound broke through her paradise.

  “Oh my God!” She pushed his head away, then his hand and he quickly untwisted his fingers from her panties. Sliding off the island, she dragged them up her quaking legs at the same time she heard footsteps in the hallway. She saw Arc swipe the back of his hand across his moist mouth and smile.

  Lord, give me strength.

  Lowe stepped into the kitchen, coming to a sudden stop when he saw Alaska and Arc. “Sorry. Am I interrupting?”

  Still reeling, she could barely breathe let alone form cognitive words.

  “We’re making dinner,” Arc answered, giving her a tell-tale wink. “Hi. I’m Lowe James.” The man stuck out his hand.

  Arc rounded the island and shook the man’s hand and Alaska almost dropped to the floor. She knew what Arc had just been doing with that hand…and that mouth. Her body flushed white hot then icy cold. She barely heard the men talking, something about San Antonio and rodeos.

  The room spun.

  Her heart pounded.

  Then she felt strong arms around her. The shuffling of footsteps. “Are you okay?” Arc whispered in her ear.

  “I’m fine.” She was starting to come to and by the time he laid her on the couch she was much better. “I need salt tabs.”

  “Where are they?”

  “In the cabinet above the stove.”

  He left her side.

  Lowe was standing a few feet away. His eyes wide. “Is there anything I can do, ma’am?”


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