Spark of Truth (The Hidden Wizard Book 3)

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Spark of Truth (The Hidden Wizard Book 3) Page 21

by Vaughan W. Smith

  It was slow to travel. He wasn’t sure if that was because of the weight of it, or whether it was due to where he was moving it. But he pushed the thoughts away and kept his focus. He pushed more and more. Guiding that feeling along. It was half-pushing, half-coaxing. He couldn’t describe it properly, just that it was a strange mix of actions to keep it moving along.

  It began to approach his neck. There was no other way to reach his head; he had to push through it. As expected there was resistance. Like a wall, or a blockage that would not budge. He urged the feeling onwards, did everything he knew to keep it going. He tried to tear down that blockage, to will it away.

  He tried and tried, and it seemed like he was slowly wearing it down. He could feel the energy within him gathering, getting ready to smash through and continue on the path he had set for it. Then suddenly he crashed. The feeling dissipated completely and he felt groggy.

  Alrion was lying on the floor. He sat up slowly, and looked around. Something was wrong. He looked up at the ceiling and it was slowly oscillating. The room looked like it was threatening to spin around.

  “That was not good. I feel dizzy,” he said. It was scary. Like his senses were working against him.

  “Your infection wound is on your neck, right?” Marla said. She was examining him closely.

  “Yes, take a look.”

  “Hmm, this is obviously new territory for us all. It seems to be quite resistant. You may need to skip this exercise.”

  “Skip? What do you mean?”

  “Let me explain. As I mentioned before, these exercises are a mix of training, but also preparation. You must learn how to feel the Soul power within, as well as move it around the body. But at the same time, we are unlocking your ability to use it.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Vincent said.

  “There are multiple places in your body that are like gateways for Soul power. You need to activate those gateways to allow it to be easier to flow. It will not only amplify your total power, but also speed up the flow and transfer. The head is a very important connection to make, so that’s why I asked you to dunk your head. Saturating it with water infused with Soul power helps overcome some blockages. But not all, it would seem.” Marla stared at Alrion’s neck. He felt really self-conscious and found himself adjusting his cloak to better hide it.

  “That makes sense. But what does it mean for me?” Alrion said.

  “You may need to come back to that exercise last. When the rest of your body is better prepared for the Soul power. Then you can overwhelm the Blight and cure yourself in one go.”

  “That’s probably better than I had thought. I can just come back to it?”

  “Yes. It will make the rest of your training harder, but you’re already used to that right?” Marla smiled. Alrion shook his head and laughed. It was much louder and fuller than he had expected.

  “Yes, nothing is ever easy. How much more are we expected to do today?”

  “That’s it. You should return and rest. I will brief the eldest and we will continue again tomorrow.” Marla rose gracefully and tied up her wet hair.

  “Should we dry this off?” Vincent said.

  “No, it’s better if you leave it.”

  “As you wish.” Alrion stood and stretched a little. He felt quite stiff from all the sitting. He’d started to have a headache too.

  That’s the last thing I needed.

  But he tried to stop the inner complaints. He followed Marla back to the entrance. She opened the door and pointed outside.

  “I must remain here a bit longer before I report back. You can find your way back to your accommodation.”

  “Of course. Thank you for your assistance,” Vincent said.

  “You are welcome. You are family after all.”

  “So we are. Thank you and see you tomorrow,” Alrion said. He followed his father out into the freezing cold. He had forgotten just how cold it was.

  At first, he thought it was due to how well the building had been heated. However, he realised that it hadn’t been well heated at all.

  I wonder if that’s a result of us training? I’ll have to ask tomorrow.

  They walked back to their room in silence. Alrion didn’t feel like conversation, and his father seemed to understand that.

  “Welcome back. How was everything?” Lara said as they entered the room. It felt a lot warmer inside.

  “It was a difficult day. But we made good progress didn’t we, Alrion?” Vincent said.

  “I suppose so. The Blight is holding me back, but I’ll find a way. I’m starving too!”

