Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Page 4

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  Our world is very much like some of the vacation resorts you have on your world in many respects, but there are many differences as well. It is a place where people come for play and to experience more playful adventure, be at ease, and play from the perspective of how they perceive their present reality as they currently are creating their perception of what is most joyful and what feels like a resort location for them to play within. So our world is very happy, not only the people, but the planet itself!

  Jefferson: Okay. We may talk about it at a later time. The reason I was intrigued and I brought this up is because you are sharing with us these ideas that certainly will help many to step up in consciousness from wherever they are. It's going to add value to our lives in general and help us evolve.

  So my previous question was more about getting to understand if your choice to share this information with us puts you and your society in danger in any way from some other race that may not want us to have access to information that reveals who we really are?

  Ishuwa: There is no ability at this time for that to occur, but we understand the idea, and we realize in Earth's experience for many generations there has been the need to hide information that some of you perceived would be to revealing for everyone to learn about. We understand there have been many secret societies, and we realize that creating secret societies has been useful in some instances and at other times it has only prolonged the belief in "needing to hide" information that can reveal your actual nature.

  As more people let go of the belief that they need to cover up their joy, hide their actual nature, and hide understandings they perceive would enlighten others, then great growth can occur. As more people let go and are more open to be expressive in each moment from their heart, letting their eternal heart and their physical throat form a communion of expressiveness that is very uplifting and in alignment with their actual nature, as more people do that, then more people will realize they have no need to hide understandings of their actual nature, no need to hide this frequency of being. It is an eternal frequency of support and mutual nourishment. As people let go and open up, they begin realizing the value of being open. In time, concepts such as copyrights and legal contracts within your society will also fall by the wayside. This will occur in appropriate timing.

  So we are not holding back specific information about us to protect our self. We realize our frequency is of such a nature that it will not be penetrated, as you would perceive the idea, from some other consciousness that would like to perhaps "pull the curtains" over this form of communication that we are having with you.

  Jefferson: Understood. Ishuwa, there are people here who research and try to understand to the best of their abilities the communications and interactions that take place with beings that are not from Earth. They have the idea that some off-planet beings view Earth as a rare jewel-like planet that has evolved naturally without aid or assistance of any technology and it has a rich diversity that cannot be found any-where else. From your perspective, are there any other "game boards" in Space like our planet that is such a rare jewel?

  Ishuwa: We believe, because of the infinite nature of Existence, that there are. Perhaps some are quite similar to Earth as well. We have had some communication directly with a few that are quite similar. There are other worlds that we haven’t had direct interaction with, but we have heard from others who have shared with us their experiences and we then are able to identify those worlds as being similar to Earth. Earth is unique, as all worlds are, and yet all worlds are containing of the one Creator, the one whole infinite being that is Love, that is Is-ness, that is the Youniverse, that is the Infinite, that is All That Is, that is All Life, whichever label you want to use.

  However, we find our selves greatly attracted to your world. More so than to the other worlds that we have come into contact with. We understand the reasons for the attraction in many instances, and in other instances we don’t. We just recognize that the joy, the pleasure is greater in our interaction together. So we, in a sense, focus more of our time with Earth beings for that reason.

  There are many wonderful qualities that are unique to Earth at this time, and we are very, very appreciative to be able to co-create our experiences with you in this way at this time.

  Jefferson: Can you share with us just a couple of these qualities, because I know you have the experience of being around and visiting and interacting with other beings of different solar systems. What are the top two most interesting things that Earth does have that other planets don’t necessarily express?

  Ishuwa: One is the idea on Earth that humans in such a great collective have come about with this ability to create the belief that they are disconnected from themselves and they then worship the idea that there is something outside of their self that is greater than them that is responsible for their world and their experiences and choices. This is very unique for the most part in our experience. It is possible that there are other worlds that have done this. In our experience, we find this to be one of the top two unique qualities of Earth and humans on Earth.

  You have found ways to create and to design "binocular of belief systems" that allow you to focus on your infinite nature in such a focused pinpointed fashion. You've lost vision with the rest of the infinite horizon of your potential nature, and you have not only focused in such a pinpointed aspect of your existence, you are looking at a very "dark" point that allows you to feel lost, to create conflict, to cry in sadness, to feel hopeless, to have depression and perceptions of illness, and dis-ease, and cancers, and wars, and fights, and lack, and arguments, and anger and fear.