  “Dig in, we can hear all about it later.” Lara gestured to the food. Alrion looked over at Alyx and saw that she was asleep.

  “Don’t worry, she’s fine. Sat up all day, but finally crashed,” Lara said.

  “Good.” Alrion started with the food immediately. The more he ate, the more ravenous he felt.

  It was deceptively hard. I hope I can do this in time, he thought. As he ate he glanced up periodically. It felt like Lara was watching him closely. But every time she appeared to be looking elsewhere.

  Once Alrion finished, he shuffled over to his bed.

  “Sorry, but I’m exhausted. It was a tough day, and I had a few setbacks. My dad can fill you in. But the good news is, when I do eventually have a breakthrough it will hopefully cure me of the Blight.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing! It sounds worth the effort.”

  “It truly is. You rest son, I’ll update Lara. You need to recover and get back to it tomorrow with your full focus.”

  “Thanks. Goodnight,” Alrion said. He didn’t even wait to hear what they said. He closed his eyes and sleep was waiting to pounce on him.

  Alrion did not have a restful sleep. He kept dreaming of white orbs of light, travelling down dark hallways, being blocked by black walls. A part of him knew this was somehow related to his day, but it was only a dim awareness. Each time the orb was blocked, he felt his anger and frustration rising. Finally, there was a group of four lights all trying to go down a single corridor. But the black wall was steadfast, and oozed a black liquid. One by one it extinguished the lights. Alrion screamed in frustration.

  “There you are!” Wraith said, his voice echoing and booming. Alrion found himself inside the dream corridor. He hadn’t just been dreaming it, he had been present.

  “What’s going on?” he said.

  “Oh, I was just hosting this little show for you. I see you enjoyed it!”

  “These are my dreams. How can you do this?”

  “With great difficulty I’m afraid. And a little outside help. But you left me no choice. You ran away to a secret place and started plotting your own cure. But now I have you.”

  “What do you mean? This is just a dream.”

  “Oh, that is true. But I know where you are. I have your location. It doesn’t matter how many secret paths or tricks there are before getting to you. I know where you are, so I will find the way. You can’t run any longer.”

  “I don’t need to run. I’ll face you. And I have help here.” Alrion hoped Wraith fell for the bluff. He didn’t feel confident in the slightest, but he had to try something.

  “Your little band of Mystics? They don’t scare me. In fact, I have one of them with me now. She’s quite the interesting sort. We’re poking and prodding her. Learning all about that special power.” Wraith laughed, the sound rising in volume and echoing all around. Alrion blocked his ears trying to ignore it.

  “You’re lying!” Alrion said. The laughter died down.

  “I’m really not. Her name is Freyda. And when I’m done with her, she won’t be resistant to the Blight anymore,” Wraith said. Alrion’s spirit dropped. She had helped them. She had given them the amulet that had shown them the way. And Wraith had taken her and done who knows what. It was his fault.

  “You’ve gone silent. You know I’m telling the truth. Good. It doesn’t matter what you’re up to over there. I know where you are, I know how
to handle your Mystics, and I can create more Shade Wizards. You have no chance. So just sit tight and get ready to hand yourself over.” Wraith shrieked one more terrifying laugh then went silent. Alrion looked around at the space around him. In the dream all the ways had become black and oozing. And they were closing in.

  “You won’t win. I’ll never let you!” Alrion shouted. As the walls finally came into contact with him everything went bright white.

  Alrion sat up quickly, gasping for air. He looked around the room in shock. He was in his bed. It was the visitor room. Nobody else seemed to be around.

  That’s odd.

  He stood and paced around the room. There was food laid out. And the other beds were neatly made. He spotted a folded piece of paper on his father’s bed. He opened it up and read the contents.

  You look like you need the rest. Lara and Alyx have been summoned to see the eldest. I am starting the training early. Come join us when you are up.

  - Dad

  Alrion folded the note and replaced it. He now had an explanation for where everyone was, which was good. The details of his dream were firmly etched in his mind There was no forgetting them. He immediately started thinking of Freya, and what Wraith might be doing. His appetite quickly disappeared.

  “Try not to think about that. Eat, and come up with a plan,” he told himself. Walking over to the food, Alrion sat and forced himself to eat. He felt his hunger reappear as he ate, even though he wasn’t enjoying the food.

  Wraith knows where I am. He has more Shade Wizards, he has captured Freyda and he will probably know all he needs to know before he gets here. All because of me.

  No matter how he twisted it around, it all came back to him. He had failed to deal with Wraith. He had become infected. He had led everyone to the Mystics, and in doing so put them in Wraith’s path.

  What if they’re not?

  He could leave the settlement. Let Wraith track him somewhere else. The Mystics would be spared and he could surely continue the training they had started him on.

  This might be better for everyone, he thought. He didn’t want anyone else to suffer for him. He started to feel his anger rise again at the thought. His failings had put him in this position, and everyone else had suffered because of it. He had an opportunity now to set things right. He could draw Wraith away from them, and spare them. At least he would do something right It was a move he could actually make by himself.

  “I have to do it. They’ll understand. But I have to start now. Otherwise Wraith will be too close and won’t divert himself.” Alrion started packing his things. He packed some food that would last well, and thought about making his bed.

  No, that’s too obvious. I need to buy time.

  Taking one last look around the room, he cemented his decision.

  “No more being a burden. I’m finally doing something.” He opened the door to leave, before he lost the will to follow it through.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Lara said. She was standing right outside with Alyx. Alyx looked a lot better, and Alrion was surprised to see her on her feet. He was about to explain when he felt Lara shove him back inside.

  “We need to talk. Before you do something stupid,” she said.



  “Unbelievable!” Lara said as she entered the room. The shock on Alrion’s face was worth it though. She had to capitalise on that.

  “We were summoned by the eldest, Jovana. I was surprised quite frankly. She didn’t seem to be the sort to want anything to do with us. But she said we needed to convince you not to leave.”

  “I thought she was mistaken, that you would never leave us. But here we are,” Alyx said. She sat down on her bed.

  “Sit!” Lara said, pointing at Alrion’s bed. He sat down. That was good, he was listening. She had a chance.

  “So, what was going through your mind? Why were you trying to sneak off?” Lara said.

  “Why would you?” Alrion started to say.

  “Don’t bother with that. Jovana told us she saw it happening, and here we are. Do you think we’re going to believe that you packed that bag to go train?” Lara stared at Alrion with all her fury, and he seemed to resign himself.

  “You would agree if you’d been through what I did last night.”

  “Just talk to us. What happened?” Alyx said. Alrion sighed. He looked reluctant but he started to talk.

  “The training was hard. And frustrating. The Blight is holding me back. I got angry a few times, and I think it tipped off Wraith.”

  “What do you mean?” Lara said.

  “He was in my dreams last night. He told me he knows where I am, that the Mystics wouldn’t stop him. And he’s bringing more Shade Wizards.”

  “That’s not great news, but we can stop them. Look, even Alyx is on her feet!”

  “I’m happy about that, but that’s not all. He has Freyda!”

  “The Healer? That’s not good,” Lara said.

  “And whatever he’s up to, he knows she’s a Mystic. He even said that he’s figuring out how to bypass her resistance to the Blight!”

  “He’s bluffing,” Lara said. She looked at Alyx.

  “Of course he is. Don’t take it all to heart,” Alyx said.

  “He’s not. I can feel it. He’s not just saying that, he believes it. If he can create Shade Wizards, and Trackers, or whatever else he’s been up to, then he can with enough time turn a Mystic. I can’t let them suffer for my mistakes.”

  “Oh, now we’re getting somewhere. You’re going off by yourself to protect everyone else?” Lara said. Now she was beginning to understand. It was still ridiculous, but made more sense.