  All of these things can only occur through a "binocular of belief" that focuses itself so deeply on the idea that your Creator is outside of you somewhere in the heavens watching over you and judging every moment of your day everyday to see if you've been good or bad and is evaluating whether you are going to receive any gifts under the tree on Christmas morning, so to speak. There is a belief in some external being that supposedly knows if you've been good or bad, knows if you've been naughty or nice.

  This perception of a conscious external Creator is very rare in our experience. Earthlings have so ingeniously created the perception of disconnection and separation from their Creator and thus from the very nature of their own true existence.

  Perhaps the second component that we find so endearing is the ability to create that separation perception. You have found the mask, the filtration system to cloak yourselves so deeply, so darkly, so fully, that you have been able for so long to create such a vast variety of experiences of separation, of disconnection, of darkness. We place no judgment on that for we experience and observe it from a very neutral state of mind, as does the Infinite, All That Is. It simply is a choice you are making in the realms of what you experience to be reality. We recognize that it isn't the real nature of your existence. We appreciate your willingness to share with us and to engage with us, and to be willing to awaken from this dark place, and to expand and make it easier for yourselves to let go of these "old binoculars," these old belief systems, and to let go of the belief in separation so that you may then more easily experience not only the joy you are but the joy that all other forms of life are that don’t presently reside on your planet at this time.

  Jefferson: I see.

  Ishuwa: Does that answer your question?

  Jefferson: Yes! Yes it does! Thank you! So it's a choice to incarnate on this planet, isn’t it?

  Ishuwa: From our perception, it is the only way you could have come into this perception of your existence. You chose to create the idea of incarnating into a physical body, yes.

  Jefferson: So we were excited to incarnate here no matter what "the weather" would be like because of what we could accomplish while, in a sense, cloaking our real identity from ourselves.

  Ishuwa: Yes. The pleasure outweighed the pain. So you made the choice to incarnate.

  Jefferson: There is a saying that if it was easy to be a human the
n everybody would want to be one. What are some of the difficulties or challenges that you go through on your planet, not necessarily in the sense of forgetting or experiencing darkness or anything, but could you share one or two challenges that you encounter?

  Ishuwa: Would you for us express your definition of challenge in that context of the question?

  Jefferson: Yes. When I want to accomplish something, but I have not yet figured out a way to do it, or there are obstacles that make it difficult to do.

  Ishuwa: Thank you for that definition in terms of how you are defining the idea of challenge in your question. We have a different definition.

  Jefferson: Yes?

  Ishuwa: Given the context in which you have asked this question, challenge for us involves some activity that we have an interest in moving into and experiencing but we aren’t aware of how to do it yet. When we aren’t initially aware of what we need to do to "get there," we know the challenge will be an enjoyable experience.

  We are very comfortable and confident knowing that if we just follow our heart we will effortlessly move into that place of experiencing what interests us. There isn’t any sense of an obstacle in the challenge. It's more of a joy for us to discover how we will get there. Going from point A to B can really be like going from A to C and point B is the experience, the "boat ride" as it were. We know we will know what we need to know when we need to know it so we can arrive at that experience, at that frequency. We also know that by knowing this we are able to relax more and experience each moment more fully with more acceptance and appreciation of ourselves and of what we are experiencing. This state of being is then given off in the consciousness pattern or conscious frequency to others and they are able to pick up on this vibration in a positive way.

  They then are able to learn and share in the experience with us if they want to, share a sense of the journey, of the boat ride. And they may join us and know with us that it's going to be an enjoyable ride and realize they will know what they need to know when they need to know it to get there and there's no reason to fret, to fear, to feel that we are without the necessary mechanisms that would support us along the way, along the boat ride.

  We know it works this way because we have for so long chosen to know that it works this way, thus then we get back experiences again and again, and again, and again of it working this way. We do not doubt that it works this way. We have experienced it working this way for a very long time.

  You and humanity on Earth have the ability and the opportunity to begin making the choice of wanting to recognize your internal guidance mechanism and wanting to remember how to make choices that will be more fruitful for you and most meaningful and give you the greatest sense of purpose in life.