  “It’s me he’s after. How many more need to suffer? If I leave now, he won’t even make it to this place. He will need to track me somewhere else.”

  “And how will you cure yourself?”

  “If I can succeed with the Mystic training, I will be cured. They’ve shown me most of it, I just need to continue until I get a breakthrough. It’s not ideal, but at least I’ll be doing something to help them.” Alrion looked desperate. Lara could see that Wraith had really rattled him.

  “How are you going to heal me then? He’ll track you down, and you’ll be alone. You’ll just get captured and infected again,” Alyx said.

  “Didn’t you swear you would cure her? Going off by yourself is just irresponsible!” Lara said. Alrion looked down. He seemed to be weakening.

  “I know it’s a long shot. But I can’t stay here knowing what’s coming.”

  “You are progressing in your training, your father told us all about it. Yes, there have been some setbacks. It was never going to be easy. Not with your infection. But we can all work together to take down Wraith,” Lara said.

  “You will be able to cure yourself and then me a lot faster if you stay. Isn’t that worth the risk? Doesn’t that tip the odds in our favour? You and me full strength standing together?” Alyx said. Alrion looked up at her, a new look of hope on his face. He didn’t seem as defeated.

  “Isn’t it better to gamble on us, than to gamble on yourself alone? We’re stronger together, and the Mystics are your family. They won’t desert you. I doubt they would let you leave. Just save everyone the time and hassle and stay.” Lara could see him coming around. He just needed another push.

  “You don’t even need to think about our next move. Lara and I will figure out a plan of attack. You just need to focus on working with the Mystics. Focus on the training. That’s what’s most important!” Alyx said. Alrion sighed one more time and closed his eyes. He sat still for a long time.

  “I can’t fail again. Not to him,” Alrion said quietly.

  “You won’t. We’ll be beside you,” Lara said.

  “Fine. I’m sorry about all this, but it felt like the right move. Maybe Wraith did all that to make me do something stupid. Anyway, I’m too scattered right now. You’re right. You figure out a plan, and I’ll focus on my training.
Once I’m cured, I can stand on an equal footing with you both.” Alrion stood tall with a new determination in his eyes.

  “That works for me. Alyx?” Lara said.

  “Yes, that is a good plan. Good luck with your training.”

  “I better get to it. See you later,” Alrion said. He walked to the door, opened it quickly and strode out of the building. Lara watched and waited. After he was gone for thirty seconds she went and collapsed on her bed.

  “We did it. He bought it. You can rest now,” she said. Alyx slumped down onto the bed. She looked completely exhausted.

  “Did they say you would improve?” Lara said.

  “No. They could only keep things at bay. And the more I exert myself, the weaker their techniques get. I’ll have to be careful and only do what I must to show Alrion.”

  “Yes, please just be comfortable now. I have to say, I only half-believed Jovana. But she was completely right. Had we been any later we would have missed him!”

  “That’s the proof. I’m not sure what she can see in that water of hers, but it saved us right now. It would have been catastrophic if he left now.”

  “Exactly. He’s not ready to be alone. But it’s certainly alarming that Wraith knows about this place now, and has a way to deal with or even infect the Mystics. We need to go tell Jovana about that.”

  “Maybe she already knows,” Alyx said. She used a pillow to prop herself up a little and face Lara.

  “It’s definitely possible. I’ll go talk to her later just in case. So, we convinced Alrion to stay the course. It took some bluffing but we did it. Now we need to come up with a plan.”

  “It’s not like I can do anything else like this,” Alyx said. She closed her eyes and lay back. Her hair spilled out of the tie she usually used. Lara could see that underneath the facade and the dress, Alyx was actually beautiful. That reminded her of how Alrion kept looking at the weapon master. Maybe he saw it also.

  “I want to ask you something, before we start,” Lara said. Just even broaching the topic made her uncomfortable, but she would have no better opportunity.


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