  Human beings on Earth now have the ability to start defining the mechanism, their guidance system, as being that which is from the heart and is of a sensorial or sensational feeling, a mechanism of what feels good, not what they think feels good, but what feels good. As more people on Earth make choices based on what feels good and define "feeling good" as their true internal guidance mechanism, as their compass that guides them to their heart's true north, in that sense, then more people will begin getting back experiences that support the value of doing this, which makes it easier then to follow their heart more fully in making choices the next time around, which then brings back to them more experiences that will be of them living a very meaningful, purposeful, joyful, accomplished life, which will then give them even greater internal support for believing in this mechanism of following their heart.

  The internal support will give people more energy and more willingness to be confident in defining their heart as the guiding mechanism in their life, and thus then they will get back more experiences of greater joy and of always knowing that whatever may be a challenge will simply be a joy to live through effortlessly, joyfully, easily and they will be able to invite others along in ways that others will be able to recognize and enjoy and appreciate as well.

  That is one idea of how we define and work with challenge and attaining the goal of experiencing and accomplishing our life purpose. In each moment, we are accomplishing our life's purpose and it brings us great joy to experience it, acknowledge it, appreciate it and share it with others as well.

  Jefferson: If you want to be in constant realization of your life purpose, all you have to do is listen to and follow your heart?

  Ishuwa: Yes!

  Jefferson: Some people on Earth may ask how can they just believe that by following their heart something is going to happen without them first making a lot of plans for it happen. Also, our society is very good at focusing on getting a challenge accomplished rather than focusing on enjoying the process of accomplishing a challenge. It seems to me that the actions we take and the experiences we have along the way are what we would be better off focusing on.

  Ishuwa: There is great joy in accomplishing a goal. Experiencing the joy of each step, each segment coming into fruition, each component being created and fitting in place with the whole. There's great joy in that. The more that a person allows their self to enjoy each step, that act in and of itself invites others of like mind and joy to move and share, and cooperate, and co-create and offer even more colors to the final completed project!

  Jefferson: That's so good! Wonderful Ishuwa! I think today we are approaching the end of this most knowledgeable experience and joyful interaction together. I want to take advantage of this last minute to thank you for being present and for being excited as much as I am. Thank you for sharing with such great willingness and enthusiasm and with the joy of living in self-honesty that you so eloquently express and present as an option, as a way to be. You share knowledge that is not only from yourself but is representative of others on your world too, as you mentioned before. The charisma and empathy that we find abundant in your words and discourses is very much appreciated, and I know it is allowed to sink in and have a positive effect in people’s heart and mind in ways they enjoy. Thank you very much!

  Ishuwa: Yes! Thank you! We are honored to have the opportunity to share with you, to engage with you and your society in this way, to create this third reality, to move into an enlightened space together that is enriching for us and for you in ways we agree are fascinating and very adventurous and pleasurable to have. And there certainly is great delight in your presence and in your willingness, and in your desire to share, and to be curious, and to discover, and to explore, and to offer insights in this collaboration as you have on this afternoon.

  We thank you! And we look forward to the next session together with you and the channel in this format so that you can bring forth more material to publish into a printed form that others may someday share and grow from in ways you perhaps haven’t even imagined yet, but uplifting ways we assure you! So thank you and we will meet again. Any parting thoughts or sharings you have before we go?

  Jefferson: Due to the level of consciousness where you are, you can see the future, right? Because I remember the first time we interacted together on my radio show back in February when you said, "We are going to have further interactions," and you already knew it, right?

  Ishuwa: You could say that there was some "writing on the wall" and we opened the door to see that script of potential as it was written at the time.

  Jefferson: Every word you say I am really attentive to because here and there during our interaction you let escape some clues that can already describe the future.

  Ishuwa: Thank you! Yes. We like to leave some "popcorn on the trail" for you to adventure along as you choose. Yes!

  Jefferson: Popcorn, that's good! (Laughing upliftingly). Okay Ishuwa, thank you very much. I look forward to the next time, and I am sure Shaun also looks forward to the next time when we can have interactions with you in this format again.

  Ishuwa: And us as well dear one. Thank you and great joys in your adventures! Until then, much love! Good day!

  Jefferson: Much love! Good day to you, bye!

  Chapter 3

  Your Value and Worth is Infinite

  "There are no individuals in our society that don't "get it," that are repressed, that are hiding in fear, that are without the ability to recognize they create their own reality. We are all able to take responsibility and we do so for all that we are experiencing. There is great joy in all that we are experiencing at all moments." – Ishuwa


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